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Posts by Lanny
2015-06-27 at 5:29 AM UTC in What's for Dinner?
Same thing as always.
Do you really stick to that and just change meats and throw in beef liver regularly? Not even hating blood, I totally appreciate the asceticism, I've had really homogenous diets for spans of multiple months before and it's definitely beneficial in terms of having more time for other things and it's probably more healthy because when I eat a single dish for a full month or more I put more time into making sure it's well balanced but I could never keep it going for more than like ~12 weeks before I came to just really despise mealtime despite being really hungry so I'd end up eating lightly and then being really hungry the following day. I sometimes wish I had some super generic soylent green type nutrient I could consume as a totally neutral experience and prepare in less time than it took to eat but then I realize whenever I have something that approaches that (like a regimented homogeneous diet where prep takes a long time but yields enough food that I don't have to worry about prepping again for a week+) I just don't enjoy eating enough to make it a win in terms of time. I sorta wish I had whatever quality (probably autism, to be honest) that it takes to enjoy the same meal over and over but ultimately it seems like a sufficiently deeply ingrained desire for novelty/variety that I'll never be able to maintain an acceptable level of net-happiness without regular changeups in diet.
Lately I've been diversifying my diet a bit, cooking more (and to good effect I think), it definitely takes more time but I'm starting to enjoy the activity itself. Music and a little alcohol/recreational drug use beforehand helps a lot too.
The activity of making food itself is, as I'm sure you know, pretty uninteresting. Even when I was cooking beef bourguignon on a weekly basis, lighting a pot full of vegetables on fire is really only cool the first handful of times and then becomes old hat, but there's a certain rhythm to it that's pacifying.
A related story, but really only tangentially, took some 2-fma so this is probably unrelated ranting (but probably still interesting to you, malice, for psychoanalysis): When I was in high school there was this art class everyone had to take as this kind of lip service to whatever hippy population remains in california and insisted art not be cut from the curriculum. The guy who taught it was an old white guy, he was pretty quiet but just a really nice soul. He always maintained really strong eye-contact and I remember it making me uncomfortable (although it wasn't like he was staring me down or anything, he just looked at you really intensely), but his eyes always looked a little sad (on a side note, he once gave me a really expensive fountain pen and said, and this is a literal quote which has stuck with me even though I don't remember his name, "here, I trust you implicitly" and the way he looked at me just screamed so clearly that he fully expected me the ruin that pen but he was giving it to me anyway. Sometimes I think he knew I got that out of him and it was his way of making sure I didn't fuck with his shit but it just seemed so sincere I have a hard time doubting my recollection even in my most cynical moments.). Back them I was a hardcore STEM-fag so I was pretty dismissive to art in pretty much any form (except engineering, but then it was engineering and totally divorced from art in my mind), I thought it was just a class I had to take to get through to college, so I was like "whatever, I'll just do the assignments and be done with it". But on the first day he was like "you need 500 points to pass this class, each day you decide how many points your work was worth", and one dude drew a stick figure and was like "this is worth 500 point" and he was like "alright". I was a pussy and did some math and was like "I need to earn X points each day to be done by the end of the semester" and just wrote down X points each day regardless. BUT, since I had to sit in that class every day I still had to fill my time with something. The first few days I just talked shit with other niggas in the class, there was this black chick who was all up on my dick but I was like "nope" who I would spend the 60 minutes insulting and shit (it was cringeworthy, on both sides) but that got old mighty quick. So eventually I got bored and then one day was digging around the supplies room (which had all kinds of cool shit in it, 90% of it personally owned by art teacher bro) and came across a loom (and inkle look, to be specific) and art teacher bro gave me a book about using it (he also had a minor library of art books) and I was like "what the fuck, I'll try weaving". So that was a really long buildup to the point: I found that working on that loom while listening to music to be perhaps the most content I've ever felt in my life. It wasn't the ecstatic highs that I've felt from various accomplishments or intense euphoria certain drugs can bring on, but it was a kind of overall peacefulness and well being that was really profound. I don't know if it was some weird biological recall to an era where my ancestors who weaved survived better than anyone else or if the slow repetitive process induced some kind of quasi-trance or what, but the experience was intense enough that I remember it the better part of a decade later when I can't remember what I had for breakfast. Being naturally over-analytic, I can't do anything for more than a few minutes without backing up and asking "does this produce more per time-unit than I can at the highest paying job I hold" but there are these weird niche activities like weaving where I just don't feel the urge to do that calculation and I think it generally makes the process a sort of relaxed that I rarely feel. ANYWAY, lately when I've been cooking I feel a similar sensation of not being concerned about activity efficiency, like it's alright if it's not maximizing the use of my time, it's fulfilling in and of itself.
