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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by GGG Even in places with medical marijuana, it has not been approved for use by pregnant mothers. It has been repeatedly and reliably shown to cause developmental defects. The risks of lifelong damage to your child are far greater than the pain of being nauseous for a bit.

    Hypermisis gravidium (fucking morning sickness for the curious lol) is not dangerous or lethal to the baby. Marijuana is.

    I don't think I need to get into detail about your child's health when he was born but he suffered from things that have been linked to drug use like your drug use while pregnant.

    Hypermisis gravidium is a severe case of morning sickness. It CAN cause miscarriage and death to the mother.

    Do your homework, bitch.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by GGG Opiates fuck up your soul


  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietPiano Soooooooooooooo, whyy can't you tell them your pain isn't controlledd well and that you would like more pain medicationnn, question markk

    OH, believe me, I've gone round and round with these assholes about that. It's not like I haven't. I've literally been crying in pain (legitimately so), and these fucks wouldn't do more than toradol, which is worth shit on a stick (or for when tylenol/advil won't break a fever, it's good for that. It also can cause bleeding and kidney issues the longer you take it so while it's a not a narcotic and they praise it as some awesome wonder pain killer (it's not), it has risks that opiates do not have. Opiates are realitively safe, so long as you don't be a retard and overdose. They don't fuck up your liver or kidneys, or do damage to any organ in your body.)
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Man, I've slept for like 3 days straight after being up for 3 days. They say you can't catch up on your sleep, but before my dad died, he could vouche that yes, I did, and quite frequently too.

    I love sleep. If I could sleep forever, that'd be great. Now, sometimes, especially if there's no ryhme or reason for it, sleeping too long really fucks you up, and I feel more tired than if I just slept a normal 6-9 hours.

    I think I enjoy sleep so much because I've been depressed and/or in pain so much in my life. When you're asleep it at least means you're not feeling pain (real sleep anyway, not that half assed, half awake, half asleep shit.) or facing the realities of life, you can at least dream about wonderful things that are better than your current reality.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Oh, and I'd love to visit you at Mayo... But I'm not anywhere near Mayo. Sorry.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietPiano hdromorphone, i don't really know what to say,

    sometimes you say you're not a drug addict, but then you talk about using your good charm to get people to bring you heroin, then you shoot up dilaudid bc your in pain, not cuz it feels gooder, you ivd T-PAIN,

    I believe you're in pain, but you're also unwilling to not be high. Tell them your back still hurts, and get mroe oxy and dialaudid or whatever opi is hot these days, and quit shooting pills and dope like a junki, or at least admit that you feel the need to be high all the time, because "its just for painlolo" is not truthf

    REEEEEEEEEEEEEEsearch me cap'n !!

    But srsly, come visit me at Mayo, come do your surgery here, after Cock Doc on Wed, I got Neuro on in mid Jan. We'll have a roarin' good time.


    Feel better

    <3 fatasspepper

    Well, let me clarify some things for you. I've never used" my good charm" (believe me, I don't have much charm. Now, karma, yes I have good karma. I've literally given away a whole script of percocets before to someone who was gonna lose their job and be in wds, when her "friend" was trying to buy the script for 150 when I could have really used that money. I can empathize with the best of them.)

    Just because someone IVs a drug doesn't mean they actually get "high" off it. My tolerance is high from years of severe pain, and IVing is the best bioavialability for the buck. It also hits faster, which when you're in tears pain, that really makes a difference. I only wish I were getting high.

    I've only used heroin a few times. 1337 sent me some a couple times, offered to send more, but I declined (both times were years apart.) I bought a few pills of dope when I was in the nursing home only when the pharmacy failed to. Delievermy pain meds or I had all day doctor appointments which ment I'd go all day with out pain meds. The last time before I came here, a homeless dude felt pity on my situation, and me being in excruciating pain, he gave me a pill of dope. Definitely more out of pity than charm, that's for sure. If I've done dope 2 dozen times then that's a lot, and it's only been most recently since my knee surgery shit, besides the two Times 1337 mailed me shit.

