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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Malice It's perfect. Feasible, easy to get away with. More than enough information to track down Lanny. He was already foolish enough to meet IRL.

    Not that I would actually do it, of course.

    Any criticisms? Any reason why this wouldn't work? Even if it was a suicide mission that would surely end in capture or identification, some may have come to terms with death years ago. This would be a unique crime that would go down in history, especially if a manifesto was posted online at some point, which could be triggered automatically. Your crime, what led you to it, and your writing, would be remembered for decades. You would even have a living testament to what had occurred, someone who had to bear the memory and knowledge, and would for the rest of his life live in suffering, even if it was simple cognitive deficit, always trying to find a cure, a treatment, likely becoming the subject of studies, possibly even experimental procedures, and it could provide valuable information about the human brain as well.

    It brings to mind the film Seven and how the antagonist structured his unique crimes to fit the sins of his victims. In this case the sin would be evoking the wrath of the rightful god of the new world.

    Yeah, but still... Don't be doing this shit to Lan-Lan Rodgers... There are people far more deserving and condescending than Lan-Lan is... Do it to them, not him.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    That's pretty badass, Mal. Lol... I was just talking about that book, Flowers for Algernon today too. Great book, BTW.

    Think up some kind of cool hell for my exhusband... Wait, never mind.. That's easy: a real job he had to go to work at everyday... Lazy fucker.

    Anyway, I appreciate the attention to Detail in plotting a great way to fuck with someone hardcore... My dad and I often went through shit like this plotting for all the asshole niggers we had to deal with in our life, so I can appreciate this more than most, but honestly... Lanny doesn't deserve this... Save it for someone who really does, like a. Condescending doctor or Psychiatrist.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Yeah... Comcast is the worst and I'm so glad I or my family haven't ever been in a position to be customers (sometimes that's the only provider in your area and it sucks).

    Currently, I'm with Verizon which over all has been pretty good.

    This is fucked shit to think is going on though. I hope the news and people catch on to this and something is done about it.

    Doesn't an image search for Comcast still come up with a Nazi flag? That is fucking great. I hope so... It warms my heart so many people put that much effort into branding that shit company with Nazi affiliation. I only wish they could have associated them with child molesters, that's the only thing that would have been better.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mmQ Wait.

    The highlighter was up there for days?

    Must have been something really pointiant in there. ;)

    Yeah, I'm wondering that too now... HE'S, How many days DID you sit around with a highlighter up your ass? Seriously, if you don't mind, I think you need to have a retelling, from start to finish about this epically lulzy event for old times sake. I remember reading about it but it was so long ago I've forgotten all the details and I'm sure a lot of us have too...

    So yes... Please, let's have a story time. It'll be fun.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Thinking about all the shit and the past I felt I wanted to out this down to text, whether you, §m£ÂgØL, read this or not. (half Baked seemed an appropriate section to post this in lol)

    §m£ÂgØL, if you read this, I'm sorry for hurting you and I am sorry I brought so much drama, negativity in your life and I never wanted to to be that way, and more than anything I am sorry I ruined such a great friendship. I hope you do wonderful things and have wonderful things and people in your life and you have the love I couldn't ever give to you. I NEVER not ever wanted you to be lonely or miserable and fail. and I still will send that shit when I can- sorry I'm broke and don't have the postage to mail it right now- I will will I'm not in this piss-poor economical situation like am, although if it matters for you to know and you actually read this, shit in my life is better, my health is getting better. I am glad to be alive. I am glad you did get me help so I can be here now and I thank you for that. I have no resentment for that anymore- I know you were only trying to do the right thing for me and I see that now. I appreciate the friend you were to me when you were especially at the time in my life where I needed it the most from you- you helped me escape an awful person and supported me through a lot as a friend and I'll always be grateful for that.

    I hope too you get help for your problems and come to where you're ready to deal with your demons and/or find a person to help you face those things- I see now I could never be that person, despite how I tried- I'm sorry for that and sorry for trying so hard to be. You can bullshit me and everyone else Al day long... You can lie and say what you want but when you finally decide to be honest with yourself about your problems, I hope you know and finally see nothing I said was an insult, and nothing I did was to hurt you, not intentionally anyway, but you're a very self-centered person, and again, that isn't always a bad thing, but one of the huge incompatibilities between you and I, and I accept you might never see my true intentions or the person I really am- that's okay and I accept that with no grief anymore. I really hope you grow up and really get to experience life- again, not an insult or to be taken offensively- but you've been very sheltered and I'm sorry everything to do with me was such a negative shock for you. I really hope you see past those things on the outside you feel is wrong with you (it isn't) and dig deeper to deal with those real problems on the inside - I hope you don't stay scared forever to do that, as it's the only way you're going to overcome anything and have long term success and happiness in life- you have good qualities and are a good person and I hope you keep all that, while refining and dealing with your issues to become even better for that special someone in your life or whatever it is that brings you happiness.

