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Posts by hydromorphone

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Man, the most comfortable beds are water beds. The sloshy kind that if someone were to jump in next to you, it would cause you to be catapolted across the room. Those are the fucking best, fuck those pussy "waveless" waterbeds. As a second choice, since waterbeds are a serious pain in the ass, and not everywhere has the flooring to handle waterbeds since they're heavy as fuck all, hammocks are the second best. I particularly like them because they make be feel all cozy and comfy like I'm in a cacoon.

    I've usually always had a bed against a wall except for now. It sucks.

    I definitely think those opium style beds are bitchin'. If they could be a waterbeds, and have a frame like that, holy shit, that'd be fucking sleepy time heaven.
  2. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Unfortunately, I was in a relationship for 11 years that began when I was 16, and he was 22. I kick myself in the ass for wasting the beet years of my life with that fucktard. God, I was so stupid. By the time I realized my fuck up, I couldn't get him out. Once he started living with me and my family... Well, they wouldn't let me kick his ass out. I got trapped with that fucker.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Ghost You hate God, You hate jedis. Is there anything you don't hate hydro? maybe this is the source of all your pain

    I don't hate you, does that count?
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I'm anti-semetic for sure. Fuck the kikes.
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Ghost Smoke weed and praise the lord

    Fuck praising the lord. The lord can suck my metaphorical 12 inch cock.
  6. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Probably going back to the hospital... I knew I had a fever day one of getting home, then again yesterday, but I just confirmed it with the thermometer 102.7. I really think that hospital I was at dropped the ball in releasing me. I'd had fevers prior to being admitted. Oh well... I should just eat Tylenol and curl up in a ball and die. God, do I feel like shit.
  7. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    From here on out, I'm just discussing languages/linguistics, as the thread is intended to do. §m£ÂgØL has no reason to read my posts, and that's fine, my posts are for the rest of the class. His ass can be left out, because he chooses to be left out.

    You know, I think Latin would be a great language to learn. I really wanted to learn Latin because of my love, and passion for medicine. My mind isn't what it used to be memory wise, but I do have a bit of a grasp on some shit, and being able to figure it's meaning. Di- two, mono-one, poly-many, more than two, hema/hemp-blood, nephro-kidney, zero-dry, xeno- foreign, and so forth. I've probably forgot more than I remember regarding this shit, but I definitely do enjoy learning where I can about how words form, and meanings behind shit,and how it all links together. Hell, like the shit I have: osteomyelitis, breaking it apart, osteo- bone, myelitis- infection of the marrow (or spine). It's pretty cool. It's a good system too, imo. If I'm an English speaking doctor, and I have to transfer or deal with a patient being handed over to me, or collaborate with a foreign doctor, even if they speak another language, we at least can be on the same page regarding what's going on, and/or previous diagnosis' that patient has had or currently had. If I say "take this drug BID" then it's easy to see that they should be taking X drug 2 times a day as BID stand for the Latin phrase "bis in die". So even if we don't understand each others language, we can understand Latin in medical terminology. I imagine it would be especially important for emergency situations where one can't just shit out a translator on the spot, in the rare cases where a patient is in critical condition and being transfered to another hospital that doesn't speak the language of the hospital or doctor the patient originated from.

    Anywho, who else wants to learn another language? What language and why? What do you think the hardest language would be to learn for YOU specifically?

    I'll be honest, I'm not linguistically gifted as others here are,though I do admire and appreciate others who are bi (see, two!) or multi lingual,or those who strive and achieve learning other languages besides their native tongue.

    I honestly think the best way to learn a new language is to just be plopped into a place that speaks that language. You'll have to sink or swim just to survive, so definitely more pressure and incentive to learn it, so I'd think if that's all you hear day in and day out, you're bound to pick it up rather fast. I'd personally prefer this method versus the alternative of being in a classroom, or even online shit. It's just too easy to just give up, where if you're depending on buying food, a calling card, or need to use the bathroom, you're bound to figure out how to communicate with people to get what you need, figure out directions, or find a public toilet.

