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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. [h=2][FONT=Georgia,Arial,Helvetica]Black-White IQ Differences [/FONT][/h] [h=3][FONT=Georgia,Arial,Helvetica]Daniel Seligman[/FONT][/h] [FONT=Times New Roman]
    [FONT=Georgia,Arial,Helvetica]There is no getting around certain large and troubling implications of black-white differences. The implications seem most troubling when you turn from the average differences and focus instead on the differences at the extreme – when you contrast the two overlapping bell-shaped distribution curves and look at the proportions in each group scoring above and below certain levels. If you tell yourself that the top professional and managerial jobs in this country require an IQ of at least 115 or thereabouts, then you also have to tell yourself that only about 2.5 percent of blacks appear able to compete for those jobs. The comparable figure for whites would be about 16 percent. Total black population with IQs over 115: 800,000. Comparable figure for whites: about 30 million. If blacks had the same IQ distribution as whites, the black total would be over 5 million.[/FONT][/FONT]

    [FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Georgia,Arial,Helvetica]The data are even more depressing on the downside. An IQ in the 70-75 range, which many psychologists would label "borderline retarded," implies a life that is guaranteed to be short of opportunities. Very few students in that range will absorb much of what elementary schools teach, and virtually none will graduate from high school; few will succeed in finding and keeping good jobs. None will be admitted into the armed forces (required by law to screen out the lowest ten percent of the distribution). The bad news is that a substantial minority – apparently more than one in five – of American blacks have IQs below 75. Around one in twenty whites are below 75.[/FONT][/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Georgia,Arial,Helvetica]The black-white gap is 15 points when measured on the Wechsler tests, 18 on the Stanford-Binet. Both tests are, of course, normed so as to produce an average of 100, but the white average is a bit higher. On the Wechsler metric, whites and blacks average 102 and 87, respectively. On both tests, the gap between the races is almost exactly 1 SD (standard deviation). The gap of 1 SD has been observed since the earliest days of intelligence testing.[/FONT][/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Georgia,Arial,Helvetica]There are also significant black-white differences in the structureof mental abilities. The test-score patterns show that the two groups are good at different things. On average, whites do better on all the subtests, but their margin of superiority varies considerably from one subtest to another. Or look at it this way: If you took a sample of black and white children, all of whom had scored around 100 on the WISC-R – that is, the black kids in the sample were above the black average – you would expect to find significant black-white differences on six of the thirteen subtests. The average black kid would do better on Arithmetic and Digit Span; the average white kid would do better on Comprehension, Block Design, Object Assembly, and Mazes …[/FONT][/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Georgia,Arial,Helvetica]These subtest differences have one common theme, and its name is g. The tests on which the gap is greatest are those with the most g-loading – which means, in general, those that call most heavily on reasoning and problem-solving abilities. The June 1985 issue of The Behavioral and Brain Sciences carries a long report by Arthur Jensen analyzing eleven sizable studies of black-white IQ differences. The underlying data had been collected by different researchers at different times (but none before 1970). All the studies had several things in common: All were based on large population samples, all measured a broad range of mental abilities, and all included black-white breakdowns of their various subtests.[/FONT][/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Georgia,Arial,Helvetica]In all eleven studies, Jensen found consistently strong positive correlations between the size of the black-white gap on subtests and the extent to which the subtests called on g … The correlation coefficient, after appropriate adjustments, appears to be well above .60.[/FONT][/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Georgia,Arial,Helvetica]In other words, the black-white IQ gap is in large measure a reflection of differences in reasoning and problem-solving ability.[/FONT][/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Georgia,Arial,Helvetica]This was not exactly news in 1985. Long before Jensen set out to quantify the "g effect" in black-white differences, it was generally well known that the differences were greatest in measures of abstract reasoning, not so great in measures of verbal skill, smallest of all in memory and rote learning.[/FONT][/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman] [/FONT]

    [FONT=Georgia,Arial,Helvetica]Excerpted from A Question of Intelligence: The IQ Debate in America (New York: Birch Lane, 1992), 150-153.[/FONT]
  2. I mean...why should i even bother living? When I could just end it all now...
  3. Is it some sort of reaction from being unpopular? Is it just a generic symptom of a low IQ?
  4. You're the biggest piece of shit on this website. You have nothing to look forward to.
  5. I could really care less about any of this community's "history"

    all of you need to die.
  6. haha, you're all fuck ups.
  7. she's with me now
  8. No, you assumed that by me posting the actual names of the drugs, not brand names, I was trying to appear smart or condescending, but in reality I was just using the names…posting the wikipedia link to the cocktail hoping you'd realize that I wasn't spouting out nonsense..

