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Posts by eBagger

  1. eBagger Tuskegee Airman



    Edit: *THERES ONLY ONEEEEE TYSON FURREH* Why he gotta make that shit catchy
  2. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    It appears some scrub from some DH hoot ass web site that might have traded a few diseases at its height, is making a comment on something that is making lanny angry. And since I like to be close in people in high (low in this case) places, I challenge you to a UFC match, not sanctioned by Dana WHite of course. \

    Lanny White

    I've seen you, don't mind you much, but you have to have be challenged, or admit defeat for a match in February.

    Zoklet Wold Champion.

    eBinbo SLice is what they called me.


    I'm lower east coast. What is your distant, you lazy man.
  3. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Or just have a written copy

    "do other people write biology or how there events on earth went and were perceived you"

    Being objective would be difficult
  4. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by ohfralala I guess I’m gonna have to build a bigger house and fill it with marshmallows.

    That's the dream sista.

    Update: Most recent bowl of cereal. Do you see this marshmallow to frosty flake ratio?

    These are no ordinary flakes 😊
  5. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    I'm fucked up too hell yeah it sounds like fun get on makin them 100,000 beautiful aryan bots
  6. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    You can email and ask if it'd be possible and your only way of paying or something. I've had not necessarily RC vendors but pharma vendors create or let me send to a colleague of theirs paypal. They just tell you don't say nothin bout no pills lol
  7. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by gadzooks Holy fuck you're lucky it went down like that.

    I know a surprisingly high number of people who do your kind of work. You have to have the responsibility of like three normal adults.

    I could never do it, quite honestly.

    Yeah, eyeballing RC benzos is universally cautioned against.

    I am utterly amazed at how few incidents I had with phenazepam.

    Note that I didn't say I had none. Of course there were some, but I lucked out in that I am alive, not in jail, and have all limbs in tact.

    Well I got fired like 4 years ago so its not my kind of work. It was fun to get paid to play Wii no lie and gratifying to bring some joy to somebody who got dealt a shitty card in life and couldn't do anything about it. Least I could do is make him laugh or let him listen to rap music he liked that his redneck parents wouldn't let him listen too.

    I dunno how people stay in that field with more than one client who are worse off than mine was.

    Yeah you are lucky, my buddy totaled his car on Phenazepam. I ordered some excited to try it responsibly but unfortunately it was bunk shit. One of the only times I'd been received something that literally did nothing.

    But yeah honestly you are lucky you have limbs and can see and function properly. It should be something in the motivation thread. We're luckier than tons of people who can't even make a sandwich for themselves, they will never be able to taste a sandwich made specifically the way they like it. Should be easier to be motivated to do things but its not always easy to remind yourself your so lucky when your feeling shitty or shitty stuff goin on in life.
  8. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    damn I was just sitting up after taking 300mg nucynta and some new batch of clonaz and I just woke up on the floor about 45 minutes later very disoriented and drunkish couldn't walk straight. Got a red spot on my head from lying there I suppose. I think think I underestimated the nucynta, its definitely farther on the heavier end of opiates than I thouhght. Even put me in the right mind to block this girl who I've known for 11 years, and last year slept together most nights. Got to get keep toxic people out of your life even if it hurts.

    Originally posted by HTS Let me know how your mouth tastes after you wake up. I have a prescription for that shit and the flavor in the back of my throat when I wake up after taking it is… unique.

    jesussss christ its heavy ain't it? I woke up mid night after taking one and tasted the metallic like coating, and got a bowl of peanut butter pebbles (like peanut butter fruity pebbles, yeah, they ARE that good, dunno when they came out) and the milk and that sweet sweet taste still couldn't overpower that taste. Like it was still aight but definitely hindered the cerial. Kinda same with soda.

    Originally posted by gadzooks Oh, and Etizolam… I have mixed experiences with that too.

    Recently got a hold of some, but I will be volumetrically dosing with a pharmacists precision after some other RC benzo disasters (phenazepam, to name but one).

