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Posts by eBagger

  1. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Guten tag, various earth niggas, connected via computer and various coax and cat5 cables.

    I'll try and not YAP and get on tangents as much as possible, this already gon be TLDR. But first, it's hard to believe some of us have been on here since youthful and healthy, now old and faggoty, the cringe of age catching up. I always said I didn't want to live past
    40 because that's when I believe the terminal cringe sets in, and maybe I'll have accidently manifested it. LETS GO!

    You'd have thought I would have already experienced near death from any number of dumb drug combinations in the past, but this was as close I've experienced to dying, and it was just from a mixture of bad heart genetics, high testosterone and too much muscle , and accidently taking too many blood pressure and sleeping meds to close together.

    I was already having bad sleep apnea nightmares. The dreams would start without much backstory, I'm on a boat, and I fall off the boat and start drowning. As I see the surface get farther and farther, it gets darker and darker. Breathing becomes harder and harder. Sometimes I'll feel some struggling, but eventually in the dream it gets mentally exhausting quick, so I'm like fuck it and just submit to the darkness and let myself run out of breath, as there isn't much I can do. I then wake up instantly, out of breath and lightheaded, and like numerous people have been kicking the shit out of me in my sleep. These dreams are often terrifying enough I don't want to go back to sleep, but of course lethargy and sleepiness is a tough battle. But usually I sleep fine for several days/weeks after the nightmares.

    Well on this seemingly normal night in Nov. 2023, I was tired as fuck, felt heavy as fuck, had been gaming and smoking kush all night probably or something, and was ready for bed. Since I hadn't slept well for a few days, I accidentally took my morning bp med, and my night bp meds like 3 hours apart. Not usually a big deal, but I also took a hydroxyzine or two so I'd get a good 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. And boy did I almost get uninterrupted sleep.

    So I go to bed. The sleep apnea like dream begins, but its advanced a little bit. Fuck the whole falling out of a boat part, I become conscious as I'm already under the water, and it's getting dimmer, and I can't breathe. I'm pretty curious what's next. Now, here's where I'm still pretty freaked out to this day. As it got darker and the surface so distant I could no longer orientate myself as to up/down/left/right, and I witnessed a new shade of color that I can still kind of remember to this day. The absence of color you could say, a black that was much blacker than the black we are used to. It was a black that I can only describe, if you are in a windowless room, with all the lights out, at night time......that, would be your LIGHT reference. Yeah imagine the darkest dark you've seen in your life, and then make it several shades darker/blacker.

    Think of it like, if the blackest black you know is like when an LCD screen is off, but backlit, in a dark room. It appears dark, but in the darkness it is essentially illuminated blackness. Then, when the backlight cuts off, and the screen cuts off completely,
    you realize it gets legit black, like much blacker than when it was on. This seemed similar, just gradually going from dark, to pitch black, to....somehow, unfathomably darker.

    Also by this point, I'm feeling struggling (which is my physical body asleep in bed), but it feels tiny. Distance and time, or orientation is impossible to decipher in this void of blackness I've entered and essentially floating in, but my body felt small
    and like fucking 50 ft to the.....bottom left? of wherever the fuck I'm at. This is the last bit I remember before instantly waking up with a streak of pain across my chest. My vascularity felt "off" the entire next day, like I'd feel a wave of pressure go throughout the closed loop system of my body, starting with left kidney, down both legs, up the right kidney, and up the neck. The immediate pain and waking up immediately in shock is the main bridge I have to the experience, giving the nightmare/experience credibility.

    So if you are thinking "Oh eBagger, I love your posts, you should go see a doctor!" Here's where you can believe in luck, you can believe in whatever the fuck you want, but my medical luck is BAD, and always has been. I've had several tests on my
    heart, and my cardiologist with a smile says "Oh, you're heart is like, the picture perfect for heart health!"