    Anyone disagree? If so, what learning style do you think is the best way to learn a foreign language?
  8. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Ghost send nudes

    I did, in TRT. They aren't my nudes, but they are nudes. There is a perfectly fuckable ass on display for you to go jack off to, you don't need my personal nudes. Granted, I'm not hidious, but I'm not a beauty queen either, so you're better off with what's on display there anyhow. Have fun, enjoy.

    I remember, years ago HamptheToker kept asking for tit pics with a Hamp stamp on them... Well, I went and got my kow ex to squish his manboobs together and I wrote Hamp on them in magic marker and posted. I delivered. Maybe not what was expected, but damn it I delivered. Another time I was asked for tit pics, I ended up posting pics of my dog who'd just had a litter of pups and so she had 8 huge engorged tits- that was what they got.

    I've posted a couple times my tits in bras and such. I just don't feel like posting pics of myself for you all to gawk at. Since I've lost a lot of weight anyway, my tits aren't as voluptuous as they once were, especially when I was prego, and right after postpartum. Man, I had some hug milk tits after my son was born. That was wild. I could shoot milk across the room and hit a nigga square in the eye with that shit. That was actually pretty fun. I also had orgasms when I breast fed, or when my tits were being suckes on. That was cool as well.
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    You're welcome.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
  11. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Same with me lil sismo. But thats because I'm an eccentric gont myself and from you're post I know you're a misfit of sorts as well. I also associate with very normal people though like my neighbors and people at work. Some people think its crazy that I don't have a myspace or instagram.

    I knew this one family 2 brothers and a sister for about a 5 years or so. And one of the brothers became one of my neighbors, he was a rich kid but completely anti-social and women didn't like him because he was so bizarre and on top of that he was like almost 7 feet tall and gangly so he just looked odd. We would hang out and stuff but he really bad mental problems, he acted chill when i first started hanging out with him for a month or so, but he started doing weird things and saying off the wall stuff and calling me often to hang. Eventually he was made to move out because he flipped out and smashed his apartment up.

    And I've always attracted very obscure chickens, though my last gf who I cared about deeply was actually the most normal one I've ever had. Like she had the tats and funky colored hair, but she would listen to disney music, drink starbucks, send me pictures of her dog every day and say things like "everything taste better w an egg on top" while serving me steak with an egg on top. Just very basic bitch stuff.

    You're correct, I definitely am a misfit. I believe most of us posting here, especially those who've been here a while, are misfits. It's like the island of misfit drug addicts around here, If you ask me. I too don't have social media (actually, just set up a new fb account so I could message an old friend, and keep in touch with a different nut I met at the other hospital-go figure). I hate all that shit, and when I did have one I only used it (had my ex use it) to advertise and keep in contact with our customers we sold raw milk and dairy products to. I really can't handle that shit.

    Yeah, I've met and had to put up with my fair share of eccentric folks before, but as I've gotten older, I've learned it's best to keep some distance and not get too involved, if it can be helped.

    As for your ex girlfriend, I mean, if that's how she was, and she was nice and all, I don't think it's fair to say she was doing "basic bitch stuff", shit I've never heard someone say "an egg on top makes everything better", although an egg on top a steak sure does sound good. Just seems like she was trying to do her best to make you happy rather than be some "basic bitch". Basic bitches are those who squabble over the Kardashians, dress like retards, flip shit if they break a nail, and just act like all around shallow cunts. Your description just doesn't seem to convey that.
  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Mr Gay Men Watch Made some marijuana brownies, they're kicking in hardcore right now 160mg lol.

    Have fun. I do enjoy edibles myself. Completely different high imo.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I don't enjoy drama, not even a little. I'm a pretty reclusive person and I tend to try and keep friendships with nuts I meet at arms length, except when I had a homeless guy I met at work come live with me as my roommate for quite a wasn't bad, he was a good dude, and helped me a lot so... Could have ended up worse, I guess. I just like living alone, unless I'm in a relationship, then I'll tolerate living with my partner.

    Meh, soap operas are stupid as fuck. Hell, most sitcoms are stupid as fuck too. I can't imagine comparing my life to that stupid drivel. Sounds like you actually dated a nut for a bit there. She probably didn't just nuts, she was nuts all the time, she just let her nuttiness hang out for all the world to see after a while, it seems.
  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Another reason Android trumps apple.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Well, I was told at 3pm. Friday that they wanted to release me. When the doctor returned she pretty much said "you gotta go-now". Okay, I only live 2 1/2 hours away from this hospital, which they knew from go... Alright, it's just gonna take a while for my ride to get here.