    Yeah I wrote my story on zoklet about getting fired back when I was working with the handicapped and I only had to hang out with this cerebral palsy mentally handicapped wheelchair bound fella, he was cool we enjoyed hanging out even though he couldn't or wouldn't talk or something. Handicapped people always love me cause I know they don't want to be treated different or pity'd. After we were out of the coordination and area where you work on stuff like folding towels, my boss would tell me to take him around town walk down the street to the gas station and he liked looking at big houses and the place was located close to neighborhoods of really giant houses so we'd look at them and I'd let him take chair off road and into the woods and shit we weren't supposed to. The funniest was I had more drug connects back then and we were within walking distance of a drug den of a house but the brothers father had to be put in a wheelchair so they had a ramp and I let him hangout with us (I asked my bud to keep the drugs on the low low but I think he was too fucked up to understand). They were a good brothers, I miss em.

    anywho I got like 250mg pure tiz powder and kept dosing with toothpick didn't feel shit did it a few more times nothing, then did one last time maybe double previous ones (which is like a grain of sand) and I remember the day and thought I was kinda keeping it together maybe looked a little tired but I got called to talk to boss the next morning and it ends up I was shitfaced. Usually I stop my client from riding into traffic, this day he stopped ME from wandering into traffic.

    So I'm not doing no toothpick dosing ever again. Shoulda waited til I had the stuff to make a soulution.

  9. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by gadzooks Can you really do an effective trip report when you've got so many different cooks in the kitchen?

    Can't say I haven't been there myself though, once upon a time.

    In the words of Henry David Thoreau, "Simplify".

    holy SHIT one of those moments where you start to feel really old. Life in the woods had such a huge impact on me, and I'd forgotten all about it. Thanks mate, I think your simple post helped me have a lil mini realization. Sorry if I shit on your motivational thread. Humor is a way I try and cope with shit and keep the heavy weight of consciousness lighthearted, and sometimes I think I just come off as a douche.
  10. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    If I can't outpost ohfralala I must be shit meself. I must be ROOBISH.
  11. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    DAMN my thread finally got found

    Needs more talk on how the marshmallows I told you about has/have/will change the way you eat forever but I'm not complaining

    Well I'm kinda complaining I need to move somewhere, I'm tired of this city, I can pay rent, I can make $ legally and find a job easily

    Well, thinking about it now I'm kinda worried about luigi, last time I vaguely remember him cooking some thin meat on a makeshift stove on a microwave next to a dirtbike.
  12. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by ohfralala Yeah I’d love to see Fury snag this. He gives me a boner.


    About the boner too

    I usually can't stop talking like him once I've listened to him for the day

  13. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Knocked his bitch ass out that muh dude Garret Fury World barfight champion title holder

    Glad you hurt him and I hope your knuckles are okay

    Goodnight don't stay safe
  14. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    God rarely unless I'm on a high dose of Adderall, but I must give off positive vibes or whatever vibes that scream out "HEY TALK TO ME ABOUT ANYTHING ON YOUR MIND OR JUST YOUR FAVORITE CANDY YOUR THINKING ABOUT PICKING UP"

    So when standing in line at the store I'm studying the candy and reading the energy drinks ingredients, and looking at chips as if I'm baffled by the variety and deeply concerned that I might make the wrong decision (shh guys not actually planning on buying the shit)

    And people STILL end up saying something to me

    So yeah I kinda turned this into a strangers initiate conversation with me, with me trying to avoid initiating conversation for most occasions unless they give off a particularly friendly or vibe or like their old and lonely or something.


    Long term connections are significantly harder for me to make, which is good I think? People who make long term connections easily are probably very clingy and also more likely to run into problems/drama due to lack of discretion.

    I think depending on the amount of time spent, it might either be you, your keen eye of as people getting more comfortable around you letting loose more of their "real" selves, and the fact that there is quite a large number of shitheads out there.

