User Controls

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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. cheese stuffed digorno
  3. [FONT=Tahoma]Why can't I just win a shitload of money that would the best feeling ever man when you find out you got all that money and its nothin but good times ahead…I WANT IT. [/FONT]

    [FONT=Tahoma]Shit, winning just ONE million would be awesome. Thinking of all the sweet shit that would buy. Why can't I? That money is just sitting in some account not belonging to anyone just sitting there going to waste when it could be mine! Come on God PLEASE, just let some of that money out of the vault and get it to ME! [/FONT]
  4. thanks

  5. thanks!

    10 char bonus:


  6. how do you post two videos in the same post?
  7. I have 0 post an 27 Thanks over there now which makes me the best user of all time according to the post/thanks ratio law.

    Eat dicks, Rocklin. I win.
  8. Theme song for
  9. I'd say we all lucked out pretty damned fine to get a full-fledged VBul BBS even before the old place closes. It's fast, full-featured and best of all, there's no power hungry lackeys like fang and Rocklin running it.

    True. At least we got rid of the totse2 cancer.

    Can't wait for new drama, though.
  10. k

    Post last edited by MrHappyッ at 2017-02-16T03:36:22.189036+00:00
  11. Are Spectral, §m£ÂgØL and Michael Meyers the only members or what? Man, I see a bight future for us.
  12. If you're gonna pull out, *at least* use the rhythm method, with somebody you trust.

    I am really too scared to never use a rubber again, I'm not a very sex driven person, I just made a quick, stupid, decision and now I haz baby. I can deal with rubbers forever. Hopefully that 10 year male birth control shot gets clinical approval soon, I'd definitely get that done.
  13. I think it just confuses the posting presentation unnecessarily, but on the other hand, this is only the default forum setup. Lanny said he will be tweaking shit as we go to make it better than what we're looking at right now.

    Yeah, I figured it was just the default and would be changed eventually but I just wanted to bring it to attention, I guess.
  14. I'm not the only one outraged at this.


    skype/kik- Misterhappy1337

  15. Checking in. I don't even know why, but here I am.

    Ohai hamp how r u
  16. I'm I'm on mobile now. I was on pc e s earlier, it shows up on both. So what do you think of this feature spectral?
  17. niggas in space!
  18. No, I'm talking about this shit^

    "Comment" is not the same as "reply"

    Scroll up and you'll see exactly why it can be annoying. I just don't think it has any place here. I'd rather have that "comment" space be reserved for "reply". It gives threads the ability to have strange structure.
  19. It logged me out in the middle of writing a thread a while ago, I think it just times out or something.
  20. There is, but the comment feature is silly I think. It doesn't really serve any purpose in a place like this. If this were a different place, I could see that type of thing being reserved for admins and moderators for explanations of post edits and the like, but for every user to have the power to just... interject into things with the comment. I don't know, I don't like it.
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