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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietPiano Thank you hydro. I sincrely appreciated the fuck out of that response. Mostly I'm just picking fun, but there was some (intentional) pretension mixed into my last post. I think you're an extremely empathetic person, and a very likeable one to boot.

    I personally take 900mg gabapentin t.i.d., for the nerve pain in my head, and I'm going to ask the neurologist I'm going to next month to either up me to 1200 tid, or switch me to Lyrica (better yet, give me free samples). Luckily the patent for Lyrica literally just ran out this month, which is awesome. Fucking Pfizer gets away with these 20 year patents, which is absolutely ridiculous.

    I'm seriously considering trying to get on tramadol for my head pain, because I think that's an appropriate measure given my pain (honestly percocet or suboxone would be better, but I don't really want go back to daily opis). Also I get pissed tested regularly, so Lyrica/gaba and tramadol I believe would be very appropriate for my nerve pain. It's fucking terrible about 2/3 of the day.

    I know what you mean amount living a life in severe pain. It sucks ass, and I don't blame you for one second for using opis like you do. Being in severe pain all the time is not really a life worth living. Painkilling drugs can help take your mind off it, and I intimately understand and respect that.


    I went to the first headshop I've been to in my life becausoe I now live in an area that has them. I picked up some (probably very overpriced) Crouton because I wanted to try it today instead of waiting for it to be Amazon Primed to me by some Indian on the east coeste.

    This is the first opioid agoninizing chemical I've had since like august, during which I was still WD'ing from Xanax. It feels calming and focusing and somewhat warm, without having rock hard euphoria. It has kind of an "herbal" feeling, and I say that because it likely has many different mildy psychoactive chemicals within the plant matter.

    Suboxone has more kick to it than Crouton, but it does feels more synthetic. I don't have an appetite for subs though, they last too long. T-PAIN is actually a decent opioid in SMALL doses, but it's very uncomfortable, gross, itchy, and synthetic feeling in high doses.

    I'm glad this Crouton shit is legal. I don't want to take high doses of it or use it often. I think it might be helpful for meditation. Going to give cbd another shot too, but I don't have high expectations for it. Also, I may be testing ardrafanil bc the little to no comedown intrigues me. I'm not into stim euphoria either, honestly.

    I don't really want highly euphoric substances in general. Not any more often than what could be considered a "reasonable" amount of time lapsed by normies. I kind of like that this Crouton shit seems to be fairly weaksauce. It scratches the dope itch without plunging me into an unreasonable amount of euphoria.

    Basically, (unless it's a psychedelic/dissociative) I don't want to get so intoxicated that I lose control, even if it's as simple as losing all motivation to do anything but eat sour patch kids and open the Netflix app and nod out before I find something to watch. I want to be able to function somewhat if I am to be intoxicated, and I definitely don't want to get intoxicated as a reward for myself, or something to be looking forward to in life. Feeling high is not my goal in life anymore, it's simply an experience that may or not happen at times throughout my life.

    I really hope I just have frequent migraines instead of a brain tumor or permanent myelin damage, which unfortunately may be the case given the circumstances around my rc pcp(s) use. At least my cock is okay.*


    thank you dietpiano

    Well, I appreciate that. I sometimes think that because people who use opiates to treat pain, they often get a bad rep, and a fundamental thing is missed, be it a self medicater such as I've been, or a person who's prescribed: They have pain that isn't being resolved with other things they've tried, and almost everyone has tried SOMETHING else, and sure, they may have limited trials to other shit, or be cost prohibitive, or just unavailable to them for a number of reasons, but people have pain. I had a doctor tell me that opioids were not the best things to threat pain, that they didn't work, and required higher doses (which the latter can be true, at least to some extent), I find that to be very, very wrong. If they weren't good for treating pain, then though wouldn't have stayed in use (what? thousands of years?), and they wouldn't be prescribed, and used in the medical field like they are used if something better existed. Certainly, I agree ANY medication should be used for the shortest possible time, but when you deal with people such as myself, and especially people like my father, they NEED opioids, and they need high doses of said opioids, and so fucking what if the dose might need to be increased what maybe every 6 months, maybe every year once their dose has been established (in the beginning of use, you my need to increase much more frequently, just to get to a point the patient's pain is being controlled, as not to under medicate, or over medicate, and then from there comes the 6m-1y increases.) I promise you, if there was a better way, then we'd all be doing that, rather than being on a drug that's becoming harder and harder to get prescribed, deal with the stimas, taboos, and be looked at like drug addicts.

    I see why you'd want to avoid opioids for the potential addiction, but gabapentin, and tramadol have physical symptoms of withdrawal as well when used regularly. I can speak for the gabapentin WD myself, and I've seen some people with the tramadol experience WDs. Tramadol also has the side effect, particularly at higher doses, granted, but still, can cause seizures, and still effect MOR, KOR, and DOR, so you're not escaping opioid use by using tramadol.

    You know, I think because my usage involves higher doses than most people, and especially most opiate novices, one gets the idea that I am getting high, nodding out, and my usage is dependent on euphoria... when that's really far from the case. I cannot say I've NEVER had euphoria, or that I haven't had nodding experience on a few occasions, but not as often, or as powerful as one might think. I don't like to be in an incapacitated state. If I use a drug, I want to be aware, able to think clearly, able to function, and able to do things. THat's why I prefer opioids (most traditional ones anyway, and tianpetine) over other drugs. Gapapentin really is not a drug I like to use, but unfortunately, if I said I had a problem, I do with that. It makes me foggy, it makes me slow, it does very little to control the root of my pain, and I just feel... useless with it. It was fine when I used it intermittently, but the daily usage has really fucked me. I WD from it just before my infection took hold, and then BOOM, I was right back on it, and then at even higher doses.

    Good luck with controlling your pain. If you find something better than opioids, more power to you, and I genuinely hope you do, and that it has as good, or better safety profile as opioids to boot.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Narc No you drank because you decided to drink. Using nis as an excuse ain't gonna change that. You just passing the buck here.



    If you think drinking NIGHTLY - and the way you put "NIGHTLY drinking habit" obviously indicates and makes me think far more than a single beer, or drink - wouldn't come and bite you in the ass in some shape or form, then well, you're very ignorant to how damaging alcohol can be, and the nature of addiction (be glad you don't have cirrhosis of the liver, Which depending on how you care for yourself/how often you get checked out by healthcare, this might be a legitimate worry beyond any other negative effects you're experiencing).

