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Posts by Lanny

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I can only wonder what was going through the mind of the dumb son of a bitch who setup a "will make you a song" page on fiverr when he was reading the lyrics. I wonder if he felt pity or disgust at Bill Krozby, a man who's failed dreams he volunteered to immortalize in song.
  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
    jokes on you, flags get sent to idio's old email address.
  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I don't know and what a person thinks/says their greatest fear has no necessary relationship to the reality of the situation. If I had to guess it'd be that your perceptions don't accurately reflect an external reality, that your "extreme systematizing" hasn't brought you a clearer picture of the world and that the behavior that's made you miserable has actually made it harder for make unbiased judgements. Of course that's probably wrong, the way you reflexively dismiss other opinions suggests otherwise, the level of confidence in the statements you throw out there, but that's what scares me most when I read some of your posts thinking I might be in the same boat.

    The answer you're looking for is probably closer to "that the damage my lifestyle has done is irreversible" or "it will never get better" or something along those lines.
  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I volunteer for mod. I wont ban anyone except bots and would recommend making it so that I (or whomever you choose) can only soft ban and soft delete posts. i.e. they can delete threads and ban users but for it to be permanent you have to press the button.

    Haha, I have to say, of all the degenerates that populate this shit hole I can think of but one worse person to give executive power of it. Not even hating, glad to have you here, it's just you're probably the only person with such a flamboyantly bad (from an admin's perspective) track record as a mod. Of the last two suckers who made you a mod one has had to go into hiding because he was doxed and the other is contemplating rope in their moms basement in no small part due to you. I mean it's an accomplishment, maybe even commendable, but it doesn't speak to your being a good fit for the position.
  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    aw shit, I guess I need to pay more attention to the ole forums.

    So first things first, CP is one of very few things that could get me thrown in the slammer. Censoring your stuff will hopefully get me off the hook, the feds are free to instruct me otherwise, I'm not going to say you can't post it but think about your own level of confidence that your account here and the things you've discussed across communities can't be tied back to you and then ask yourself if you want to draw that kind of attention here. I'm concerned about my well being first, of course, but you in particular mr happy seem to have been playing it kinda fast and loose with the opsec thing lately, make sure nothing you do here comes back to bite you.

    As for the spam, I actually delete spam threads when I see them in new topics but I'm not on all the time and I don't browse most the forums (including BI) outside of new topics much so there's room for improvement. You guys want a mod? No mods no rules is kinda the thing, although I could give someone the rights to ban bots and delete spam threads. I wouldn't mind, makes my life easier but if you're a believer in slippery slopes this is where you'd jump in and say no. Interested in thoughts on the subject.
  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    What's up bitches?

    well there's a name I haven't seen in a while
  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I wrote a long ass post about how I found this yahoo answer:
    and what it means. but I got like 80% through when I remembered I came here to say phenibut blunts psychedelics. Even if it helps with anxiousness it always makes me feel more sedated than I should and just takes the imminent intensity out of it. Also it produces these weird stretches of time where I think I'm totally baseline but then someone texts me and wooop, I'm paranoid and tripping balls again.

    Also is it weird to have band posters on your walls as an adult?
  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    What kinda upity ass niggas all be getting their little colored foil bags bullshit up in this bitch say nigga wat?
  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I do this sometimes, it's fun on the comeup but I can't focus on external things so well at the peak.

    I may have posted once before about how I was making a greek salad during a trip once and I had this really long, vivid hallucination of a whole life living on an ionian isle (part of greece) as I would imagine it to have been in like 200BC. Like a 40 year life it felt like, I can still remember scenes from that as well as memories from a few years ago, remember having a kid and shit. Literally stepped backwards and fell on my ass when I eventually realized I was actually 21st century nigga just making a greek salad
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Interesting stuff. Seems like the best encryption would be your own home made encryption system, which may actually(sadly) be illegal one day.