    So maybe your a good dude with good judgement. Or your just a narcissist asshole who gets to thinkin he's too cool to hangout with his friends

    HAH you only like to talk to people at partys, events, bars. Thats the worst place to initiate conversation because you hafta yell and half the time misunderstanding and I try and not breathe on people when I talk I like suck in or look away while making occaisional eye contact but when yelling at a bar or something I just think I'm breathing my air/bad breath on this person hah try initiating strangers at church or salvation army or wal mart where its still kinda got that party vibe but its alot quieter
  15. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Again hard to tell whats what cause I'm on a few other thangs, like 20mg of Adderall, 1mg xanax, roughly 3mg tiz, 200mg nucynta (friend got some, wanted to try and see if I'd feel on bupe, prolly not worth a review), ~1mg buperenorphine, and lastly that sweet barista level coffee drink containing caffeine

    ADVERTISEMENT: In the upcoming weak I will be reviewing Flualprazolam :TMEMESITREVRDA

    Sorry bout that gotta hype my upcoming thread, back to your regularly scheduled post

    Okay so I've read positives and negatives about Zopiclone, its been roughly 30 minutes and I could definitely sleep, but I prolly coulda slept with no help cause I've been staying up way to late and not getting enough sleep

    So forewarning kinda skewed, might update when I'm sober and try it

    But I do feel a weird natural sleepiness, I kept reading about seeing hallucinations and things looking trick if you stay awake on it

    WHich I might get getting a little bit of, because out of the corner of my eye I'm like, seeing my left monitor move, and I had some minor coordination goin, and when I was talking with luigi (A College Professor) I heard myself having quite a Fuite a Qew dyslexic phraes

    Eyes don't wanna focus nearly as easy, and I don't remember the oldschool totse background causeing such a moving effect, like this thread window seems pretty far forward for a 2d monitor

    It tasted horrible as people described GOO

    Yeah the corner of your eye thing is pretty vivid, cause that bitch is rocking back and forth when I'm typing and it stops when I stop typing, but then when I'm typing and I see it rocking hardcore I look at it and its the mildest monitor movement you'll ever see, hardly noticeable with the human eye

    Some other various items around me have started/stopped a small amount of shaking

    But If I did just take it for fun I'd have taken more to give you more accurate pronounced effect

    Wow my memory is shot to shit too. Not that its ever awesome but I've forgotten and mistyped so many god damn things and in the time its taken me to backspace if I'm too early in the sentence, its gone

    But yeah not doin it for fun doin it cause I legit need to sleep more its becoming obvious to people I haven't been sleeping much in the past few days

    Okay I think I'm gonna sleep sound now, I'll update later, give me some feedback from those of you who have taken Zopiclone medically or recreation ally, if thats even possible

    I'm gonna try and play a game right quick before bed. Ugh this his how I don't wake up to take care of business I need to.
  16. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    damn I didn't wanna be that dude to post a video in a thread with no others I'm sorry come check out my latest review in Better Living Through Chemistry in a little bit gotta go to bed but no motivation sorry to advertise in here its hard to get the motivation to advertise hey am I on topic
  17. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Stopped at Anthony Robbins

    I think of this video where this comedian bashes him on a video of him on his Island

    Gadzooks is what I said when I realized just how unmotivated I was after clicking on this thread I'll tell ya what.

    He stops the video too much and talks about how he's hating on Tony Robbins too much but I kinda felt him, dunno if it was just blind shitting on him or not, I've heard lots of people say he's helped them and has good shit.

    I have some good motivation techniques but I'm not motivated enough to articulate them into BBS posting form. If this threads still relevant I'll share some tips. Granted by "motivation" most of my tips are for crippling, can't get out of bed, try not to jump off a bridge today depression and drug use.

    The catch 22 is one of my best tips is drug based, but if you can keep it under control, its a great boost.
  18. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by ohfralala That’s a good interview


    I'd never listened to dude just seen some knockout compilations and maybe one fight but he seems to have a proper good head on his shoulders. Luckily he's good at avoiding shots so hopefully he keeps it that way :)
  19. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    No apologies you just got a nigga back cricket squad be chirpin ya digg
  20. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Well, what makes a forum are posts & opinions.

    Again besides that previous post can you give an example of douchebaggery? Besides a video where I'm purposely trolling?

    What makes posts worth a shit are their content, how you get across what your tryna say, accuracy and well thought out responses.

    You can have all the opinions you want and I'll go with the "opinions are like assholes" route

    Therefore dontTellEm opinion = blow it out your ass
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