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Posts by cerakote

  1. cerakote African Astronaut
    sex is overrated... the fugg in which i lost my v card to that one girl was just so awkward. i brought her inside and she had this look on her face like she didnt really want to be there even though she was the one who initiated the talking between us. and why the fuck would a girl who is literally ass naked on my bed currently being plowed by me bashful about me spreading her ass and looking at her fucking butthole?? i have my penis in her as i do it, does she think that im just going to suddenly not want to fuck her anymore or something? (i did anyway and it was just a regular girl butthole i dont know what the big deal was to be honest)

    and is there some magic trick i have to do to keep a queef from happening? it happened two or three times and i wasnt bothered by it but she was. she was super tight and my peen is reasonably girthy
  2. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by benny vader is that like feral pigs or the hairy type with large fangs ????

    i've never hunted them but from my experience at the butcher stand and eating them, they dont have that porky smell and taste great, like lambs and / or beef.

    but then wild pigs in my local area might be different than those found in florida.

    those are the same thing, yes. wild pigs are the big hogs with the coarse hair and tusks. anything else is either pigs that have gotten loose or maybe a wild boar's sow and litter
  3. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock false. where i live in C.Florida wild pigs are considered a nuisance animal and can be…and are actually government-encouraged to be…killed all year around.

    yep, texas too. hogs tear fucking everything up... my sister has a scar on her leg from where one bushwhacked her while she was out in the woods at her dads place. saw a video a while back of people hunting them out of the side of a chopper, just laying them the fuck out with an m60 and i was hysterical from laughter
  4. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra

    painting it white, one side at a time

    micro atx or itx?
  5. cerakote African Astronaut
    caring for children
    teaching certain educational subjects
    culinary arts (some areas)
    activities requiring grace, as you said
  6. cerakote African Astronaut
    "the sum of all men" by david farland

    all of the scions of the earth series is amazing, but the next story arc in the series is pretty underwhelming and is quite frankly disappointing compared to scions of the earth.

    the inheritance (eragon) series by christopher paolini is also solid
  7. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by benny vader are … are you jedi ????

    moeslem ???

    no. im a christian, and i obey the levitical laws about diet (and everything for that matter, from tithing to annual sabbaths).

    either way, thats irrelevant. my religious views dont change the fact that pigs are atrociously disgusting animals. literally no other livestock animals come close to them in the gross department except maybe chickens, but they're the dumbest of them all hands down, so chickens get dirty purely because theyre too stupid to know otherwise. theyre actually pretty clean animals; they preen their feathers, bathe, and if they can help it will lay/roost in clean bedding.

    pigs are way more intelligent than chickens though, moreso than dogs or cats, and so their filthiness is because they choose and prefer that.
  8. cerakote African Astronaut
    idgaf id plow the heck out of that
  9. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dargo Hey you lost weight! Good for you.

    well at least someone noticed, feels good man
  10. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by anra

    reliability and validity coefficients confirm the legitimacy of the tests.

    "For TERO41 correlation is r=0.92. Calculated with 8 standard tests + 2 JCTI for first attempts (3 RAPM, 3 WAIS, 2 FRT, 2 JCTI). If I remove the "worst" WAIS the correlation is r=0.973 . "

    " the results are for sure interesting alfa is high for this test 0,88 and totaal quality of items is 0,75 but in the higher range between 32-39 149-164 iq sd15 the quality of solving the items is very high of 0,82!!. That is impressive cause very often in higher range quality is much lower. With this alfa of 0,88 range would be around 5-/+ point. about 90 % of tested population range would be around 7+/- from actual score.

    quality R/S is counted for particulair item S=number of points achieved by all testees on a particular item
    R=number of points achieved by the best S testees"

    my score on tero41 was 158. 90% of scores will be +/- 7 points from the actual score. my true iq calculation by average of population rarities is 150. so i'm an outlier of this calculation by 1 iq point. so yes, i am a genius and have the capability and resources to back it statistically. all of the people who doubt this should try one of the tests from the site, or many of them. i'm almost sure the majority of this site would get scores in the 90-110 range. they are very difficult and the scores are actually deflated to account for the minor potential gains of the practice effect. narcassist is just butthurt because narcissistic people dont like having someone more intelligent than them in the room. i am a g e n i u s. the math don't lie.

    well, technically speaking, yeah

    i mean, a gas powered bicycle is technically a motorcycle (law varies by state but thats not the point) but does that mean its really a harley?

    you have the actual classification of genius in terms of iq but that doesnt mean you're smart

    that gas powered bicycle may be a motorcycle by actual definition, but that doesnt mean its as nice as a kawasaki ninja or a panhead

    take your iq and do something with it dude. youre just like malice; you have the potential to really do something with yourself as but as of now youre just fucking around with your thumb up our ass, too caught up in your own vanity and too insecure to stop bragging about it. does usain bolt walk around and tell every motherfucker around "yo i can run REALLY FUCKING FAST, i run way faster than everyone else"? does tom brady showboat about having 5 superbowl rings and being pretty much the best quarterback to date? no, those people put ass to grass and used their talents to bring themselves renown.