    I know alcohol and benzo addiction takes far longer to dig it's claws in than say opioids, which makes me wonder if your tolerance didn't just grow over the course of several months (or however long you've been drinking earlier/more), and there wasn't already an addiction had, yet you just weren't aware of it since well... you drank however much, at the same time each night, and so you were fine with that schedule, but had you skipped a night, maybe you'd have experienced withdrawal symptoms, just possibly at a lesser degree since you indicated you had began drinking earlier, and I'm assuming increasing your daily intake, which in turn made the resulting withdrawals much worse, and much more noticeable.

    I find it interesting in the fact that with alcohol and benzos, almost everyone has at least some differences in say, how long, how often, and how much they drink or do benzos, and when actual addiction, and withdrawals begin to become a thing for them. would say it varies widely, but I also would say that a decade of nightly drinking, meaning every single night for 10 years, I would say that an addiction that would result in SOME form of withdrawal would have already been established, even if it was that of a mild degree, I still think if you skipped a night, there would be something to report as far as WDs. At least with most people, say 95% of people, if you use opioids for more than 3-5 days, there will be some mild WD symptoms, and at least for those who aren't addicts for an extended period of time (years), WDs end in the same amount of time, at least the major symptoms, and even usually with users who have years under their belt, they might experience PAWS for months and months, but the worst is usually over in under 10 days. That's not the case for alcoholics, and benzo users. That shit can take months and months to develop a habit, and can take a year to have WD symptoms to go away, although they're usually out of the woods in under a month for risks related to seizures though.

    Good luck, hope all goes well, but yeah... passing the buck is never a good thing. It won't help, only hurt you more in the end, honesty, at least to yourself, is always the best policy.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I am wondering too where Sophie has been.

    As for the posts going on and on about him being a disgusting pedo, well, I believe when you begin isolating pedophiles, to the point they can't come out in the open to say they have a problem and get help, then you have those pedos hiding in the shadows, and more likely to abuse a child at some point.

    I'm not really speaking on Sophie's case here, just in general. It's a psychiatric disorder, and those people need help, but most the time, it would turn into a witch hunt if a person so much as admitted to being a hebephile, much less attracted to a younger demographic, and that's assuming the person just had the THOUGHTS and ATTRACTION, and never harmed a child. GRanted, if you cross that line, and harm a child, I do believe you need to serve time, but more than being punished, one needs to get help while serving, and get rehabilitation, and ways to curb their desires, and express themselves in a healthy way that won't harm children. The problem is, is that most the time, there is no psychiatric help whatsoever when they serve their time, so when they get out, they are pretty much set up on a registry, which pretty much guarantees they won't be able to get employment, and very much limits their housing situations, and also, they're pretty much gonna be ostracized from society, which puts them at an even higher risk of re-offending because hey... what do they really have to lose at that point? THey have no support systems in place. However you feel emotionally, the way shit is done, at least in the US, is causing more danger for children then it protects them. Emotions, which I get, can get high, considering people who have, or have a loved one who was harmed by a pedophile, but that serves no good to society. We need help for these people, with more inclusion, less fear to come out and tell a shrink "Hey, I got a problem" and thus higher chance to get help, and never act on those urges. As it is now, a pedo wouldn't tell another soul, unless that soul was another pedo about their desires BECAUSE of the repercussions of just admitting a desire, not even a crime.

    Anyway... Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

    and I hope Sophie is doing alright. I loves dat nigga.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Hey, Narc, when people post "didnt read", do hyou think they actually believe I give a fuck if they read what I posted or not, or that they somehow think I posted it for them or something? I can't seem to figure it out. I don't read a lot of shit, but I don't waste my time telling the person that. Shit, my feelings aren't hurt if they don't read lol.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by It would be perfect if you had property while taking years to build a house on it. and you could live in it. but if you park it on the street.. it still has to pass smog. he said he worked on it but it doesn't mean it will pass smog. a catalytic converter is 3500 bucks to change out. this is 95 percent of the cause of a car that can't pass smog. a defected CC

    That's bait and switch tactics. it's illegal. false advertisement.

    Part 1.) In Florida I've seen campers like this sell in that price range before. I don't know about your neck of the woods, maybe it's because they need to pass emissions that one this old would go so high as 15k, but Florida, they don't even go through inspections, so maybe that's why there's such a huge price difference. Also, check out auctions for cheap vehicles. Another option is get it tagged and registered in a different state where they don't do inspections.

    Part 2.) Doesn't mean people don't do it. The illegal aspect is mainly for businesses. All someone would have to claim is that they made the mistake of listing $1 instead of $1000.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by GGG Whocares123

    Obviously not you, since you would go on fucking a pocket pussy with an infected dick, and not cleaning your fake pussy before you fuck it again...or ever for that matter... hence the series of reinfections that continued until you got a new fucky.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Zanick My grandfather had aspirations of becoming a doctor, but they never materialized. Later in life, he had a sick dog who he was very attached to. Refusing to consult a proper authority on the subject out of spite for his lost career, he employed what little medical understanding he had at his disposal and proceeded to treat, operate, etc. The dog became his project of disease. This continued miserably until the dog eventually died in a truly awful state that shocked and appalled the people around him. I realize that you thought you were doing the right thing, but giving clandestine medical treatment to a wounded animal does not indicate virtue; more likely, its opposite. I hope that you pay a veterinarian for their expertise in the future, especially for something as serious as a snake bite.

    Your grandfather sounds like a selfish asshole. Don't assume I would proceed as that, nor do not assume I don't know what I'm doing just because he did not know what the fuck he was doing. At some point, enough is enough. I personally, because of how my own feelings have come about, tend to say the 'enough' part is enough, a lot sooner than most people would, just because it's not something I personally would want to go through, especially if the odds of a full recovery are low. I've ended the suffering of quite a few animals I can honestly say I loved far more than any person, that I would have traded places for, that I would have killed for, if I thought it would do them any good. I only usually will take it further ONLY if I'm able to control pain. I won't let something suffer.

    Actually, she did see a vet prior to me going about to treat her, and the vet didn't even catch that it was a snake bite- I couldn't afford to get IV fluids for her, and even begged the vet to take my vehicle, with a signed title as collateral until I got paid in two days. Fucking cunt wouldn't do it and had the nerve to say "Well, you better come up with the money else I know she's gonna die without those IV fluids" Yeah, bitch, I already knew that before I walked in here (I only took her because I'd been working 80 hour weeks, and had to be in at work soon that evening and still ended up treating her myself).

