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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I've recently started learning the guitar. I was in a.. Very unusual circumstance which allowed me to begin learning and got a 100 year old Venezuelan classical flemenco guitar. It's been enjoyable and helped me. A great deal manage my anxiety and stress. I literally take it everywhere I go when I leave the house and when I hvea appointments it's wonderful to annoy the Secretary enough that I get in and out pretty fast since I began.

    I tried to learn the guitar when I was about 14. I had already taught myself the flute (at 7 years old) and self taught myself the violin a little bit. Iwas very proficiente with the flute and about a schooled beginner on the violin,meaning I knew a fair amount of pieces and could keep tempo with things fair well,but had a lot more to learn still. I hadn't played my violin in years and had lost/my high dollar solid silver flute got lost and possibly stolen- I stopped playing about at 15 or so. With the violin that was about the same but considering that I just got my horse, I just had so much going into that. Niw about the guitar I tried to learn on when I was 14,the damn thing was so hard to play (I realize now it probably had too high of action, and it was truly a pile of shit in everyway and incredibly hard to play. This is why I think I failed my first time, since I'd already invested the time to learn 2 other instruments before and succeed at least to some degree.

    I just began again in February and this go has been much easier and I've caught on a lot quicker and more importantly I've been enjoying the time when I dick off and play a lot. It's helped me through a lot of depression.

    Who here plays an instrument? and if so, then what? How good are you? How many years have you played? EDIT: what genre and/style of music do you play? Got any advice for a beginner or resources to help one grow as they get further into playing?

    I've also gotten back to playing the violin again and will be repadding this flute I ran across.

    There is also a classical guitar I am Restoring. That got damned in shipping.

    I also have a Schecter diamond series Omen-6 electric guitar, basswood body. The 100 year old flemenco guitar (solid spruce) I have the papers on and play her the most though.. And she really is from the 1920's and sounds great- I put a set of light tension D'Addario strings on a few weeks back... She's been a lot of fun and very easy for me, better than many guitars I got to play before picking her..and she's cool. Looks a Little different than most classical guitars I've seen and also.. Ugly-she's already had a few cracks repaired but she's old.. It happens, she's definitely got a lot of history. and she had a slightly smaller body, more a "parlor" size guitar than a huge "dreadnaught" she also has been. Restored with a piezo contact mic in her too so. It's fun. To plug her into a amp. I have a spider line 6 III 15 watt solid state amp- it's not a bad little amp for what I use it for and hoe I'm playing at the moment. It does fine with both the electric and classical.

    My violin is a lower end decent quality entry model violin I purchased from some luthier in Eastern Europe (Chek Republic I wanna say.. That or Romania.)

    I still gotta get my flute repadded-but it's a 40 year old, decent quality student flute that just needs pads which I plan to do myself.

    Oh and I weirdly ended up with a flat top, tear drop shaped, solid spruce top mahogany sides, mandolin from 1985 that also has a piezo contact mic and is really cool. I like her a lot and have been beating around trying to learn on her too along with the guitar- I haven't ended up playing as much though on it as the guitar.

    I have another classical guitar, solid Honduran mahogany, that's 35 years old that the shipping fucked her all up- she has cracks around. The sides of the body and some. Minor cracks that can be created on the back and face. I found some old stock, Honduran mahogany (kinda hard these days) that was a lot- so I got 4 sets of present sides and 1 set that hasn't been bent yet super cheap- it also took me a while to find some tools reasonably priced too. Also found same wood for the binding. That's going to be my project this summer.

    Even though I've just began, I've kinda been emerged in it since it came into my. Life in a very odd and slightly fucked up way... But that's for another day. I've met quite a few people who have befriended me in the last few months who play and one who's plays and does gigs/records for a living, and he has been instrumental in helping my progress and giving advice and answering questions when I need help. The others are more... Dedicated hobbyists- some have played in a few bands over the years. Also- youtube. I like lessons by Scott Grove and Ben Eller the best-botj are really good and explain shit well and are funny as fuck for the lessons they have on there.

