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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by NARCassist Not trying g to be a Grammer Nazi, but why are we putting a letter g after the word "trying" ?

    I post from my phone- it does retarded shit sometimes.

    Also, sophie- I agree 100% that homosexuality is abnormal. Using the term abnormal always comes across as negative and a bad thing, but I don't think it always is or should be used like that. It's different. The problem with pedophiles, at least some of them is when they harm children. We've discussed this before... I haven't changed or anything. I think a lot of harm comes more from the way society addresses it more than a person who's had sexual contact with a child in a non-violent, "consenting" way, though when we are taking young children, it's really hard for them to grasp the scope of what they're doing... That's my only problem and concern with those who are pedophiles. Homosexuals usually are dealing with consenting adults so there is that... And again... I worry about the damage done to a small child, not so much by the act, being if its not violent or traumatic, but society does its own damage in making a huge deal of it and questioning and pressuring the child too... That seems worse in a lot of cases, to be honest.

    Shit, I have an abnormal mental problem, while it's not being a pedo or homo, it's still something(aspergers or BPD, idk but also my generalized anxiety disorder too. I know I'm not all "rght" in the head.) so don't take offense to me referring to it as a sickness or mental disorder.

    I just don't want to see children hurt, and I know despite your sexual predisposition, that you too are there with me on that... We just have differences on how we see it too, because I'm not a pedo, but hey... At least I have some empathy and understanding for your situation and want to work on removing the demonizing label and life long stigmas from those in your shoes along with seeing more efforts being made to help people like you cope without children being harmed. That's why I am 100%for simulated child porn if that's what would float your boat.

    Don't worry, Sophie, I'm not ragging on you or trying to put you down, you especially are a smart and clever guy and I appreciate your contribution to the community, compsci information,and even though we disagree or have a fair to come together on some issues I respect us being able to be civil about it and "agree to disagree" so as not to fuck up or ruin being able to have you as a cool online friend or have my disagreements (or yours toward me) get in the way of being able to appreciate your contributions and opinions you express.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Phoenix It was probably up their for 2 days and 2 nights. I think I got it stuck up there on Thursday, went to sleep because I couldn't get it out, then went the hospital on Friday, stayed overnight, and had them take it out the next day. For the record.

    I can barely remember this stuff, it happened more than a decade ago! Nearly 11 long years have passed.

    Did they put you under to remove it? Or do you recall the ass-rapeage of them removing it? If so, this might explain why it became a fetish for you.

    Did your parents find out? How old were you when this happened? I was with my exhusband for 11 years- that was like my highlighter stuck up my ass for that long... Thank God I got that removed too. I really wish it was a highlighter though.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I think this is why he made the ATTN: HYDRO rape thread about me since Malice diagnosed me with aspergers and I made a thread about it and BPD.

    Aww, isn't that cute- thie faggot has a little crush on me. Sorry to burst your bubble though, I have a real man in my life finally. I'm done fucking around with faggot man-childs.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by RisiR † True^.

    Hey hydro,sorry for ignoring your PM but I'm kinda in a no fucks given phase. Nothing personal.

    Don't be sorry, it's all good. Just wanted to let ya know you got people here who cares about you and what you're going through. Just keep that in mind. Hope shit gets better.

    As for the OP I have serious mega LULZ from that- like you fucking could, faggot. I'm an beta bitch, okay- I rape faggots like you and make them go home a cry to their mommy about all the awful shit I did to them. Hasn't any of the forum drama at least shown you too that I pack heat? LMFAO... I'm so not afraid of you it's ridiculous for anyone to be. You're one o those bitch-faggots who is so oppressed and pushed down that all they can do is day dream of the shit they couldn't ever actually accomplish, like raping me,of all people. Keep dreamin', faggot.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Sophie A tumbleweed rolls passed us.

    Not trying g to be a Grammer Nazi, but wouldn't it be "past" instead of "passed" us?
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I think pedophiles are sick individuals who need help just like anyone with a mental illness. I don't think they need to hunted and castrated, they need to receive proper mental health treatment that is so hard for them to get with the mentality of society that they are "monsters". It's sad- society creates and perpetuates its own problem here by ostrocizing these people from society where they are more likely to offend and harm a child when they have no reason or purpose and will always be treated like shit. Putting people on registries helps nobody, it just creates this environment for them where they can't find work, and have to carry this burden around, a lot of times living in fear and anxiety that someone will "discover" their past, and this hopelessness of ever moving on and recieving proper help for their illness. It's a shame really. Those are the people, ones with no connection, or acceptance in society who is most likely to not give a fuck about hurting your children.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby

    You posted this same stupid video of this dumb chick a while back. Let me take that back, she's not "dumb" like most of the rest of America "dumb" but her fucking videos are annoyingly slow and painful to watch. I hope that girl gets her shit together, she can't be in a very good place living out of her car. I genuinely feel bad for her- I bet she's a nice person IRL.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by infinityshock you really thought it necessary to post all that unnecessary shit

    Of course I didn't find it necessary- I did because I felt like it. Nobody is making you read this shit, you know.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Deep shit, man. I bet you were smoking a lot of weed and/or had a one too many drinks when you decided it was a good idea to use a sharp instrument in a way that could put your little butter-fingers in danger.