    I explained this experience to a couple of my doctors who just don't believe it. When I told my cardiologist I masturbated in my sleep, she was just like "Omg like, the paramedics where there? and they had to zap you back to life? Oh it was a bad dream....ok" And since I don't have many medical options and I'm trying my best not to get doctors pissed off at me, it was incredibly hard not to talk shit, but I just humored her and said "Yeah sure, just a dream, and I'm just sleeping on my left arm to make it numb, I totally can't tell the difference between my heart giving out, and me sleeping on my left arm at this age". "You won't be having problems for at least 10 years", she says. Of COURSE smh. Only literally everybody on my dads side dies of heart attack/aortic dissection/aneurism. Starting usually in early 40's, up to 60's, cousins, uncles, father, all dead from heart related issues. God she was SMUG about it too, holy fuck my bp is rising just thinking about it.

    Fast forward 6 months, I get a blood clot in my right leg. Doc didn't believe me and thought I pulled a muscle, but still agreed to check for blood clot, and I was right. So I've been on blood thinners for the past 6 months, and after some manual labor the other day, I had a headache that I could only describe as pre-aneuerism. My fingers went numb, andI almost shit myself, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't because of any stomach issue, but the last SHIT I might ever take (sorry future paramedics).

    Possibly the worst part of all of this, as I've mentioned probably in one of my past posts over the years, when life gets to a certain degree of shitty, I have no issue using drugs as a crutch to get me to the next level. I've always been able to use drugs without abusing them for the most part, but now, most drugs are giving me symptoms and causing me to feel my heart/chest/left arm/neck more, so possibly the worse part about all of this, is I've having to be mostly sober. I've been mostly sober anyway since Covid, besides Kush but that doesn't really count of course. Now though, even kush is causing symptoms, and kush is one of the essential vitamins and minerals my bodies need to survive. If I was a Sim, then right under food, and water, I'd have a kush bar. The symptoms that I'd feel after smoking became prominent enough to ruin my high, and I guess a forced 2025 resolution is no kush.

    Anywho, I just figured I'd give you guys an insight on what I experience. If you have near death experiences with similar or different outcomes feel free to post them. I keep thinking of the people who said they saw lights, and tunnels, and lights at the end of tunnels, and I'm wondering when the hell that kicked in for them. Because at no point in my experience did I experience anything other than darkness. I also like to think I live my life and my relationship with God has me heaven bound, so take that into consideration.


    Some common things I'm thankful for since realizing I'm not invincible, and think about on a daily basis.

    1. Gaming. I still love gaming of all genres. PUBG, CODWarzone, Fortnight, Halo Infinite, Hell Let Loose, etc. Seeing all these people modern day getting blown up by drones, thinking of all of those who died in war in the history of mankind, it really doesn't feel fair I've gotten to enjoy all these incredibly fun war gaming experiences, while another man has had to actually endure war. It's thankfulness, mixed with the bitterness that God allows my fellow man to die horribly and young.

    2. Fear of alternative realities. All things considered, I am lucky, and many of us are lucky. If you think about the endless possibilities of death, consciousness, ones spirit, it's not impossible to imagine horrifying alternatives. When I die am I going to be immediately transported into a horrible reality much worse than the hand I've been dealt this time? Like its exhausting to think of all the hardships in life, the physical and mental anguish, and then having to think "This was my GOOD life, this was my vacation from actual hell. I get a good life every 1,000 bad lifes. No matter how horrible or pain I've experienced, this was my TIME OFF from suffering." That thought bothers me.

    3. Have I misinterpreted something? I've honestly felt like I've experienced God speaking to me, but its always in hindsight. I like to think I get used to seeing the patterns, and can apply them, but I remain as in the dark as ever. I'm usually wondering if I'm zigging when I should be zagging, and if I've misunderstood some core principle that's been beamed to me. At the end of the day, all we really have is pure logic on our side, mixed with a little bit of faith.

    4. Pay attention to Covid-like diseases. That's was the start of all of this shit. I remember my line of thinking was "lol yeah right", or like I could decipher who was sick or not. I caught it the same time as a chick I was seeing, and she was fine like 2 weeks later. It's such a crapshoot what viruses effect who, and how, its not really worth risking if you don't have to.

