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Posts by eBagger

  1. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by ohfralala Also Lilith is a cunt with no sense of humor.

    Yeah she is, super megabitch

    Originally posted by ohfralala Ok I’m done. I laughed till I cried. My favorite part was Pikachu getting his ass whipped for talking shit on those kids.

    aww rly? :0 Thx glad u enjoyed it :)

    I'll try and get around to making some more, more related to shit
  2. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    All this straightforward death until you die talk and -Spectral ain't even scared

    By god the pure courage and fortitude of this man
  3. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Ghost Good content

    thanks m8 I'm assumin thats not sarcastic

    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine I loled for real at the Pikachu part

    yeh that english fella made for some good banter

    Originally posted by mmQ I love you

    I'm mildly interested in u 2 :>
  4. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny r u saying malice is mac miller ?

    Malice Miller?

    I like da way you think vindicky
  5. eBagger Tuskegee Airman

    I've been meaning to work on a video project like this for a while but I'm lazy, and I hafta relearn the basics of editing and the actual work of trolling and finding rooms that don't just kick you and actually let you fuck with them can be difficult.

    The niggas from our Tinychat room will find the same old comedy routines used here, wearing my wig all dishoveled, zooming in, being fucked up on drugs, etc., but the bunch of you who don't fuck with Tinychat might find it entertaining.

    Its a fine line between too short not enough content, and too long too much unneeded fluff. I think I accidentally made it too long, but its the first trial episode so I just put together what I had.

    If I ever get the motivation I think I can do better, and find a way to integrate Niggas in space material. Although in a few rooms I did end up BS'ing around and people were interested in where I was from and I explained the forums and told em bout NiS.

    Ironically one dude remember Totse and was like "Oh yeah I got the anarchist cookbook off of there!"

    But yeah here it is, hope you get some form of entertainment out of it. Again sorry for the length. The best was the room with the british dude and that was like 5 or 6 minutes or some shit.

    Holy shit I just realized its 15 minutes

    Oh well if I do another it'll be edited alot better than this

  6. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by ohfralala You ain’t a real nigga unless you put them in the deviled eggs

    I thought I made a thread about me discovering boiled eggs late in life due to the fact I hate mustard and pickles so I never really fucked with boiled eggs because that was the main way I saw them made. Only the past year I tried a plain boiled egg and it was amazing. So yeah those are just plain boiled eggs with a pinch of salt and pepper.

    But yeah I'll put the marshmallows in them eggs don't test my gluttony.

    I was just talking with tort last night, knowing this back when I was bodybuilding it would have been a godsend. You can just pop em just they're giant protein pills.

    Originally posted by Mewsik Hmmm .. I wonder how they would fare in brownies and other baked things?

    I think they would get kinda gooey, but it'd still be pretty good. It has suggestions on the side such as add to rice crispy treats, or trail mix. Go give it a try!
  7. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by SBTlauien ^Where is such thread?

    It was literally like 2 threads under your thread...

    I take it back, I don't like ya, go fuck yaself matey 😜

    jk that was my new gluttons and gourmet post

    Heres the real thread -

    It really was like 2 threads under yours tho
  8. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    AHhahhah oh man

    You definitely can't make a cake that ends up looking like that without a decent amount of etizolam....

    Good job brudda
  9. eBagger Tuskegee Airman

    I used to joke "I wish they made a cereal with ALL marshmallows"

    Not sure if you guys knew this, but they fucking sell a sprinkle container of those oh so delicious marshmallows found in your favorite cereals. I knew they sold the little marshmallows that you could put on hot chocolate, but these are like the official lucky charm style marshmallows.

    Do you guys comprehend what this means? And what I have confirmed to be to the case?

    Thats right, now EVERY cereal you enjoy can - NOW WITH MARSHMALLOWS!

    I've already put them in honey nut cheerios and it was amazing.

    I also added them the cereal that ends all cereals....the frostiest of the frosty, luckiest of the lucky, malloweyest of the mallow cereal


    Thats right, I added EXTRA marshmallows, to the FROSTED FLAKE MARSHMALLOW lucky charms cereal.

    Needless to say, it was fucking amazing. I recommend you guys go out and try and find a container at your local grocery or mart. It was like $1.50, and its gone a long way pretty much....especially considering like fiber gummies, I find myself everytime I walk by the cabinet, I dump a few in my hand.....
  10. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by SBTlauien All is well except that people don't like me.

    Thats good. People likin' ya is overrated. But I like ya matey!

    Maybe in RL you give off those "I like reading about serial killer and criminal stuff" vibes or somethin.

    On topic less "morbid" per se, but I assume everybody is here stemming from decades old search on how to commit some type of crime, build some type of bomb, or discuss some form of drug. Except those refugees from hookup site.