    Post last edited by hydromorphone at 2017-05-08T07:01:15.592438+00:00
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by HampTheToker Figure ate.

    Y'all forgot about him.

    Or, does he just post as someone else?

    I smoked weed late at night while playing with 888 a few times with his buddy on Xbox live playing GTA5. It was in the winter and I was in the garage and it was like 20degrees and I had a heater and sorta made a tent to keep the heat in since it was cold as fuck and not an insolated garage. He described the garage I was sitting in in almost perfect detail describing he was in. Canada freezing his ass off- being as stoned as I was it was slightly paranoia inducing and funny all at once.

    I played with a couple zoklet fags back in the day. I haven't played shit in forever... It's sad. All I've been playing as of recently is my guitar.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I prefer ice in ma bong. Smoother, and larger hits, imo.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Malice I've read that ice may actually make it harsher and bong water is actually optimal at a warm temperature.

    You should also get a new bong if it's that important. There are far more effective styles that the standard beaker. A good percolator can make a world of difference. You can certainly afford it, even if you don't smoke that much.

    One I'll be receiving:

    Another style I like:

    I find it amusing that you have asthma, for the childish reason that it fits the stereotypes I use to demean you.

    We actually have Cherry Pie fairly readily available around here.

    Have you tried it? If not, I suggest you give it a whorl, and let me know what you think of it. When we had shit, it was really hit or miss, and a lot of times we didn't get the same shit twice, save for a few strains like northern lights, maui-wowie, and OG Kush. I've had purple and Blue dream... I was more keen for the blue dream strain but both were okay, but nothing to really write home about. I REALLY disliked Cherry AK-47 though. It tasted okay, it was good shit, but the high sucked and induced a lot of paranoia/anxiety. I wasn't keen on Cheese either, the shit §m£ÂgØL had an anxiety attack on. I didn't but if wasn't what'd I'd pick for a second go.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by infinityshock only if you post nude selfies

    Oh well, that shit ain't happenin'. Aren't there enough naked bitches on the internet? There is definitely a lack of sharpie dick face §m£ÂgØL pics though, to which I've contributed to ending that problem. I even have a pic of him in a dress with pink lipstick. Good times, many lulz.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Does drawing a dick on their face with a sharpie marker while their passed out drunk count?
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby addicts gonna addict, I know amputees well above your age that don't need opiates and refuse to take them because they aren't pussys

    Everyone is different, and we all experience pain differently. I know people like that, whom will live in pain for some deluded reasoning that they are tougher for suffering daily. I think it's sad that society has got their mind so warped that they spend more of their day unproductive, and in pain, than they would if they'd simply use something to better their life. I know some folks who just don't like them feel. To each their own. It's our own bodies, and our own lives. I choose not to squander what little time I have suffering, and enjoy this ride as much as I can. Nobody should ever be made to feel bad for that choice. Nobody is a pussy who chooses to live their life to their fullest potential, and make everyday count, if that means using a drug to aid them, or not.

    Do you also get that while amputees might suffer some pain (usually phantom pain, typically), it's a lot different than things like a herniate disc, fucked up knees, arthritis, and chest pain, especially coupled together? I knew an amputee who didn't take opiates because it simply didn't work for that variety of pain, because phantom pain is psychosomatic, not a pain based in the physical, it's spawned by the mind. Judging one form of pain against another, and one person against another isn't realistic because the root cause of each affliction is different, and each person experiences life, and pain completely differently than the next individual.

