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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    cool story, bro. He's also done far more, and gave way more fucks for my child than you have ever done for yours.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    patriots in Belarus downed a Russian plane with a drone the other day. Fighting as Belarus resistance can create some big problems for the Orc plans to use Belarus as a staging area again. Boom boom. Poor little Vlad. LMAO
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I don't see why you can't. I'd appreciate if you'd try. He'll get a confiscation forum if he doesn't get it. You dont need to put a return addy ( I dont think) if you don't wanna, but wont know who it's from if you dont put something (you could put a random address I suppose if you want).

    lol I am gonna get some acid soon, hopefully. I need to trip badly. Tell ya what.. that'd be cool as shit if you did that though if he gets 30.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    First of all, he's never acted on his urges with a kid. Secondly, he was torrenting massive amounts of porn from legal to well... what he's in for, and no, he's never ever hurt my son, nor had the opportunity to do so. He's been a good friend for a long time, I know him IRL.

    Bill Krozby, I'm not a heroin addict. I'm honest about what drugs I am dependent on- T-PAIN and nicotine. Nor am I a bad mother. I could give a fuck what you think though. As for the bullshit you posted, youre wrong as fuck, enough it had me laughing hard as fuck. His father was an abusive alcoholic and not educated in the least.

    If you can't see the good in people, well, fuck.. look at the fucked shit some of you fucks have done, which is far more than downloading illegal porn. This is the problem right here. This shit is a mental illness, and if people get ostracized for admitting it, how can they ever get help? Hate helps no body, and puts kids in more danger because you force these people underground and on the fringe instead of being able to get help.

    Lanny, please don't be a dick. This shit occurred nearing a decade ago. Do a nice thing, or don't. Nobody gave shit to Count Blah for his friend who was in jail for the same thing- I thought you fuckers could just do something decent a time again. I know a few of you fucks are decent, kind people, so here is hoping you can jot down a few lines, mail a post card or something nice. I know a few of you can even sympathize with his issues.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    fuck off, faggot. we know where to source our drugs.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    MQ- send pics of chootie. He'll like pics of any variety, especially pussy pics. You'll gain a new fan.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Lol no not until you apologize to me and admit to being a terrible mother

    And he potentially sounds like a scammer heroin addict like you are


    Oh fuck off. I didn't give up parental rights to my child and I take care of my son. Ive know him a long time, and he's not a scammer or heroin addict. He was in meth in his teens though, but other than pot he doesnt touch shit (or did) since he's 20's. He spent a lot of time hitchhiking on the road, lived in Cali for a while homeless in Bay area. If you dont want to send a letter, then don't. I won't apologize for my opinion, but I will say this, you made few threads recently, and wanted to comment, but never got the chance: I applaud you for doing some good things, and helping others. It's nice to see you as more than the'tard I've been exposed to. That's my opinion, and ifit's true, good for you, and I think better about you for it.

    MQ- He's gonna be turning 35. Is he stupid looking?... Kinda, but he has a good heart.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    BTW his Birthday is 1-28
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Okay... My buddy is in prison. He's a good guy. Since you'll be ableto do a simple search to find what he was convicted of, it was intent to distribute CP- He wasn't making, simply for using p2p sharing. He's not like that, he's a good person, and he's helped me and my son A LOT. Well, being locked up he requested I get everyone and anyone to write him (even posting his info) and I recall CountBlah (yo, nigga, you see this, I sent like 4-5 cards to your buddy locked up between my family- hit a nigga back) did the same thing a few years back on zoklet. Sooo... Yeah. Send my friend letters, please. Pictures if you want.. whatever is allowable to be received in the mail (apparently blank paper isn't allowed FYI) If your'e feeling exceptionally generous, he's a really awesome artist, and could use art supplies, paper, envelopes, books, whathave you that is sent FROM the vendor ( I THINK, not sure, but you can do it with Amazon..) or even if you feel like throwing a few bucks on his commissary. BUT LETTERS, write, type, draw, print.. send something, a postcard, you nigger fools can afford a fucking stamp FFS.

