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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. God damn I've been having the worst fucking insomnia for the past 2 weeks. Vyvanse makes it fucking impossible to sleep regardless of any sleep drug. No matter what I do I can't get to sleep until 4 am. I took 150mg of seroquel 2mg of xanax and god knows how many benadryl and melstonin at 9 pm AND I LAID IN BED FOR 7 HOURS WITH SEROQUEL IN MY SYSTEM HOLY FUCK WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH LIFE HOLY HANDGRENADES PLEASE SOMEONE MAIL ME SOME AMITRYPTLINE AND MIDAZOLAM SO I CAN END THIS SUFFERING ALREADY
    You think your smart huh?
  2. There's much to be said for hands on doing things yourself.
  3. That I made you do this?

  4. Blah, WTF are you saying here?
  5. Suppose my company is the only supplier of water to a small town and owns all of the pumping, purification and supply infrastructure. I'm rather greedy and just raised my prices again, and some of my customers are now dissatisfied with my service. Another business thinks they can do better and wants to get in on the game. I refuse to sell them the right to use any of my infrastructure because it's not in my interest to have competition, and although they have the capital to build their own, it would be wasteful and inefficient to have multiple lines servicing the same area. They end up investing in a different area with less risk, and establish their own water supply monopoly.

    Without a central regulatory body, how do you prevent this from happening?
    Tighter government control is the obvious answer.
  6. You do realize that the study you've linked to is on how the death penalty is a deterrence or not? I'll agree that this is a reasonable(meh) argument against spectral's claim, if we assume the incidence of murderers getting caught is 100%(Which it's not by the way). Since he said: "if people know they'll get dead if they fuck someone over, there would probably be a lot less problems in the world". And failed to provide significant details pertaining to the issue of private gun ownership.

    However it's not evidence that supports that private gun ownership doesn't work as a deterrence to criminals. The distinction i'd make here is that with private gun ownership the risk of death or severe bodily harm on the part of the criminal is increased exponentially due to the immediacy of the situation.

  7. Sophie, think about it without all the highbrow nonsense. If UPB was a viable option it would already be in place. The thing is this, the minute a person or group of people has a survival need that is not being met they are going to do whatever it takes to meet that need. It's hardwired into our predatory nature. UPB would say that if your children are starving or dying from an illness that you can't afford to treat you are going to take any action necessary to correct the situation which is causing that need to not be met. But let's flip this for a moment. What If you are the person on the receiving end of the persons who is ignoring UPB to meet their survival needs? Are you going to act according to UPB or are you going to defend yourself with lethal force if need be lying order to meet your need to survive?
  8. No worse than your typing, really.
    I "type" on an LG G3 and worry more about the message than correct grammar/punctuation. Someday when that dinosaur you sit at shits the bed and you are at the library posting you will understand.
  9. No exploit can get around a rule-based firewall in manual configuration mode. As soon as it tries to make an authorized connection and/or tries to open a port, it is immediately detected and can be blocked before it can complete its attack. At that point, I can manually remove the threat from the file system and delete all references to it in the system registry. I don't need any updates, because exploits are completely ineffective on my machine.
    Code injection you moron. If your browser is exploited and you've already given your browser permission on your rules set guess what Einstein? The malicious code gets past your firewall because it relies on polling the windows application programming interface to determine which application is attempting to use network resresources.

    That doesn't even begin to address root kits which don't report to the API/Task Mangler. Virus writers love morons like you.

  10. You re wear them cause there 9smdm no one for th e laundry not that the clean laundry is out just that it's being cleaned
    You wanna try that one more time in English genius?
  11. Bill Krozby I hope you realize that she is no longer a human. She wants to harvest your daughters brains not unlike jedis harvest foreskin. Be very wary around her!

    Of course jedis harvest foreskins. There is big money in those little penis pieces.

    [FONT=GeorgiaProW01-Regular]Say what you will about circumcision (and I know you all have lots to say about it), but have you ever wondered what happens to the foreskins of circumcised babies after they’re snipped?

    [FONT=GeorgiaProW01-Regular]As the mother of two girls, I’ve never had to make a circumcision decision. Which is just as well, as I doubt my jedi grandmother would have approved of my decision, had I made one.

    [FONT=GeorgiaProW01-Regular]I had also never wondered about the fate of those little flaps of skin.

