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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Originally posted by Captain Falcon There is this gay as fuck "lifting" subculture now where shitty negresses on Tumblr boast about how they shoplifted make up and fashion items. Like really bitch? Do you have no self respect? Are you really going to lower yourself to pilfering some shitty $15 Maybelline lipstick?

    Could you give the link? I used to love the zoklet shoplifting thread. There was this girl who would get into shit like every day. Running from LP's and everything. It's sad it's not around anymore.

    I don't shoplift anymore either though.
  2. Originally posted by Bill Krozby yes you are, you're extremely self righteous as well

    Why would I be upset? The idea that shoplifting is a show of power is retarded; that's why people get arrested when they get caught. That's why criminals hide it. I'm offering a perfectly reasonable, objective reason why it's detrimental to the individuals partaking in it.

    So why have I upset you to the point of abandoning reason?
  3. Originally posted by Bill Krozby you sound upset

    Not really.
  4. Originally posted by a·nom·a·ly 1. If I drop an item at the north pole it falls to the same spot as if I dropped it at the south pole.

    What do you mean by "falls to the same spot"? I can't think of a way in which it does.

    2. The moon follows a cycle in its path around the earth.

    In particular reference frames, such.

    4. The moon is considered less dense and the earth is more dense.

    Yes and an iodine crystal is more dense than the earth. Density is a dependent quantity, which is a function of mass and volume.

    5. The sun is considered the most dense object in our solar system.

    No it isn't. Not even close, actually. The tin foil in your kitchen drawer is more dense than the Sun, for example. Almost anything solid is, actually.

    From 1-5 is it not sensible to infer that gravity is very similar to a magnetic field but working on the level of density rather than electric charge?

    You seem to not understand what the basic terms you are using mean. Even ignoring that, your 4 stepped "5 steps" do not lead to your conclusion, it is a complete non-sequitur.

    Gravity is similar to the "magnetic field" only in the gravity is a force and electromagnetism is a force, and both have the potential tk do work at a macroscopic scale. So in a cursory way they are similar. But the mechanism of their action and their basic natures are nothing alike.

    Also, gravity has nothing directly to do with density, no.
  5. Originally posted by Malice You're goddamn right motherfucker, it's called not being indoctrinated by Islam. We're so beta we can do whatever the hell we want, no one has the power to stop us.

    Yeah sounds good until a 300 lb security nigger elbows you in the face and makes you talk like Mike Tyson for the rest of your life
  6. Originally posted by Bill Krozby ^more power too you. but tumblr actually is lacking what im into.

    Unless what you're looking for is illegal, I find that hard to believe. But oh well, different strokes I guess.
  7. Your question makes no semantic sense, but I'm knowledgeable on physics so I'd be happy to answer some questions.
  8. Originally posted by Bill Krozby not really m8 theres tons of porn out there and I only watch a certain kind when I do.

    My tumblr subs deliver the exact, specific porn i like in a delicious, ordered fashion. There's literally a thousand accounts for every single link you can think of.

    As I said, try it. You don't even need to make an account. Just Google whatever porn you want followed by "tumblr", then follow the links.
  9. Your loss m8
  10. Originally posted by a·nom·a·ly This literally describes my favorite porno.

    Coop Clucks Clan: Avian Flew
  11. I thought so too... But it's literally a personally tailored feed of pornography. No joke, go try it yourself. It's amazing.
  12. Originally posted by a·nom·a·ly The shitty tree puns in this thread make me want to hang myself from a tree.

    Reminds me of a joke

    "Don't be racist, I've got several black people in my family tree. In fact, they're still hanging there".
  13. Originally posted by Discount Whore Agreed. I walnut stand for this

    I have conifered with many experts and we have concluded that you are a sappy son of a birch. You've already burled up quite a mess here so please cypress the urge to make firther arboretrary puns.

    Post last edited by Captain Falcon at 2017-02-07T08:13:39.693728+00:00
  14. The existence and prevalence of petty shoplifting in the western world in this day and age is genuinely a saddening phenomenon to me. Like it honestly hurts my heart.

    So many things have to go wrong for someone to think it's not only morally okay, but also a good idea in general to risk public humiliation, a start to their criminal record and possibly legal punishment over some dumb shit you can literally earn by working 1 honest day at McDonald's.

    There is this gay as fuck "lifting" subculture now where shitty negresses on Tumblr boast about how they shoplifted make up and fashion items. Like really bitch? Do you have no self respect? Are you really going to lower yourself to pilfering some shitty $15 Maybelline lipstick?

    What that says to me is that you have no control over your impulses and aren't an adult. You cannot understand the importance of doing without certain things, and staying within your means, and don't want to take the effort to improve your financial means either. It's the ultimate case of wanting to eat your cake, and have it too.
  15. Well, who was it?
  16. Shut the fuck up already please
  17. Originally posted by Bill Krozby how so? cause i didnt steal enough? I sure did steal a lot of kalamata olives lol

    I cannot think of a more stupid way to steal than from the register at your own work where they have your name, address, and social security number. And aren't you a convicted felon already? They could've tacked that on as another felony depending on your states laws.

    How much did you steal?
  18. Originally posted by Captain Falcon Stahp

    Agreed. I walnut stand for this
  19. Originally posted by Lanny

    I see He Man does meth like Tuco

  20. Originally posted by mmQ Same. Mall of America. LOL. Is that still the biggest mall in America? It's a bit cringe really.


    I enjoyed the rainforest cafe or just the RFC as we kids slung it. I'm gonna open one and feed exotic animal radio meat and have a shit ton of parrots at least 1 for every table.

    The parrots sound like an absolute nightmare lol. Especially if they were macaws or other such big tropical birds. They'd be flapping around, hopping and cawing from table to table, biting the patrons. All you'd hear is clacking, flapping, and screaming. Also bird noises. There would be shit everywhere and you'd either need to have your employees rush to clean it up or just let it sit there. I can't even imagine the lawsuits. You'd be shut down probably within a day. Don't forget macaws and greys and whatnot live like 50 years, so you'd either have to care for them, sell them off, or in the most likely scenario, have animal control take them away and be charged with animal abuse.
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