    You know, I do often wonder why you like to go so off topic to insult and tear me (and others) down whom you have this... saltiness for. It's funny that you do drugs all the time just to get fucked up, which has obviously caused a great deal of negative in your life (being a person who's fallen into the category I described, whom is uneducated to what they ingest, seeking escapism from their woes, regardless of the havoc they cause from blind abuse), yet my usage for legitimate chronic pain is insulted, and belittled because I'm a "pussy" according to you. I think there is a good deal of underlying jealousy that I use drugs to function, and can, and you compare my usage to your usage, with your subconsciously instilled war on drugs propaganda you've let fill our head, that you, yourself reinforce. You see people as being one way or another, and fail to see the facets, and variety of difference of each person, problems, and ways people cope, in your narrow scope of life. In your refusal to understand and see a world bigger than yourself, you seem to constantly need to resort to insults, hate, and lashing out to justify your own life for being what it is, which as far as I can tell, is sub par and sad life with little hope of future prospects. To build up and inflate your ego, you have to kick others down, and aren't capable of civil discussion without doing that. I don't particularly care for you, Bill Krozby, and I find very little to agree with you, but I still don't need to resort to off topic insults to have a civil discussion with people I mostly disagree, and dislike-my ego isn't so fragile as that, nor do I need to tear people down to justify my own life.

    I'm sure you'll throw out some more insults in retort to this, and with you low athletic abilities, fail to understand what exactly I'm attempting to convey, and even make up more bullshit to fit your narrative, but oh well... I don't care, it is what it is when you deal with people stuck in blinders, and have such a sad life they have to make hyperbole, and lies to feel their life is fulfilling.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    LOL fuck off, sheep.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump WHy don't you just do fentnayl instead of shitty T-PAIN and live pain free forever.

    Fentanyl sucks, dude- just because it's got a higher potency, doesn't make it better. I don't like the way it makes me feel either, besides it's piss poor job at handling pain. Yeah, take enough and it'll knock you out, but not good for functioning and working, for me anyway. If I was going to do a real opiate to manage my pain, it'd be dilaudid (hydromorphone). T-PAIN is legal and affordable, and does the trick fairly well, so that's why I use it. It also helps in other ways with my depression and anxiety.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    If you're worried about our elected officials and government working for our benefit ONLY, then wtf is going on in the middle east? what about all the money we dump in all these fucked up countries? what about the military we built and continually fund for Israel. If we work to help our neighbors, it would only better our own country.

    Yeah, I do think you specifically are spewing racist bullshit. I think it's sick that you're more worried about this issue, that wouldn't be an issue if we addressed it in a humane, and empathetic manner, than this giant travesties we've allowed our elected officials to support and continue without any pressure to change, which would drastically improve our country. These people here are a petty fucking issue compared to the war on drugs, our dependence on cheap chinese shit, and our debt that's fucked over our generation's social security that we are paying just so our parents get their check every month.

    You must not know many people of Mexican heritage, and believe a bunch of racist stereotypes to keep promoting your retarded, and misguided agenda. The point is fixing our country EFFICIENTLY, and this does not accomplish that, where as the things I pointed out would do so much more, and even indirectly help countries like Mexico from being the corrupt and dangerous as it's government is now. You're just so insecure about someone of a different heritage, or skin tone that you fail to see people for who they are, and what they can give to our community. I feel sorry for you, because it's all rooted in fear, misguided fear. Sadly, people like you rarely open their eyes, and thrive on hate and bigotry, rather than see the real and true monsters that lurk among us.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by the holy ghost you take the internet incredibly seriously

    Not really. I think it's lulzy you'd try to prod me in stating you'd want to hurt my child, I'm just honest is all. If some DID harm my child, or was a serious threat to them, truth is, they'd be fucked and regretting that decision. I take my child seriously, not the internet.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by reject I know you have to tell yourself this and justify it to convince yourself you're a good mother, but ask 99% of women who have given birth and they'll say your child being born an addict is a bad thing. It's just child abuse. Nothing less.

