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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by infinityshock …said no chick…ever.

    Said no chick you've ever met, and being you spend so much time telling guys on this forum how you want to fuck them up the ass, I can see you don't have much experience with chicks. I most definitely had a boost in sex drive from being pregnant, and wanted to fuck all the time.

    Originally posted by infinityshock youre a hooker that wont post her pics…

    makes perfect sense.

    You're right on that. I'm not going to compromise the anonymity I enjoy here just so you can see what I look like. Some people here know what I look like anyway. You don't matter enough to me to spend the time posting pics where it would compromise my life in the end. I just won't do it. It's not like you're paying anyway, and even if you would, you're someone I don't trust, on a forum I have to be careful with what I disclose, and how that an be connected to me in the real world.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by infinityshock yea…chicks are horny for about three months of the pregnancy then they don't get their sex drI've back for another two years.

    even when the chick is horny while pregnant they're always 'don't to this…you'll hurt the baby'…'don't do that…you'll hurt the baby'…'don't stick it so deep you'll hurt the baby'…'don't stick it in my ass you might hurt the baby'…'gghhh mmmphhh gaaaa kcckkkkkkkkkk…' (I don't know what the last one was…I was tired of hearing all the yapping so I jammed my balls into those tonsils to quiet things down)

    the one good thing about post-birth seks is the chicks apparently can take it balls-deep with their ankles behind their ears. any other time it's a no-go.

    Well... that's news to me. I never was like that when I was pregnant. Most sex acts are not going to hurt the baby. I guess hormones could work the opposite as how I experienced my pregnancy, thus causing a drop in sex-drive, which might contribute to your experiences, but it definitely was not the case for me. My sex drive has improved quite a bit since becoming pregnant with my first child. After I had my son, my tits even became way more sensitive, and I'd literally have orgasms just from beast feeding, or even the mildest of touch from my partner.

    Originally posted by Ajax I couldn’t decide on a specific thing to quote, so I’ll just leave a couple thoughts here.

    hydro, you’re being pathetic. Coming here and bragging about how much money you make trying to justify your line of work. Not only that, but you’re using that to say how much better you are than everyone.

    Fox Paws mentioned that he thinks doctors and lawyers make between. $100k - $150k. I would think that’s on the low end. I make more than that and I’m not even a doctor or lawyer. The difference is I don’t come here and try to rub it in everyone’s face like you are, which is fitting since you’re used to rubbing things in people’s faces by now. I haven’t reached the peak of my earning potential either. For you, every day is your peak. Every day you are older, dirtier, nastier, and looser than the day before. Eventually you will dry up, and then what? I bet you haven’t been investing for your future, so are just going to find a sugar daddy to cling to?

    You're mistaking me explaining things brought up by comments as me "bragging". I'm not proud of my life, but nor am I going to be ashamed of what it is. It is what it is, the truth. As for justifying prostitution, I'm sorry you seem to have a problem with it. I have no moral qualms with this line of work, although I don't care for it, and ideally would be doing something else. If you've read about anything regarding me, you should be aware one reason I've chosen this line of work, rather than something else is because of my health. I've had a lot of shit that has just gotten worse over time, and to be able to keep things going with not knowing one day to the next if I am going to be so ill I can't move, or well enough to take on a few jobs, this is why this line of work has worked so well for me, at least for the time being. I find it funny (maybe not you specifically, but certainly others here) have no issues with fucking a prostitute, but would turn right around and attempt to shame a prostitute. It's a job like anything else, and has risks like any other job, and luckily enough I am able to minimize those risks. This line of work doesn't hurt anyone else. It's like we've had people on here who've made their living from robbing and burglarizing homes, and some how I'd be the one to get more shit for having sex with someone for money? That's some fucked up reasoning going on there. I just think a lot of people have deep seeded issues regarding sex and relationships with each other, and it comes to the surface during discussions such as these.