    Jason Ewing TDCJ#1719720
    BYRD correctional unit
    21 FM 247
    Huntsville, TX 77320

    Dude is seriously a good guy. He's had a hard life, no family, I'm his only friend. So yeah.. Help a nigga out. The more mail he gets, the more he can avoid shit from fucking with him since it shows he's got people on the outside along with keeping his spirits up He's got atleast 2-3 years t go but looking at 30 for failure to register... So, go! Write! thanks.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I did not have my child at home to keep social services away, I had him at home for many reasons all pertaining to his and my health. I actually dealt with social services when I took my son to the doctor to be checked out for the first time (doctor called for medical neglect and they investigated because it was a doctor reporting). It was very open and shut. The worker was very nice and even told me the whole thing was bullshit to begin with. The doctor was an asshat who was mad he didn't get medicaid money to deliver my child. Social services seemed to be just fine with how my child was, and how he was being treated and taken care of.

    You're right, T-PAIN won't come up on a drug test though.

    As far as being clear to see for all, I have many people IRL and have dealt with workers, and they've all commended me for being a good mom. My son being born while I was taking a drug I was dependent on would be no different than any other drug. Mother's who are addicted to heroin while during pregnancy are switched to methadone, and that is seen as alright. They do this because Withdrawaling can cause a miscarriage. I believe letting the child suffer in WDs is by far worse, and breastfeeding my child, which likely did wean him, he suffered not one bit from my usage. There are also mother's who take pain medication throughout pregnancy, as well as anti-depressants (which is what T-PAIN is- including TCA's, which that's what T-PAIN falls into the category of). I took my own glucose tests regularly, I did my absolute best to follow my health and do the best I could while I was pregnant. I do the best I can to care for my son now.

    I think it's lulzy you all think I'm such a shit mother when none of you know me or my life, or how I care for my child IRL. Just because I'm different, and go about things different doesn't mean I'm a bad mother. My priority is my child, he's the only thing that matters.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I don't think you'd be killing most bacteria by putting your shit in the freezer, just slowing their growth. That's why people wash clothes with soaps and detergents and usually run through hot water cycle, or even go so far as to boil clothing to rid shit of funky bacteria.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I want to be a game dialog and scenario writer like this guy fuys:
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I sometimes dance about when I'm alone and I have the stereo up, or when I'm driving I'm not exactly dancing, but I get into what I'm listening to and have a good time with it. I'm too socially awkward to dance in public, and I haven't been out anywhere recreationally in forever, so mainly I'm alone, but a friend or two has seen me get down before so, yeah.. I will now and again. I enjoy dancing about acting like a weirdo when I have a friend that adds synergy to my weirdness.

    Nothing wrong with having fun and cutting lose. I really wouldn't mind getting some MDMA and having a good time though... I really need to get some acid and molly and go out and have a good night once of these days coming soon.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I only ever sexted with people I've known IRL I've wanted to fuck/planned to fuck. I don't see the point sexting strangers.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Lanny If you aren't adding egg (I didn't the first time I tried to make fried rice) then that's definitely a must, wisk some eggs with water or milk like you're making scrambled egg, then once everything else is cooked pour that on and cook on high until it's yellow and not soggy in texture.

    Also soy-sauce while cooking is a must.

    Oh! Okay... The space cat also mentioned taking the rice and putting it in the fridge over night? What's the point of this?

    Also, how much soy sauce? (Loved the movie John dies at the end.. would totally shoot up soy sauce.)

  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    LMFAO you judge this forum because of the background that once was used on the original totse, not to mention countless other incarnations? FYI, anyone can take that and apply it to their forum or site. Having said that though, most of the faggots here, including myself were on, or followed totse, from back in the day. I don't care about your history, it obviously wasn't enough to be remembered anyway, so fuck off with you being apart of something that is clearly dismantled and dead. Typically, when you want to arrange to do something with people, you build a rapport with folks BEFORE you call them out to go do something. You give people a reason to want to go do that thing with you. Try contributing for a while and see how things go, and no, contributing is not spamming the forums like a 12 year old retard who's butthurt- it's not a good way to make friends. Nor is it, to bitch and insult just because you feel what we have here isn't relevant enough for you to contribute. You want to see more posts, and community activities, then start being apart of what we have or leave, the users are what make a community and without them there isn't one. You can't just jump in and expect people to do your beck and call like mindless sheep, especially not this group. It may be small, it might not have the high traffic activity of other forums, but I like to come and hear from the few gems that post here, and express my own thoughts too, you could start there. Start a thread of something you know about, or ask questions, would be a good place to start.

