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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I was reading about both conditions (aspergers recently since Malice brought it up and I'd taken a test he suggested in one of his threads.) It seems to me that I fall into one of these, but I'm not sure which. Maybe both? IDK.

    I found this blog post about an aspie who was misdiagnosed with BPD. later diagnosed with aspergers.

    Some of the comments made me think though I quite possibly have both issues going on here. Since being on an autistic spectrum puts one at higher risk of being misunderstood and having shit with other kids (I did- I was teased, picked on lot, and made fun of a lot but I brushed it off... I only ever got into fights when a friend was being picked on.) I've also had these traits for a long time as long as I can remember. I've had separation anxiety big time when I was a kid and even now... It's not easy to deal with being separated from the people I love too.

    Anyway, I thought it was interesting so I wanted to post this and get some feedback hopefully.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mmQ Whatever happened to that job? Did you call them back? Remember you were going to tell them you could start last Tuesday? DID YOU EVEN CALL BACK ONCE?

    Yeah , I thought the same thing... Stop letting your chronic depression and self esteem shit keep you down. It's not easy and far easier said than done, but you gotta get that effort going. If you can apply for welfare you can apply for jobs- shipping to get actual money from the government is a whole basket of hoops to jump through,and most places you need a kid to get more than food stamps and I couldn't even get $$ with my kid- it was far easier to find work.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Sorry but I don't know when the last time I saw an operational pay phone... Now days you just spoof your number.. Much more convenient than going somewhere.. Plus if you do really bad shit you don't have to worry about surveillance cameras catching you using it either...
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    ITT: Bill Krozby discloses the time he caught herpes from his uncle making him suck his cock as a little boy- he wasn't having sex... Then.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by NARCassist you must have missed his post above

    prolly an alt but message him and find out. you should be able to tell.


    I know Duke Zion, but I was referring to "The Duke". Remember he posted pictures of the shitty food he'd make, presented on what seemed like either paper plates or grandma's 1970 patterned fine china and everyone would rag on him for it?

    He was kinda an under the radar sorta dude. He posted here and there, was an alcoholic and seemed to have dealt with probation and DUIs a few times in his life... I think he was dealing with one then too in 2015 (January to say March is when I'd been texting him the most but then lost contact when my phone took a shit and I lost all my contacts on it but I think he had to Do some Time in county lock up around then too he'd said he was apprehensive about it and pretty sure it was coming soon...) over all a pretty chill dude- he really did try his best to help me through that tough time until we lost contact /he probably went back to county lock up for a DUI (likely involving snowmobile I want to say).

    BTW I appreciate you pointing him out- I do miss shit from time to time,but that's not "The Duke" I'm referring to... Sorry.

    Post last edited by hydromorphone at 2017-05-23T14:18:07.595846+00:00
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Smoke meth you can see the change happen before your eyes

    I'm glad I'm not doing meth like you are, but goddamn I like to see someone advocating positively for methamphetamines. Having been there and done that, I know some of I comes off as a joke like but it's only half joking... Methamphetamines does some wild shit lol
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Hey, faggot, atleast I'm trying to contribute positively to your thread though I fucking really really fucking hate you. I could be bitching and saying how retarded you are and it seems like most retarded loser idiots like you fucking fall in love fast because they don't have an ounce of commonsense and are desperate for any measure of love they can get because they don't. Have much going for them- you know when they are shown love, whether it's from a complete tard or someone good, they can't differentiate because any attention and love is better than none, which is what they usually receive and if someone does show love it's from some parasitic idiot just as bad if not worse than you, but hey- I'm trying to be civil with you.

    You're an asshole and you're always going to be such, but I try to not derail or argue off topic With you, but you seem to wanna do that in your own thread even. It's not very becoming of you, Bill Krozby.

    How did That last "relationship" the one where you were going to marry that girl you got pregnant? Was I right? Didn't end well, Did it?
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    ^My dad was into that shit. He made a lot of jedielry and shit. I helped a bit and learned a lot from his gemology hobby during his life. It wasn't my thing- I prefer ceramics more (but hey-you can fire sapphires and rubies(same thing really) and diamonds, just be careful of selecting stones with inclusions or you could have them crack/blow up on you while they're cookin' in the kiln) so I always wanted to incorporate that into my works one day.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    ... I'm sorry?

    I think I write more when I'm having anxiety to be able to avoid dealing with what ever is causing it... To stall it I suppose.

    I don't think. It's all important... I really just don't think about that and before I know it... Is a long post.

    This post here wasn't meant to be this long, I swear.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL You have all been reported.

    You're a NARC spec. I thought you had more honor than that and was a real man who handled business, not some homo faggot who had to call someone who can do something about it... I know Sophie isn't a bitch and" report" niggers when he's got a problem with them... He handles it.. Like a man, spec. Maybe you could take a lesson here.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    ^ my first love was opiates. Can't say I don't miss those good ol'days but meh... It's fun to have an affair now and again, I guess. Living life with a needle in your arm is one hell of a commitment especially in this society we live in and any opiate mistress is a bitch to have you on her chain... Well, at least with the one I have she's a bit more gentle considering I don't shoot her... And honestly she's some half ass wanna-be opiate anyway- but damn she's a bitch when I don't have her... Just as bad as the real deal.