    I realized it was a rattle snake bite a day later, when the bite on her neck finally started to open up into two big holes, which eventually formed into one giant hole the size of my fist from going necrotic. Her receiving IV fluids is what saved her. Fortunately, the size diapers my son was in at the time fit around her perfect, and covered the site. I used silver sulfadine ointment on her wound, and had her on bactrim to prevent infection until it scabbed over and began to heal. I had her initially, when she presented with dehydration on IV fluids for 2 days, then discontinued once I determined she was well hydrated, drinking on her own, and eating well, and she was much more energetic than she was the day it occurred. The first day, I'd given her a percocet every 8 hours, and did that for approx 2 1/2 days, until she was mostly back to herself, and doing better. I'd spot dosed her slightly more once or twice when I felt she needed a tad bit extra for pain, especially once I realized she'd been bitten.

    If I couldn't have treated her pain, and that would have persisted for any length of time, as much as I loved her, I wouldn't have let her go on suffering. I just knew that there was a good chance that with IV fluids, I could pull her through, and I was right.

    Certainly, even if I'd known from go she'd been bitten, I couldn't have even given her antivenom (assuming I had availability to it, and cost was no object), since I could not confirm for sure, especially then, what type of snake had bitten her. I deduced it was a rattlesnake only because there were rattlesnakes around the house, I'd recently seen and killed one, I wasn't near any bodies of water, although there were cottonmouths in the area, and the way it went necrotic, fit the bill. The most a vet would have done, unless it was CERTAIN (ie I saw it bite her/killed and brought it in with me), is to treat the symptoms, and treat the wound. I did everything a vet would have done, and hell, even more since I actually gave her legit pain meds too. If you or I were snake bit, you bet your ass our pain would be treated at the least with a mild opioid, but it's not always the case for animals just because of cost, and well... I feel a lot of animals are under treated for pain, honestly, just because they can't say they're in pain, the propaganda of the "opioid crisis", and cost.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Ghost *Hydro as a doctor*


    "But he just got a paper cut"


    Honestly, if that person was expressing pain, I'd just go with a topical anesthetic at the most.

    Look, I don't believe people should be in pain, but there has to be a line. An example... When §m£ÂgØL had to get stitches for his hand (Oh yeah, I forgot, the cunt doctor didn't even write an antibiotic script, which for fucks sake, I would have considering we told them it was cut moving aluminum sheeting that had been sitting outside, and in actuality, it was a dog bite, either way, I believe a preemptive course of antibiotics was in order, which is why I put him on bactrim, I believe.) I feel that he should have at least gotten a few days worth of hydrocodone. Since all I had in my arsenal was tramadol, that's what §m£ÂgØL got. I even gave him some somas just to sweeten the pot, and because I felt bad, even though I know that they wouldn't serve much use for his condition, save maybe to help him sleep. The doctor did such a piss poor suture job it made me cringe too... I let him play with my tits while my ex changed his bandages so he wouldn't cry, bitch and/pass out from being a pussy who's squeamish as fuck. That's another form of pain control- distraction.

    Now, for what happened... no, I don't think he should have gotten more than a few days worth of pain meds, and nothing stronger than a 7.5mg hydrocodone, but I do believe pain should be taken into consideration, and treated fairly.

    Should a stubbed toe get pain killers? Not unless they actually broke their toe or something. Should a paper cut or similar cut? At best a topical anesthetic, like benzocaine or lidocaine.

    Also, I do believe one should start somewhere without opioids, unless they're experiencing severe acute pain. In that case, stop the pain, and then figure if something else can work, but no one should be left to suffer if there's something that can help the pain.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Technologist Hydro,
    I used to feel bad for you, but you’re just pathetically desperate. Do you actually think you could help others with this stuff? Put a PICC line in someone, you must be joking. Putting an ET tube in someone? You must be joking?

    Now, you’ve fucked up your life enough, DO NOT fuck up someone else’s by trying to play doctor.

    I guarantee they know that stuff was stolen, and I bet they know it was you. And you wondered why they wanted you off the hospital property before????

    You need tons of help, and cutting off your leg ain’t gonna do it.

    Rationalize your actions all you want, that’s nothing but delusion.
    Off their property? When I was discharged, and I sat down in the lobby to be picked up, I was told by security to leave AT A DIFFERENT hospital than I'm at now, and beyond a towel, and a couple alcohol pads (seriously, I took the 4 left in my room), i didn't take a single thing. I later followed up with the administration. Apparently, they were concerned I was homeless and they've been told to not allow the homeless, and/or those released from the ER to wait in their lobby. The security was unaware I had been admitted for 10 days.

    As for helping others with the sit I've gotten (and I've bought quite a lot of shit myself, back in the day, when money wasn't such an issue), I have. I have saved lives. Most of those lives happened to be of the animal variety, but a life is a life at the end of the day, and for most things, it's the same, be it a person or animal. Calcium treats ketosis in people as well as cows, goats, horses, and dogs. If it's IVed, it needs to be done very, very, very slowly. I knew a veterinarian who should have known better who ended up killing my friend's cow who had ketosis by quickly IVing calcium. The cow was dead in less than 5 minutes, and resulted in her convulsing right before the end. He also botched a C-section, which frankly, wasn't even worth the time to attempt with the IVed calcium, and the amount of time it took them to even start, much less pull the calf. I'm sure it was worth it to that idiot though with the hefty bill he charged her though.

    I've placed a feeding tube (nasogastic tube) down a couple baby goats and calves before, which I never missed, and I had a pretty good success rate of bring the one's I did do that to around. You've got to understand here, that when I began, I didn't have any experience, and just that of my father whom was well versed in veterinary medicine to help me, but he was just there to talk me through it, I had to do it on my own. I was in situations where if I didn't do it, I knew for sure those animals were going to die. At least by doing what I did, I gave them a small glimmer of hope of making it. I've certainly had a high rate of death, but considering when I've gotten the calls, they were already in 'snowball's chance in hell' territory to begin with, and when you're dealing with animals who live outside (and can't really be brought indoors, besides a barn which is just as dirty as outside, with dust and debris floating around), you're not going to see the same success rates you otherwise would see in say a person, who is in a 99% clean and sanitary environment, with the ability to keep the temperature a comfortable 72 degrees no matter what time of year it is. Also, when you're dealing with animals, particularly livestock, it's not like a person who says "hey, I feel terrible, and my throat hurts" days before they develop a cough, so by the time you realize the animal is sick, they usually are a lot sicker than when the treatment for a human would begin, in most cases, anyway.

