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Posts by eBagger

  1. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Ya. It was just odd to me. It made me uncomfortable. That's all.
    Prolly in that moment, I would've got it.

    Oh made it over to my TinyChat trolling episode 1 thread.

    Its not really supposed to make you uncomfortable considering I'm letting you guys know I'm recording it for entertainment sake, and that's kinda whats entailed in trolling is making people feel uncomfortable/annoyed. No need to put yourself in my position, I get crunk and get on cam and things can get uncomfortable, awkward and uncomfortable things are some of my favorite things to watch like interviews that go wrong or where you can tell two hosts don't like each other but have to work together.

    Eh I'm spending too much time describing this shit to you but its also Saturday night and I'm current en' route to crunktown so oops
  2. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by JΟ…icebox Let's see if I can remember the names right, I'm too lazy to recover my account there.

    O-PCE: Fun enough, a little too stimulating though and lasts forever. Was still fucked up for half the day at work the next day. Supposedly is the best PCP analogue on the RC market for holing but I couldn't get into one, even at 60mg. I always hear people say that dissos give a semi-permanent tolerance so I'm guessing my MXE addiction a few years back had something to do with this. Another member here said he had no problem holing from it. "Emergence Phenomena" can fuck you up bad if you're not prepared for it, but my doses were far above what is considered reasonable.

    3-MeO-PCP: Typical dissociative headspace, stimulation, hallucinations of lots of numbers and letters. Can induce extreme paranoia at very high doses. Playing space-flight "sims" on this stuff is amazing. Watch out for emergence phenomena here too.

    4-HO-PCP (I think it's 4,might be 3): Probably my favorite of the three, just because it's more sedating. Only thing that sucks is, it seems like you can only get so much of the classic disso effects no matter how high you push the dose. Eventually you just black out and do retarded shit. This was said to have affinity for mu-opioid receptors, but if it did I didn't notice any. Can't remember if I was taking Crouton at the time though

    TBH I preferred two bottles of robocough to all three

    MXE was the last disassociative and one of only disassociatives I fucked with, don't know how I feel about fucking with more. It was strange, the most standout effect being when typing on my keyboard if I didn't concentrate, I would miss what key I was going for WAY OFF like typing gibberish, and if I concentrated super hard I got my controls of my motor functions and it was more like drunkish typing.

    I'll post another thread like my clonazolam thread but I got a vial of Flualprazolam comin', and I'm about to try out a few more things.

    I'd been on etizolam for legit medical use/occasional recreational use so long I'd forgotten about the whole other world of chems out there.
  3. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Idk. That's just how I feel.
    I'm not mad or hating him. Sorry.
    He just comes off rude

    Awww is there any rude examples you can think of?

    Cause I have a negative character trait of being rude to those who think I'm a douchebag without basis

    so fuck ya bitch nigga 😎
  4. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Ghost Nah he's a cool dude. Why would you say something like that?

    Because he takes drugs?

    Awww thanks Ghost 😊

    U don't hafta take up for lil old me teehee

    I just played Dolce and Gabanna in Tinychat πŸ•Ί
  5. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by DontTellEm "ebagger" u seem like a douchebag.

    u seem like somebody who might get the wrong impression 😌
  6. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Seven butt-nakeds sippin' drank in my sauna
    Only fuck with hoes who rock Dolce & Gabbana

    Teeth on my chest
    Iceberg Season with some slugs cross my vest 🐌
  7. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Ghost Lysergi

    lol yah I know bout dem but I don't think they got no clonaz sista
  8. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    I know we prolly not allowed to source RC or RX vendors but if anybody wanna PM me with some quality domestic research chems I'd preciate ya, reward ya with some typa vendors of my own, maybe some tizzys, maybe some eLove.

    My place I got my clonazolam solution already sold out and it I'm tryna re-up.
  9. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    yeah apric0t is a scrub ain't he?
  10. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Anal Turing U weren't even around back then e-baggot

    I kno u tryna b cool but you gotta be factually accurate
  11. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Ghost It is what it is

  12. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine Hts is jedi?
    Definitely not Ashkenazi or Khazarian, nose is way too small.

    I thought HTS was blatantly Irish
  13. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Bueno Is the room down?

    Nah I just checked and it was up with Bill Krozby in there
  14. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Not to go all -spectral but but if this happened back in the day jeff hunter and totse woulda been hella investigated, prolly one of the top investigated places on the web no doubt
  15. eBagger Tuskegee Airman

  16. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
  17. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by apric0t the funniest thing about that video was lillith immediately identifying you as a cuck

    fuck ya skinny-fat boy

    Originally posted by GGG That was amazing. More please.