    I was about to post in hydromorphs suicide thread to keep her head up but I fell asleep mid-post and accidentally exited the tab mid-post, but I every time I visit it seems there is a new suicide thread up. At least I'm part of the right community.
  11. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Technologist I’d rather have charmander🔥

    Yeah well Pikachu is my friend and pharmacist

    I always ask him for refills and he always obliges

    I wouldn't let charmander round my stash and certainly not round my kush
  12. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by SBTlauien It didn't go away though.

    oh. maybe I was thinkin of SBTl or somethin. Either way haven't seen ya hope alls well m8
  13. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    hey homofagius ask ur erotic boyfriend if u can fuk ur girlfriend hahahah BOOM eRoasted
  14. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hol up is trayvon martin?

    Jeeeeesus either I don't spend enough time here or I'm not very attention

    On-topic sorry to inform you but this is no place to find love confirmed. I myself, yes eBagger, put out an application for any not extremely slutty sugar pie honey buns over in the relationships part of the forums.

    And I'm still here hanging out with Pikachu so naw
  15. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    YES! SBT's cowboy hat emoji returns! I kept seeing your name and it stuck out in my mind like yo I think I used to post with this nigga or somethin, of which many of the little bits and pieces one would remember from forum life would think....and that emoji confirms it!
  16. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by ohfralala Can you please post your nighttime skincare routine next thanks

    better living through chemical exfoliation am i rite

    Originally posted by Item 9 I tried that. Too strong of a good thing.

    Ya think? What'd ya dose?

    I think its manageable if you dose it right. I'm experimenting with less than my initial dose tonight. I sprained my ankle like...8 hours after ingesting and I dunno how related it was, I mean I was jogging at night but I normally do and its okay, probably just the lots of hurricane debris still left over on the side of the road.
  17. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Hey I was gonna post in Jim fuck latinos carrys thread but I was too lazy. Probably a reflection on why these forums are dying. It takes effort to post these days. Unless you can just pump out fire replies and content like mQ.

    on another note cricket squad up in this bitch am i rite
  18. eBagger Tuskegee Airman

    This shit is AWESOME!

    .5mg/ml in 30ml vial

    Feels like the first time I've done a benzo. Its got high euphoria, its like a combination of Xanax and Klonopin, with maybe Soma mixed in.

    I even scraped old dabs and used some shitty new lighter that doesn't cut off for some reason and not wasting my dab it apparently burned a whole in my moisturizer. But its all good, I'm high on Clonazolam.

    If you took me to a doctor my bloodwork would certainly have me hoot deficient, as they have all left my body.

    You're a little "tired" as in you can go to sleep if you want, but you're not GROGGY like when you take alot of valium or other more traditional benzos.

    I only took maybe .25 ml under the tongue, which is like .25mg, held it as long as possible like a sub strip, and its been a few hours and its like a roller coaster, an awesome roller coaster, with a newfound positive side effect around every turn, just always goin steady or up. I was fully expecting to dose again by now (like 3 hours later) but I'm still feelin dandy. I know from reading its long lasting but in my mind I get something weak or wears off quick, but this stuff has legs!

    Granted this wasn't a super clean test as I'd been awake alot from adderall, taken some varieties of tiz, etc but Clonaz is very noticeable. I'm not getting it mixed up with anything else I've taken, and is probably not effecting me anymore (besides the bupe but the bupe always effect me)

    But yeah

    Feels super clean, hits strong and noticeably fast, and I'll wait til I'm less intoxicated to decide where its at on my benzo spectrum, but dare I say its up there with my favorite.

    I think its like people have said, etizolam is more useful, keep handy for anxiety/panic/wanna get loose. Pop a few a day here and there. One of my faves as you guys probably know. And boy do I have a tiz post to make. But This is like the med you take when either your ready to get fucked up for a while, until I further test or see if it could be used more medically, etizolam seems to easy a choice to do what its supposed to.

    This is an easy choice if you want to maybe stay home and get hit hard with most all the positive feels that comes with your favorite benzos.

    I'm going to wait til tonight, do a larger than normal bupe, and like a double dose of the clonazolam, and fuckin feel awesome.

    I got tiz reviews to do too but all this new stuff goin on I wanna make it quality
  19. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Well, this is a hype post, but in this very thread, tomorrow, I will be testing out a new drug in one of my favorite types of drugs, BENZOS WOO

    And giving a comprehensive review of it

    And some other reviews to come in the near future ;D
  20. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    butt kruz he changed he truly changed he broke free of da mkultra u are our mkultra expert u must stud (short for study pretty funny huh I came up wit dat) dis
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