    When shit is serious, I do recommend people go to the ER, or at least their doctor. I've treated people with sutures, who needed it, because first, they weren't going to go anyway, and they didn't have insurance and want that huge bill. I've drained abscesses before too for similar reasons. Unless it was in a life or death situation, where there wasn't time to get them to an ER/EMTs to get to them or no medical help was available, I wouldn't be doing a circothyrotomy, or doing any crazy shit, but I tell you what, I want to prepare for the worst and hope for the best, and often times with animals, it's the case where I treat them or they don't get treated, so I do what I have to do.

    I can at least say this when it's come to my animal patients: I've acted when no one else has, or would have, and even if they didn't make it, I gave them a chance they otherwise didn't have, and I went down fighting with them, I gave it my all.

    Hell, I saved a 5lb little dog who's back hips got smashed in by her own owners who ran her over. She's alive and well right now and can stand on her hind legs and dance around right now because I gave it the ol' college try, and pulled her through when no one else would have. She also got doped up on percocets my father had just bought because he was going through WDs from his doctor being shut down, and he gave them to this little dog who wasn't even ours, because she was truly suffering in pain.

    Everyone, doctors, nurses, plebotomists, IV therapy... they all start somewhere. They all study, they all have their first patient, their first *insert procedure/surgery here*, they all have to begin at the beginning. Now, I have done a lot in my life, but I know I have more to learn, and more experience to gain, more hands on practice to put under my belt, but I'm far from a novice. I didn't go the usual route in learning what I know, but knowledge is all the same, despite where it comes from. Of course, I know there is a lot left to learn, but that's why I continue reading, I continue to pick people's brains who have more knowledge and experience than myself, and that's why I continue the pursuit of gathering such knowledge and experience. I have a passion for medicine, and always have, and I've spent a long time gathering as much knowledge, and experience as I can. Hell, I've been known to teach a doctor a thing or two, an attending at that, even at a hospital as prestigious as Hopkins, and I've also learned a lot from those I've been around too. It goes both ways, and it's called 'practicing' medicine, because one is never done learning.

    Originally posted by Technologist I never said I was a doctor. I work around that shit all the time. I’ve helped them guide in PICC lines with xray. I’ve also taken xrays for ET tube placement, and even the docs have placed them wrong. I would NEVER attempt that shit and I have far more knowledge than hydro. I accept my place in healthcare.
    Certainly, accept your limitations, and hell, if I worked in healthcare, I wouldn't be doing shit to others outside my job title for fear of losing my job, or worse, getting a malpractice/practicing without a license (which sure I could get the latter, but the people I've doctored up aren't going to do that anyway, and I'm not going to be doing any serious shit on someone again unless it's life or death, and there's no other option.)

    Just because someone has the title of a doctor, or a veterinarian , or whatever else their title is, doesn't mean they SHOULD be practicing, or that they know what they're doing. You're very naive or an idiot if you think otherwise. Certainly, there are many, many competent folks in their field, but to think there aren't some who fall through the cracks, cheat their way through, or somehow manage to make it through medical school/nursing school, that's just wishful thinking, and not reality at all.

    Originally posted by DietPiano Nahh man, hydro has read like, 118 wikipedia enteries EXACTLY and 21 pubmed abstarcts (not the actual studies). She's a lay doctor now.

    Hydro, how do voltage gates work? How does the body use protein to rebuild muscle?

    Ouhhh, that information doesn't directly pertain to getting high, therefor hydro has no use for it.

    Dr. Hydro. She should be allowed to be a doctor. Just for psych meds tho. It doesn't matter if someone knows about physiology holistically to prescribe psych meds. Hey hydro, what dose of lithium should someone with reduced kidney function receive? Hey hydro, what do you about the reduced kidney function?

    I wouldn't trust hire her to work at my donut shop. She'd cut her finger on grease and give people people 3rd hand acaradiasis.

    Voltage gates work by being responsive to voltage potential which affects ions passing into a cell membrane since they usually can't get through otherwise. They regulate how much gets through by being open for short periods, by being affected by the concentration of ions, and opening and closing, or being inactive based on the changes in polarity on both sides of the cell membrane.

    When you consume protein, it's broken down into amino acids that form peptides which go to te liver where the liver synthesizes proteins which are sent to the sites needed to repair muscles, and the DNA gives instruction on how the aminos are woven together to repair/build muscle.

    In a nut shell. Of course there's a lot more complex shit going on with those two different things, but for the sake of time, and just to give you a rough explanation, there ya go.

    Dude, I don't know why you've got so hung up about opioids just because I use them to treat chronic pain. I think maybe you have more of a problem here than I do. Just because someone uses a drug to improve their quality of life, and that drug happens to be opioids, it doesn't mean they know nothing about other biological functions. I am aware there is more to medicine than opioids, and more ways than opioids to treat pain too. Don't think I haven't tried more than opioids to reduce my pain either. I take gabapentin, and I'm on 1,200mg tid. It helps with the neuropathy pain I experience from the surgeries, and also with my anxiety. (I originally was prescribed it at 100mg for anxiety, then went up to 300mg prior to having surgery.) Hell, when pain is caused by inflammation, NSAIDs and steroids can do a great job of alleviating pain, just by reducing the pressure, and swelling inflammation can cause. They also have risks that opioids don't have too. (Like, I'm kinda scratching my head on why my doctors have me on ibprofen, naproxen, intermittent keterolac and then decide to throw celebrex in the mix when I'm on warfrin... I would say that okay, one, fine, but the risk increases of GI bleeding when you throw in celebrex by a lot on it's own not to mention with an NSAID, not one but two regular, and the other spotted... I wouldn't make that call... I wouldn't want to risk it.)

    Frankly, you have it in your head as to who I am, and what I know, when in truth, you know jack shit about who I am, and especially about what I know. I've forgotten more than all the knowledge you possess in your wee bitty brain there more than likely. I don't know though. I am not going to claim to know ALL about you just from a few posts on a forum though. What I do know is, is that you're the sort who thinks they know it all just from the first layer they see of a person, and from experience, people like that tend to stay ignorant, at least in the ways of learning about the people around them.

    Originally posted by GGG She's not. Let me tell you it is no exaggeration when i say she is just eager to use her stolen equipment, and will repeatedly diagnose/give you drugs or try to stick you, regardless of whether or not there's an actual problem.

    You'll niggas just read the posts but I've witnessed her play ER doctor/vet irl. And like any doctor, she hasn't been without loss. Although her ratio is certainly less respectable than an accredited doctor.