    First thing I do is try to bum a smoke from someone, anyone... First dude comes up to me, and he's like "I'm so sorry, wish I had one for you... Give me a few, I'll find a store, what do you smoke?" he walks off and comes back 30mins later with a full pack and a brand new Bic lighter. Oh my God, his name was Jack, and he was my nicotine angel, like for real.

    Well, while Jack was gone, I asked another dude if he had a smoke. He literally had half a cigarette and insisted on splitting it with me. I told him to sit down next to me, he was shivering cold, so I gave him a blanket I had. He told me after he smoked the cig and blunt he had, he was going to go blow his brians out. Funny that, hmm, I almost asked if I could tag along, but I asked why he wanted to kill himself.

    Apparently, his wife and 3 kids had been killed not too long ago by a drunk driver, who had also been killed by the impact. He showed me pics on his phone of his wife, whom he was married to for 15 years, and his kids. He even showed me pics of their funeral, which was really sad. He said when he'd been locked up, she visited every month, brought the kids, and stayed loyal to him for the years he was behind bars (some kind of tax fraud was what he was locked up for according to him.) While in prison he'd gotten a degree (I forget what he told me on that.) and hadn't been out too long when they were killed.

    My heart really went out to this guy. So, while waiting for my ride, I said well, let's go sit inside the lobby since it's cold. After all, I just got released not long ago. Nope, security had a shit fit and chased us out. He said fuck it I'll get seen in the ER so we can stay warm until your mom gets here. Oh no, security went on bitching refusing to let him be seen in the ER for 20mins - he finally pulled out his phone can called his dad, who apparently is a big time lawyer. His dad said his name and pretty much said "go ahead and deny my son being seen in the ER, I am going to have a field day with your ass and your employers ass in court."funnily enough, this is a catholic hospital too. Apparently Jesus doesn't want people literally discharged within the hour to be able to stay out of the cold until their ride gets there... Or to let a homeless person to be seen in their publicly funded ER. FINALLY, they let him go in and be seen, after they asked "why didn't you get seen with Her at the same time?" fucktards, I've been here 2 fucking weeks.

    He saw a friend of his there who'd been waiting over 2 hours, poor guy had a hell of fever. I had some Tylenol on me and gave him a couple. I figured it might help him, and I can get more, I don't know if this guy has any money or anyway to get more if he needs it... Security comes up to me and flips their shit "you giving pills away?!".. "huh? Dude, I just gave him Tylenol. Shit you literally can buy on every corner store, every rite aid pharmacy without a prescription." so they kick me out, so dude I was with comes with me. We sit on the corner literally huddled together for warmth waiting. Then two security vehicles, one with a dog, comes up to us and says literally" get the fuck up, we don't want scum like you next to our building". This has my new found friend flipping shit telling them to apologize to me or he's gonna "send them home to their families in a box"... I like "calm the fuck down, pick you battles and luckily my ride finally shows up, so we get in and my ride takes him to another hospital where he checks in for Psych so he can at least be warm and have food for a few days to a week.

    He told me" give it 30 days and my daddy will give me some money.. I think it was fate I met you, you calm me down like my wife used to, I can hear it in your voice. I wanna make things better for us both. You literally intervened in me killing myself tonight. Just give me a month, and I'll have shit right for us- I don't care if you shoot dope. I know you're in pain. My momma, before she died did the same thing. Me, I just smoke weed, that's it. I've hussle drugs before, but weed is all I partake of. Trust me, I'll make shit better, just keep in contact with me, and come see me if you can. "

    Dude is Perto Rican, 46 years old, he was telling me what it was like when he was growing up down there. He came to the the continental united states when he was a teen because his parents split up. He was telling me stories about when he was hussling on the streets, hardships he'd had, being locked up, how he met, and married his wife and all. Guy was a genuinely nice person, a good soul, albeit, he does have a little bit of a screw loose, but I do believe him about his father- he didn't mention anything about that until he made a phone call and had it on speaker phone to pretty much tell off the cops. I do believe his father is the bug time lawyer he says. He'd mentioned cases his father had won, and I looked them up, and yeah, he was right. It'd be kinda odd to just have someone who'd ansse the phone saying "hey, dad, I've got an issue with these security pigs who won't let me be seen at the ER here" and them say their name, and tell them he'd be thrilled to have their ass in a court room, all randomly like that. He said he doesn't have much to do with his father, except when he's been in trouble with the law, but his dad sends him money periodically.