    I had looked up the MEDIAN hourly wages of Veterinarians, lawyers, dentists, physicians, and some other professions,and their MEDIAN hourly wage was less than $50 an hour, or only slightly above, as I'd stated with regards to dentists and physicians. Considering I don't usually even spend an hour doing what I do on top of that, yeah, BY THE HOUR, I do make more money. Do I work 40 hours a week? Nope, with my health, I don't, nor do I need to to live a comfortable life doing this line of work. I'm not trying to "rub" anyone's face in anything, but when people want to shit on me as a person, and shit on what I do, when they don't even know the half of it, I will make a reply with facts. You make over 150k a year, yes? Good for you. You work hard I imagine. You likely have to deal with people, clients, your employer on a regular basis and sacrificed a lot of time to do that, along with an education too, to get to be doing whatever it is you do. If you're doing something you enjoy doing, even more power to you, but for me, I maybe work 15 hours a week, and I am comfortable with nothing to worry about financially. If I want or can't work a specific day or even week, I'll be okay too. I couldn't do that working at McDonald's, or Walmart. I also have the benefit of working more if I want to make more a specific week, day or month, if I so choose. Not a lot of jobs has that kind of flexibility.

    I think sometimes there is a level of jealousy with some people that have to work harder, more hours, lack of flexibility and choice in how much an when they work, and have had to spend years in education to get where they are, that someone like me can make it by, barely work, but yet is comfortable, and self sufficient. So, to justify their situation, they would rather shit on mine to make themselves feel more superior. It's whatever though.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Fox Paws PoC is obviously sterile, why are you guys dancing around the topic? He’s sterile right. That’s what you’re trying to say without saying it.

    Not exactly, as far as I know.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by WhiskeyPhoenix Beat that dead horse till the cows come home. I'd rather be living at home helping take care of a physically impaired family member, and paying half the mortgage while I do it, than giving birth to a drug addicted baby that you won't be able to take care of since you fucked over your sugar daddy and refuse to get a job that doesn't involve you being on your back with your legs open. Don't worry though, people like me who actually work still have to pay our taxes so the government can take care of your shitstains for you.

    A drug addicted baby? hmm.. whatever, not even getting into that with you. But taking care of a physically impaired family member? lol... yeah, one who can still work full time, where you'd both be happier living apart. Nice excuse there.

    As for fucking over my "sugar daddy",pray tell who that is/was? I never had one of those. Back when I was 16 I did inadvertently have a sugar momma, but that's a long, complicated tale, which has no bearing in the last decade. I'm not a user, and when I have taken money, it's always been with insistence of the other party to do so. Even you, you offered a couple times, and still again, I refused. The most I asked was if you'd front me the money for a day or two I believe it was, and you had it back when I said I'd have it to you, and not a day later. That's the most I ever asked from you while we were together, and the most I would take, even though you had offered before. I don't use people, or take advantage of them, like you do, that's where we differ.

    I've never refused to work and paid my fair share of taxes up until now, and I've never taken welfare. I've always taken care of my son, and paid their way 100%, including going out my way to give him raw milk, which is around $10-12 a gallon. Physically I am struggling, and this is a job where I don't have to kill myself to survive with, and decided, it's a honest living, until I can get well, or get other ways to manage sorted out. Everyone is square this way.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by WhiskeyPhoenix Believe whatever you want then retard. You're as dumb as her.

    Agreed, this has nothing to do with you whatsoever, but you want to suggest I am dumb? Yeah, I've made some bad choices in my life, but at least I'm out of the bad situation I was in, and did it despite being sick as a dog. You still living with your mom for how many years now? Oh, that's right... you haven't ever left the nest.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Lanny wait, so has it been more than 4 months since PoC or did you not have sex with 1337?

  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Fox Paws Yeah but how much do you make in a year? I doubt you spend 40 hours per week fucking. A doctor with a normal 40 hour work week would average anywhere from $100,000 to $150,000.

    I could if I chose to, but often I turn away clients or do them different days when I'm sick. I don't enjoy this line of work, so I do tend to make excuses not to sometimes, but there's a lot of days I just can't. My clientele was gathered with rather little effort, and a word or two to some folks I know. Even so, I don't have to do 1/10th of the bullshit a McDonald's employee has to do, nor work 8-10 hours just to make that.

    Originally posted by Open Your Mind It's funny because you just compared yourself to a doctor, except you're a whore, pregnant and poor. And you didnt even need to go to school!

    Not comparing myself to a doctor here (though medicine has been a subject of interest, and a long long time ago, being a physician (anesthesiology) was a career path I wanted to strive for), just median income, without the investment in education or training. I think it's a little fucked, but sex sells, and that's not my fault people will pay for sex.

    Originally posted by mashlehash How do you feel about this, hydro?

    Not really sure, honestly. I'll message you later.

