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Thanked Posts by mmQ

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by hydromorphone I probably am the worst parent ever, besides his father. I'm trying to do right by him. There is a lot wrong with me that prevents me from giving him the life he deserves and will suffer for if I'm left in his life. I cannot provide for him properly, and I realize that now. A lot to do with my health issues. My dependency is solely revolving around my chronic pain and physical ailments. I never stopped being suicidal, this is something I've dealt with for a looooong time. I have been going steadily down hill for the last 4 years or so, probably longer, just more rapidly in the last couple years.

    I am just trying to do the best I can for him before I go and set him up right. Once I'm gone, it doesn't matter. I am a selfish person. I think he should grow up resenting me while I'm dead, than me resenting him while I'm alive.

    Will you vocaroo this post please?
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  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Something is off about discount whore. It almost feels like someone else is posting under his account.
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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by infinityshock post pics of cunt

    Why would she have a picture of you?
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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by DocFoster You found a winner. Try to find it's owners. They probably miss it

    It's too bad the cat doesn't have any distinguishing features to help its owners identify it.
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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by -SpectraL No, he registered the panthrax account himself, just after Zoklet went down.

    Just after zoklet went down, Panny came to niggas in space and registered the panthrax handle? Interesting.
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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by infinityshock you have no concept of the definition of hell, much less any knowledge of experiencing it.

    You have no concept of the definition of a LIST, guy. Learn that, then try talking to me about other 4-letter words you don't understand. Thank you.
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  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I only have cash. That why I sent him 60 in a napkin with a dick drawn. The drama is it took me longer than I wanted it to. I sent it though. To my friend making 10x as much as me, I of course sent it, and I apologize for taking longer than k said I would.

    Here I sit. Talking like hydro. :)

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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    When you're serious about suicide, nobody should know because you should be too busy killing yourself.
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  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby no he said they had to have their cocks tucked pointed straight up.

    but when I was a kid they would do scoliosis test where you had to take off your shirt and they'd inspect your spine by a spine specialist, but I think it was just a way to see if you had bruises from being beaten by your parents.

    they said i had scoliosis but didn't refer me to a doctor or send me home with a note of their diagnosis to my parents.. it was just a waste of time and weird. One time the fat kid didn't want to take his shirt off and when the specialist left the room we pulled him shirt off and pants him and started laughing calling me cheeto puff tits and punching his love handles.

    And in turn wound up discovering in addition to the new bruising, he already had prior bruising from getting beaten at home, as well as severe scoliosis.
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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Honestly, who throws a shoe?
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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    There's fingering, and then off course there's aggressive and often painful fingerBANGING.

    I would agree with the team here that considers fingering to be any type of fussing around that involves using your fingers, so yes, you can finger nipples and hair and whatnot.

    Finger play
    Finger bang
    Finger fuck
    Finger flick
    Finger diddle
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  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by What_a_Kreep If you were yogurt, would you be fruit at the bottom or stirred?

    I would take the dark plunge into an empty waste bin, having never been opened, due to the shame of being yogurt in any fashion.
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  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Sounds like someone not worth looking up. Am I right on that one?
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  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Malice On the other hand, I definitely show signs of hypomania during the manic cycle. The up periods are definitely seeming past the normal range for humans in general. Fortunately it seems to last longer than the depressive cycle. Getting rid of the depressive could practically make it a gift.

    All I know is having a genuine manic experience, or manic-esque, and then declining, and then never being able to experience that again, after a series of different tries, over many years, just feeling more and more defeated, well it uh, it sucks. I'd probably be doing better if I never took anti depressant in the first place, it's like I'm chasing the goddamn hypomania dragon all the while fighting endless bouts of depression. It's not even a sad depression anymore when it happens, it's just defeat but I am too stubborn to go away.
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  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Err, wait, I was thinking of myself there.

    Women? Fuck if I know.
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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Doesn't TC suck when me and pan aren't there together? Tee-hee
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  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    They actually bury elderly women in yoga points these days? For cray!
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  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Ugh, poor people and the signs that they're going to stay poor for the rest of their life. This is pitiful.

    You've still never mentioned what it is you do for a living. And yes, as long as I am depressed and not taking medication, I will probably remain "poor." That's how it works, and I've never denied that. We don't all have our shit together while surrounded by fat stacks like you, John Smith.
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  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I don't fuck with banks, but I do fuck with walmart which is perhaps just as bad, but it's simple enough and it's all I need. I have the prepaid money card with them and simply take my paychecks there to stand in line with the niggers and general riff-raff to get my check cashed and displaced onto my card at my choosing. The last time I went, the worker that I dealt with was clearly new and not sure what he was doing, so I'm surprised it took me so long to check what I thought maybe..MAYBE had happened.

    I had my check for $700 of which I told the guy I wanted $200 put on the card (so I could pay my cable/internet, electric, and phone bills online, and I wanted the rest as cash. He was fussing around trying to figure out how to do that, ran my card, put in the $700 and asked me to confirm it on the little pad which I did, then he acted confused and just restarted the process, this time doing what he should have done the first time which was to just cash my check entirely and then take 200 from that and put it on the card. So yeah, if you haven't figured out what I'm getting to here, it's that he literally put $700 on my card, started over, DIDN'T CANCEL IT, and then proceeded to put another $200 on my card and give me $500 cash.

    I just stumbled upon a free $700 and it makes me want to buy strippers and cocaine but I'll probably just go buy some beer. Anyway, THANKS WALLY WORLD!! XD XD
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I can feel it deep in my plums.
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