    Misinformed, uneducated people, who have no idea of the circumstances, medicine, biology, or chemistry, like yourself would, I agree. 50% of those same mothers, if not more, would also be hypocrites too, and have gave far less thought, and concern into learning, researching and making the best choices for their unborn child than I have. I don't tell myself this to justify anything or convince myself of anything. You don't even know what child abuse is, and if you think I've ever abused my child, you're very ill informed. The right choice isn't always (and rarely is) going to be the popular choice. Think for yourself, educate yourself before you hurl insults at me- come back when you've learned something.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I have a herniated disc, I have two torn meniscus in my knees, I have had my feet broken 6 times in my life, with one injury causing the 5th metatrasal to not heal correctly, thus being free floating/the bone did not heal back together in my left foot. I've dealt with sciatic nerve pain for a very long time, not to mention I am quite arthritic in all my joints. I have a thoracic aortic aneurysm, and often suffer from angina (chest pain- which I take propranolol to control), and have suffered a heart attack in March. I also get kidney stones periodically. Granted, there are people far more fucked up than me, who likely suffer pain greater than I could bear, but I do legitimately have documented reasons to be using pain medications. My doctor had me on perc 10's, hydrocodone 10's, somas, tramadol, xanax, and a bunch of other shit since I was 16 to 22. I can't afford a doctor anymore (assuming I could find a doctor who understand chronic pain knows no age, and isn't afraid of the DEA butting into treating their patient appropriately- I know a paraplegic/wheelchair bound woman who is my age, who's had several surgeries, and deals with intense pain whom she can't find a doctor to treat her because of her age- under 35 and they are terrified to treat you because of the DEA's bullshit), so I medicate with T-PAIN, and it helps, without having to deal with the headaches of going monthly and dealing with their dumbass shit. The icing on the cake is chronic depression, and anxiety, which is as real as any of the physical pain I have too.

    I wish I were healthy, I wish I could kick drugs altogether and live each day sober and pain free. I envy the healthy, I envy people who can live day to day without a chemical crutch. I have no idea why someone would use, much less spiral into addiction, when they don't have something wrong with them. I've thought about this a lot, and I think most people who use and develop addictions, do so because they do, somewhere have pain in their lives. Yes, I think most usually medicate with the wrong things, sometimes being extremely harmful, in very negative patterns of use and abuse, but I don't believe a person who is healthy and well in mind and body would toy with their brain chemistry, especially so far as to develop physical dependency, if something wasn't wrong with them. There is a great deal of pain and suffering in the world, and the only difference now is that we live in an age with a great many drugs more available, that do a great many different things to help us that our ancestors didn't have before. I don't believe we live in a world where suddenly there has been a massive rise in pain of the population, rather it's always been there, but we lacked many chemicals, and access to such drugs in those days. What we should being doing about this is finding the root of the problems and help these individuals address their specific form of pain so they can be productive, happy people. Education is key here. I believe a lot has to do with lack of education, and limited resources to pinpoint and address their issue. So many people fail to see mental illness, depression, anxiety as "pain". While it isn't in the traditional sense, it is very much a real pain many people experience, and there is so much taboo, lack of understanding, and lack of resources for people to appropriately address these issues with and without the use of drugs in a healthy, productive manner. There is so much we don't even understand about how our own bodies operate and function, we're still guessing at a large percent. I think a lot of people who have these problems fail to even see where it stems from because there is so much racket and stigma against people who use drugs, along with this stereotype- I've known so many heroin addicts who were hard working guys, who provided for their families working manual labor, where often they first got hurt, creating their chronic pain issues. I've known more of those types than I have of the stereotype "junkie" who's homeless nodding out on the streets, and even those often are there after being stripped of their job, losing everything, including family for being busted with drugs and having this stigma surround them, trapped and unable to receive proper care for problems. You'd see crime plummet if drugs were legalized, along with more education and resources for people who suffer. Pain comes in many different forms and we all handle it differently, but it's something we as a people should take more seriously, with a focus on education and resources to help people who fall into this category.

    I really don't wish pain on people, not the day in, day out suffering I and others like me have, but when you deal with people, and doctors who have no understanding of true pain, and what it's like, and the toll it takes on one mentally each day, it seems like the only thing that gets people to understand why someone would choose dependency to a drug over having to live with the constant pain daily. If you walked in my shoes, you'd understand, and not judge me as some junkie looking to get high. I wish I were normal, healthy and able to function and enjoy life without a monkey on my back, but that monkey is the only reason I am able to live a semi-normal, productive life.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by reject Someone report §m£ÂgØL

    §m£ÂgØL is a US citizen. He was born in the states.