P.S. I'm totally gonna email that art teacher, haven't thought about him in a while, he was a trill ass nigga. -
2015-06-27 at 4:35 AM UTC in Share Yr Githubhaha, sure thing blood. Step one in lan lan's coding master class: never take anyone's programming advice, literally 100% of people giving you advice are either crotchety old faggots who think women these days are too promiscuous and men are too feminine or newly minted developers who think they know everything despite not having a line of code in meaningful production (or both) and god knows that applies to my advice too.
2015-06-27 at 3:35 AM UTC in Moving to different forum softwareThere has been a little grumbling about vB5, and I'll admit it has some annoying aspects. With time I think I'll be able to hammer most (although maybe not all) of them out but I just wanted to float the idea of a migration to something else (probably vB3 or 4 but if people feel passionately about something else we could try that too). It doesn't make a huge difference to me, I can hack shit onto the side of whatever we end up on. I haven't looked into what migration looks like yet but there are two main possible outcomes. One is that the DB is non migratable, or a migration is so involved that it's not feasible to do in a reasonable time-frame in which case I would have to dump the db, everyone re-registers, and threads and posts and such are toast. The other is that I can pull a migration script together and things like posts and accounts make the jump.
So I guess I just wanted to get a feel for where people are on it. I'm personally leaning towards not doing anything (partly because I'm a lazy cunt, but also because who really gives a shit about the software, we're not here for forum software), but if people have strong feeling on the matter I'll consider it. So I guess ITT, post if you think a change would be worth it in the dump-everything case and in the stuff-makes-it-over case and reasons or whatever. -
2015-06-27 at 3:20 AM UTC in Share Yr GithubITT: post your github profile or interesting projects. Just logged into github and noticed the only people I've collaborated with seriously in the past haven't done anything in a while. Could be fun to paw through some of yall's repos and vice-versa. Even if you don't have any super exciting projects (lord knows I don't) it could be interesting to see the code that goes with people's handles.
I'm going to be a bit of a hypocrite, since my GH username is my full real name I'll ask that other people post here or PM me and I'll link you off of the public boards. -
2015-06-27 at 2:36 AM UTC in The retarded thread: Fuck, §m£ÂgØL made one first edition
Holy shit Lanny, PrideSF! I already heard this year was going to be particularly crazy, can't remember/don't know why, but with the supreme court just having legalized gay marriage nationwide this could go ballistic. I wish I had some 4-FA.
2 days away. You know I've lived here for like 5 years now and I've never been to pride. It's basically just out my front door, maybe I'll stumble down there on sunday. Flirt with the cute guys, get shot down by lesbians, all that.
It's funny, having never been been there, when people say pride the first thing that I think of is that long ass tumblr post I read somewhere (probably TiA, that sub used to be funny but it's increasingly overrun with unfunny MRA faggots dogpiling on literal retards) about how straight people "ruined pride" and how it should just be for gays. It was one of the few things on tumblr that's ever made me mad because the author was actually quasi coherent and I could see people agreeing with him, like it represented a material step backwards for gay rights movements (and was illustrative of a more general phenomenon of parts the far left disengaging with world at large through these insular communities). Anyway, I think I'll go just to say my own, personal, fuck you to that nigger. -
2015-06-26 at 4:36 PM UTC in User control panel and option for automatic subscription to threads you post in?Definitely, it's on the list and a high priority
2015-06-26 at 4:11 PM UTC in What kind of nigger shuck n jive is this?Ahh, the classic shuck n jive #89
2015-06-26 at 4:07 PM UTC in The retarded thread: Fuck, §m£ÂgØL made one first editionI wonder what the open market can offer in the way of gene splicing to the general public. Like can I grab the paper that details the morphine yeast thing, throw it along with money at some Chinese lab, and get a homebrew heroin kit out of it? I wonder what kind of equipment it would take.
