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Posts by eBagger

  1. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Jackrabbitpsych

    It's not Janis but I'm not sure if this is good enough. Maybe someone else can post it right

  2. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Erekshun Another hurricane!

    Oh thats really broad and not specific to this thread, but yes...yes you are right!

    I thought I missed something.
  3. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    I think somebody said "ZOTSE" one day and I remember people hating on it and I think I mighta hated on it too but thinking about it now I don't hate it but it doesn't really make sense Zoklet of the Screaming Electron?
  4. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Erekshun E-bag you missed another.

    Wuts dat mean
  5. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    omg hi 2 u
  6. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by mmQ Go out to that little island you like; maybe there's a shit ton if bricks scattered around out there.

    That WAS the island ya goof
  7. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Um did u just skip over my greeting to thank a post w/o even acknowledging me? I make a point to post in ur shit threads & u can't even be bothered to say hello??

    Hey you didn't post in my latest Gluttons and Gourmet thread!

    I was I'm very specific how I reply and it wasn't the right time.

    Now that its been brought to my attention......hi there
  8. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Is it bad I pictured a kid playing on little miniature farm equipment and getting his leg all fucked up in the little miniature machinery and then you widdle small wooden crutches in a heartbreaking story of father son leg accident redemption

    Edit: Congrats
  9. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Yo this shit belongs in MY sub-forum, gluttons and gourmet, ban this dating site faggot
  10. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Damn you niggas don't care about my thread you just want drugs!

    But yeah I gotchu if I remember you from the totse/zoklet days. But slim chance I'm going to find anything, especially in the coast guard buoy
  11. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Howdy niggas

    eBagger back atcha wit anotha hot fiya search fo' that sweet barrier island coco!

    I've been pretty sober over the past year, thus accounting for my lack of blockbuster, 2-thumbs up, critically acclaimed, 5-star threads. Cause when I'm crunk I'm usually more active for some reason.


    I was at my buddies house when I was tracking the storm, and I stumbled across this little piece of news...

    So even though I'm on the North Carolina coast, I thought to's worth a go!!

    So early morning as soon as the sun came out, and the tide came out, I paddled out to the barrier island in search of large amount of Cocaine bricks, or any other narcotic.

    I forgot my camera, as I wasn't thinking of making a thread on it, but I came across some cool stuff too big to haul back, but of no real value. One being a giant Coast Guard Buoy washed up on shore. It looks almost exactly like this, huge enough for me to climb on, with a solar light on top, and a giant bin with 2-inch wide bolts holding it shut.

    I may update the thread this weekend or early next week with whats inside, as it will take some work, but with one of those giant wrenches meant for working on diesel engines, or maybe even a plumbers wrench and some WD-40 could be enough to break the rusted bolts.

    I asked my friend to ask her husband, who is in the coast guard what are in these suckers. I was told "nothing", and warned of the dangers of tampering with Government property. HAH. I said BITCH...don't restrict my freedom of adventure! Not really, but I was like "oh".

    and I did say I give 0 hoots about that shit, and the government does shit I don't agree with all the time fuck their buoys. Of course if it serious this is all in minecraft, and the pictures I upload will be slightly blocky LOL

    NOW. For the treasure!

    I was disappointed honestly, but I believe either a shipment of sunglasses went overboard, or its just random but considering the amount of sunglasses I found it seemed to be a small shipment went overboard somewhere. I walked the course of a few miles, and every quarter mile I would find a pair of sunglasses. They were full of barnacles but I've been soaking them and they seem to come clean. I got about 6-8 useable pair of sunglasses and some snorkels and a snorkel mouthpiece. I can't make out the brands on some, one of them being Under Armor.

    Getting hot and eaten alive by giant island flies, I decided to head back, not totally disappointed as I have a buoy to check out, and found some cool stuff to look at and glasses.

    I came across a lone man walking, and he yelled something indecipherable to me, I walked over and asked him "wha?"

    --"Ah g'day! I thought you were Bills son my bad, I'm Mark good to meetcha!"
    "Ah Gday Mark!"
    --"Oy these flies'll take a chunk out of ya Christ"
    "You ain't lyin Mark, hazards everywhere out here, watch the broken glass!"
    --"Oh will do mate, good luck on your search!"

    This fella seemed Australian, and feisty, I might as well joke with him about what I'm lookin for, since he seemed to inquire I was indeed "searching" for something

    "Yeah man, I'm on the search alright, I read a bunch of Cocaine bricks washed up on Florida, I'm seein if theres any stragglers!"

    --"True story I went to Belize with my brother walking on the beach, and I found a bale THIS BIG *does giant box shape with hands* of Pot! Couldn't take it on the plane of course but boy was that something"
    "Thats awesome! Thanks for the inspiration!"
    --"Yezzir good luck!"

    AHA Finding another mate who'd successfully found kush on the beach. Maybe there was still a chance!