    Originally posted by Number13 Because it's been proven by history that only White or Asian countries become successful and stay that way.
    But right now if they want in then they can legally come in but we're not talking about legals here, we're talking criminals and if you commit a crime coming in then how are we supposed to expect you to not commit crimes when you're in? or to not become a leech on the government/society? Letting them stay is literally and figuratively helping to kill your country.
    Eat shit.

    White? What about Spain? Also, Saudi Arabia seems to be doing pretty good, especially since they found oil. Stay that way? hmm... time changes everything. Think about the Gauls, and Celtic folk- they were over run and conquered by the Romans, who really were just a hodge podge of Mediterranean/sand niggers. Which pretty much are the bulk of the Mexican genetic makeup. If we were discussing Africa, you might have a point. They failed to utilize their natural resources to their potential, and were essentially enslaved to where shit is so corrupt, they can't because they are still being leeched on, and stuck in the past playing stupid tit-for-tat civil war shit with one another. But we aren't discussing these folks, now are we? No, we are discussing a people who have more European ancestry than most Americans can claim. It really doesn't matter, now does it though? Most Mexicans coming here are extremely hardworking, especially compared to the average American's work ethic. As far as leeching- that's something that could be remedied without the need for mass deportation, such as making it so they can pay taxes, they can work legally without fear of deportation. Honestly, there are more citizens leeching off and using the system than there are illegals. If you consider someone coming to another country to improve their living standards for themselves and their families a crime, the fuck.. what about the majority of American's who smoke weed while it's still Federally a crime to possess and ingest. At least the former is doing it for morally noble reason, where the latter is doing it for hedonistic and selfish reason. Just because someone terms it a crime doesn't mean it SHOULD be a crime. Most illegals work hard, and don't commit crimes. I've know a lot of them, and I think in a lot of ways they've been better people than many born and bred Americans. Our country makes it exceptionally hard, and a lengthy process for these folks to obtain citizenship, or even get green cards, work visas, to reside here while they go through the process. Many have kin here, families who are legal and work supporting them too. Too many are taken advantage of by the citizens whom would see them deported. It's fucked thing all the way around, but I am not for someone being deported who's fought so long, and work so hard for next to nothing, in hopes of having a better life here, most likely with family who are citizens here. Again, the biggest problems we face aren't people coming illegally, but the morally defunct already holding seats of power, propagating the war on drugs, dependency on cheap chinese shit, and fucking up our own safety net and insurance policy that every working american pays into, which is social security, which won't be there for you and I when we reach the age of retirement, but guesswhat? We're stilly paying in, just so the previous generation can collect their check. How about stopping the military industrial complex, and going on expensive wars we need to borrow money and be in debt to fight? You dn't see a problem with us stuck over in the middle east for the false reasons we were lied to go, and how long we've been over there fighting, and wasting american lives? Somethng is wrong, but it's ain't so much illegals being the problem, it's ourselves and a few people on top's retarded, money scheming agendas.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    lol I don't have any "heroin needles" first off, and secondly, I could be dying in the worst form of pain, but I'd still muster the strength to rip your tongue out your ass, and have you pleading for death long before it comes. I wouldn't need pain medicine at that point, for someone who's harmed my child, it would be enough sadistic adrenaline to go until you suffer more than you could handle.

    I might suffer in pain, but you underestimate my ability to stave it off and do what needs doing when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, and I promise, for anyone who'd harm my child, I'd trade any form of pain relief to have my way with them and let them become familiar with the evil that usually lies dormant within me. I'm a very nice person, I'm genuinely empathetic, generous and caring, but not not when it comes to people who'd harm the people I love- I turn into a different person, and just as nice and kind as I can be, I can be just as evil, and sadistic under such circumstance.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by the holy ghost i want to harm your child

    If you did, you'd make the gravest mistake of your life, and no god or person would be able to help you.

    Originally posted by reject You made your son be born an addict.

    So, err, suicide?