    Well, I wasn't wrong with your diagnosis, and you sure didn't have an issue with taking the drugs I gave you. Certainly, I would have "prescribed" other things, but I did the best with what I had, you have to remember. You dealt with a shitty doctor, who did a shitty suture job, and didn't even prescribe you a days worth of pain meds, and I don't even believe gave you shit to change your dressing even (I believe with the latter, but I could be wrong... but I'm pretty sure we had to use the shit I had on hand). I was also on the money about your lovely persistent yeast infection too, and the fact that you kept reinfecting yourself by not cleaning your fucky toys properly.

    My ratio may be less, but the odds against me have been worse than that of accredited doctors. For one, they have access to every pharmaceutical on the market, and in a hospital setting, price isn't an object when it comes down to saving a life. Another thing, animals have far different living situations than humans, and animals can't really tell you when they come down with a cold, or when something is wrong. You have to see it, and hope you catch it early, but sometimes you don't so youre dealing with something that's gone way past the point most human beings have been seen and admitted in the hospital.

    Considering all the fucking odds against me, I've done a pretty damn good job. When fucking sodium chloride got made RX only for vet use, I didn't fucking flinch. I fucking got distilled water, and figured out the ratio of salt to add, and fucking had to SubQ it to a dog who was so dehydrated I couldn't get an IV in her. Finally did get her hydrated enough for an IV, and set her up. I couldn't tell she'd been bitten by a rattle snake until days later when the site when necrotic and opened up (a person would have said "I was bit by a fucking snake!!!" she couldn't.). She's alive today because I said FUCK THE MAN and fucking did it myself, and then said fuck your precious bagged sodium chloride, I'll fucking MAKE MY OWN. I sure wasn't going to stand by and let my dog die, I had to do something.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Solstice Don't worry, shit like that is only the tip of the trash iceberg.
    Ironic that you of all people would say that. You must be projecting again.

    Originally posted by DietPiano Hydro has Munchausens. I used to as well, but I got over it.

    Poor hydro. I feel so, so sorry for her. I mean, she had NO CHOICE but to inject T-PAIN and give herself a blood clot :(

    Push 10ml of O2. Or stop taking your dilaudid for a few days (yeah right) and mix the dil juice with dope, buy some bars, and down a handle. In the reverse order, please.

    Also, aspirate.

    I have the email address of the guy in Mexico who sends people bottles of pento. Malice bought from him. Mixed with dope would probably be the best way to go in general.

    Fuck, just eat a couple tablespoons of T-PAIN.

    All these "seppe slip ups" are indicitive that you like creating drama and staying in the hospital, but have no serious intentions of killing yourself. I don't think you're even aware of this though, as it's probably tied to your unconsciosus mind.

    Maybe you, yourself have had Munchausen syndrome, but I definitely do not. I've enough x-rays, CT scans, and MRIs that validate all my physical ailments. I've had blood clots in the past, as well as a pulmonary embolism, the first DVT being before I ever even used IV drugs, and the others occurring during periods when I wasn't using IV, much less before I ever Ived T-PAIN.You kinda can't fake legs swollen 10 times their normal size, that have giant clots, and are constricted to fuck and back. I have a family history of a blood clotting disorder. I've been known to go to labcorp for blood draws and clog their needles quick as shit, and my father has done the same, wit him being worse than me. As for my herniated disc, I've had it since I was 16, I've had many CTs, and MRIs, and if I wasn't in legitimate pain, I highly doubt a doctor would write an underage kid high doses of opiates for 6-7 years (only stopped seeing him because my insurance got fucked up). I nearly died last year due to infection in my knee/thigh near my knee (which I never, ever IVed there, and I was shaving regularly at the time, and always end up nicking my knees when I do. At the time, I was in close contact, changing bandages on a man who had legs that looked like raw meat (due to agent orange exposure in 'Nam) who ad MRSA. 1337 also was staying around the time, and he later found out he had MRSA in his drain sites from his surgery.), and I have a great deal of scar tissue build up in my left knee. It appears to be swollen, but NSAIDs, and even steriods (dexamathasone, the best steroid on the market) doesn't reduce the swelling, so it's no inflammation, nor is there fluid build up. It's been this way since the sugeries, it's just my legs which have swollen, due to the DVTs. They aren't anywhere as painful as the pain caused by my knee. My epilepsy has actually improved, although I have had a few seizures here and there, but it's mainly due to when a very stressful situation occurs. I've only had 2 in the hospital where doctors/nurses seen/were aware, and this was a while back, and it was written off as a drug interaction/side effect, and those medications were stopped. I have not brought up the fact I have suffered with epilepsy since I don't want to lose my drivers license. Hell, the only reason I probably haven't yet is because I never changed my license to my current state I live in, and still have a license from where I moved from, even though it's been 2 1/2 years now.

    I've been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder since I was a teenager, although I've gone well over a decade without being prescribed any medication for it, up until most recently, and about 3 years ago I went to the doctor to get klonopin prescribed not for myself, but for §m£ÂgØL. It's definitely something that has effected my life to varying degrees depending on how bad it's got, based of how rocky or smooth my life circumstances have been, but I personally prefer to go without medication for it since I've gone trough every SSRI, SNRI, TCA, and benzos to treat it with at best it not working and having mild to moderate side effects, and at worse having disastrous results. I haven't been on the MAOI class yet, but given the chance, I might be willing to give it a whirl, based off the information Malice provided when he was here with us.

    I don't have 'no choice' when I choose to IV T-PAIN, I consciously choose to do that, when I do, and I do so for a few reasons. Sure, it's likely contributed to the most recent bout of clots, but it definitely isn't the sole reason, as state before, with my history, and family history of DVTs, and PEs. This is why I'm on life long anticoagulants vs. 3-6months of them.

    As for an air embolism, trust me, I've considered it, but if I was going to do that, I might as well use maricaine IV. Both are painful ways to go, and while 10ml is the minimum, if I were going to do it, I'd definitely use more than that to be on the safe side.

    I'm too broke to pay between 400 (lowest price I've seen), and 700$ for pentobarbital, but I'v considered it, and as for stop taking my dillys for a few days, yes, that would cause me a lot of pain, and one of the biggest reasons I want to die anyway. If anything opioids have kept me at least clinging to some hope of life. If I have them, I will use them, as I don't want to suffer in pain.

    I have eaten 10grams of T-PAIN before. Here I am. I took a long nap, and felt sick, and threw up a few hours later. I did this a few times. Tianpetine will not work to kill me. I've also mixed large doses with cocktails of other drugs too, and well... obviously, that didn't work either.

