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Posts by cerakote

  1. cerakote African Astronaut
    also if youre going to methpost do it about SOMETHING instead of circlejerking like a gay retard
  2. cerakote African Astronaut
    benzos are fucking garbage tbh fam
  3. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock come show me how, little billie.

    how does it feel knowing that if you died right now nobody would care
  4. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock you're a fucking idiot.

    kill yourself
  5. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny That's pretty high. If you have mercenaries or irregular replace them with national troops. They take more training but they have the lowest cost for battle efficiency besides like sword sisters. Capturing a city (not a castle) goes a long way towards bankrolling massive armies, I believe sargoth is the richest city at game start and the nords lack of cav or pikes makes it fairly easy to take.

    well im a non landed swadian lord right now and most of my money comes from battle spoils and ransoming prisoners. if i manage to snag myself a nice batch of high tier units its a good day for me. every once in a while i try to loot and burn an isolated village in enemy territory for some quick bank, but i pretty much have to pray there are no nearby lords and if there is then its a manageable size. i dont have the funding right now to bump up my army to much more than it already is, so im going to ACTUALLY have to go help them during campaigns if i want to stop being a brokeboy i guess
  6. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Malice Elliot Rodger Syndrome.

  7. cerakote African Astronaut
    with a rope?
  8. cerakote African Astronaut
    concerning armor:

    so, the reason there are 3 different types of damage are because there are 3 different types of armor: light, medium, and heavy. each damage type is very effective against a type of armor.

    light armor includes leather, cloth, etc that doesnt weigh very much but also dont offer a whole lot of protection. cut damage is most effective against them, which explains why i initially assumed that swing damage is better. most of my experience with melee combat has been in fights against large groups of forest and mountain bandits, who wear padded or tanned leather armors. in retrospect, im glad i havent got into many engagements with nobles/nords who generally have heavily armored units because i would have been in for a world of hurt trying to swing on them.

    medium armor is composite like splinted mail or other types of gear thats typically a mixture of hardened leather and mail or plate. most effective type is pierce. thats the current armor i have equipped, which may explain why if i wasnt careful when fighting large groups of forest bandits i would take some rather high amounts of damage from the arrows.

    heavy armors are the super expensive pieces of gear in the shop that all the lords wear that looks cool and has high armor value. pretty much just the big fuckoff plate armor. best type for these is blunt. havent had a whole lot of need to use blunt weapons so i cant give a whole lot of insight on it but i understand why people would ever use things like maces and mauls now, especially because mauls can crush through blocks and can hit hard enough to shatter shields outright in a couple of hits even if they didnt hit through them.

    one thing thats important to note is that the "type" of an armor is a dynamic classification and is a mix of both the armor value and the armor itself. think of it this way, piercing through steel plate armor doesnt really diminish the protective effects of wearing it, but putting a fat ass dent would damage the armor and the person wearing it. blades generally wouldnt do a whole lot to a ring mail shirt, but shooting a crossbow bolt or stabbing through it would.

    gee fucking whillikers i didnt know any of this shit before i looked it up and i have a new respect for the developers now
  9. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 Get Viking Conquest dude, seriously. Or that Brytenwalda one is good too. Polearms are pretty nerf'd in vanilla.

    Not much else to say but I'm happy to see somebody else enjoying this game as much as I have.

    hell yeah dude. i love M&B and its sheer complexity. speaking of which, after looking at the forums a little bit, it seems that the polearms are actually very good because swing damage values are naturally high but are deceptive because armor negates damage dealt based on the armor value of the area of the body you hit (the reason for head, body, and leg armor). thrust damage is much better than it looks; when a thrust attack is performed at either great speed (charging an enemy on a horse at full gallop) or performed on something going at a great speed (striking an oncoming horseman), the weapon pierces through armor along with applying the speed bonus. i dont know if youve ever noticed the letter following the damage value on a weapon, but they can either be a p, b, or c (pierce, blunt, or cut respectively). so, say you were doing a cavalry charge on a group of nord warriors, who are heavily armored (armor is a completely different topic altogether, will go into detail in another post). you're using a longaxe in 2h mode, with a damage value of 50c. the weapon wouldnt actually be that effective because the armor rating is so high that it negates alot of the weapons damage. using a thrusting weapon like the awlpike against the nord warrior would be more effective because the speed bonus combined with the piercing damage of the awlpike thrust go through the armor and do most, if not all, of the armor. this may seem like thrusting weapons would only be useful if fighting from horseback, but that isnt the case. the same ability a mounted pikeman has to pierce through armor is also shared by people defending against a cavalry charge. units like the rhodok spearman who use polearms can be a huge problem for you if you rely on mounted units if positioned correctly. they were for me when swadia declared war on the rhodoks and i was trying to fight a lord who had a relatively large number of them, as i have a cavalry centered force. the fact that the party also contained a large amount of crossbowmen and sharpshooters only made it worse since crossbows have very high damage values and do piercing damage. i was able to dodge most of the bolts, but the knights, men at arms, and other cavalry i had took hits during the charge. the only reason my troops didnt get completely dumpstered once they got into medium-close range was because i rode up behind them and kited them long enough for the horsemen to get into striking distance.
  10. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 Hey, Mount and Blade is a fucking great game. Warband I assume? Which mod/dlc are you playing? Most my time has been spent in Viking Conquest. I had to reinstall windows a while back though and I lost my good save, which sucks, because i was well on my way to becoming something more than just a fief baron.

