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Thanked Posts by mmQ

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    10 billion years and they still don't make a goddamn booze and smokes delivery service. Actor that's what Shitfucker Enterprises should do. The one and only global beer and cig delivery service. ANYTIME. ANYWHERE.

    Shitfucker Delivery

    "Do you want your fucking shit or what?"
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by infinityshock old testament: 100% judaica

    new testament: written by either former judeans or the sprogs of a juden. ergo…100% judaica

    Luke wasn't a jedi.
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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by -SpectraL There are a great number of ancient manuscripts, from various cultures across the globe, not found in the Bible, which also make direct reference to the miracle worker, known as Jesus Christ. You may be interested in investigating them. They add to the proof that he did in fact once walk this earth.

    I don't doubt Jesus was a real person. There's just no manuscript that can prove to me he is the Son of God. I could write down that I'm the son of God and I will be returning after I die. You wouldn't believe me, so what lead you to believe them? Because they said so?
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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I bet she has a fucking super weird belly button.
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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Fuck anyone that could hurt a kitty or puppy, especially one that you'd call your own pet. These faggots are always proud to boast about the animals they've hurt or killed. Makes you nothing but a pathetic loser to find pride in something that is only partaken in by heartless pieces of shit. It certainly doesn't take any skill to abuse or kill an animal, it takes being a weak bitch to do it quite honestly. Nobody's impressed. Fuuuuuuuuck.
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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by RisiR Been on Syncans, Benzos, PST, Tpain, Pheni, Baclofen and L-theanin the whole day and just didn't feel right. 2 bowls of real weed later and I feel like a human again.

    I can't be of the same species as the creatures who don't get addicted to Cannabis. It's just not possible.
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  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Which minuet do they usually listen to?
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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by -SpectraL For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

    Right. I'm familiar. Not that you're necessarily doing this but a lot of Christians like to quote scripture to defend their beliefs, when of course that makes no sense as what is being debated is the validity of scripture itself.
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  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Extremists are the only "religious" folk that I can at least respect. Those who don't pick and choose which part of their holy book they wish to adhere to but instead adhere to it all strictly. If you're gonna believe in a deity you ought to believe wholeheartedly rather than riding the fence and believing only as it serves a beneficial purpose to you.
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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by infinityshock when I'm done with you steven hawkins is going to be considered an olympic athlete compared to your ruined physique.

    now stfu and show me how your small intestines feel when they're trying to crush the head of my cock

    If you want to invest in my small intestine you can pretend your tongue is made of money, bitch.
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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Sophie You know, you're a fucking redneck dishwasher typa nigga', the type that's easy to mock as well but hey i got the decency to not do it without cause you fucking faggot.

    Daaaang m8 I didn't realize it offended you, it was just light hearted fun. Feel free to come mock me in TC tonight if it will help you feel better.
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  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Dargo flabbergasted

    This has always made me picture a defeated vagina.
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  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I don't want to grow up as I'm a Toys 'r' Us kid.
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  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    If you WANT to believe in the scripture you can certainly do it. It's not like there aren't millions of people who claim to be Christians. You can make very convincing arguments for its interpretation and all that, but at the end of the day there is a greater logic that supersedes and supposed logic that comes from making sense of the teachings of the Bible. To put it more simply, Dr. Suess has some awesome life teachings but there's no reason to believe he's some great creator of all things, and if he claimed it, we would dismiss him.
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  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Cash and Merle nothing else.
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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Sophie All cats are in my experience. It's awesome how they learn to communicate what they want with people.

    You're right mine isn't unique I just like to pretend she is. I mean, I've met some stupid cats so comparitively my Chootie is smart. We just have this thing where I make eye contact with her and move my eyes toward me, and then she pretends to not have noticed and cleans herself for a few moments and then suddenly dashes toward me like she hasn't seen me in ages. It's endearing AF makes me want to cry tears of happy. 😹
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  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by puffy butts one time i was on bundy at a public library and took a shit without realizing they had no toilet paper. i walked a mile home in robowalk picking up receipts and used lottery tickets off the ground to wipe my ass

    That's what the paper towel dispensers in the bathroom are for.
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  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I've sprayed the back of my toilet seat and toilet bowl with shit in a rushed attempt to sit down before shitting my pants. Aside from that nothing drastic Ive always been able to use a toilet properly.
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  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby you're going to hell bud, slayer laughs as you eternally rot

    If there is one I'm probably already there. XD
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Can't they 3D print organs now? What's the hold up?
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