    Maybe you'll be more careful, or not use sharp pointy things next time your ass is tipsy drunk... But probably not.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Honestly.,the best advice I can give with benzos is: don't take them, period, and especially don't abuse them, which is easier said than done. For whatever little they may help in a certain situations they have a way of coming around and biting you in the ass 10-fold and for all the WDs I've been in, benzo WDs has been by far the worst. When I'm in T-PAIN WDs or opiate WDs in the past, one thing that has got me through it has been reminding my self "well, at least this isn't benzo wds" which fucking lasted about a year for me from a year of moderate to heavy abuse... And that abuse was pretty accidental, if I'm honest... I'd forget I took shit, take more, get more fucked up and so they cycle repeated and I lost a good part of that year of my life and went through another year of feeling sub-human. It really dint even help my anxiety either, I just wouldn't remember, but everyone else around he had to put up with my shit which was awful to realize when I finally did come out of it and had to face the realization of what I'd done to so many people I loved. It was terrible. I never, ever will put myself through that again and avoid them at all costs, and mainly too, if not for me, I won't put those I live through that again, because I was a truly awful shit person while I was on them for the most part, was not even remembering it and having to hear my friends and family fill me in on what terrible shit I did or said.

    Don't fuck with benzos- it never turns out good. Not ever. I feel like people give them more leeway than other drugs, because they are so commonly prescribed, but in reality they are worse than meth, opiates, and most other classes of drugs, but being as alcohol (benzos really are just alcohol in a pill tbh) and benzos have been handed out and are socially acceptable they seem to fly under the radar and people get suckered into using them so willy-nilly and don't understand what kind of beast they are actually fucking with. I'm for the full legalization of all drugs, even benzos, but... If I had to say one drug class should be specially restricted, I definitely feel benzos are that class that should be.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Yeah, dude... You dropped the ball here. Your other recommendations in the gorillaz song thread had my hopes up... That wasn't bad... But this? Come on, I know you can do better than this garbage.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mmQ :)

    I haven't even addressed my mark yet. I'm just planting seeds.

    Oh by the way hydro it's called a pillow.

    ... Shitfucker is best to identify the houseware item I'm having difficulty from years of degenerate drug use in remembering... I don't trust you... You're probably just telling me that to trick me... Next thing you're going to tell me that I should use a blanket, right? Pfffft, we all know that's bullshit. That's what paper towels are for, everybody knows that, dude. :p
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Malice Everyone note that engaging in homosexual acts is a recurrent theme in Lanny's posts. It's not common, but there's a clear pattern.

    This whole fucking community has a recurrent theme of homosexual acts, for fucks sake... It's like a goddamn tradition to act like a raging pack of retarded, trolling, autistic homosexuals here, then in the same breath to deny any homosexual involvement or desire whatsoever. Nothing really special about that. Everyone here is at least a tiny bit homosexual since nobody who isn't spends this much time bickering and arguing with who's a homosexual or not with other males on some silly ass forum that only me and a handful of other woman ever have posted on. It's fucking stupid to deny this...

    Every fucking last one of you has some homo at heart.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon

    Not bad, I can dig it.

    As for the beatles, yeah... I know everyone adn literally their mother likes the beatles, but still they are a good group worth saying so.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon It's a great song. But what kind of faggot posts an obviously popular and "zeitgeist approved" song and acts like anybody is going to disagree with them about it being a good song?

    Yeah, true. Can't really argue with that,just saying though... Don't blame the song, blame the faggot who posted such a dumbass thread... Isn't there a music thread already? Or like make the thread a broader topic than "this one Uber pop song". I feel ya...
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Don't hate me guys but here is my controversial opinion: le Beatles are a good band

    Nothing wrong with the beatles. I dig them too. I used to have over 500 vinyl record collection that included the beatles, led zeppelin, journey, Styx, molly hatchet... So fucking many cool groups I dig... Wish I'd not left that behind tbh.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    It's not a bad song... It's catchy and fun. Not like my favorite shit, but it's alright... It's groovy.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Nah... Nope.. I've got the right degenerate... This is important information, ya know... Like. Fuck.. I NEED to know what fucking thing... That specific thing I can't think of.. That people and probably shitfucker puts his head on when he goes to sleep after a long crack/meth binge... Goddamn.. Shitfucker, what's it called?
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    This community never fails to make me laugh- it's why I've stuck around for so long.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    So... Like... What's your favorite thing to lay your head on when you go to sleep at night? Personally, I just ball up a bunch of blankets and make a little "hydro-nest", sitting on my pile of used and unused jars of T-PAIN like a dragon sleeping on their pile of gold... Just thought maybe you'd give me insight into how shitfuckers roll when they crash from Their crazy degenerate drug use.
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