    To be on topic here though, I can't say I was ever in love until I'd met §m£ÂgØL. I cared a lot for who I thought my exhusband was but I never "was in love" with him... I was making the best of a bad situation I didn't know how to get out of.

    Weird though, it'd come around so many years later and find someone who'd been there all along, before either of them. I thought that person was lost to me and that ship had sailed over a decade ago... Weird shit happens sometimes and it's not always a bad thing...
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 I'd probably give someone a few dollars if their sign made me laugh though

    I had a shitty day at work and was working a job where I was making money hand over fist. I was a waitress.

    Had to go to the city and got stuck in bumper to bumper rush hour traffic. This old guy with a bushy beard was standing on the corner and had a sign that read "I ain't gonna lie- it's for beer" we'll with the shitty day I'd had, and having close to 300$ in cash in my pocket just from that days tips, I gave him 20$and my father who was with me threw in another 20$. That fucking Sign had me rolling in laughter and I appreciated knowing that I wasn't being lied to.

    That was the happiest homeless alcoholic Vietnam vet I'd ever seen. Glad I could have helped make his shitty life a little better momentarily. Gotta remember just because someone uses the money for drugs or alcohol doesn't mean doesn't mean they don't need something to Stifle the pain- think a lot of homeless can't afford a doctor and do have some form of chronic pain or mental illness... Alcohol is readily available and cheap... Can you blame them for wanting to stop the pain?
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]

    GOULTOWN "drink with the living dead"

    Idk I've kinda been turned on to this Gothic wild West sorta music... Kinda reminds me of the "space shanty" shit a friend turned me on to a while back.

    Check this shit out... There is a fucking really good one that I can't remember the name of that sung a song about this dude on a space ship doing research on all the cool And weird alien animals and shit they ran across traveling through space. Space shanties are pretty badass if you ask me, especially while stoned
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Lmfao... This is hilarious but no Surprise here... The US Government and CIA is ridiculous when it comes to shit like this.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Cocaine makes me feel great. I think you've been using it wrong or some shit.

    Yeah I agree... Cocaine for the price is shit. It is fun once in a blue moon though and you can actually find some top shelf fish scale. Or right now I'm getting a migraine... That shit is wonderful just to use a small bump medicinally to get rid of a migraine.

    I think meth is more cost effective and more fun. But I feel it's far more taxing on your health to be doing it versus a few nights up on blow.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby you would think that considering you live in a benzo haze and never leave your house.

    Oh God, so fucking edgy... You think it makes you sound cool to accuse both of us of being "addicts" and spread falsehoods and misinformation? You're fucking retarded.

    What malice is talking about is too far over your head and you're not intelligent enough or know enough about international politics to understand what the fuck he's even referring to.

    Trying to explain it to you would be like trying to explain chemistry or quantum physics to a cat and that cat understanding- it just can't be done. Id have better luck with the cat.

    Fuck off with posting bullshit that does no service toward the conversation at hand.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Phoenix You seem like a good person. I tried to reach out to you once but you thought I was working for the enemy so to speak. Genuinely glad you're doing more okay though.

    Check you PMs, dude.

    Idk- I try to be a good person but it doesn't always work out how I hope it will.

    I appreciate you for reaching out to me then. I knew you weren't the enemy... I was pushing everyone away then. I wanted to die badly. It wasn't anything personal towards you.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Tldr

    Cool story, bro
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Lmfao... I think this I a case of the guy ("transgender" :/) having remorse after he asked this dude to lop his balls off or it was planned. Basically, he wanted to have his testicles removed, but had some ulterior motive to get this guy arrested and jailed for practicing medicine without a license.

    Look, I feel like this: if you want some dude, who may be a skilled "quack" doctor or might be Billy-Bob the redneck who castrates piglets for a living, preform your "reasignment" surgery/castration,then fuck- that's you're choice and Billy-Bob shouldn't be jailed or considered a criminal because YOU decided to choose this person to do it. You should KNOW the fucking risk of letting someone who's not a doctor preform a medical procedure.

    Having said that, castration is not a hard or complicated surgery to preform- this isn't rocket science. I'm betting the local anesthetic wore off and the dude had no plan medicine after and cried like a bitch and went to the hospital. That or he tried to self medicating with alcohol which would thin your blood and make you more prone to bleeding after a surgery,thus causing him to bleed like they supposedly are claiming (honestly sounds like there was blood on a bandage- it's surgery,dude..You're gonna bleed some lol did you think this wouldn't happen with a licensed doctor? If you did you're sorely mistaken and an idiot...yoh deserve to bleed to death).

    Well... My thoughts are either it's "lop your balls off" remorse or some way to get this dude jailed because they had that agenda... Or maybe they were real idiots and didn't think telling the ER doctors and cops his real name wouldn't get him arrested because they are that stupid to think an at home, "backyard" surgery that should cost tens of thousands (for some insane reason- it really isn't that hard nor costs much to preform) and years of hormone therapy and psychological therapy to get "approval" to have your balls chopped off isn't illegal.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mmQ Every fucking person that keeps getting brought up 'what ever happened to them' shows up every now and then on TC. The Duke, Casper, BloodyDiaperMan, PWP, etc. They're all still doing the same things as before just deeper back in the shadowed corners.

    Hey, well if you fucking see the Duke then please fucking tell him to send me a PM. How long ago did you see him in TC? I genuinely worry and hope he's alright- he was good people.
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