    I have someone in my life now I never thought I could have or ever thought would work out because if shit from the past. You know who they are, I'm just not going to put that out here, not that they care, but it doesn't matter. Hell, fucktard knows who they are- I've known him before I knew any of you, and I hope fucktard does think about who that person is, if he does read this by chance, and thinks real hard about that... That he thinks real hard with who he'd be fucking with if he ever thinks of fucking with me and my son again.

    If you've come in you're head to who I'm referring to, and if by chance you also had any care, concern or worry for my son, you should be happy to know he's doing well and also will have a really great male role model in his life come shortly. I wouldn't have ever guessed it, but he's been really positive about my son being in our life too- another reason I never thought that relationship was possible, but, meh... My life is weird and nothing is normal so I don't expect this, nor how it manifested to be to be normal either. I'm not like you and going to strive for some ideal picture in my head... And not saying that's a bad thing, its just where we differed significantly and one of many reasons shit could never work with us- I'm glad it didn't, to be honest.

    I'm going to be moving fairly soon. Shit is on its way up, and I hope it is for you too. I'll still always consider you a friend and if I can help you ever... Well, I'm here- I always said I would be and I mean that.

    Fucking funny how life works, isn't it? A person who's always been there... All those years. It took some fucked up shit to make that shit finally click for the both of us, but while I wish it hadn't have happened that way, I'm glad it happened so shit finally can get better for the both of us- which it is, and I know it will and I don't have any of that anxiety and fear and bullshit self doubt chirping in my ear anymore,and is Al the more reason I know shit somehow, some fucked up way was meant to be like it has-sorry you got hurt in it all, and sorry I did a lot of the hurting... Wish it hadn't been like that. If right now you're not happy and on your way up like I am, I truly hope soon, one day you will be just as happy and have shit go great and be in a good place soon enough. I only wish the best for you in everything you do.

    Good luck, live long and prosper. Take care, be well, be safe, be happy.

    (I really don't care to get reply so don't feel obligated to... I figure you'll read this anyway... No sense in saying shit we already know, nor do I want to go over anything more here - I said what needs saying- If you must say something in reply or wish to talk about it, you know how to PM me. Have a great life, and I sincerely mean that.)
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    HTSnoob/Phoenix has her/his/whatever (I don't care what you are and I don't say that to be offensive-not sure what term you prefer though) lulz from this community, just as I do, although I am thankful it wasn't me who is remembered for a highlighter stuck up my ass for days... So yeah... Thank you, HTS, for taking that legendary, epic lulz experience for the team, so to speak- I get to be the one remembered for having a threesome with two faggots, one being from this fucked up community, while simultaneously getting pregnant... Now I type it I take that back... I wish I only was remembered for getting a highlighter stuck up my ass :/ lol.

    When shit was not so good for me she/he reached out to me and I really appreciate that even though I wasn't receptive to that help I was being shown at the time,so as far as I'm concerned I really think that he/she is a good person like the handful of really good people and friends I've been lucky enough to meet, who've helped me and been really positive and helpful friends, and so much more in my life- but it blows my mind that so many have come from the totse/zoklet circles erk everytime I think about it-so I appreciate people like that...

    Phoenix, you're a cool person, even though I can't say I know you all that well, but I can see you're a good person for being kind enough to reach out to me in my time of need when everyone just about seemed to against me, even though youd heard a lot of fucked shit about me too which I don't blame you or anyone for thinking bad of me... I accept and take responsibility for the fucked shit I'd did- what I did was wrong, I have a great deal of guilt and remorse for that and wish I'd done differently... But I can't change that unfortunately... But all I can do is move on, and work to be a better person everyday, and say from my heart I genuinely am sorry and apologize to everyone I hurt. I appreciate you seeing past all the bad shit about me and trying at least to be there and reach out when I was in an awful place- despite my rejection of that it still means a lot and speaks volumes about your character- if ever I can return the kindness, hit me up.

    Scrawny, good thread, 10/10.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by philthyphukinspickling wow what a bunch of nasty drug fiends in this thread

    Some people like myself love in chronic pain from injuries sustained. I can't speak for everyone, OP especially, but some people do have legitimate reasons to strive to find pain relief- opiates and opiate-type drugs help.