    I'm not in the hospital due to anything I did to myself, save somewhat to do with the DVTs, although again, I do have a history of those long before IVing drugs, much less tianpetine was a thing. I'm mainly here because of the osteomyelitis, which has spread, and been there since May, although they are treating my DVTs while here too.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    While out smoking late last night, I got talking to this girl just a bit ago. She's a IV user, and her hand was swollen to fuck and back. She'd come here to visit her boyfriend's mother, and just came down to smoke while he was up talking to his mom. I went to my room, got some sterile saline, alcohol, gauze, bandages, and tape, and doctored her hand up. If I would have been home I would have given her some antibiotics, most likely bactrim assuming she wasn't allergic to sulfa drugs, and used some lidocaine to numb out the site, and used a scalpel to open up and drain that abscess.

    I encouraged her to go to the ER, but she didn't want to go because of the long wait, and her fear of being labeled a junkie, which I kinda understand. I truly hope that shit doesn't get too bad. If it was treated properly right now, and if I had my first aid kit with me to to do that for her, she likely would be A-okay. This is why I like having a nice, well put together first aid kit, with a little bit of everything to treat all sorts of shit just like with her. She is a prime example of why I hijack so much shit when I come into hospitals, I just wish I had all my shit so I could have properly treated her, and gave her a 10 to 14 day course of bactrim.

    She and her boyfriend told me that they are coming up in the morning, and she'd told me while I doctored her up that when she was her about a year ago in the ER that someone had left a bunch of IV catheter starters, and 2 unopened PICC line kits laying about, and she snagged them lol. She told me she'd bring them up to me since she figured I could use them more than she'd ever be able to (she didn't realize what they were at first), and fuck, I honestly think if I do end up staying alive much longer, I always wanted an ultrasound machine, and goddamn it... I'm gonna get one, one of these days. While it's a wee bit more complicated than setting an IV, it's not that hard to put a PICC in, and I'm sure I could master that skill. I'd need to get Sherlock too, so I can guide and confirm placement without a chest x-ray or fluroscopy(same thing, just an x-ray in real time, able to see the movement) to confirm/guide placement.

    I just woke up, and got my dose of meds, had a dose before I'd saved, so now I'm feelin' pretty good, especially since I did a wee bit of dope on top. I just got back from smoking, and bullshitting with the security guard. Those guys are pretty cool compared to other places. Mercy sucked. They wouldn't even let me wait in the waiting room for my ride when I got discharged after being there 10 fucking days. I couldn't go out to smoke there either which sucked. Here, they don't care as long as I let my nurse, or just tell the person at the nurses desk that I'm leaving the floor.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Haha! Yes, I scored some foley catheter kits. I might just send some wrapped in gift wrap to 1337 for Christmas for when he does so much dope he can't piss. Dude, being in the hospital is like going on a treasure hunt everyday/time I go to smoke/wander the halls. My first aid kit is going to be so bitchin' again, as it was in years past.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    If I ever was in the position to let §m£ÂgØL live, or die, I know I'd just save his life via intubation/circthyrotomy just so I could torture him. If I ever did let the evil side of me out, our little faggot friend here woldn't be saying the shit he says daily just because he's butthurt, and unable to get off the cross he's on, build a fucking bridge, and get the fuck over it. God, oh how sweet his little tears, and pleas to be let go would be with the barrel of that gun buried in his temple, or hell, the mumbled pleas coming from him with that bitch damn near down his throat. lmfao. One day... you never know. People, especially mentally unstable people such as myself, you never know when, or where they're gonna snap.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by GGG Lick a bullet with your brain.

    lick my pussy, faggot.

    You know, one day, it's possible I might just snap. I might just say "fuck it", and IF I ever DO finally snap, I just might come find you, with my loaded and freshly cleaned .357 magnum, my dog, and hold you at gun point, with the barrel in your mouth, just so you can taste the steel deep in your throat, while my dog fucks you hard, and deep in the ass, then you can experience what it's like to feel a knotted up dog dick rip out of your tender little ass. If I snapped, that's just might be what happens when some little faggot goes on and on and on like faggots tend to do, saying shit, and writing checks with their mouth, I know for sure their ass can't cash.

    I think it's funny how scared and afraid I know you'd be if that day ever came. Granted, I doubt it ever will, since really... you're small fries, and meh, I know you're helping of karmatic justice isn't too far off from blowing it's load on you, but hey... if I ever did just lose my shit, that would be pretty fucking satisfying... I know you'd talk shit, and try and act like you're tough, and fearless, but I know that scared little faggot that lies deep inside you.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Man, I'm tickled pink! I scored a few emergency circothyrotomy kits, trachea tubes, endotrachea tubes, nasotracheal kits, and orotracheal intubation kits! Yes! My first aid kit is gonna be so fucking bad ass once I get it back together and organized. I'm so happy I got so much medical supplies for christmas. It fucking really does make me happy I'm so prepared for the worst case scenarios. It really does make me happy when I'm able to help other living beings who need it. It makes me happy to know too, that if shit really does hit the fan, I'm able to actually save a life, and I actually have sterile shit to use, rather than having to rely on DIY household items to do a circothyrotomy/trach, and shit, I even got shit to intubate via nose, throat, and stomach tubes if I need it to get nutrition/drugs in someone whom can't eat for whatever reason.

    I like being prepared. I know damn well there are quite a few animals/people who like, and are glad I've been prepared in the past. You fucks just think because I got IV catheter kits that it's just all about drugs/getting high, when that's nowhere near where my mind is/was when I snagged that shit. It's to be prepared, and be there to help people/animals who otherwise might die if I'm not prepared. Just like the circothyrotomy/trach/nasotrach/endotrach/nasogastro intubation kits... wtf would I do with those? How would I use those to get high? I have this shit to save lives, not to fuck around. That's why I have a billion and one sutures of varying sizes, and material (some are silk, monofiliment, disolvable sutures... I got it fucking all, dude.) This is why I collect this shit, and have shit on hand, and make sure I'm able to use it properly if I'm in an emergency situation.

    I love medicine, I love helping people. It's why I wanted to be a doctor. It's why even though I'm not a doctor, I'm at least a Quack MD. I may have given up on being licensed, but I didn't give up on being trained, well versed, and able, and willing to help those who are in need of emergency medicine.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietPiano I want you to re-read what you posted. Actually read it, please.