    Actually one of the first things people tell you when you talk about crypto in an academic or professional context is that you should never homebrew your own algorithm. There are a lot of subtleties in implementing crypto right, a lot of easy ways to make a mistake that compromises the whole system. I mean as an experiment or learning experience it's obviously perfectly fine but when you put something into production you have to ask "how confident am I that this is secure" and it's a hard question to answer. Secure would mean, or at least a criterion for being secure would be, that the best tools of cryptanalysis wouldn't be able to break it (decrypt without a key in less than the expected amount of time). And to affirm that you'd have to be abreast of the state of the art of cryptanalysis which is a big complicated field people spend their careers working on. Unless you're goofing around for kicks or to learn you're almost always better off just going with AES or RSA/AES key encapsulation.

    As to OP, yeah, while novel cryptography is famously difficult using well tested implementations like you'll find in pycrypto for things like ransomware shouldn't be incredibly complex. I'd be interested in how you would propose to get whatever you were trying to extort from targets in a way that doesn't lead back to you. It's kinda hard to ask granny to go buy some bitcoin and transfer it to your account to get her family pictures back but obviously you can't just slap up a paypal account and call it a day.
  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I'm like 80% sure you don't even know what half of those words mean
  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    reality -> math -> brain(psychology) -> metareality(philosophy) -> brain(psychology) -> math -> reality

    The fact that you think "reality -> math" is something just out there rather than a whole (minority) school of thought demonstrates how you little you know about the actual practice of either mathematics or philosophy.

    you have obviously learned absolutely nothing from pentominoes

    i bet you don't even play pentominoes

    nigga, I compute conways life with hashing at ln(n)/20 cycles/minute in my head as part of my morning exercise routine. Get on my level.
  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    So in that case, psychology<=>mathematics works dualistically. Psychology just isn't well enough defined yet, at some point it may even become its own form of mathematics. Philosophy is applied psychology.

    It's obvious you don't know anything about any of psychology, mathematics, or philosophy.
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    ^yes you could have worked, my daughters mom worked while she was pregnant and worked after, you just dont take accountability for yourself.

    I don't think telling us how the girl you knocked up had to hold down a job during her pregnancy and immediately afterwards while you were working part time at minimum wage (or maybe not at all) and provided no support is really helping your case when calling someone else out as a bad parent.

    Being spoiled rotten by lesbos isn't a good thing, ever heard the phrase "spoil the child and spare the rod" god you're dumb, you don't even know how to use paragraphs.

    Again, I don't think you're really in any position to be giving parenting advice when you're basically a non-participant in your own child's life. Hydro's certainly no saint but she's sure as hell put more effort into raising her kid than you have into yours..
  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    That was actually the best insult you could come up with? That's pretty weak mang. I was more offended by the obviousness and unoriginality of a video of a guitarist's feet
  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    there are exactly zero correct things posted in this thread so far.
  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    See?! You are suppressing, masking, your autism!

    You can't "mask autism", it's a behavior disorder, a person who doesn't engage in autistic behaviors isn't autistic. If you can elect to not experience symptoms of a condition then it isn't really a condition, it's a choice. It's like when people respond to depression with "have you tried not being depressed?", people with actual disorders don't get to choose if they're going to experience symptoms.
  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    ah sorry just saw this now, but yeah I'll take you up on it as long as we factor in who you think will win.

    Sweet, so I'll bet an amount of your choosing that either Clinton or Trump will win the 2016 election verses your Obama and Romney. If none of those four candidates win then we'll call it a draw, if either of your two win I'll publicly admit to being wrong and promptly pay you the amount in question and if either of the candidates win you'll do the same. Deal?
  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Wait, so if you're working night shifts how are you going to be homeless? Not talking shit, just wondering, I thought housing was supposed to be cheap in Florida and you should get a shift bonus (legally mandated, at least here, I think). Also does CPS have your kid? Don't have to answer that, don't mean to pry, I know it's your life an all so not really entertaining but from the outside inquiring minds want to know.
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    So poison oak is obviously a real thing and there are obvious issues prolonged social isolation BUT things like "noticed worrying signs of my body malfunctioning" and "it's going to suck if I can never go into the wilderness again without the risk of threatening my life" sound strikingly like (real) hypochondria, especially with your background anxiety condition(s). Talking yourself into what you must realize by now is a risky and ultimately harmful series of drug interactions is exactly the kind of thing that turns paranoid behavior into actively harmful behavior. You know it's true if you really make an effort to look at your observations from an outside perspective.
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