    5. Appreciation of my mindset. I've never been the sharpest tool in the shed, or incredibly stupid (for long periods of time), but I'm thankful to have my thoughts and be me usually. Off topic one thing that sucks is my insane needle phobia, another reason I don't feel like going to the ER. But if I can keep the negativity at bay, I can literally always entertain myself in a kind of ignorant bliss. This thread should be evidence of that, just thoughts after thoughts, tangents upon tangents. It's like playing a game constantly in your head. Lots of logic based thoughts like "If this, then this" "If this, and this, then this". The whole simulation theory has a good bit of credibility if you think about it. And while I have the same wants as other dudes, which I was taller or had a higher metabolism or wasn't a bald heady scally wag, but for the most part I wouldn't really want to be anybody else other than me. So thankfulness is a theme, go and have you some near death experiences and it will do wonders for your thankfulness.

    I've always had a base belief in God, and then everything else is kind of is what it is. Like too many people said Jesus was a good dude and died for us, so he probably was, and I'm like "Thanks Jesus, I can't believe they say you are jedi lol what a bunch of liars". Muhammad, probably a good dude, lots of good and sound stuff in plenty of religions. I usually tell myself I might as well be realistic about it and be like "Look, if you're going to send me to hell for being a mostly good person and using the logic you gave me to come to these conclusions, then FUCK IT SEND ME TO HELL MOTHERFUCKER!" And then I'm like "Ah shit sorry I'm just pissed because I'm dying and I thought I had another 20 years to fuck off, but seriously what the fuck". And then I'm like "I can't tell if I'm actually sorry or just scared you're going to make my next experience a living hell, so I'm fake sorry and authentic sorry, trying to cover my bases here" You know, just realistic, logical conversations with God, with lots of thank yous and I'm sorrys and the like.

    Of course my insurance got screwed up right at the end of 2025 and I won't have coverage until Feb 1st, but I might not make it to Feb 1st, so I might be going to the emergency room soon. And like everybody, I fucking hate the emergency room, and I'll put it off until I'm literally dying (which is kinda the purpose I guess).

    I'm the kind of stubborn that, if I know I am right, and data and doctors tell me otherwise, I'll want to prove them right, even if its me waiting until I've got blood coming out of my nose and ears, and stroking out to do it. But common sense is saying with these symptoms continuing, to go get it checked out or I won't get a chance to prove them wrong again. Holy fuck I hate the emergency room. Thank God for Factorio, I'm trying out Pyanodons mod, and that has got to be the hardest most complicated shit I've ever seen in a videogame, but its keeping my brain preoccupied. (It takes like 400 hours to beat if you know what you are doing)

    Also pissed because despite my lazy and unmotivated lifestyle, I had BIG plans for the coming years/decade. Some events and things have to take place before I can start. As of now, I don't feel like it would be smart to invite a bunch of stress and chaos into my life as I'm having these health issue. So hopefully I get them resolved so I can continue to happily fuck off until its my time to shine.

    Soooo if I don't post again, I'd say I'll see you all in hell, but as you just read, it was more of endless void situation, so probably never talk to you fuckers again. I'd much rather end this "See you in the big bbs forums in the sky" but that doesn't seem to be the case. I don't post or check here often, I feel too lazy to post or reply these days, but I'll maybe update in a few weeks if I'm still here. This was not a pity thread, I don't want your pity (oh fuck it, bring on the pity ), but more so a PSA of what I experienced, and what you might be getting a taste of in the years to come. I was going to make a thread about my experience last year but kept putting it off, but should probably go ahead and post. God Luck and Good speed.
  2. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by CodeNiggHardR Do you have a six year old child bride yet?

    From my understanding, as you should consider things were different literally 2000 years ago when people were still tryna survive and stuff (Imagine jedis going around being little rascals, poisoning your wells back then before we had technology and could link it all together to figure it out, must have been frustrating), it was because they didn't give a single hoot about women back in the day and unless they hurried up and got married or something they could be kill or enslaved or something.
  3. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by ner vegas

    tampering with the pagers en route, 20g PETN and a firmware hack that causes them to overheat the batteries to detonate the explosive it seems like

    Sounds kind of hard to pull of considering....I don't know, all the information you'd need to do that. Unless you are just undercover fake friends with the top dudes deciding to buy the pagers and know from where and where you'd need to get between it.
  4. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by RisiR † This post made me happy! eBagger ya ol' hoot. I couldn't agree more.

