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Posts That Were Thanked by WE SMOOTH

  1. tears rollin down my face in the night time grippn tight around my juul
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. December 19, 2013 I was a young 25 year old man who had 40k in the bank, no job, a healthy physique, no chemical dependencies other than caffeine, and the entire world was before me. I met a girl who I fell in love with (lol faggot) hard. Over the course of the next 5 years my life slowly deteriorated as I willingly restricted my freedom and gave up friends to try to appease her insane jealousy. Eventually turned into a tweaked out mess with no friends or anything. Dropped out of school, ran through all my money (not from tweak, mostly from her).

    Now I'm just another asshole with a drug problem whining like "boo fucking hoo she left me im a loser." The same type of people I used to make fun of and SWORE I would never become.

    But I've got a plan, I'm going to work and get some money and move somewhere else where it's summer all the time and I can live in perpetual bliss. Alright maybe not perpetual bliss but..I want to be in a better place in 5 years.

    fuck this life
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  3. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III had an awkward last night since it was my works christmas party and i ALREADY managed to directly piss off two people just due to drugs and my good looks i guess, and pissed off many more indirectly. the only reason i got caught tweaking was my boss fuckin called me at 5 am and asked if i could work and i just said yea cuz all i was doing was up tweaking jerking off anyways. i did that shit for only 24 hours and slept for like literally 24 hours after and missed this pre party i was invited to so those people don't like me anymore maybe. also i had to sit right next to this dude and his gf and his gf made him block my number because i gave him Crouton lol.

    then this cokehead faggot has a crush on some chick at our work but he's too much of a pussy to do anything about it and she saw me taking suboxone at work a couple days earlier and was all emotional and drunk and asking me if i need any help getting off drugs and how i'm so smart and shouldn't throw away my life like this etc etc etc the same shit everyone has literally always told me. then i started getting all emotional like a little faggot and just walked away from everyone so i could cry alone (RIP LIL PEEP) but she followed me and cokehead dude assumed we were going to make out and started acting like a lil bith (he always does anyways) then like all 6 of us went to some gay dudes house who was pissed off because he was sleeping but we all just showed up because cokehead told us he talked to him and he'd be down to party.

    i was on like 6 mg etizolam driving with 6 ppl in my car and i told them all i was sober LOL FML FTW

    just be careful...
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. had an awkward last night since it was my works christmas party and i ALREADY managed to directly piss off two people just due to drugs and my good looks i guess, and pissed off many more indirectly. the only reason i got caught tweaking was my boss fuckin called me at 5 am and asked if i could work and i just said yea cuz all i was doing was up tweaking jerking off anyways. i did that shit for only 24 hours and slept for like literally 24 hours after and missed this pre party i was invited to so those people don't like me anymore maybe. also i had to sit right next to this dude and his gf and his gf made him block my number because i gave him Crouton lol.

    then this cokehead faggot has a crush on some chick at our work but he's too much of a pussy to do anything about it and she saw me taking suboxone at work a couple days earlier and was all emotional and drunk and asking me if i need any help getting off drugs and how i'm so smart and shouldn't throw away my life like this etc etc etc the same shit everyone has literally always told me. then i started getting all emotional like a little faggot and just walked away from everyone so i could cry alone (RIP LIL PEEP) but she followed me and cokehead dude assumed we were going to make out and started acting like a lil bith (he always does anyways) then like all 6 of us went to some gay dudes house who was pissed off because he was sleeping but we all just showed up because cokehead told us he talked to him and he'd be down to party.

    i was on like 6 mg etizolam driving with 6 ppl in my car and i told them all i was sober LOL FML FTW
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. CountBlah Tuskegee Airman
    Just wanted to pop in and say "Happy Holidays" to all you fuckers. I'm still alive and kickin
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  6. Milk flavored vape juices should be a crime against humanity.
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  7. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    For posterity (I found an old notebook in a pile of stuff from high school)

    Absolute caliber
    aces n' 8s
    Acid drop
    Circular buttseks chain
    Poast boartem
    State of Hack
    Roo7 Pho7on
    Struggling artist
    Dr. Ew420
    The Black Pope
    Social Junker
    Junior Jacon jeese jurger
    My Mom is Dead
    Piles of crack
    The Pat Man
    Happy one hitter
    Internet weed dude
    Rizzo in a Box
    Silver balls
    Boo stinky boo
    Theta Reactor
    twin Gats
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  8. Tuna in oil is abhorrent and you should be ashamed.
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  9. mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Originally posted by Ghost They will empower each other to be better, such a cute couple.

    They really gay? hahahaha
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  10. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by RisiR † That one was funny.

    It's also true here's a video of him wearing lipstick. He goes by 'suzy' now

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  11. Hydo, are you going to ask the dawtors for more payne medication???
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  12. GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    Originally posted by hydromorphone I also had orgasms when I breast fed, or when my tits were being suckes on. That was cool as well.

    In case anyone misses it
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  13. Rizzo in a box African Astronaut [the rapidly lightproof ovariectomy]
    Originally posted by GGG 'blacked out on weed'

    guess you've never smoked some of that weird 95% THC shit where when you smoke it you suddenly feel all the melatonin in your brain hit you and even if its sunny suddenly its a cloudy day.
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  14. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Originally posted by mikeyagain

    Is that how you hoped the friends of your teenage son would look at you, mikey? As you passed out Zimas to the group?
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  15. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Just make sure you manage to smear mustard all over your white tee.
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  16. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by -mal- Sploo? Didn’t you brag about making malice take the bus. Did you bully Risir too?

    That's what I first thought when I read this post:

    Who do you think you are you fat fucking Bill Krozby-fodder? Talking shit about me. I'm glad that disgusting rat of a gypsy fucked the gateway to your soul and forever tainted you by shooting his rotten load inside your asshole. Don't ever talk shit about me, Malice or sploo ever again or you will get to know me.

    But now I'm like whateva, man.
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  17. Y'all niggas ever eat a three cheese sausage?
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  18. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I hate it when you wake up and your first thoughts are so negative and angry. That's why prayer and meditation in the morning is so important
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  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by mmQ No but close he was an American Indian.

    You can't hit a native american! That's like punching an eagle! He's going to stand on the side of the freeway and cry a single tear if you hit him.
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  20. WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I've been in hundreds of fights in my life and never lost. I did have one guy who wouldn't go down no matter how many shots to the head he took, so I finally gave up, and I had another guy who I knocked out so bad the whites of his eyes were showing, but didn't finish off (because I made the mistake of feeling sorry for the idiot), then ten minutes later he snuck up behind me and sucker punched me in the side of the head, whereupon I did finish him off, but never lost a fight yet.

    Telling Tall Tales again? You're such a whiny pussy mmq could take you down.
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