    Originally posted by Wick Sweat Lol making $50 a fuck is actually more similar to what a nigga at McDonalds make unless you have a revolving door of niggas coming in to smash. I find it hilarious how you want to act like you make $300/hr when you probably make like $100 a day which is McDonalds money.

    Where ya bands at Hydro?

    see above. I could if I wanted, and finding clientele isn't hard. Nor do I have to bust my ass like they do, or work the long hours for it.

    Originally posted by WhiskeyPhoenix No.

    lol, yeah, it's not PoC's thank god, but funny story about that...

    Originally posted by infinityshock banging pregnant chicks is too much work.

    Shit nigga what pregnant chicks have you been fucking? When I was pregnant with my son, I was horny as fuck.

    Originally posted by NARCassist y'all jelly lol


    It's seems to be in regards to how little I have to put forth (and I mean, I know I am a decent fuck) and how much I make doing it. Hourly, I make more than most everyone here, I'd wager.

    Originally posted by Enter i just realized shes bragging about being a prostitute in a thread where she just admitted shes pregnant

    so like

    shes not gonna be able to work for 9 months

    unless they hav that preggers fetish

    Dude, You don't even show for the first trimester, and after that, kay, but with my sn, I barely showed until I was 2 weeks from giving birth. Fortunately enough there are enough men out there who'll seek out pregnant woman too. It's a thing.

    Originally posted by NARCassist i mean its pretty obvious that's where this fred is going right?


    Sorry to burst your bubble, but PoC isn't the father... couldn't be the father... impossible to be the father, and it's not because he diligently wears condoms either. I'll leave it at that... PoC isn't the father fo' sho', nigga.

    Originally posted by Open Your Mind You know a whore is a real shitty whore too when she only spends 10 minutes per client.

    Like the whores men really lust over, the hot ones, they at least charge by the hour, or by the night.

    Hydro is a street walking addict.

    I don't "only spend" 10 minutes with a client. That's just typically how quick I get the "job" done in. I'm there to complete the task and satisfy my client, and want them to be happy when they leave. If I was so shitty, I wouldn't have the same people coming back multiple times a week. Mostly, it's a once a week thing for my regulars, and for a couple, it's more like 2-3 times a week. Most of my clients, I spend a reasonable amount of time letting them talk, conversing before and after. As an example, this guy I'm going to see tonight, he's married, with kids, but he goes on and on about how he cares and loves his wife, but there's no affection, no sex, and it's been this way for a long time. He doesn't want to leave her, but it's just... I don't know how to relate to that, but I can understand the frustration of lacking affection, and feeling unwanted. I've suggested ways he might be able to get things better with his wife, even maybe seeing if she'd go to a doctor or therapist. I definitely would say my job is 90% a therapy session, with 10% sex. I honestly think I have such loyal clients because they like to talk, and I'm willing to listen. Sometimes when they call to set something up I get to hear the drama going on in their lives/reason for wanting to come visit.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind lol what a whore.

    Exactly. I am a whore. That's what I do, I fuck men for money. I spend approximately 10 minutes making more money than doctors, veterinarians, and dentists, and I didn't have to spend the better part of a decade in school to do it. This is a big deal, and funny because why?
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Enter your life choices are sad

    I'm not disputing this, but why is solely choosing to be a prostitute sad? Granted, I don't particularly enjoy being a prostitute, but it definitely is better than being fucked not making any money.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]

    Yeah, sure. Even though you can't overdose and die from taking benzos alone, they're one of the most dangerous class of drugs IMO. Almost always, when I am told some dumb shit, fucked up "I went to jail/arrested/psych ward/hospital" story, benzos are involved.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Fox Paws Statistically speaking, if you had sex with one guy without a condom, and 1000 people with a condom, technically the odds are about 50/50 that the father is one of the 1000. Since condoms are only 99.9% effective. And that’s only if the condom is used correctly 100% of the time. So yeah I guess the takeaway here is you shouldn’t have fucked 1000 random dudes.