    Originally posted by ner vegas I tried it, never got into it, still prefer factorio

    Factorio is one of the best thought out games ever, one of the few games I was determined to beat. Yeah this is pretty similar though, the throwing of explosives to clear trees and stuff is especially making me remember Factorio. But yeah, the first person and having to maneuver and go long distances for making long tedious belts isn't for everybody.
  5. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina if this is true then they must have moles in their upper command unless the hezs decided to announce it openly via the same compromised pager.

    imagine the last the last message you get was "throw away your pager now" before it blow of.

    I wonder what the trigger message was that would cause them to blow?

    I imagine they try to make it something ironic like "Allah Akbar" or something but I imagine they type that kind of stuff to each other all the time. I wonder if one of them accidentally set one off with some obscure phrase they set and then they had to detonate before word got out.

    This seems really hard to do though, I was watching Steve Lookner and as he was reading I was somebody trolling? Then I saw the videos and I was like ohhhh actual exploding pagers ok.
  6. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Well well wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllll if the dirty israelis weren't browsing &t back in the day I don't know who WAS

    But how in the friggin heck did they do that guys? I figured you'd know.
  7. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Generic screen shot of my truck depot I got working the other day, but I am far past this now.

    I'm trying to figure out oil and all the plastic/rubber ratio bullshit again. Still quite a few bugs in the full release but honestly with all the content and possibilities and shit they fit into this game its still good.

    It like drip feeds you all these quality of life upgrades where you keep saying maybe one more phase or tier and then I'm done, but then you unlock the new shit to fuck with and its like "oh"...well I guess I'll play some more

    I'm playing because it just went full release, I stopped playing during early release because it got too complicated. And its getting too complicated again but I don't care I'm in it to win it this time. I'm still doing the same stupid mistakes and I told myself I wouldn't play like this this time. I rush and make everything look like shit and function poorly for the sake of hurrying up to get the next quality of life update. I said when I got the jet pack and it was easier to maneuver I would start having fun by actually taking my time and making things look aesthetically pleasing as well as functional, but I'm still slapping shit together all willy nilly. I'm about to tear down my test oil power plant because it only functions half the time and make it nice.

    You forget how annoying the game is too, but they added something awesome to remedy it. I have memory problems anyway, half of the game if you forget something you have to travel back and put it in your inventory which I was doing alot, and you need alot of supplies to build, but they added in an alien technology (also something you must harvest resources from) that allows your parts to be stored in a cloud of sorts and you an access them wherever you are, which has totally changed.

    Not that anybody has said I'm too old to be playing games or anything, but yeah, I was thinking how ridiculous the sentiment of stopping playing games when you get older is odd as fuck because like, think about it, games rely on technology which inherently improves over time.....and granted while advanced at the time, all my favorite games currently besides like, Zelda:OOT or Command and conquer or something had been unable to be developed because of the technological restrictions.

    k bye
  8. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Are you trying to say you don't want to build a comfy cabin and start a garden? I don't follow. Either way please stay on topic, and join the online sensation known as "Haven and Hearth" today!
  9. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Third Temple sounds pretty questionable, buddy. read the fine print

    You've ruined the overall good nature and fun spirit of this thread and game with retarded statements. I hope you don't find joy in this sandbox game, where I strangle squirrels for sustenance.
  10. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Third Temple So you're reducing collective time of goods by leaving your excess for the respawn or next player? why. that's cheating.

    you are breaking the rules, Pal

    there's no cheating in this game pal. And if you commit crimes it makes you vulnerable when you logout, and you leave a "scent" in which the victim player can find yo ass and jack yo shit
  11. eBagger Tuskegee Airman

    This is somebody's cottage I'm using as a makeshift camp just to leave shit around and level up skills because inventory is small to start out with.

    It's a sandbox and its not easy. I had to bullshit around at least a couple hours before I got the interface down. Like I tried various ways of putting water in my cup, but you have to left click to pick up the cup, and right click water to fill it. Which isn't as common sense as it seems.