    I got really depressed is why I said fuck the risks with IVing T-PAIN. I just don't care anymore. For years I used it oral only. As for traditional opioid, my tolerance is so high it wouldn't even touch me if I didn't IV.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by GGG Are you really gonna tell me 'some people' think its harmless when you smoked weed throughout your pregnancy.

    I sure wasn't smoking for the fun of it, but even at that, we do have a whole generation of pot smoking mothers. In that context, the amount I smoked (roughly an 8th a week), and WHY (hypermisis gravidium), justified the minimumal risks.

    I sure felt safer using Marijuana over low dose antipsychotic drugs. You do realize that in medicine that even with pregnancy risks that drugs are used where there may be a risk, it's just a matter if the benefit out weights the risk.
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    It's a drug, just like any other drug. It can be beneficial, and harmful depending on its use. It does tend to be less harmful than some other drugs, but fuck. People who say "it's just a plant, maaaaan". Opium poppies are just plants too. Same with the coca plant. Then those same people say "well, you have to refine it, and alter it, unlike Marijuana"... All the while they're taking big ass hash oil/wax hits, and well... That's just false. Both opium poppies and coca plants can be used in its basic, unrefined form too.

    I think for a lot of people Marijuana can be just as bad and destructive of a drug as alcohol, heroin, or anything else. I think what keeps Marijuana from seeming like a "bad guy" drug such as say, heroin, is that it's more socially acceptable, just like alcohol, especially the way alcohol used to be. I believe most drugs wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the war on drugs, and taboo reputation.

    Just like anything else, it can be abused, and can be bad for some people, and perfectly fine for others. It's no wonder drug, but I definitely see it does hold a lot of promise for some people, and some health issues.

    My biggest pet peeve about Marijuana is that there's this notion that because it's a plant that it's 100% safe with zero negative effects for anyone, which is not true.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    You're telling me you can't recall if you fucked her nearly a year ago, or two years ago? Da fuk? I mean... That's a pretty big time frame to be unsure about.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by RisiR † Get over it, bruh. I know, I know… she took your virginity, pulled a gun on you and tried to trick you into raising her child but look on the bright side. Without that happening you would have never played the ukulele for the geese and written the most mysterious book of all time.

    Forgive her.

    I only wish I'd tried to trick him. If I tried to trick him, I did a pretty piss poor job at it.

    I am sincerely sorry for the virginity and gun thing though. He'd still be a virgin, and if I'd only have pulled the trigger on one of those asshole... Ah, how things would be so different right now. I used to think pulling the trigger on my asshole ex would have been the correct choice, but having §m£ÂgØL's annoying ass haunting me forever... Well... I just don't know. All I know is one of them should have ate lead that night.

    ... And frankly, it wasn't even like he had a gun to his head or direct direction with me intending to shoot. He's just a big fucking pussy because someone had a gun, and said they WOULD shoot them IF they didn't gtfo of of their house... Which lol... He refused to do so. Then made me feel bad about it. I just wanted fuck head out of the house but he begged me to let him stay. I was then trying to get them both the the fuck out.

    Hindsight is 20/20 though.
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    §m£ÂgØL is an expert on pocket pussies/fucky toys when he's not being all retarded. I would. Suggest you ask his opinion but... It seems he's all schizo atm.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by cupocheer Hydro – mot being familiar with your medical situation, may I intrude and ask you what your exact medical condition is and what treatment(s) are you receiving?

    You aren't obliged to respond you know. No harm. No foul?
    No problem. I don't mind explaining when asked.

    Let's start from the beginning: when I was 16 I fucked up my back, herniated disc. Was on pain management for 6 years or so, then off due to financial/insurance reasons. 2 years without any relief, I find T-PAIN- fucking wonder drug. Not in pain, no depressed as much.

    Recently, I got an infection in my leg, and was septic back in May/June. 3 surgeries later, and months and months in a nursing home for IV antibiotics because of osteomyelitis, and a septic joint, it hurts every step I take. The pain is excruciating just sitting here, worse when I walk. I use a cane.

    Now, they say I have chronic osteomyelitis (it never fully went away) and want to do surgery. I'm in a lot of pain too from massive blood clots in both my legs as we speak. Fun, fun.