    Post last edited by Fox Paws at 2017-12-22T11:56:35.564643+00:00

    I didn't fuck 1000 random dudes. I had sex with about 15 people. 14 of those for work, and used a condom.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Haven't had my period in a while, which hasn't been too uncommon since I've been skipping a lot in the last year, so I took a pregnancy test two days ago, and lo and behold, it came back positive. Took two more just to confirm the first, which they all came back that I'm pregnant. I've been throwing up and nauseous as fuck for the last month too, along with my tits hurting so fucking bad. Only had sex with one person without a condom in the last 4 months, so I am 99.9% certain who the father is. Not entirely sure what I'm going to do.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Fuck high school. I didn't go. I said fuck that noise and was home schooled and got to do my own shit. If I had a highschool "yearbook" picture, it was me out riding horses, doing drugs, and having fun with an older crowd, while the average fuck was stuck in a place akin to prison for 7-8 hours a day. I have no regrets, and consider myself very lucky. When I was in public school, meh, they were average dumb school pics, and several years I refused to even participate in that shit.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mmQ Have you ever touched a girl blings?

    Not a consenting girl, obviously.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by NARCassist i do have a bit too much of a binge here and there but i soon get on top of it tho. CWE makes it very easy, i dosed down in 4 days then was fine. after a 20 year habit its very easy to get WDs again. just 2 or 3 days can leave you feeling a little dope sick, but its cool, i don't allow it to go on much more than that before taking a break.

    a lapse doesn't have to become a relapse you know.


    Heroin addict, as in you're physically dependent? or what it sounds like more is you're just a chipper. Good for you if you're keeping your shit together and in check, even better if you're not physically dependent most the time too.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mashlehash How big was §m£ÂgØL's dick?

    We've all seen his dick. I'm sure you can make a fair estimation, and it's not like I fucked him with a tape measure right there with me.

    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 She said herself she charged $50/h. If that's what you can make through prostitution, it is not a sound career choice. Now those bitches who make 300-400/h, that's a sound career choice, at least for a while. Apparently pornstars are able to charge in the thousands. Shit's insane

    I'd said I was making $50 when I saw a client. Usually, my client would be satisfied in well under 30 minutes, and that was that. The only reason I ever hung around longer, and this was just the one guy, was because he'd have blow, and sometimes cook dinner for us and we'd watch TV, or a football game together, and that was when I had nothing else planned after- he's been a friend of mine for a long while before I came about ding sex work. Sme might think it's fucked a friend would pay me for sex, but I see it like this: He gets what he wants, it helps his friend, and I get what I need, and with him I don't have to worry about being fucked around, nor do I have to owe, or feel like I am leeching off a friend, and we are square at the end of the day.

    I'm not going to argue if prostitution is a sound career choice or not. For some people, it very well might be. For others, not so. Prostitution is not my "career" choice. We've all worked jobs at times in our lives that we didn't like, and the job and/or pay was not optimal, but considering, even at say an $50/hour, that means I'm still making more than at Walmart, McDonald's, or any other shitty minimum wage work place. Fuck, at $50/hour, I'm making more per hour the median hourly pay for a veterinarian, chiropractor, right around the same as a podiatrist, and not much less than a dentist. Frankly, if it didn't bother me to do such, and I wasn't in a lot of pain from, and while doing it, I would probably be doing it a lot more, and have my ass in a better place already. I'm not going to be doing this forever. Had circumstances have been different, I never would have done it in the first place, but for now, it keeps me afloat. It's not like I am a physically well person, and it's a large part of why it's even come to me choosing to do this. It's not like I have a partner who minds the work I do, ad if I did, I wouldn't be doing it out of respect for them, so there's not reason for me not to, with other factors in my life.

    I find it funny that there's a lot of people out there who agree prostitution should be legal, and they morally find nothing wrong with it, but when it comes down to a person actually doing it, then they are the same people to ridicule them for that. I wonder why that is.

    Originally posted by D4NG0 Yes, but there will be a day when men stop seeking particular women as they age and their beauty fades. Or, in hydro's case, those who have never had beauty to begin with.

    Originally posted by D4NG0 No, but I know fat = unattractive.

    I've never really had a high opinion of my physical attractiveness, I always struggled with that stuff when I was younger. At this point, it doesn't really matter to me, as I've come to realize there's enough perfectly good looking and attractive men, who find me attractive, so I don't let it bother me anymore. I'm not going to be everyone's cup of tea, but over all, most people I meet find me attractive, and I find I often am flirted with, and come on to by attractive young men, so why should I care? Why should you? If you think I'm fat, well... you really don't know what I look like, especially currently. My health hasn't been the best, but I definitely have lost a lot of weight in the last 2-3 years. I'm 5'8 and have been between 150-170lbs for well over a year now, and I've always carried my weight well. I've bounced around only because I went a short stent and was having to take dexamethasone, which caused me to gain a little, which honestly, in my current situation, isn't a bad thing. I'm not going to argue with you if I am attractive or not, but if what you consider attractive is based solely on weight, then well, even by your standards I'd be attractive, since I definitely would not be considered fat. At best I'd be chunky with my wide hips.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 So are you going to see your son for Christmas or is the foster care still not letting you see him?

