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Thanked Posts by mmQ

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    So... Malice is dead.

    I'll post the link when I get home.
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  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery That wasn't the question. I asked why you frequent sites of people you hate. You said you don't hate anyone. I posted one example out of many, of you talking shit about niggers, to make my point that you see certain groups of people, like niggers, as inferior. Other examples are your posts in the thread about the Charlottesville car guy, and your thread about a tranny nigger. You obviously look down on queers, niggers, kikes, etc. Whether you agree it's hate or not is just semantics and beside the point.

    The question was why do you frequent sites for niggers, kikes, spics, and fags.

    Jill's life is a psychologist's inferiority complex diagnoser's dream.

    "Why do you hate these people?"

    "They're different than me!"

    "Yes, Jill, they are, we are all different."

    "NO!! They are different colors though!"

    "Yes Jill, that is how the world works, we are born with different colors."

    "I Hate other colors!!"

    "Someone take this guy and give him some color crayons please."
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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    My penis is so long sometimes my small intestinal tract is like, 'aww, not fair.'
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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by mashlehash Save that talk for the men's room

    When you're rich like me, you don't even have to ask. You can just go up to any guy and grab em by the dick.
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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Sometimes, when my dick is really really soft and, bored, it does resemble an infant cock. It amazes me sometimes how small of a form it can take, knowing full well how GARGANTUAN of a form it also takes.

    Crazy world!
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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle

    Sometimes I sit at computer chair, when that's the case I'll use my other hand to act as a splash guard preventing my load from shooting up at my face. It all pools in my stomach region and i clean it with tissue or a used sock.

    Other times, I will use my phone and just stand over the side of my shower tub thing, and cum standing up, into the base of my shower, then I run the shower for a minute or two on extra hot and let the babbies float away.

    Rarely do I lay down on a bed or couch, but if I do, I again use the backsplash technique to avoid spraying up to and over my head.

    I was on SSRIs for some time and jacking off was nearly futile, I would out my heart and soul into it and if I was lucky I would have one chance to pound it out, but if I lost it for even a second, it was gone for good, whether it was jerking it or actual sexy times.

    Now I'm off of them and I can cum in 30 seconds if I want to.

    Anyway, how's Jane and the kids?
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  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by RestStop I didn't even know about the hurricane until I logged into my usps account this morning…I am the ultimate disconnect from the outside world..well…the world past three counties outside of my a way it's comforting living inside my own little tri-state bubble.

    People like bubbles because it's easier.
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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Sounds like you have a raging case of Dutch Elm Disease.
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  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by mashlehash I would much more accepted these days. It's almost like you have to pay respects when you see a negro.

    When I cross paths with a colored, any color at all, I will stop them by coming to a halt in front of them, then removing my shoes and pants, a slight bow toward the individual, proceeding to sit in front of them in a Native American stance.

    I ring the small bell I keep on my person, 10 seconds, followed by 3 screams at the top of my lung, "OOOHHHHHH THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR THIS HUMAN!"

    10 more seconds of bell, then I stand, replace my left shoe, brush heads with the person, replace my right shoe, a quick kiss on the nose, a final bow of respect, one quick blowjob then I'm on my way.
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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    ^thats rich coming from a guy who just barely learnt how to use image tags, I bet you also think the easter bunny is real.
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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    That honestly looks like an old person sneaker. Spec and Jill probably own a pair.
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  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I told you ??? Nigga was Nick cannon but I came to this thread to clarify I meant Nick Young of the Lakers.
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  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    It was her 7th birthday. Mommy was at her job and it was just Gretchen and daddy. He came into her room and asked her if she wanted to play in mommy and daddy's bed.

    She was so excited.

    They went to the big bed and daddy said he had a fun game for them. He said it's called The Touching Game.

    They took their clothes off and learned about their bodies. He let Gretchen put her mouth on his body branch and told her how happy it made him.

    He made funny sounds and she couldn't stop giggling. After a while he told her that his body branch would have a secret surprise and if she caught it all up in her mouth she would win.

    She opened wide and funny white squiggles came out of daddy. Gretchen caught most of them in her mouth, but some went up her nose and she started to cough, which tickled, and the two laughed.

    They never told mommy their secret and played the game every single day.
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  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    It's Rihanna.
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  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 rap music is full of anger and sadness.

    I was gonna clean my room, but then I got high. Bacaaaaack!
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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The name's Ricky Bobby, and if you don't chew Big Red, you better be chewing nothing at all, or ill burn you and your family.
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  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by blackbird Actor

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  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Shitfucker -Darth Beaver

    I liked the rodent too. He was a shade more clever than he got credit for.

    By the way actro, not but two weekends ago kk and I, as well as others, stayed up ALL weekend snorting /chuting phent and getting dumb as fuck. She's still around M8. :)
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  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 What percentage of fools would agree?

    Someone's gotten the best, the best, the best, the best of him.
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by infinityshock no…he literally used his sphincter muscle to squash the other retards beef.

    That was the joke you stupid fuck.
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