    I'd like you to get a hold of yourself. You can accept that your health is between fair and poor, and proceed to live your life with some dignity and make something of yourself; or you can feel sorry for yourself and play in around in the mud for the rest of your life.
    To be honest, the reason I cheeked my xeralto was because I knew they'd switch me to warfrin. Having warfrin, while, at least with my study of the drug, and in how I could off myself with it, isn't an instantaneous 'pop the script then die' way out, stock piling, and administering the right dose/kg over a course of approx. 6 days or so, would result in dying, and could be hastened wit the aid of other drugs in the mix. That was my goal, and I succeeded, and if I do so choose to end my life, well, I just have more options available to me. (FYI, don't bother trying to OD on xeralto, it won't work. I've read a bit on it and it's pretty worthless, even with high doses.)

    I don't feel sorry for myself. Just because a person says what has transpired in their life, and just because they may find their life to suck/the situation being told to suck, doesn't mean that they feel sorry for themselves. I know how I got here, I know it's my fault, and frankly, I want the pain to stop. I don't consider myself to be 'playing around in the mud', rather I consider it avoiding excruciating pain if at all possible. I get no joy out of IVing drugs like it seems most people do. It's just this minor blip where at best, most the pain has subsided, and I can walk around without constantly thinking about it. There's no fun, no joy. It's just exciting for me to have a few hours where I'm not curled up wanting to die instantaneously.

    Originally posted by Ghost I liked it better when she didn't know how to use paragraphs and every time she posted everyone was like 'hey there's this key on the keyboard that says Enter or Return you should try pressing it'

    It took 6 months for her to realize what the hell we were talking about.
    It didn't take me 6 months to realize anything, it was when I was posting from my phone, and I WOULD use paragraphs, but when I posted, it would just form into a wall of text, because Lanny had/has a shitty forum set up. He later fixed it. Sometimes I'd go back and correct it, but I finally said fuck it, and enjoyed you all bitching about walls of text.

    Originally posted by CASPER Eh….so you stole a bunch of shit from the hospital that was keeping you alive and treated you probably for free?
    I'm not so keen on wanting to be kept alive, but if I am to be kept alive, I wish they'd just do more to relieve my pain instead of being fucking kikes with the drugs, or at least get down to business and fucking amputate this fucked up leg that serves no purpose to me other than to cause pain.

    I hijacked the shit I did because I am often broke, but I have saved many a life with being able to set an IV to administer fluids/drugs with. That's why I like to keep them on deck. For me, they'd run 1-3$ each. The hospital buys in such bulk, it costs them pennies on the dollar. They charge a fortune when they set an IV, and make plenty of money off setting one IV, or even PICC to cover their costs of thousands of IV, and PICC sets.

    I didn't steal them with the intention of using them on myself, fuck, IVs aren't that great for me anyway, I blow them left and right all the time. I really just wanted them in the event of an emergency with an animal, person in need, or possible myself if I'm in deep shit. Frankly too, they cost so little, nurses in training/IV techs practice all the time on each other BECAUSE they are so cheap.

    Originally posted by Schplew Better score some heroin while I have a young child at home!

    Kill yourself hydro you are a waste of oxygen and a blight on humanity. Nobody likes you and you are nothing but the butt of a joke to all of us.

    You belong in prison or a shallow grave for neglecting your child the way you do.

    How can you sleep at night? You chose drugs over your own kid. Why did you have a kid in the first place if you're just gonna abandon them and get high?
    Yeah, I scored dope because I was in pain, and yes, my child is being well taken care of at home while I'm here in the hospital, I don't see how that's relevant. OMG! I fucking went and got a soda, and chips out of the vending machine, and my child is at home! The horror! At least what I was doing was to mitigate pain since these kikes aren't doing a very good job of it.

    Originally posted by WE SMOOTH Hydraw fucked an old mexican dude for a pack of smokes
    nah, I haven't fucked anyone in a long time. As for smokes, I have smokes for days, and because of the holidays, I've given quite a few away just to be nice to the less fortunate smokers out there. I roll my own so it's a lot cheaper, so I don't ever have a problem having smokes.

    Originally posted by Loing Givers and takers… The selfless and the selfish. What a wretched way to live
    I keep a first aid kit like I do so I can help others who otherwise can't or won't go to a hospital, or animals who need treatment where they can't get to a vet. You definitely mistake me for what I am. If you knew me, you'd know I'm very much the giver. Fuckers charge enough anyway here, at least I get some goodies that I can do good for others with. I just like knowing I can help others, and do shit on the fly without needing this fucking place if I have to, and there are a lot of situations I've been in where it wasn't possible to get that person/animal to a hospital/vet.

    Originally posted by GGG Hey hydro do you still believe in karma

    Because after reading your posts, I'm beginning to
    I sure do.

    I know I've done wrong in my life. I know I've fucked up, made mistakes, and I own that, I'm not like you, and pretend it never happened.

    I've also had a pretty kick ass life at one point too. I had the world by the balls in another life. I've been on top, and I've been down low. It's just one big wheel that keeps on turning. I wonder what I did for the great, awesome shit that I've had. People are easy to point out the bad, but never bring up the good.

    Originally posted by CASPER As a 13 year veteran of the club, I'm definitely not trying to speak from atop a high horse. But when you're being treated likely for free, and they're trying to stabilize you or improve your health, it's probably not the time to jack their shit. If the IR thermos was really that expensive, who's to say some nurse didn't take the rap for that, or for leaving it where a patient could get to it.

    Idk. I would feel bad.
    I copped it from a drawer that had been wheeled out and brought back by multiple different people in my 36 hour stay in the ER. They couldn't ever pin one person down for it.

    At least I didn't steal it to sell. I stole it to add to my kit, that kit which has done a lot in it's carrier to help others, and save lives. It's pretty important to be able to establish an accurate temp on a person/animal when you're treating them, especially if it's serious (hence why hospitals use them.) Sure, I've doctored myself up here and there, but nothing too bad.

    As for the IV kits, shit, I've had them use 6 just on me alone trying to get an IV started, so again, they're so cheap, they really don't keep inventory on them like say they would PICC starter kits, or other more pricy shit they'd use on a person.

    Originally posted by Loing Someone probably got popped for that. I've heard those inventory cucks are really strict in hospitals.

    What s selfish cunt.

    Read above. IV kits are fucking pretty cheap, especially for a hospital that buys in bulk.

    As for being selfish, I can honestly say, my first aid kit has done more for others, and saving others lives than it's done for me. Is that being selfish? I'm just happy I've now got the proper tools to treat and care for those who otherwise couldn't or wouldn't get the treatment they very well might need to live. Medicine has always been a passion of mine. I enjoy helping others, it's given me purpose before.