    You said...

    Considering I found a pretty good and easy to accomplish cocktail yes, I think I'm smart rodent

    ... and linked to a wiki books page. Proof that your "find" was nothing more than a weak effort at Googling information for a weak mind to use the crutch that international pharmaceutical concerns are so willing to provide so long as they or the "after market" can profit from your infirm state. I haven't slept "correctly" in over 3 decades. During that time I've raised 4 kids (3 steps and a bio) and lead a fascinating if not conventionally successful life. I accept the fact that 8 hours will never be mine and taught myself to adapt and overcome without their crutch.

    Or maybe you think I'm not smart because of all the drugs I ingested in order to sleep. Yes, that can seem stupid, to you it probably appeared as though I was a kid taking any old shitty drugs just to get fucked up.

    Your the one taking any old shitty drug as a substitute for playing the hand you were dealt and drew to.

    I've tried reccomended doses of sleep aids used as prescribed, tried different sleep aids also the same way, generics, as prescribed.
    After a while of realizing that this wouldn't work and that I can't keep getting 3 hours of sleep because I'm going to start a job next week, so in hopes of somehow fixing my circadian rhythm I took all those drugs.

    There's nothing that will make you sleep better than an honestday's endeavors that make you feel as if you bettered yourself and perhaps even your environment.
  9. Interesting speculation. This is pretty amusing, watching everything fall apart, particularly considering how long she's been building toward this, the time and effort, enormous resources, involved. Seeing her never achieve her ultimate goal will be delicious. It greatly increasing the chance of Sanders vs.Trump is the other nice aspect, because that's going to be an absolute lark. The Democratic National Committee scrambling to deal with the fallout will also be nice.

    >Biden will announce the minute democratic strategists realize hillary will lose. Right now they're seeing if hillary can weather the email controversy and remain a viable candidate. But as her poll numbers continue to slide they'll realize hillary is done and Biden will enter.

    >A Biden PAC is hiring staffers in 11 primary states, he's running. The only person that doesn't know Hillary is done, is Hillary.
    Putting Biden against Trump would be the equivalent of the donkey sticking it's "ass" in the air for a pacaderm prostate exam.
  10. This is the sploo that never ends

    It just sploos on and on my friends

    Some people started shooting it not knowing what it was

    And they will continue shooting it forever just because

    This is the sploo that never ends...
  11. I haven't seen a Kroger grocery store since the 80's when Chrissie Hyde was crying about Akron on MTV.
  12. ITT sploo's dad is a total cunt and the apple don't fall far from the tree.

  13. you surprise me sometimes dark rodent. actually making decent posts and such. you fuckin ewok fuck, you.
    Mike, the real reason I don't post much "content" and mostly shitpost is this. Along about 19 and 67 when I was a wee lad, my father's father who was a poor "pig farmer from the Weirton WV region and brought his 9 children to the Y town area (Braceville, OH) in 46 to work the steel Mills and raise hogs told me this.

    Boy don't never try to teach a pig to sing 'Cuz all your gonna do is frustrate yourself and annoy the hog.

    I bet I was about 32 years old before I understood what that ignorant old 8th grade drop out hillbillie SOB was saying.
  14. I got a high school diploma :)
  15. 3ch
  16. There is no "universe and me", I am the universe.
  17. Are you still spamming this thread, Darkie? I can't tell.
    You've pretended to have me on ignore many times before but everyone knows and your actions prove you've become physically dependant on the mental anguish I cause you. You can't stop yourself from reading my posts and from replying to them.
  18. Reality Check Alert .. Condition Red
    Lanny likes everyone but you.
  19. Has the bad old Darkie replied yet? I don't see a trace of the nauseating spammer.

    I think you're dangerously close to a complete break from reality.
  20. Wild Darkie Surprise… very delicious with gravy and whole carrots.
    Congratulations, you've learned to use screen capture.
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