    I have made pretty good attempts at killing myself. Most people who are just wanting attention don't remove 50% of their blood... Little did I know that you need to lose that much rapidly to. Actually kill you. You can survive 70% of blood lose if it's done slowly, such as internal bleeding... Or like how I did by using an 18g needle and removing 10ml at a time...

    Originally posted by RisiR † Why do you have all that shit, hydro? Do you have enough hope to make plans to get off the gear?
    I don't know. I don't really care anymore. It all began because I let myself get broken up due to the passion of working with horses and other large animals. This is probably a side effect of IVing T-PAIN. I don't really care though anymore. I just don't want to be in pain. I cannot forsee life without pain if there is no opiate/opioid tostifle that pain though. I'd love to live life dependent on nothing, but unfortunately I don't see that being the case.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'm most likely gonna end up alone. I hurt the people I love the most. During one mushroom trip a long while ago, years ago, I realized that this life was to teach me about loss, about loneliness. The older I get, the more and more I see how true that it is, unfortunately.

    I'd power through all the pain in my life, and somehow figure out how to deal with it, if it wasn't for the fact I know I will end up alone. I've been alone, been abandoned for no good reasons during the worst and scariest times of my life. It didn't help me grow, it just made me realize how none of this really matters anyway.

    I don't think it's good for me to be alone, but it's probably for the best when it comes to the people I love.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Sudo This is how you get drugs the fastest: lean over your bed and follow all the cords you have to the wall and PULL THE PLUG
    Uh, I'd just be on battery supply at that point. I do frequently when I gotta take a piss... It's not like I'm on life support.

    Originally posted by DietPiano I wanna be like you
    Oh no, no, you don't, sweetie. I wouldn't wish this shit on anyone.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Oh God... Please don't take for fucking ever to get my drugs, man-nurse. Please. I know you're new to all this, but I'm in pain and you can administer 15mins early. Shit, I've had my nurse on day shift admin. 30mins early... Fuck a couple times an hour,because she's awesome. She also knows how to gtfo of the room so I can do my thing in a timely manner.
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    My dad has already passed. He spent years preparing me for that eventuality, but still even now... It's hard, really hard. He was my best friend.

    My mother? Meh, I could care less.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Jesus Christ, will this fucking nurse get the fuck out of here so I can fucking shoot my dilaudid for fucks sake.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Ghost Smoke weed and accept God into your heart my child.
    Weed doesn't work for pain, at least the pain I'm in, anyway. Shit, sometimes it's made it worse, depending on the strain. Years ago, a stain called "cherry pie" did help a bit with my herniated disc a little hit, better than any other strain of weed had, but one thing I do dislike about smoking weed all the time is the 'couch lock', and lack of motivation. It sometimes seems to make me more depressed (though again, this varies by strain, some strains have helped somewhat, but I don't think it'd do good on a regular basis.) Weed is far too hit or miss for the issues going on with me, unfortunately. I'm happy it helps some people, but it's not for everyone.

    As for God? lmfao. There is no God, and if there is, I'm gonna shot that motherfucker in the face when I get my chance. How can a merciful God-being allow so much pain and suffering? I wish I never existed if this is what I have to go through, all the pain, suffering, sadness, and loneliness. Any loving, compassionate being wouldn't bring life in this world just to suffer for their amusement.

    Originally posted by GGG Apply T-PAIN/polyethylene glycol solution directly in the vein.

    Originally posted by aldra she didn't have the correct bus ticket
    Yeah, pisses me off that just about anyone else would have been A-okay gettin' on that bus, but noooo... Not me. Apparently I needed to lose a lot more blood than 50% of the blood in my body, along with a good bit of propranolol to aid in lowering my blood pressure. Not to mention all the drug cocktails, and other events that should have put me on the first spot on that goddamned bus.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Technologist Hydro,
    How do they wanna drill into your femur? Are they talking of putting a rod into your femur? If so, the bone is so eaten away from the infection that it’ll need replaced. It would help you walk normally again, you’d just have to get through rehab.