    Meh, either way, pretty interesting encounter with a nut who's become my friend. Maybe things do happen for a reason. He's a good guy I believe anyway. We've been calling back and forth from where he's at in the psychward. He's got at least some interesting stories to tell anyway,and it was nice to have someone stand up for me when assholes wanted to assert their assholishness.

    Anyone else have nuts attracted to them? Got any good nut encounter stories?
  16. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by GGG Unfortunately, I have all of you blocked and unable to read any posts besides my own.

    I will return to this thread when quality users appear. Thank you.
    Self censoring is just the way weak people with thin skin protect themselves from what they're scared to address. It's the equivalent of a child putting their head under a blanket, and sticking their fingers in their ears going "lalalalala, I can't hear you, boogie man in the closet".

    I apologize if you're scared to read what I've had to say, assuming that you unblock and read this post sometime in the future. I'm sure others would agree with me regarding fear associated with those who self censor.
  17. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Narc They already invented that to give to kids that suffer with seizures and shit.


    Yeah, the stain is called 'Charlotte's web', I believe. There was a big thing about it in Florida, when the fuck head of a governor Rick Scott signed something or another, which essentially made that strain, and that strain only legal for medical purposes, although I'm not sure if anything has changed since then. At least at the time, getting a medical card there was hard as fuck. The criteria was insane, and you had to be a dying child with epilepsy, or like 3 days from dying of cancer. I'm exaggerating of course, but it was pretty strict on who could get one. I believe the name of the strain came from a little epileptic girl who's mother championed the cause to get it legalized for medicinal purposes in Florida, and the grower of said strained named it after her, or some shit. I could be wrong about that, so take it with a grain of salt, but I do recall years ago about the whole thing, and the strain having next to no THC, but was high in CBD.

    Originally posted by Narc This is why we only chase it on foil. Using needles with mostly unknown substance is fucking retarded.

    Meh... Unless you have a death wish anyway, it's not. I'm not scared of hitting a fentanyl hot spot, hell, I pray every time I get dope, I get lucky (which is pretty few and far between.)
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by GGG Listen very carefully hydro

    I want you to take that dolphin pipe over to the garbage disposal

    Turn it on

    Then stick your hand down the garbage disposal so you can never fucking type again

    Well, first off, there is no garbage disposal in this house (I was release yesterday from the hospital so I'm back home now, if you or anyone else was wondering), and secondly, I'm all about being an amputee, but only with cutting my left leg off, to get rid of the bone infection/septic joint, and to hopefully rid myself of the excruciating pain that I have in my knee every step I take. I also think it would be cool since I already have a blue and gold macaw (parrot, for those who don't know), so all I would need is an eye patch to compliment what would definitely be the coolest peg leg ever.

    Why be so angry? I made a pretty valid suggestion to you query. Granted, gaelic is damn near a dead language, and you won't find much use for it in the real world, but if you're learning to learn, and studying how different languages relate to one another, it's not a bad suggestion, although I can see why you may choose something different, but if Tolkien's elvish is in the table... Well, I personally would pick Gaelic over elvish, though that would be cool to learn. I did attempt to learn a little Quenya when I was younger. I was pretty obsessed with Tolkien's works when I was a kid, along with many authors from the Forgotten Realms universe (Salvatore, Greenwood, Byers, just to name a few).

    Anyway, best of luck in your linguistic studies.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Lanny Butthurt that you pussied out of your gay ass "life weigh in"?

    I just surprised anyone here owns a scale that can weigh more than just drugs, honestly.

    I certainly don't own a scale that can weigh more than 20lb.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box im priceless, my beauty is objective and not subject to the rankings of mere humans

    Amrod? Is that you?
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