2015-06-26 at 5:49 AM UTC in What's for Dinner?ITT: post what you're having for dinner (or any other meal for that matter). Pics are a plus.
For me, vegan potato curry with peas and garbanzo beans with a side of cheap bourbon/fireball:
I've made this dish before but I added extra pepper this time so it has a nice kick. I think I went a little too heavy on the garam marsala though because the cinnamon/cardamon taste is more prominent than I think it should be in a savory dish.
Now U -
2015-06-26 at 4:06 AM UTC in Mod me
I think I've proven myself
No, I did add an item in the FAQ in your honor tho: I was hoping you guys would show me something before I post my tits again
now tits
2015-06-26 at 3:43 AM UTC in Can we get a "back to top" button?Added it in case anyone still wants it.
2015-06-26 at 3 AM UTC in The retarded thread: Fuck, §m£ÂgØL made one first editionSo I bought a broom at target but don't have a car or anything so I had to walk like seven blocks carrying a broom it was kinda awkward. I felt like people were looking at me. Niggas be shooting up in the open in broad daylight and there's a performance artist on every corner but I get strange looks for carrying a broom. Fucking SF
2015-06-25 at 4:21 PM UTC in Can we get a "post new topic" button on the "New Topics" page....looks like it does for me. Do other people have issues when using bbcode? Anyway:
new thread button on new topics page: No, it's gotta go in a forum and the site can't decide for you.
when does the decorator arrive: Soon, I hope, but probably not until the weekend. If you find an existing skin you like I'll include it before that, but I'm assuming the totse/newschool themes are going to take a good bit of fiddling.
fix the photo linking thing too, enable hotlinks: I'm just going to get rid of the photo upload thing because there's no point in me hosting photos when imgur or photobucket or whatever is free. Hotlinks is going on the list
2015-06-25 at 4:13 PM UTC in Can we get a "post new topic" button on the "New Topics" page....
2015-06-25 at 5:30 AM UTC in Ideas for homebrew wines?Also I like alcohol with a sour taste. Whiskey sours are my favorite drink but a non-citrus sour would be an interesting taste too, I don't know how you do it but like the sour flavor you get from sourdough but in booze. I'd pay for that shit for sho
2015-06-25 at 5:28 AM UTC in Ideas for homebrew wines?How hard was it to homebrew mead? I've had mead a few times before it it was some tasty shit. The one time I tried homebrew booze was when I was like 13 and mixed sugar, water and yeast in gallon jugs under the stairs. Produced alcohol of course but it was hard to drink enough to get drunk without throwing up.
2015-06-25 at 5:24 AM UTC in Welcome Faggots (rules and updates on site features)
No Flora and Fauna section? :(
Don't worry blood, I got chu -
2015-06-25 at 5:17 AM UTC in ATTN:OGbloodcomptonniggaalso I'm going to disable the email requirement because 5 year olds can get around that shit.
2015-06-25 at 5:17 AM UTC in ATTN:OGbloodcomptonniggaso let it be written so let it be done!
2015-06-25 at 5:09 AM UTC in Welcome Faggots (rules and updates on site features)
Private property (this website) + anarchy = anarcho-capitalism. You're finally one of us. Embrace the spontaneous order rather than clinging to your desires to be a dictatorial central planner.
There's a fundamental difference between denying authority in a special case (this one, based on historical evidence) and denying its legitimacy generally. More concretely, no one who's owned the webspace this community is housed in has had special access to truth in the realm of setting rules on a BBS and that includes me. Just because I don't have the expertise to make good super-legal restrictions on site content doesn't mean such restrictions don't exist, or if they don't exist it doesn't mean that more generally there doesn't exist better or worse restrictions on the populous at large that can justifiably be maintained by force. The point here is that justified authority comes in proportion to domain expertise. Whereof one has no expertise (forum administration) thereof one must not legislate.