    I really wish you could find the strength in yourself to want to live. You seem like such a smart loving girl, something tells me you have more to live for than you think. I know where you’re at sucks right now, but I’m sure it’ll change, as long as you have good medical treatment. You probably saw me talking about being bedridden for 6 months with a PICC line in. I had to give myself two very powerful antibiotics every day. It was such a bummer and left me having to walk with a brace on my leg the rest of my life, but I somehow made it. This all went down within months of my wedding. Chin up girly:-)

    Yeah, I was bedridden and had a PICC line for antibiotics for several months (including when this all started, surgery, rehab and all, it was about 5 months.) I had to use a wheelchair for long hauls, and I could get around hopping with a walker. Now, I can manage with a cane, but probably should be using a walker since my knee gives out so much. Fucking painful.

    Yeah, I'm not sure wtf they want to do... Honestly, If this hospital wants to do surgery, I'm going back to Hopkins. Yeah, they were assholes and I had it out with them over their dumb as fuck mistake, but I'd rather they cut on me than this place. I trust their surgeons and anesthesiologists more, and have some faith that they'll properly medicate me so I won't be in so much pain after surgery.

    I don't even know if I'll do surgery, honestly though... But if I do, Hopkins is doing it. I just wish they'd cut my fucking leg off. It hurts so much just to take a fucking step. I could dig a peg leg. I do have a blue and gold macaw, and shit, I could get an eye patch, and fuck, I'd be one bitchin' pirate.

    Meh... It doesn't matter. I just want to die. I just want this pain to be over. Yeah, I am a loving person, I try to be helpful, and help others the best I can, whether it be advice, things they might need, or money, if I have the latter two things, but I really don't see any reason to keep suffering anymore. 1337 has decided that heroin is more important than anything else, so... I don't blame him, although I miss him, and wish him all the best, and as long as I'm still alive, I'll still try to be there for him. Hell, right before I came to the hospital, I attempted suicide again (failed, so not really worth mentioning before now), but I'd came across quite a few bottles of liquid methadone. Sure, not the best score ever, but definitely would help with wds on a day you're out of dope, I'd think. There were 7 bottles, 60mg each. I'd boxed them up and had my friend take them to the post office to mail. I figured he could use them one of these days. I try to help, I try to do good by people. If you needed help, and there was a way I could help, I'd do it without thinking twice about it. That's just how I am. Years ago, when I'd had a little extra money, and someone on TRT needed 20-30$ because starting a new job and needing gas money, I sent it to him as soon as I cashed my check. He said he'd pay it back, and yes he went to, but I told him just to keep it because I knew he was having issues with his vehicle, and he could probably use it for that or whatever. It wasn't a lot, and I was just happy he tried to pay it back, which in my book, he's paid me back and we are square.

    I just have a lonely life, and I'm in a lot of pain. There's more going on behind the scenes that I refrain from talking about due to issues going on in my life I'd rather not bring up here on a public forum. I just wish this ride would be over. I'm tired of the pain, suffering, and loneliness.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by HTS She's gotta get you lined up in front of the machine first… like orienting the body part being scanned in a way that the scan provides meaningful information. I'm sure Tech provides more comfort to her patients than a computer could too.

    Why are you even being mean, anyway?

    That, and they sometimes have to put shit on top of you to aid in getting pictures they need.

    Sure, some shit could be automated, but what's gonna really keep jobs in the medical field isn't so much what they do, rather legislation, and guidelines from places like the FDA.

    An example: 1337 is a pharmacist. His job could be fully automated, as he's just a glorified pill counter (his own words here). What is gonna keep him in a job is the fact that they need a human being due to laws on how medicines are dispensed, as well as a human being to be there to hopefully catch mistakes made, or see harmful drug interactions. Sure, a computer could do all that, but the law requires a human being who spent 8 years in college, studying pharmacology to dispense drugs, particularly narcotics/scheduled drugs. Pharmacists can also prescribe certain drugs too, though that is a pretty rare thing, most don't.

    Anywho... Fingers crossed they kill me with sedation for this dumb as fuck MRI. All I need is literally the dose of medication I have been prescribed to handle this shit, but nooooo... They wanna just go the riskiest, and most expensive way possible to get it done... All boils down to money, money, money... Fucking douche bags.
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