    vanilla warband, horseman build, swadian start, bow/2h/polearm proficiency.

    have like 8 heroes in my party right now, all specced for party skills and mounted combat. focus on wound management, surgery, trade, and pathfinding. the only one i've had leave was bunduk but he's hot garbage anyway. im having trouble getting together the money to equip them all with horses and weapons/armor while also keeping my army maintained and paying their wages which is around 1200 denars per week for a 50~ man war party.

    army is focused on mounted units. roughly 3/5 heavy cavalry, 1/5 heavy infantry, and 1/5 archers. the cavalry units are a mixture of the swadian mounted units, mercenaries, slavers, and a couple sword sisters. my infantry units are pretty much all hired blades, mercenary swordsmen, and swadian sargeants. my archers are pretty much just swadian crossbowmen and mercenaries, with a couple watchmen in there. i try to hire as many peasant women, farmers, and manhunters as i can because their upgraded variants are so fucking good.

    my party right now absolutely shits on everything and its pretty much over when the cavalry gets to the opposing force unless im up against a nobleman who has me greatly outnumbered. everything that the horsemen dont demolish i clean up, and by the time the infantry gets there almost all the enemies are dead or being routed. even if im being chased by a stronger party on the map, i can always get away because of how fast mine moves from all the mounted units.

    also, is there a way i can get a polearm that isnt dogshit? i dont want to use a lance because i cant land couched hits worth a fuck, and even if i could i would need a solid charger to make the most of it. most good 2h/polearm combinations have insane swing damage but trash ass thrust damage and that combined with their low speed makes them shit for someone who pretty much is always fighting from a saddle. i had to compromise on something 2h, at least decent weapon reach and speed, while also doing good damage, and it seems like the sword of war is my best option. ive been using it for a while, only swapping it out to experiment. full gallop swings do 60+ damage and i can thrust if needed for usually 40-50. i think im going to test out some swing-only 2h weapons on horseback and see if the unbalanced debuff makes much of a difference. it probably wont seeing as you could probably break a shield with one hit going full speed.

    /end meth fueled wall of nerd text
  11. cerakote African Astronaut
    how can people be so retarded with computers
  12. cerakote African Astronaut
    how can an eye drop kill the high

    stoners are fucking goofy
  13. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RestStop Who else uses this site as their main source of "social media?" Aside from this I only have a Reddit account in which I only ever really browse /nosleep and I usually only upvote and rarely comment there…

    besides snapchat yeah i barely ever check my instagram feed anymore
  14. cerakote African Astronaut
    im gonna take a break from this shit once i finish the last of my stash, i can feel my body turning into a shitpile

    my face is super oily, i just noticed the bugs a while back and now that ive made the conscious observation that its meth mites and not actual things on my skin im not bothered by it anymore, im getting BO like a motherfucker literally just from sitting around the house, ive had a persistent but mild headache all day, and im getting dark circles under my eyes

    fuck me dry lads, this drug addiction shit aint no joke... not gonna turn into a junkie and ruin myself tho, fuck that bullshit
  15. cerakote African Astronaut
    also im getting meth bugs hardcore
  16. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RestStop That's good then. The increased sociability leads me to believe that your dosage is rather low(again, good) you're not getting "stuck" yet where you literally can't leave a certain place/situation because you're so fixated on it. Trust me you'll know when you're stuck.

    this just happened

    i just played mount and blade for literally 5 hours straight and didnt hardly notice
  17. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Monny the only news that matters is financial news anyways….

    *rubs hands*
  18. cerakote African Astronaut
    because i have 12 cars retard
  19. cerakote African Astronaut

  20. cerakote African Astronaut
    i dont like this beer meme
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