    I didn't make my son born an addict. There is absolutely no difference between any other mother who takes a drug throughout pregnancy for medical reasons. You act like this has negatively affected my child, when it has not. I have a thoracic aortic aneurysm too, and needed to continue my propranolol. Does that make me a bad mother because I continued a medication that has negative side effects, akin to withdrawal (that could have resulted in my death rather quickly- Hell, even taking it, I suffered a heart attack last March- my cardiovascular shit is no joke) for sudden withdrawal from? Pregnancy causes the blood vessels to stress, and usually results in enlarging aneurysms, thus increasing the risk of it suddenly rupturing and me bleeding to death internally, with no hope of being saved, much less even making it the ER alive. If I had stopped taking T-PAIN, I very likely would have miscarried, and even so, if I didn't, stress like that undergone by the fetus is by far more harmful than continuing. For him, he experienced no stress from sudden withdrawal, or my health being needlessly compromised, which intern compromises the fetus, and was born healthy, happy, and experienced no negative side effects from my usage. There is a reason doctors will prescribe methadone to pregnant mothers whom have been dependent on opiates- because it's in the best interest of both parties, especially the fetus, and considering my other health issues, me continuing was far more preferable for him than me discontinuing. Believe me, I weighed both sides carefully.

    I know there will always be close minded assholes, trolls, and people who have little understanding of the intricacies involved with pregnancy, and especially my unique circumstances, but I know I did the right thing for him. If I'd not had these circumstances that existed prior to conception, of course, I'd never have done any drug, unless it was beneficial to his and my health. Many woman have to continue on anti-depressants or even be started on them during pregnancy- discontinuing an anti-depressant, of which to discontinue is to wean/taper off of, rather than quit suddenly. Why? Because they have withdrawal like effects that can negatively affect a person. There have been human studies conducted on T-PAIN during pregnancy that are coming to the conclusion that they are safe and do not present harm to the fetus. My son was born happy, healthy with no ill affect, so why do you try to use this to act like I am this terrible person for weighing the pros and cons for the health of taking medications during pregnancy? If it had been safe, and in his benefit, I would have discontinued using any drug, but it wasn't. Life is rarely ideal, and everyone is forced to make do, and make the best choices they can with what they have, and in this case, my son was born healthier than many babies that are birthed by mothers who take zero medications during pregnancy. He also was vigorous, thriving, and happy- with zero stress. Breastfeeding wasn't easy, and it'd have been easier to just stuff a bottle in his mouth and calling it a day, but no, I didn't do that, I did what was best for him. When I dried up, I went through hell to find him the next best thing rather than be on formula. He has always been my priority, and I always carefully weigh the pros and cons for his benefit and well being in everything and will always choose that regardless of what you or anyone thinks, even if it's hard for me, even if some people like you will look at me as a terrible mother for the truth- he's more important than what you or others might think of me as. I will always do right by him and make the best choices I can for him, as I always have. I'd rather people not just say I'm a shit mother for the choices I've made during my pregnancy and in his life (without even seeing the whole picture, no less, or understanding how drugs and pregnancy work, function, and effect a fetus and mother), but my ego is far down the list of priorities, when his health and happiness is at the top of the list. I will always do the best I can for him, regardless of how people perceive me.

    I know you must gain some pleasure, or reassurance from painting a faceless woman on the internet as this awful person. Does it help you sleep better at night thinking you're not the worst person in the world? Does it give you some joy in laughing about things you have little comprehension of, all while assuming your position, and societal adopted opinion is correct? You choose to see me as a bad mom, rather than see anything good about me to help your own ego get stroked. Really, all you do is point a finger at me "bad mom!" for needing to continue medication during pregnancy... really, I was a bad mom for staying with an abusive partner throughout, for working long days to support someone who took all my money away from what should have been being saved in preparation of my child coming into the world. I made a terrible mistake in believing that person's lies, and letting them leech off me and my unborn child, manipulating and abusing me mentally and physically. That did more harm to my child, and myself than anything I did during or after my pregnancy, and I should have, and I regret that, and feel guilty for that every single day. No body is perfect, and I erred, but as soon as I seen my err, I adjusted it and moved forward to do the best I could for him and myself. I sacrificed a lot to do that, but I did what was best for us both. I am grateful to my child for being the light in my life that finally woke me up and showed me what awful things I had allowed to happen, and unlike other mothers who would have continued for sake of ease, for sake of habit continue in that abuse and manipulation, I did the right thing, and I got us both out of that situation before any lasting damage was done. I may not have been worth anymore than that life I was living, but I know for certain my son is worth more than that. I am a flawed person, but my heart, and the intention of my choices, which I weigh heavily, are always made for his best interest.

