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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Oh beaver man you are the living end
    If your going to follow me around the forum like a star struck Faggert the least you can do is get some new material.
  2. I've have PBR before, it's just generic, inoffensive but uninteresting. I mean I'd drink it out of a red cup or something but I'd never order it in a bar simply because it's such the cliche hipster beer and people give me enough shit on that front anyway. I'd reliably pick heineken over PBR in a blind taste taste any day of the week.
    If by PBR you mean Pabst Blue Ribbon I'm laughing at it being called a hipster beer. That stuff is straight up redneck, white socks, and blue ribbon beer.
  3. right back at ya spudboy

    news flash: we're all still clinging on to the totse/zoklet legacy
    through 8 or so fucking iterations
    we should all an hero immediately
    News flash Totse and Zoklet were just websites and nothing more.
  4. After reading this load of egghead tripe ( I'm more convinced than ever that common sense is more important than "higher learning".

    Common sense dictates there is no such thing as UPB. If there was people would already be engaged in it without some butthurt braniac trying to write a book about just to show all those smarty pants professors how they undervalued his intellect. There are too many variables in the human condition for anything to be "universally preferred". In some people's minds it is preferable to make a safe room in their home to hole up in and wait for the cops in case of an intruder. In other people's minds this is an unthinkable option when you can simply use deadly force (lawfully) to eliminate the threat.

    Even language has an effect on the way the mind thinks. Persons who are raised speaking different languages have different thought forms, different "preferences". There is no such thing as universal preference for anything including behavior. In a group of born again Christians is is preferable to turn the other cheek. In a group of 1% "outlaw" MC members it is preferable to smite the offender hip, thigh, and cheek as a reward for their transgressions.

    In Las Vegas we had a saying, "You can even get two crops dealers to agree on what time it is". This idiom stemmed from the fact that you had 4 men on a crew with 3 positions on the table that were staffed at all times. You rotated positions every 20 minutes so the guy on break was relieving the guy who had worked 1 hour. This guy always thought it was 1 or 2 minutes later than real time and the guy coming off break always thought it was 1 or 2 minutes earlier. The point is preference is based on individual perceptions that meet the needs of the individual based on that person's needs in a particular situation.

  5. Post your real life name and general location, then i can verify your epicness for myself. I'm sure you'd like that, imagine how amazed i'll be when i see how awesome you are. I did find a reference to your username when googling though, seems like you're a cool person.

    Link is 404
  6. If memory serves, Psycho was/is a PI rat, so it's quite ironic that Idio sent that message to him. Classic shit right there, folks. One for the memories.
    S'matter Specky boy, is your dox broken?
  7. Boats are money pits. The two happiest days in a boat owners life are the day he buys and the day he sells it. Remember, if it flies, floats, or fucks don't buy just rent it. So yeah, RV...
  8. The bible says that after Armageddon, a thousand year period will occur with peace throughout all the remaining humankind who make it through. Satan will be imprisoned. During the thousand years, good people who have died will be returned to life, but they will not have witnessed the events of Armageddon first hand, so the faith of many of those will become weak, even though they know they are alive again. At the end of the thousands years, Satan will be released from his prison and will seduce and entice many with his lies, the same as he is doing right now. Shortly after the thousand year period, all these unfaithful ones who were resurrected, along with any of their evil offspring, will be destroyed. Satan will also be destroyed at that time. Like chaff is sifted from the wheat, so are the faithful ones sifted from the wicked. The entire world will then become a global paradise, as God originally intended before Satan interfered, and those remaining will live everlasting life right here on planet Earth under God's guidance and direction forever and ever. Death will no longer exist, neither will pain or suffering, neither evil of despair.
    Besides the Bible what other works of fiction have you based your life on?
  9. None of you will ever amount to anything. You are all prepetual failures. I hope that none of your dreams ever come true.

    Somebody had trouble sleeping due to deep rooted insecurities I see.
  10. I don't get mad, I get even. Funny how you don't see that domain around anymore.
    You had nothing to do with that. Meta quit because of his health. I know I spoke with him about it. Don't forget, it was my suggestion that changed the name of his IRL radio show to Dr. Rob's Travelling Medicine Show. Oh wait, you weren't there for that because you rage quit and deleted your account.
  11. You can't even engage me bitch, I barely skimmed over your post - try harder you little faggot. I hope you become gay.
  12. None of you will ever amount to anything. You are all prepetual failures. I hope that none of your dreams ever come true.
  13. I just felt a spider crawl into my ass
  14. How quickly did you respond to my post lanny? Holy shit, gotten to.

    Listen champ, if you want to be the best you need to learn from the best. I know more than you. I run you over physically and intellectually you fucking midget.
  15. It'll be full of fucking mexicans
  16. Shut the fuck up lanny. The happiest moment of your life was when your alcoholic father took you to family fun center when you were a child.
  17. I wish I could know...
  18. Which would u prefer
  19. I wanna make some hard cider. I'm gonna use a gallon of apple cider, how much sugar do I add? 1 cup?
  20. Is a good store imo.
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