    And I find it funny you're so butthurt about this and what I said that you had to PM me because I didn't respond to your shit right then and there. People here aren't the 12-13 year old losers that were plentiful on totse, most of us have grown up, gotten jobs, and live a life that doesn't center around the forum anymore. Is that that you've done with your life? Is that why you're so pissed with the unexpected reaction you received? I pity you if this is all you've got to look forward to.

    As for Spectral... Come the fuck on. The forum works fine, and I like it, and so does most the people who post regularly. I think Lanny runs this place aright, albeit he's a little lazy at times with fixing shit, but we could have a worst admin. While it may not be perfect, it works, and I'd rather his "whatever goes" attitude to him censoring shit, and it seems to work for our community alright. Sorry you don't like it, but don't say it doesn't work, because it's clearly working just fine now.

    (as for my statement about Sophie, it was just meant to see how much you've even been reading the threads and involved in our community. Sophie is just one of the more memorable posters here, and he contributes a lot to compsci and other things, and if you spent any time at all reading, you'd know Sophie is a guy, who's into cute little girls, and is a pretty intelligent dude when it comes to compsci/science topics. You've obviously put no effort into even knowing us, was my point.)
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    lol, can't believe someone would be that butthurt.

    Yeah, That's sorta what I was talking about with the hydroponic shit, though I was thinking on a larger scale with koi and pot plantss.

    Neat shit with the pot bonsai, adn dude, those little terrariums are so fucking cool. Never seen one that small before, but def cool as shit. I believe I read an article a while back about these terrariums that were 40+(?) years old or more where this guy made a few, but had 1 survive that fucking long. It's amazing that you can seal those bitches up and have shit keep going for such a long time, totally cut off except for sunlight/artificial light and they keep doing their thing.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Clutch I think there's also something to be said for the fact that the artist is refusing to preform for Trump, who is an individual, while the baker is refusing to bake for same-sex couples, who are a whole group of people. The decision not to perform for Trump is (presumably) based on his words and actions as an individual that many people have found offensive and hurtful. The decision not to bake for a same-sex wedding is simple prejudice.

    da fuk are you on about?

    On topic: I thought about doing this a while ago (save without the shrooms). I think it's a pretty cool idea, but I imagine it'd take a bit of experimenting to get right since not everything is going to work out as swell and hunky dory as one would fist think it should, especially considering there are so many different things going on at once. Another cool idea is one where people do hydroponics on floating forms where the fish help with the fertilization of the plants.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    This might have been a thing when you had a bunch of basement dwelling virgin 13 year olds, but everyone has grown up (for the most part) and this shit is stupid. What point are you going to prove? and really... what do you need a group to go do this? If you want people to get together, it usually will be over something that everyone is equally passionate about, and for something the group has some meaning for everyone in doing.

    SJW's are retarded, we all know that, but really? what's the point? You're a newbie anyway, and just expect everyone to go run and fight your battle for you? You say you keep coming here "every few months" just to find the same shit? Why not start contributing more and make the forum better then? People aren't keen on jumping up to fight someone's stupid flame war just because you ask and use a nostalgic reference to try and conjure patriotism for this stupid task that could be handled by one dedicated 'tard. Likely, we do have better things to do that bitch at SJW's all day and get banned. People here might have been more willing and motivated had you developed a rapport with our community first, rather than just bitching that it isn't what you expect it to be, insult, and make a snarky comment on our drug use in a way to guilt people to do your stupid child-like activity. I'm sure we could come up with better, more entertaining shit to do as a community than this anyway.

    Plus, if you've been following this community for a while now, how do fuk do you not know who Sophie is? You're a pretender, a wannabe. Go find something better to do with your time than poking fun at SJW's, and maybe contribute a little more, before asking anyone to do shit for you under the guise of "totse army".
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Lanny Man, I made a thread about some dope ass fried rice I made, how did I end up asking about how to use starter fluid as a drug? This place can be kinda depressing tbhfam

    lol Well, at least it's interesting and not boring. I come into a thread to read about some dope ass fried rice, which is cool and all, but then further in get a discussion about huffing starter fluid. You have to see the silver lining, and I think stuff like this is what makes this forum and our community great. Don't be depressed just because it goes off topic, celebrate the fact we can have a thread about fried rice that turns into one about abusing ether ;)

    but to get this shit back on topic: How do you go bout making fried rice? I never have made fried rice that comes out good, or even remotely tasting like fried rice. IDK wtf I'm doing wrong. Advise me on making dope ass fried rice, please.
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