    Not everyone who uses drugs is a "fiend". Love in chronic pain for a part of your life and then you'll understand.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    If you're desperate to have the highest bioavailability and shit, just plug it. Though even then I heard someone say they would shit blood after from how caustic the shit can be,but I think plugging is by far a lot safer than IVing and that's coming from someone who has no qualms with IVing opiates in a safe and clean manner.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    1337 lived through this hell. Don't do that shit, for real. I'm a fucking Tia*neptine long term user, and even I won't do that.

    I IVed once when I was desperate and walked out of the hospital with pneumonia and in WDs and still had the IV catheter in my hand and did a shot in that and still have a scar from it.

    Tia*neptine is nothing to play with. It has some very useful properties but shouldnt be used lightly.

    Post last edited by hydromorphone at 2017-05-28T23:49:38.558564+00:00
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Dargo You confuse me because you sometimes act feminine.

    Yeah, Sophie is right. I was going to say even before reading his post he is definitely an beta. That nigga got his shit together better than most around these parts besides being a pedo.

    Idk if I qualify for beta or beta status since I'm female after all... Don't we all fall into beta status by default anyway?
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I truly believe that society has to drop this stigma and ostroziation toward those who have the mental disorder of being a pedophile. I'm not talking about people who've molested a child, but that person before it happened- they need to get help and not be scared to say "I have a problem" in order to get help or be scared that they'll be punished for doing the right thing of seeking help, which has happened- it brings a whole fucking clusterfuck of shit that could go wrong and ruined families and their support system.

    Those people need help before they end up hurting a child. They need to have professionals and society join together to help these people deal and cope with this terrible affliction that they legitimately can't help or control anymore that you or I can control being attracted to men or woman. The problem isn't the pedophilia, it's the actions that end up harming children.

    I truly believe that simulated child porn should be legal everywhere and that it would help these people have an outlet to cope, not make shit worse. It would also put a huge dent in the child porn available now... It's not like those with this problem have much of a choice when they do go looking- the real deal seems far easier to find than simulated shit. Simulated cp has no "victim" and there I no guilt attached, and I think the most who have this problem could live their days with coping through that and therapy (if it weren't as it is... It's hell for these people to get mental health help, so often they are refused or if they have a minor relative in the home CPS is called just because they are seeking help,not because there is any other reason to think something else happened or is happening - shit after all you've got a person TRYING to get help.. That's a good thing).

    As for people who molest children and hurt them, I think it should be on a case by case basis. A lot get lumped in with kiddie-diddlers who just were 18 dating someone from their high school who was 14-17 or something or a situation where they were in a home that cycled with sexual abuse through the generations and at some point they did something they shouldn't as a teenager. Those people who violently rape and molest and put kids through hell though should definitely be taken out back and shot.

    I'm for getting pedos help before they harm children. I think we as a society need to change there and stop lumping them in with people who actually harm children.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    It's a muscle relaxer. How many did he eat and what is the dog's body weight. If he didn't eat a lot and/or IS A large dog he should be okay, but you have to be careful with shit that can suppress the CNS.

    A good idea is to always have some Activated charcoal on hand when you have animals and kids. It could end up saving their lives. You can buy it in capsules from the health food store. Not sure if Walmart sells it but they might. In the event that you have a dog or animal eat meds like this you can always give them that at least so so much doesn't absorb in their blood stream. I always have a bottle in my first aid kit for emergencies such as these.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump smoke meth

    QFT. nothing better than to get a nice weed buzz and compliment it with some methamphetamines... Solves the problem of your ass being glued to the couch too.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    One day my dad and I were out about. It was a Friday and he was going to the store to check out/get some computer components (we'd build computers together and shit- fun shit right there). I was 5 years old. This black man in his early 20's was broke down on the belt way so my dad stopped to see of he could help. It wasn't something he could help with unfortunately. The guy said "damn, of all day this is the day my car breaks down. I just graduated from college, I got my student loans coming in, and this is the first good job to call me back for an Interview". This interview for this guy was 40miles away. My dad said "okay, get in. I'll make sure you get to your interview". The guy was shocked- some burly white dude with his 5 year old daughter was offering. To drive him. 40miles so he wouldn't miss a job interview... You could see it all over his face how surprised he was my dad offered.

    We get there and wait for like 2 hours for him to come out. He finally comes out- he got the job. We drive him back to his car, wait for the tow truck to get there and all and this guy was ecstatic. Some random act of kindness saved his ass- maybe even changed his whole life, who knows.

    My dad did shit like that. We'd never seen this dude before, never seen him again. My dad just would help anyone if he could. That stuck with me all my life.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Darth Beaver No, but it would keep you awake on a long trip.