    if you wont take your brain and put it to work doing something worthwhile then you are better off shoving it up your ass
  11. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie OPIATE PROTIP: Don't smoke while you're nodding hard. I had my hand up to my mouth to take a drag but before i could do so i nodded out. As you know when you lose consciousness you lose motor function. So my arm just relaxed and my hand with cig attached landed on my left forearm. Luckily the sting woke me up, didn't hurt much though(Too high) But now my arm looks like that of HTS minus the cuts, lel. Nice round cigarette burn. Also this other time, i was nigger-sterilizing some syringes in a metal pot with water and bleach on the stove and i got the pot real hot, to give the water/diluted bleach concoction a proper boil. But being absent mindedly high as fuck i burned my left hand on the edge of the pot. I literally have a 4cm long scar from that. Like 2nd degree burns, but again i was too high for it to hurt much, lel.

    do you shoot your dope?
  12. cerakote African Astronaut
    is infinityshock responsible for proxy paige?
  13. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by anra your iq is like low 130s, just like 75% of the forum

    why do you think that iq means very much?

    its like i have a big fucking chunk of a cobalt blue diamond. it has just been taken out of the ground, so its unpolished, uncut, and unprocessed. its a cool diamond! its cobalt blue which looks fucking sick, and would only look better after becoming a shiny, angular, piece of expensive. but i just sit and circlejerk about my diamond rock and how much it could be worth or how nice it would look after some work, or generally fucking off instead of making those visions into reality.

    thats you and your dumb gay iq. instead of making a contribution to society you would rather just sit like a wart on the ass end of a bridge troll and just talk about how smart you are when people who "are dumb" are running laps around you in life.
  14. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie 7Up commercials trigger my thirst. I personally dislike alcohol. The trade off sucks, a mediocre buzz for a shitty hang-over.

    how can you say that? booze is like meth but in the other direction for me
  15. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Malice Dear god, living in such an immense amount of your own feces, enslaved your entire life in a synthetic environment removed from anything close to resembling your natural environment, what you evolved to thrive in, and literally partially subsisting off the maggots that arise from your own waste.

    Existence is a horror. Human beings have to go.

    their only purpose is to live and die as food for people. its not like wild boars do much good either considering the fact they tear shit up, are walking sacks of parasites, and kill things. even outside in a more free range setting theyre disgusting, filthy animals. have you ever seen the cysts swine get? their pisser is so small that they basically waterfall out of their sheath, which causes pretty gnarly infections. they take shits and dont even mind that it doesnt actually fall onto the ground, so they just sit and smear the turds that are stuck between their flanks and the only way to get them clean is to waterhose their butthole and back of legs off to keep them from looking like they had a diarrhea filled water balloon thrown at their ass.

    truly the most disgusting livestock animal
  16. cerakote African Astronaut
    being dehydrated
  17. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock what is a tacho?

    taco made of nachos
  18. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL How the hell does someone "trick" someone else into sucking their dick?

    spraypaint it blue and say its a popsicle
  19. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock how the shit do you think maggots could possibly grow around chickens? for one thing…they eat them…for another…that's just unsanitarily nasty.

    i dont think that. im saying that above all else a chicken's enclosure isnt a suitable environment for them to grow in, so they dont. also, the maggots generally speaking are on the bottom of the shavings, near the floors, where its damp, dark, and relatively safe compared to the top of it where the pigs lay so they arent really noticeable. not to say they arent a problem or are any less disgusting/unhealthy because of it though
  20. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RisiR † Have you ever been near a chicken coop? They shit everywhere and pick the ground all the time.

    this is true

    but having seen pigs raised en masse at the district ag facility and even having helped a friend clean out his pigs pen, its nowhere near as bad. pigs will stick their nose against the lever in their waterer for the sole purpose of flooding the shavings and having a wet surface to lay on. that combined with the shit in it makes maggots grow BADLY and if they flood it, trying to clean the pen without hurling out of pure revulsion is hard. you get a shovelful of shavings and slowly it all just falls apart because theyre fucking everywhere. you have to completely remove all of the shavings, bleach the floor, and then wash it all off/let it dry so the maggots wont shit up the fresh shavings.

    the worst my pen ever got was after i began bulking my chickens with supplemented feed, so they were shitting much more than usual, and even then you dont get maggots since the bedding is dry. also, the bedding usually never gets that bad since you want them to have clean, fluffy shavings to keep their breast from bruising and tearing feathers out
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