    [FONT=GeorgiaProW01-Regular]Turns out, circumcised foreskins have long and fascinating lives after they part ways with their original owners. They’re used for everything from cosmetics to scientific studies.

    [FONT=GeorgiaProW01-Regular]The Stir’s Christie Haskell dug deep into the largely hiddenindustry of baby foreskins. An infant’s foreskin has special cell properties, similar to those found in stem cells. Their versatility means that they can be used to cultivate skin cells.

    [FONT=GeorgiaProW01-Regular]Because of this, they’re not tossed out with the rest of the medical waste after a birth. Instead, hospitals sell them to companies and institutions for a wide variety of uses. Companies will pay thousands of dollars for a single foreskin.

    [FONT=GeorgiaProW01-Regular]Some of the strangest purposes they’re put to:

    • Cosmetics: Foreskins are used to make high-end skin creams. The skin products contain fibroblasts grown on the foreskin and harvested from it. One foreskin can be used for decades to produce fancy face cream like the SkinMedica products hawked on Oprah.
    • Skin grafts: In addition to making products for skin, a baby’s foreskin can be turned into a skin graft for a burn victim. Because the cells are extremely flexible, they’re less likely to be rejected. Currently, this technology can be lifesaving in providing a real skin “band aid” to cover an open wound while a burn victim heals. Researchers at Harvard and Tufts are working on advanced skin replacements that use human foreskins.
    • Cosmetic testing: All those cruelty-free cosmetics you buy? Some of them are tested on foreskins. This yields better results, since they’re human skin. And it saves the lives of the rodents your shampoo would otherwise be tested on.
    [FONT=GeorgiaProW01-Regular]Emotions around this topic run high. So high that “intactivists”recently harassed a woman whose baby died after a circumcision.

    [FONT=GeorgiaProW01-Regular]Clearly, there are ethical issues with circumcision: some parents consider it a religious mandate, some consider it mutilation. Most seem to be in the middle ground, making personal decisions about what they think is best for their kids.

    [FONT=GeorgiaProW01-Regular]If you feel strongly that circumcision is wrong, the good uses foreskins are put to after the procedure may seem like a money-making racket for hospitals. On the other hand, there’s good medical research being done with them. Once the circumcision has occurred, it’s cool that the skin is useful.

    [FONT=GeorgiaProW01-Regular]I’m fascinated by how little-known this is. I mentioned it to my husband over the weekend, and he was shocked to hear that baby foreskins are used in medical research. Then he realized that he works with them every day in his own research lab. He’d just never made the mental leap to connect the “human foreskin” tissue samples they get with newborn human babies.[/FONT]
  12. That was some dank rhythm
  13. Real men don't need hot water.
  14. well it seems i was right in saying that you all live obscure, unimportant lives
    Does it make your own lack of worth somehow bearable to type that?
  15. Just stop breathing.
  16. my net worth is higher than the sum of everyone else on this website.

    Confrimed homeless
  17. well it seems i was right in saying that you all live obscure, unimportant lives
  18. I have looked into UPB, and it is useless. If you don't agree with that then explain your position.

    Its not that I dont agree with it or do agree with it. Its that I want you to explain your position as to why UPB is bullshit before explaining my position even though I already did that in my previous post in this thread. Bring something to the table other than namecalling because it shows how little you actually know about anything you are trying to talk about. Honestly its quite sad to see someone have a philisophical discussion and ignore what others are saying while refusing to state reasons for your position. Do you know what that is called? Ignorance.

    If you want us "open our minds" you must open yours. From your username it implies that you think you know everything about everything and if we just listen to you our minds will miraculously open and we will be illuminated by you. This definitly isnt going to happen when 1. you dont know what you are talking about 2. you cant back up your position when contronted with someone elses position 3. upon being called out on it you resort to the behavior of a 14 year old by calling the opposition gay. 4. On top of it all you still actually believe your philosophical conviction is so far above us all that you need not provide proof nor support for any of your arguments.

    How is adolescence treating you?
  19. my net worth is higher than the sum of everyone else on this website.

    now please, when you address me you need to do so respectfully - after all I am MUCH more important than you.
  20. Must be horrible to have to compare yourself to imaginary people in order to have a fictional sense of self worth.
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