2016-08-22 at 12:28 AM UTC
ATTN: Aldra
Bill Krozby, you're the biggest, dumbest piece of shit on this site, so you randomly talking shit on people in threads for no reason is an absolute joke. You know even if sophie did rape some kid (which, by all available evidence, he never has and has no intention to) they'd still probably have a better chance in life than you've managed to give your daughter. Think about that: you've done more harm to a human being than a child rapist. That's a pretty phenomenal accomplishment. Even hydro, with all her problems and a far more serious drug addiction than you, has managed to do more for her kid than you have for yours. A lot of shitty people have passed through this community over the years but I can't think of one that can actually match your accomplishment of creating and subsequently ruining an innocent human life. You really are the asshole of this community, the lowest most socially taxing degenerate to reach for a keyboard and the cosmic irony of it is you actually think you're hot shit, you don't even have the self awareness to realize what trash you are. Literally a walking illustration of dunning kruger. You stumble your way from one parasitic clusterfuck to the next, not even aware you're doing it, convinced the next thing is going to turn it all around for you. But it's not, you're not smart enough to fix shit in your life and you're too arrogant by far to take the advice from someone who is. You are doomed to live in this cesspool, everyone around you looking at you like a dumb shit worthy of their pity (until you backstab them) or a cheap fuck they don't want to tell their friends about until you die. Literally the only way anything is going to change for you is by it stopping, at the point that you die. Enjoy everyone looking down on you, shit for brains.
Yet more reason to be glad I don't seem to be able to enjoy opiates.
On an unrelated note, I hit the character limit on a yelp review about two thirds of the way through. The jury is still out on ethyl-hexedrone but it does seem to get the the words flowing.
Like I always say: no central nervous system or homomorphic cognition, no moral personhood.
A good exploit against an entity with ACH access is worth a fucking ton if you have the balls to do it, but it would really stir up the hornet's nest.
Eh, you operate in the system you find yourself in. I don't think the rules of chess are a moral mandate but I don't refuse to move the knight when I play because animal exploitation is wrong. But rest assure, the irony here is not lost on me. No sexual favors took place because that would be a poor sort of altruism and also I'm not gay. I am familiar with the 9 point alignment system double axis political alignment theory. That is kind of funny but I'm not really sure why homosexuality would be considered authoritarian, gay advocacy groups have long held up at least the trappings of libertarianism.
Yee blood. If you lived for a hundred years would it make you happier? If you had more money would it fulfill you? I, by cosmic lottery, was born into better material circumstances than you and accordingly will likely never know true poverty, indeed I literally can not think of a physical thing that I want right now and really at any moment, besides exceptional circumstances, I never want for more than a meal or cessation of some mildly vexing trial. But it doesn't make a person happy, at least not for long. I remember when I went from college-poor to yuppie-rich, I actually was kinda happy for a little bit, lived it up to an extent, but then I got used to it and it was back to the same treadmill only I realized the next "accomplishment" was going to be the same, happy for a while and then back into the slog for the next empty goal. Achievement doesn't do anything besides inform you as to its own emptiness.
I actually really get the story about the kid and the cigarettes. A little while back I let a dude I knew from highschool crash on my couch for a week and fed him whatever I had in the fridge, he was so grateful for a place to stay and regular meals, I ended up cooking stuff every night because the dude was stoked about it. The whole time I kept thinking how I was giving this dude next to nothing, like a few bucks worth of food and a place to sleep which cost me nothing and it was the greatest thing in the world to him, while a million dollars wouldn't buy me an ounce of happiness. Maybe I can make it on that, I can imagine the vicarious joy of altruism sustaining me for a natural lifespan, but I've since come to accept that there's no way to change the way you feel, for some of us there's nothing external that can ever make us happy, it will always be bad no matter what and you just need to cope with the fact that you'll never "feel" good or get out.
Bleh, that's ranty and melodramatic and probably the last thing you should say to someone who's at minimum trying to present themselves as suicidal (I don't care to venture a guess as to the reality of the matter, how could I know?) but it's a shitpost in some backwaters internet community so fuck it, you best not be taking empty rambling too seriously.
2016-08-18 at 6:03 AM UTC
Which would affect you more.
Think it's going to be the latter for everyone.
I think everyone here has seen their fair share of graphic violence. It can still make a much stronger impact in person but it's still fundamentally of the same kind. Loss of a friend is actually a tangible personal loss (presumably if a person is considered "close" they're also of subjective value) and it raises all sorts of questions about personal ability to provide for the emotional needs of others.
Sophatron: The implication seems to be that you've experienced a close friend killing themselves. Obviously a sensitive subject so I understand not wanting to post about it, but if you're comfortable with it, what was it like? Between the mentioned "was I such a shitty friend that this person killed themselves" and "I have one less friend now" which was the greater impact (realizing human emotion is nuanced and those are just obvious characterizations of more subtle feelings)? Was there some other emotion which was stronger than either?
It's like they've always said, EYEballing is DIEballing
2016-08-15 at 5:27 AM UTC
huh, when did that happen? I guess I don't use public trackers as often as I used to.
2016-08-15 at 5:10 AM UTC
I use torrentz.eu when I'm looking for a game or software or something. If you're a big consumer of a particular type of media then private trackers usually offer superior selection. What.cd is the key to getting an invite anywhere else (almost every gazelle tracker advertises in WCD's poweruser section, and many others).
Restricting citizens' rights based on intelligence and/or educational attainment would be interesting. One is naturally suspicious of any measure that would claim to gauge one's fitness for civic participation but even if you only ballparked "able to make good decisions", in aggregate over millions of citizens, it might be a justified practice. My main concern is that intelligence is not necessarily a correlate with concern for justice, or a non-egoistic notion of justice, so there would likely be a greater level of class-stratification, the interests of a voting class will always receive preference over those of non-voting classes.
Weeabooism is a disease. It makes me sad that many of my countrymen, some real intelligence and talent among them, abdicate the greatness of the western tradition. I'm sympathetic in a way, they feel so alienated from the modern culture they seek refuge in another but it's a pathological condition, not a true assessment. Our civilization is by no reckoning the oldest, yet it is proud. From Socrates to now we are the very natural extension of a line of thought that has been passed down through the generations, from our fathers to us, and which some, for their lack of perspective, lose in vanity or banality. There is nothing wrong with admiring another culture, with tolerating, exchanging, and coming to understand. But we can not unlearn what we are, denial of the tradition, the universe in which we are conceived is tantamount to surrender, admission of defeat, a cowardice.
god bless tolerance breaks