    What the fuck are you even talking about? I have my son. You just like to make up bullshit and drama because sadly, you have to live a lie. Hey, I don't care you live a lie, if it makes you happy, it's just sad from the outside, and I think deep down it makes you sad too. Shit, I wasn't the one who made a personal interjection that wasn't even true (that I don't have friends/family), all I did was reply with ow I feel in general, and see most families, including yours, which opinion I've had for a very long time.

    Why are you so hurt that you have to make an attack in every thread I post in or make? I'd really like to know this.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Lanny is a Nazi Pics

    I'm not going to share my personal clydesdale porn-folio with you. Sorry, dude, just the way it is.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 Thanksgiving is a time of celebrating and eating with your family and friends. You probably don't like it because you don't have any.

    I do have family and friends. I don't like it because most people feel forced to go to a get-together with people they don't even like, sometimes even hate, and often there is some sort of drama attached. I can (and have) planned many meals with friend's and family, or even just times to get together with nothing special in mind. A key difference between what I do and what it seems a good portion of folks, much like yourself do for say, Thanksgiving is, there's no obligation, nobody is feeling forced, nobody is being made to be around people they couldn't give a single fuck to ever see again, and wouldn't if not for the fact that they either share genetic material or share some relation through marriage. I also don't differentiate between family and friends. They are one and the same. I won't associate with someone just because they have some genetic relation to me, and feel obligated to do so.

    At least my relationships, and thus times when we do get together, are based on sincere want, love, and care for the individuals. How many people have family that is only in a short distance, but won't see them save for a holiday dinner? If they're that important, and you sincerely love them, wouldn't you both make time to see each other more than once a year? I at least don't fake loving people, fake the importance these people are to me. If you're an important person to me, you'll know it, and if you're not, well, you won't be hearing or having me reach out to you- simple as that.

    Family is the people you love, care for, support, and are supported by. Family isn't about genetic relation, well, it shouldn't be anyway. It's pretty common in society for people to dub these genetic relations "family", when again, they, nor the others involved wouldn't give two fucks about the other if they didn't share the genetic link. How is that a good thing? It's stupid. Share your time, love, and energy on those you connect with, have an understanding, and love with rather than wasting time because you feel obligated with spending time with people who might as well be strangers. Certainly, some families can have great connections, with sincere love, and care, but quite often, that's not the case. The only call to loyalty is based on a family name for a lot. Fuck that noise.

    I think it's sick what you have considered to be your family. To each their own, but... from your own description, and even complaints at times, it's a rather fucked way in which you associate with these people you'd otherwise have nothing to do with if there wasn't blood, or a marriage. I've at least been happy to see the people I consider special to me at all times, to deal with them when ever, to have open and honest dialog, and genuinely enjoy their company, unlike what you've described to me over the years. But I'm sure you having a "traditional" family makes you feel superior, makes you feel stronger, when it reality, it just makes you weaker, with a life built on lies. Good luck with that, §m£ÂgØL.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Lanny is Hitler What did you dress up as this year hydro?.

    I didn't. I was sick. Had I not of of been sick, I had plans to go out with a couple friends, and wear this dress I have. It's a dress in the style and design of the TARDIS from Doctor Who. I'd planned to just where that, doing my make up, and wearing fishnet stockings and heels. Nothing too outlandish. Typically though, I've always liked to go as a pirate. I have a blue and gold macaw, and it was pretty badass to go out with the kids with my parrot, riding my clydesdale whom I'd paint up to be various different things over the years. One year he was painted to look like a skeleton, and other time I just used a bunch of Halloween decorations like this big giant spider, and green stripes on his legs, and blood and other things to have him looking cool as shit for Halloween. It was a win-win for everyone. He loved going out getting attention and treats, kids got to ride my boy, and give him treats, along with having him accompany them on their route, and the people at the houses got a big surprise when they had a real life clydesdale at their door with the kids and me. I also made money some years doing that with him for local businesses in the area.
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