    And heres an image of some of the niftier stuff you can build. Some shit takes like days to accomplish, like studying different items and tanning hides. It took me quite a while to finish the intro to fishing because I had to dig for like 20 minutes to find enough worms to catch the fish. Thank God somebody gave me a rod because the supplies to make a rod ain't easy.

    Anyway it's inspiring. When I made a thread about how we should make a game, I had this kind of thing in mind.

    Oh, and to peak your interest, you can toggle on "criminal acts" and go and steal peoples shit and kill them and etc. And wound care ain't easy. My ass got like 10 concussions from a fox earlier. Check it out if your bored.
  12. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
  13. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Anybody got info on dude?
  14. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    I'm downloading now. We need to get in on this sensation early. Lets get a nigga space clan started ASAP.
  15. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Instigator You stupid cunts, I thought you would of built an island by now.

    Tiktok recently showed me several short documentary like vids on "Sealand" the island off the UK that none of the other countries take serious because its abandoned military base with some bedrooms and jail and a church and kitchen. Pretty sure we can sign up to be citizens. There was probably threads on it previously, I remember threads talking about off-coast servers for torrenting.

    Also Thankfest 2023, all posts in this thread get a thankin fellow kangs

    Also you guys should look up "Mashtag Travels" on tiktok, its some legit content. British hooligan travels to other countries and talks shit about their trashy streets and infrastructure. People waiting for him to get stabbed down a back alley or something. I know I keep talking about the newest form of media, but I can't stress enough how much it has "old internet vibes". Like the comments are all mostly authentic and racist and humorous.
  16. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Although thread quality is at all time low, and forum bbs use outdated, we still utilize this archaic form of communication. The userbase, the wandering remnants of complete drugged out retards and free thinkers, and people who thought they could make a come up wrapping items in aluminum foil at wal mart to foil electronic security devices, it's nice there is still a place to gather and say whatever. Several users seem to continue to be based, and aware of the clear and present enemy that plagues every corner of the globe.

    I always imagined in my mind the userbase would possibly come together for something great one day, I'm not sure what, but as long as we have a somewhat central place to communicate and exercise free speech, it isn't out of the realm of possibility. The world has literally gone the direction of the more paranoid conspiratorial user from 20 years ago, and it's more blatant than ever.

    God knows it must be mostly thankless, and primarily a liability, but I hope it continues to be available. I personally get sparked with inspiration often, but because I am lazy and selfish, and seemingly some medical setback tends to hit me when I doing best and most enthusiastic, I remain dormant in my endeavors. May the spirit of Jeff Hunter bless us all. I hope you niggas have a happy and healthy holiday season.
  17. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Mo money mo prollems
  18. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Or I say we at least fake get into it, and then make a discord for Niggas in Space: Albion Online, and make threads about it, and wait for other members to join out of curiosity and we start laughing and trading items and making rivalries and narrowly dying and having a blatantly annoying verbal levels of an outlandish good time, and pretend like we're having the times of our lives (even if we aren't) and then other people will be like wtf I want in on this online sensation wtf was I doing with my life. And then we expand and conquer or something I dunno.
  19. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Meikai I was considering checking it out on the basis that it's kinda-like-EVE but then never got around to it, and decided to play EVE again instead (and then never did that either).

    Well download it and give it a try and add me and the fun can begin. We can make a NiS guild. If I'm not mistaken the custom logo of the guild you join displays on certain items like shields and capes. At least the design changed to the same thing as this German beginner guild I randomly joined.

    I wouldn't bother with such games, but around the same time of year when it gets cool and I start naturally listening to black metal, I get the urge to play more 2nd monitor, passive games. It goes along with warm beverages, and marijuana concentrate, and comfy blankets. It also plays rather well on all devices too, like Runescape, seamlessly.
  20. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    lmao did you actually watch the video? The company came to him and asked him to play, and he was like "I'm going to give my honest opinion and it probably won't be good" but they sponsored the video anyway and he ended up saying it was pretty good lol he gave it an A-
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