    I know for fact, with so many hands on the shit I snagged, that no one would get in trouble for it. If I even thought there was a chance, I wouldn't have taken it.

    Originally posted by DietPiano Tfw you probably think about stealing dilly dillies from the hospital pharmacy to supplement your T-PAIN habit.
    If I'm gonna steal drugs, I'm going to the source, or at least do like they do in mexico, and go for the tractor trailer hauling all the opioids from perdue. My dad used to say, go big, or go home. Robbing a pharmacy is a one time thing, and you really wouldn't get all that much out of it anyway, in the great scheme of things.

    Why would I have to steal, when I can just fill my script and sell them? That would make far more sense and have far less risk.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Zanick, I thought you were above this, even for someone like Bill Krozby, whom I honestly have disliked and had beef with in the past.

    If he's a liar, it'll come out eventually, and if not, well... this, and all the bullshit from everyone else, is really in poor taste. Sure, he did make a thread about it, but did ask for it to be removed, and sure, I guess he's got it coming for posting about it at all (although we do make mistakes in grief, and being intoxicated, which I'm sure, if it's not a troll, he was experiencing both at the time), but I always saw you as being one with more taste and class than to make a thread like this, about anyone's dead child, just to cause an emotional response to that individual.

    Even though I've had less than agreeable interactions with Bill Krozby in the past, I do think it's low to say shit like this when a person is grieving over the loss of a loved one. Even if not for him, his daughter deserves more respect than this. However, if it does come to be found that he was trolling, than may the ass fucking of Bill Krozby commence. I just don't think that he is, and I'd rather err on that side, than say fucked up shit if it really did happen. If you hate Bill Krozby, which again, I can't say that I don't have a distaste for his shit, especially in the past, as he's definitely been one to say some fucked up shit to and about me, that's fine, but talking shit with the leverage of someone's dead loved one is low hanging fruit to begin with, at least go for something more creative.

    Even if he doesn't, his daughter deserves more respect than this.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Schplew I hope you die

    me too.

    Originally posted by Schplew Lol all your posts are about PICC lines.

    You will be dead by next year

    Well, I'm sorry having some helpful information hurts your brain, I know it's a bit too much for one with such a low IQ as you.

    The thing that usually causes issues with people who IV drugs is just bad and/or lazy shooting habits, not being sterile. A PICC is the ticket as long as you keep the dressing/site clean. There's no missing, which tends to be a cause of abscesses/infections. There's no multiple sticks, which also puts one at risk. If anything, a PICC will prolong my life, and IV shooting carrier. I honestly hope I'm dead by next year though. There's just some pain that all the dope and opioids in the world can't fix.

    You're just a wee pussy baby bitch who thinks he's some badass bitch boy chugging cough syrup. Come back when you've at least done real drugs.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    *fingers crossed I can find someone to get me some dope tonight*
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Yeah, I don't think much can bring me down. I wish it could, honestly, but I keep on truckin' along.

    Just seen a friend who visited me in the hospital earlier today, got my dillys just a few mins ago, and shot them into my lovely, awesome PICC line I had set (and I like the one's Hopkins uses, they use what's called a 'secure-a-cath', which is like these two little prongs which is set subq, just below the skin, to keep the catheter from being pulled out accidentally, which they're the only hospital in the area who uses them, but they are fairly new on the market, but I highly recommend them, as I've had 3 PICCs, 2 with, and 1 without the secure-a-cath, and I had to be really careful with that one.)

    When I was in the ER, I fucking hit the jackpot wit an unlocked movable cabinet which had a billion IV starter kits of every size and length, 24, 22, 20, and 18, and from 1", to 1 3/4", I even think there was some 2" ones in there. I also bagged like 6 boxes of needles of varying gauges and lengths- 25g, 24g, 22g, 20g, 19g, and 18g, from 3/4" to 1 1/2", which, personally, I use the big 20g, 19g, and 18g, because they all come in the 1 1/2" lengths, to hit my femoral veins. I can't do that with the shorter needles. They are the stupid kinds tough, the ones with the "safety tip", which is supposed to prevent you from getting stuck once you use it, but I break that shit off so it doesn't get in the way, and so I can use it more than just once if I need to. I even got a shitload of butterfly needles too, and I said fuck it, I used to send off labs for my animals, I grabbed a rainbow selections of collection vials, as well as a shitload of the vacutainer collection adapters. My fucking first aid kit is going to rock socks off again. It was like a Christmas present to myself hitting that haul.

    I even managed to score a bitchin' infrared thermometer, again. I'd had one a long time ago, also commandeered from an ER, but during the house fire, moving, and other bullshit, it's probably packed in a box somewhere. I'm just glad I got a new, cool one again. They fucking run 450-500$ new. Used on ebay they are listed for around 175-200$. I just like having a reliable, and ACCURATE thermometer, Ive had so much trouble in the past with fucking ones that didn't work right, gave fucked up readings, and just took forever to give me a bad reading anyway. These are accurate, and quick. So happy to finally have that back in my bag of tricks, along with every size needle, and IV catheter I'd ever need. I'm just pissed that I missed grabbing 2 PICC line kits... then all I'd need is an untrasound machine, and someone to practice on (I've got the lidocaine), and there ya go, bang. Those PICC kits run around 2-300$ each. Insurance pays something like 2-3K wen you get one set.

    Oh, and my phone got stolen by an asshole aquaintence who came to visit me, threatened me, and then when they were placed on a restricted list, somehow the hospital allowed them to sleep in the family lounge, and then fucking walk right back into my room the next morning. Some the fuck How, security didn't escort them off the property. Then they came in, grabbed my phone and tablet, and walked the fuck out. I have one hell of a lawsuit with this hospital over that shit. I already talked to a lawyer who's dick got hard when they heard what happened, and heard that Hopkins was responsible.

    Oh god, it's been hell though as far as my health, blood clots, and fucking this knee, and the infection. they got me on daptomycin now. I doubt it will work, I feel its an issue of the antibiotic getting to the infection in the bone, rather than an issue of needing a different antibiotic. It's hard to get shit into bones because of the low blood flow going there. That's why it persists for a lot of people for their entire lives. I still think amputation is the way to go, and hell, I got a 50/50 shot of not having pain like I do in my knee... and fuck, Id make one bad ass pirate bitch with a peg leg, eye patch, and my parrot (blue and gold macaw, who's older than §m£ÂgØL is).

    anyway, guys, how've you been Narc? good I hope. Thanks for havin' faith in me. Take it easy, sweetie.
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