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Posts by cerakote

  1. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock let me know when you hit puberty. you can be my new gf.

    gf? buddy boy if that was the case id be a dominatrix. shouldve known youre a little twink fuckboy even at your age. i can see it now: an old, haggard, auschwitz survivor looking motherfucker wearing a pink wig, lace lingerie, and a chastity cage toting a wheely oxygen tank around.

    do whoever pays your hospice fee a favor and place yourself at the short end of a long rope
  2. cerakote African Astronaut
  3. cerakote African Astronaut
    why are my images not embedding correctly? posted a pic in the collage thread but it wont show up in my post. am i not supposed to use the img bbcode tag or something? im copying the link that imgur specifically gives for sharing the pic, how fix
  4. cerakote African Astronaut

    baccy boys

    Post last edited by cerakote at 2017-07-27T18:06:08.354487+00:00
  5. cerakote African Astronaut
    the only thing that came to mind when i saw the OP is whether or not lanny would be ok with me spambotting this particular thread in am effort to take down isis
  6. cerakote African Astronaut
    tfw /prostatitis/

    ive been having masturbation sessions lasting extended periods of time for the last 2 months now because meth makes beating your dick amazing but man its doing a number on me. havent had much in the way of pains in the perineum, but my urine stream has weakened significantly and my prostate is noticeably enlarged... im gonna have to focus on restoring my immune system to its former state when i kick this shit. ive always been blessed with a tough body, but as of late ive had more health issues than im accustomed to having, from bacterial resistance to general vitality. fuck, ive never even had the flu but recently ive been feeling frail and sickly and been affected by little pissant shit like pet dander and allergens that would have done next to nothing to me before. my mental fortitude is also taking a hit; been feeling scatterbrained as fuck and generally not as sharp as i normally am, and its getting old.

    i like drugs but after experiencing the way they ravage you from sustained use im beginning to understand why some people are opposed to them. granted, in most instances use of one specific drug is short term or infrequent, but depending on the person and substance of choice its easy to see how it could become a problem
  7. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny new DOOM is a pretty fun throwback, it reminds me of quake era arena shooters, the satirical ultraviolence is fun although I'm not sure it's going to stay fresh for god knows how many more levels

    i got 60 hours out of my first playthrough, turn the difficulty up to at least UV
  8. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra the cretaceous period wasn't borne out of a gamma-radiation bath though

    im pretty sure that if it face tanked a thorough dicking via intergalactic ballistic meteor it can deal with gayma radiation just fine
  9. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Malice HBD, human biodiversity. The overwhelming percentage of the population in regions that remain third world would never contribute enough of lasting value to come close to being worth the cost. Really best to simply do away with Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America as a whole. They're lost causes, nothing but a waste of resources, including human capital/effort.

    "basically solving the problems we have as a species and as inhabitants of this planet to advance the human race"

    If there were no species, if we accepted voluntary extinction, there would be no problems to address! As to the objection that this would be a tragedy, so self-evident as to be laughable and unworthy of serious consideration or addressment: If the human race became extinct who would be around to miss us and lament our non-existence?

    The advancement of the human race only fulfills needs that have no need to exist, due to the failings of mankind.

    The only advancement I may be willing to support would be that whose aim were to make the earth permanently uninhabitable by sentient life, practically incapable of allowing it to arise ever again.

    earth always bounces back, see the cretaceous period
  10. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Malice Wuh? Humans, particularly those in first world countries, which is what your post insinuates should be a global aim, a quality of life to be attained, produce unbelieveable environmental damage and consume massive quantities of resources.

    The natalist viewpoint is utterly insane. Produce even more humans, which will only increase these problems, so that there will be more people to work toward the aim of reversing this and the possibility of those with exceptional calibre arising to develop pivotal breakthroughs?

    It's the basis for what I regularly use as an argument against the view that creating life is a positive act: It creates a need where there was no need to be met.

    Mother of god, that almost no one, relative to the global population, understands or has even pondered this to a sufficient depth, the implications, is horrifying.

    "Genetic Slavery and the Will to Live". At its root it all goes back the problem of gene centric evolution, that tyrannical double helix. There can be no choice, all life, particularly human beings, must be brought to an end.

    what i meant was that people should use their wealth, knowledge, and technology to bring everyone out of brokeboy shitterdom so innovation and advancement would happen faster because more people can pursue it. if man were to all work collectively towards fixing the problems we've caused, increasing efficiency, output, productivity, basically solving the problems we have as a species and as inhabitants of this planet to advance the human race
  11. cerakote African Astronaut
    overpopulation isnt that much of a problem in and of itself, its that a large majority of the world population is too poor, complacent, isolated, underdeveloped, or otherwise not at liberty to contribute to the human race as a whole. imagine the positive impact on earths environmental issues if even 1% of the global population worked to reclaim, process, recycle, and dispose of material in landfills, e-waste dumps, and general litter both in our urban areas and in our ecosystems. educate and equip another 1% for research and development of renewable and eco friendly energy sources, bam, mankind makes leaps and bounds towards fueling over 7 billion productive and fully potentiated individuals without raping the rock we live on. im no tree hugger, but i think that for the sole purpose of self preservation that maintaining the earth should receive way more attention than it currently does. theres also the goal of improving living standards for everyone everywhere, which would surely assuage much of the civil and economic strife, whether in some shithole village in india or the heart of americas cities.

    too bad human nature will never let that happen
  12. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra I'm sorry

    I was looking for a cartoon I'd seen once before of a pot literally yelling 'nigger!' at a kettle

    I'll bet jedigle delisted it though.

    i forgive you because nearly all of the spicy maymays i have on my phone came from ifunny
  13. cerakote African Astronaut
    something something opposites attract
  14. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock you forgot to mention that only applies to the mentally defective.

    the normal people realize boys have penises….girls have vaginas.

    what about BOYPUSSY?
  15. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra

  16. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Narc if she could pee while you fucked her would be the best number one fuck of all time ever.

    thats called squirting
  17. cerakote African Astronaut
  18. cerakote African Astronaut
    le dubs decides what i say next lole 4channel armie xD
  19. cerakote African Astronaut
    >wanting to put your peepee in the place she urinates from

    top yuck
  20. cerakote African Astronaut
    permanently change the name to acoustic arousal
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