    I return to my landing area, then, not 20 meters from where I landed, I spotted a box in the distance....


    A functional military box! It was heavy too! I was too excited, but too exhausted as well, so I tossed my loot in the kayak and headed back.

    Upon eating mac and cheese and showering, I opened the box hoping for anything cool from the military really, but unfortunately the only thing stuffed in there was empty ammo boxes, and a couple of papa johns pizza plates.

    Thats about it. I'll update if I get the energy and motivation to head back and open the buoy.
  12. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    I agree, believe it or not great value is a decent brand. I always rate it based on how it is when it melts. Bryers/dryers seems frothy and airy when melted, but great value seems milky and sweet, like not alot of filler. I think these big ice cream company try some new age money saving techniques that fill the ice cream with various....non milky dairy things.

    Originally posted by A College Professor dont buy dreyers, i havent had ice cream in like 2yrs and decided to get some cause it was hot. its the consistency of uncured sprayfoam unlike real ice cream

    edit:im saying, there's nothing icy about it

    True story.

    I remember one day I was used to bryers my whole life, and then all of a sudden I saw "dryers" and I thought wtf...have I been misreading this my whole life or what? Upon some research it was like the same company with similar name for east/west coast if I'm not mistaken.
  13. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    So you can lay down and eat at the same time ya know

    So one day you layin' down and then you got some wheat thins, and sun chips on your chest and you just relaxin and snackin' and then you doze off..

    Then while you asleep you be rollin' around in your snacks and you feeling all itchy because your grinding all the wheat thins and sun chips in your bedsheets and you wake up like awww god damn I dun slept in my snacks ain't that a bitch

    This is a re-enactment

  14. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    mQ do like me get up and move across the country, and the shock and new environment and making new friends will help with the depression.

    I've been too busy trying not to die to be depressed. I'm hanging out with a cute chick I met, I almost broke several bones in a bicycle accident on the way over, and the legal weed. THE LEGAL WEED BRO. You'd be like holy shit. I hope mr wrist/groin isn't broken. I'm taken after komo if that bike accident was caught on tape it'd make the FUCKIN NEWS. But this babe still wants to hangout even though she works full time, has a house, is my age and has everything together and still doesn't mind I hafta get around via bike. (she knows I just moved here.

    I know you said you lived in Florida for a year a while back but maybe change of scenery is whatcha need.

    I don't think I'll live out here forever but when I get back I expect to have an appreciation and new positive outlook on things.

    god luck and good speed
  15. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Oh you take Adderall? I couldn't tell or didn't know from the 5 other well hung addy threads. If this was back in the day you'd be BANNED like me for making like 4 valium threads.

    But yes the 20's are awesome. Snorted, IV'd, Plugged, or oral. I used to get 60 - 20mg IR and 30 - 15mg a month.

    Yeah tell your doc the 15's don't cut it, you can tell at work or elsewhere you have to double up to make it beneficial.
  16. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by 🐿 Post new TC pranks.

    I'll get on it I moved and have a roommate now so it takes more effort.
  17. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Yeah its gonna be weird

    I check my phone and on here and grimace aka panny ain't to be found whats up with that

    Livin with an old friend of mine at the moment

    I stopped smoking bud but I'm smoking bud while posting this cause even though I quit I had to try all the shit at the dispensary shits insane. The prices like I got an 1/8th of fruity pebbs and and 2 prerolled oregon blueberry j's for $20 even. That would have been at least $50 in the south. And the drinkable and edible shit all nuts man I have a problem with gummies and I ate the shit out of a pack with some htc soda and I was fried for days or something.

    Now Apric0t ain't got no betta THC access than me so thats cool

    Its weird out of the dirty south. Was told I sound like a hick but I'm pretty sure I don't have an accent unless I'm jokingly southern.
    In Washington state I've seen mostly all white people, so those rumors are true

    I miss posting here I can't remember if it was this layout last time but I stopped posting half cause of depressed or felt vain or felt like sounded like an ass

    but I reckon I'll be home soon enough

    hope all is well with you niggas
  18. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
  19. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Theres something specific about this timeline that feels specifically depressing to our time

    It kills more than just motivation

    i once enjoyed comedy, and one day you realize you no longer want to be somebody thats in the spotlight or liked by alot of people, because you don't like or relate with alot of people yourself anymore

    You don't check your own thread to hear if anybodys chimed in or "feeling you", nobody vibes anymore

    And you niggers are the only place online or otherwise that I communicate with, type out my thoughts

    Theres something both sad and yet gratifying about looking at yourself for what you are

    At age 32 having not accomplished much of anything, looking at our current state as a (((society))), there is something that says good job, you've done jack shit to contribute

    Opiate addiction, a feeling of disparity, a new year, and fresh disparity

    I hope you all are doing well, are healthy, and yoked

    I plan either going to breath new life of sobriety or stagnating into nothingness in 2019

    1488 in 2020
  20. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Poast delivers he's probably suggesting you get bent
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