    Fault me for my wrongs, fault me for my mistakes, but don't fault me for shit you don't understand and take out of context, when you cannot see the complexity of a situation. If I were a liar, I certainly would lie about a lot of things I've disclosed. Since no one seems to understand pregnancy and continuation of medication, then one would assume I'd lie and say I did absolutely no drugs whatsoever during or after my pregnancy. The only liar I can plainly see here is Bill Krozby, because his life is so sad and boring that he needs to twist the words, take shit out of context, and outright lie about things he doesn't even have the brain capacity to comprehend. You all are just judgemental sheep, unable to think and reason for yourselves, and use berating a mother as being bad to inflate your own sorry egos.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Yeah, that's some NARC shit right there. I ain't no fucking NARC, if I got a problem with someone, I fucking handle it, not be a little snitchy bitch and call big brother to do it for me. Pussy bitches with no life are fuckers who'd bother to report someone just trying to live their life. We are all people, individuals, with minds, hearts, and potential- Why are we submitting to this shit that is propaganda to divide us, rather than be stronger as one? The problem isn't the average illegal Mexican immigrant, it's shit like the war on drugs, and our dependency on cheap shit from China, and fucking over social security for the next generation, and this fucked debt we got ourselves into- for what? war.. retard, stupid, needless war.

    Also, why not work to help our neighbors be as well off as we as a Country are? If we did that, then really, would we need to worry about illegals?
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I wish I didn't need opiates just to function. I wish I could be normal, and I didn't suffer with pain every single day, around the clock. It's a shitty life, living like this, but would be even shittier if I didn't have anything to help with relieving pain.

    a-nom-a-ly, you'd know if you had chronic pain, there is no "probably" with chronic pain. When I went without opiates, I spent the majority of it bed ridden, unable to get up, unable to move, unable to do jack shit, much less work a job- and no, I'm not referring to any withdrawals here, I'm talking being completely clean and sober for an extended period of time, years. I'd have pain that would result in me breaking down to tears. Even when I do have opiates, the pain is still there though, and some days are worse than others, and results in not being able to do anything, or having it get so bad I'm crying, or on the verge of. Opiates just take the edge off, they don't kill it completely, or very rarely do, at any rate. Be happy that you don't have shit like this affecting every aspect of your life. I'd trade anything to not be hurting and dependent on T-PAIN, or any drug for that matter.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Doesn't THC bond to fats? If so, the milkshake one might aid in getting one high. The water, might not get you high. I've heard of people using alcohol as a liquid medium in bongs before. Never tried it myself, nor do I have a desire to. I don't like to drink all that often anyway. Eiter way, I could see the mint being nice, maybe... though I do like the taste of weed, especially the fire strains.

    Cherry Pie was among my favorites and helped with pain better than any strain I've tried and was the only strain I ever toked with my dad that he actually liked and helped with his pain too. I like Maui-Wowie for day time, get shit done sorta shit though. Since we are so far apart, and my shit came out of Colorado, don't know if this will help you or not, Malice, but if you get a chance to try Chery Pie, I hope you do and let me know what you think of it. It had a very cherry/fruity taste to it, and you definitely could imagine a cherry pie flavor while smoking and could see where it got it's name. lol, ironically, my dad hated cherry flavored anything except this or fresh white/yellow/Rainer Cherries- he hated red cherries.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    who would say buy me this buy me that buy me a car buy me a farm just buy. buy buy and she staretd out asking you at a club just buy me this buy me that buy me a popcorn buy me cigarettes and it turned into buy me everything?
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