    Yep, and I'm sure you know this from first hand experience.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Here are some ideas for role models.

    President of the USA Donald Trump.

    GOD(Yahweh, Allah, Buddha, Zod, L ron hubbard) Atheism is cool but they need to believe in a higher power, young flower

    I recommend someone like pastor Joel Osteen, you should expose your child to motivational conservative values.

    Also I think what they read, watch and play with is important. Cowboys, Spacemen, Superheros, Police, Cars, Robots, Monsters, Insects, Construction. Boys need to be exposed to masculinity, they need to learn about technology, money and even things like girls toys, any kind of exposure to sex in a healthy birds and bees kind of way.

    I'm not sure how I feel about cross dressing lol. Also every child needs Calvin and Hobbes style Character Building.

    Also Ronkle toy logic IQ pussles.

    I agree. My son doesn't usually like to play with, or isn't occupied for long with typical toys for his age. He would rather figure out how to pull something apart and put it back together. I see a "tinkerer" in him, just like I was at that age. I want to encourage that. He comes to me a lot for help when he can't get the shit to go back together and I will show him what he's doing wrong and how to get it to go back together- he usually gets it in a couple tries, and he's just turned 2 years old so I think that's pretty impressive at that age anyway.

    I don't give a fuck what sort of toys he gravitates to as long as it makes him happy. I never understood why parents would get upset if their son would play with say a barbie doll or something. My take is, shit... Doesn't that like show some early signs of "birds and the bees" sort of sexual attraction and curiosity? I'd think so and I think that's healthy.

    I'll support and be happy with my child no matter what he wants or is interested in. If he wants to play with dolls then more power to him. If his favorite color is pink... Well... I'm going to be a little disappointed because I hate that color but who am I to judge what color someone likes? As a kid I was never attracted to "girl" toys. I was a tomboy and would play with more "boy" toys than anything and be attracted to doing like my son does now and trying to figure out how shit works.

    I think you've made some valid points and reasonable parenting advice despite being a meth using shit posting trianglist weirdo. Good job.

    EDIT: I'm not keen on this Christian nut jobs or forcing religion on my son, but I can understand why a motivational person such as that pastor could be a useful tool/educational and helpful to. His development- I'll try to find someone who's not so focused on "god" for that, so. I think for the most part it's good advice. I'll teach religion in a educational way, and if he wants to learn more or delve deeper into something, I'll support him learning more about it, even if it means taking him to whatever church/religious group he wants to investigate further. I'll lay out how I believe, but I won't pressure or make him feel badly if he doesnt feel or see it that way.

    He's a good baby and I am lucky he has been so easy to parent and deal with- he's been a real joy to have around, if I'm honest. The stress I have of being a single mother hasn't been from him or anything he's done, it's just the obstacles that come with being a single patent/work/bullshit and stuff, not him.

    I really appreciate you making the effort to give sound, relevant (not so much to this thread- but hey... It does tie in to parenting and it hasn't been bad advice for the most part) and thoughtful consideration to my son's upbringing and doing the best I can with what I have available to me.

    I'm really fortunate that my son is going to have an incredibly hard working, dedicated, and loving man in both our lives soon enough, once we get shit straight and get things going that is gonna take a short amount of time to accomplish. I'm surprised that my friend has expressed to me that he does want to be involved like that with my son and has been thoughtful and considerate of the fact that my son does needs a good male role model in his life, independent from anything I've said- I don't expect anyone to "parent" or be doing things they shouldn't have to be doing, as in not having children of their own. That makes me really happy though that those things have manifested from his own thought about my son and nothing I've said to be like "you need to parent/be a role model to my kid when we live together"- he's just genuinely been thinking and wants to be there for my son in that role I can't fill, being a mother. Never ever thought this person would ever be cool with kids. His aversion to children had been just like mine- fear of fucking up, or doing something wrong, not because we hate kids. It makes me really happy and all warm and fuzzy inside. This is a good thing - really good thing that is going to transform all three of our lives.

    Post last edited by hydromorphone at 2017-05-27T17:13:26.400577+00:00
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'm not a big cat person, and cats quite possibly are the most evil domestic creature on this earth, but I don't think that most cats are "bored" really when they are being well taken care of and have a human who shows them affection now and again.

    Do you let her go outside? Do you play with her with one of those Lazer lights? Or those silly little sticks that have a string and feathers that you bounce around on the ground and drag it around and most cats go apeshit attacking it- cats love those and most the time they aren't that hard to please. Get them some cat nip once in a while too- shit if you can get high why shouldn't they be able to?