    Thanks brudda, even with my high sedation and low initiative I think I can pump out some episodes
  18. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    I dun think I said it before I dun think I say it again there's something comforting in seeing that most of us in this community are in, or hanging around, or waving to somebody riding, or just shy of boarding "the bus"

    Don't it make ya feel a little less alone?

    I told one of the few people I still have real life conversation with who had told me they had agoraphobia years ago and couldn't leave the house, and is still on Lexapro (and believes she will need it until the day she dies), that I think she is like 85% justified in her "irrational" fears in which the way life currently runs and is presented in the modern world. I do consider her of slightly above average female intelligence.

    Earlier today I just randomly opened up to an older client of mine, who was venting to me about her various iPhone issues, that I honestly believe its become apparent to some, imperceptible to most, that more-so in the past 3-6 years, we have reached a point of progression that has diverged into increasing, mounting regression, in almost aspects of life. Technology being an important factor, reaching out and stirring into all other earthly divisions.

    The worst is having a memory of a younger, alternative, on track, mentally secure, goal driven and rewarded, "normal", ambitious, energetic, confident, unfolding of limitless possibilities, nourishing of precious relationships, etc to remind you of the stark contrast of the totally opposite current day, an ever flowering predicament that just seems to continue to stack, further distancing you from the tranquility and joy and vigor you once had, and with the most precious of assets being time, flying by at full speed and only getting faster, and trying your best to keep it together while also frantically trying to put together the damaged remains of lifes puzzle pieces with the ever present personal negative decisions that occupies your consciousness and suppresses ability to summon positive change, and assemble the scraps of yourself that has managed to survive in tact in such a way that could result in what resembles some sort of meaningful, fulfilling existence, some sort of link to the hope filled past of ignorance of which Ghost refers.

    Or learning of some of the solutions but having too many variables and obstacles to make finalize them.

    Ah fuck it I dunno how I got to this thread or how much time I spent trying to communicate relateable, shared feelings with these digital eWords but I'm not proofreading I'm hitting submit
  19. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    I got an English Degree bro I'll help ya sometime Bill Krozbydog just lemme kno

    I can see it now Bill Krozby Dickens: A tale of two slampigs - it was da best of sluts, and it was the worst of sluts
  20. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Zanick I thought Lilith was essential to the trolling, without her there would've been no resistance. I also like that you came between her and Andy. You have a lot of toys and candy.

    lol Agreed, its hard to find a good trolling ebb and flow when alotta mods are super quick on the ban. You saw how quick my bare ass was banned. Its hard to find a medium of not too extreme where its blatant and they know your trolling and won't even approve your cam, and trolling enough to get a response out of em'

    Originally posted by Zanick Oh absolutely a skank, to be sure. But a necessary skank.

    Do people actually video chat with total strangers like this often? I can't imagine what it must be like to schedule an afternoon of that. Maybe it's not so different from what we're doing here, but it's also totally different.

    Hahahh yeah, str8 fuckin losers

    Especially if your not doing it to chat with users from your community.

    I thought you did it, but I think I'm thinking of Zenith. I believe last he cammed up right up after getting his ass beat by police officers lol

    It looks more loserish looking from the outside, but while alot of tinychat rooms are random losers, alot of rooms originate from some community. Like some of those rooms I invaded were from vaping forums or various hobby forums, smaller communities, alotta gay and weed rooms to fuck with.

    Same way I think all those rooms are lame, but like our tinychat room just feels kinda normal, just a different way to interact with your fellow niggas. Just a little more personal experience of hanging out with the users of the community. Like described as an online bar, you listen and share music, chat, show each other shit. Often relating to the room or community itself, with similar interests or showing a band or song somebody might like.

    I remember I was trying to skype with BradleyB like 4 years ago about some drug shit and he was like naw I'm already in this room place just come here, and I clicked a link and saw ole Bill Krozby was sittin there starin at the cam with his babyface, and bradleyB was cammed up and playin music, and I was like damn this is pretty convenient for conferencing reasons. Then you usually just end up hanging out there.

    EDIT: Oh yeah and Apric0t posting reminded me, ya get to know users better, maybe coordinate a game of online poker,enjoy actually witnessing a user you know whose a fattass sit at his desk and eat pie as he shitposts. Tinychats been around a while apparently, at least long enough for apricot to go from fatass to malnourished scrawnyboy.
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