    You seem like a good pet owner in that you at least ask questions like " is my pet bored?" and shit. Bad with owners don't usually ask those questions seriously. You've earned my respect in trying to do good by your cat-even though I don't like cats all that much, it says a lot about your character.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Oh shit,thats cool as fuck. I didn't read site yet but I will soon as I get a chance. I hope you go through with something like this- I definitely see you succeeding in an epically lulzy way, dude.

    How the therapy (didn't you say you were gonna be working with animals or something?) and Nardil coming along? Good, I hope.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Your son needs a father in his life. You can be the best mother in the world and give him a perfect life but it will have one vital flaw, boys need a male role model in their life that will teach them how to be a real man.

    Don't let him watch TV lol.

    I know he needs good male role models in his life and he will have that. I have a person that is going to be the good role model he needs and has been helping me too with my shit. He's a million times better of a person than I've ever had in my life (though he's been there for like... Ever, since I was a teenager, before I met my exhusband even), even just as a friend he's treated me a million times better than I deserve, better than my exhusband or §m£ÂgØL ever treated me, and I know too he's going to be good to my son and be that male figure he needs in his life. Well, I guess I do have a boyfriend now... But he's done so much to help me over the years, he's been there in my darkest hours and got me through some serious shit- fuck, he literally has saved my life, no exaggeration, when I had overdosed by taking a ton of pills many years ago- and now I can finally say I am very happy he did. I was alway appreciative that he care that much about me when no one else cared, but now I genuinely am happy he did. It's funny that this great person I needed in my life as a partner was there the whole time.. And it took a fucked up scary thing to happen for us both to realize that about each other. I'm really lucky and this is why I am working so hard to find answers and to fix myself- I want to be the best person I can, to be the person he deserves for him and my son and he's been this person who's motivated me to be better than who I am now and has given me hope that I can be... I didn't think I could for a long time, especially with shit §m£ÂgØL had said to me.

    My son hardly ever watches TV. We will watch a movie or something once in a while or I'll sit and watch a kid show with him, but I'm not going to let him zone into watching the TV all day long- that's ridiculous and not good for kids to grow that sort of TV addiction, even me or other people, it's fucked up and I hate sitting in front of a TV all day, but I know people who do (my exhusband did). That won't happen with me though.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by infinityshock you are literally succumbing (see what I did there?) to the new narrative of being a victim, defective, and disabled. the fucking jedis are literally making up fake diseases, publishing them in their DSM work of fiction, and making people volunteer to suffer from ailments that…literally…dont exist.

    stop being a mindless victim. take ownership of your personality and however it adheres to… or conflicts with… societal norms. dont be a bitch* (* bitch definition as one who is incapable of making decisions for themselves or forming a coherent though process without the permission of those who are better than they are)

    and…stfu and post nude selfies

    I'm not taking a victim stance here and yes, I can agree that boxing symptoms and shit here and there to make a "disorder" in many ways can be counter-productive to quantifing a person and making plans to address those issues,but sometimes it helps narrow down the field to at least see what has worked for those who have similar issues.

    Being a victim is saying "I have *insert problem here*, so this I why my life has been, is, and always will be fucked up." and I believe people do that because it's easy to blame shit on something else rather than look and have meaningful introspection of one's self, and it's far harder to take that honest look and address those issues - it isn't easy,nit by a long shot. I don't want to be a victim and I don't feel as though I am. All I am doing is being honest about my problems, symptoms so I know what I need to fix and formulate that plan to fix it. I don't want to live with anxiety forever and be scared to get the fucking mail or stupid shit like that. I don't want to live in terror anymore like I have over these things in my head that is all fucked up. I want to be better and I want to fix them.

    First step is figuring out what the fuck is wrong and going on. Step two is making a plan and trying ways that have shown success for others who've had similar problems. Step three is evaluating all this and seeing if this shit is working and improving or not.. If not, then it's back to step two to strategize another "plan of attack".

    I know something is wrong with me. I'm not going to live in denial over it anymore. It affects the people I live, and myself as a person to my very core and I can't keep going like this without turning this shit around and making shit better..

    I NEVER gave my son T-PAIN and I would NEVER give him any drug to just stop him from crying. Having said that, if he was in pain or needed something, then yes, I would move heaven and earth to get it for him to help him, but I pray to God I never have to do that and he's never in pain. My child has rarely had any issues and hardly ever cried now and as a baby and when he did it was normal "baby cries" that was easily fixed by 1 of 3 actions: bottle, diaper change, or just to be held.

    Ibknow I've not been a perfect mother but I am doing my best to be. I'm going to be a mother he deserves. That's why I'm trying so hard now to fix myself.
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