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Thanked Posts by mmQ

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by infinityshock you don't remember them…but you say they're all the same theme…

    makes sense.

    It's kind of like your posts. Nothing is distinctly memorable but we know it's all the same cringe theme.
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  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Narc i've lost everything quite a few times in my life so i realize exactly how free that does actually make you. its almost refreshing when it happens now.


    Same here m8. Easy come, easy go, as they say. I've had some very "valuable" possessions of mine lost over the years, and aside from the initial heartbreak, I've gotten over it. If it's not living or breathing, I really don't give a shit. I can always start again.

    CHOOTIE, on the other hand. Man, I have almost lost her twice and those were some of the saddest days of my life.

    OK quick story time.

    I bought her when I lived in Tampa, when she was just a lil babby. I lived there until she was about 1 year old and then I decided to move back home, so I made the arrangements to have her be able to fly with me under my seat in a little carrier, and it was all set. 2 days before my flight, I got home after work and eventually noticed that she wasn't around. After looking and not finding her I asked my roommate who said that he let her outside to play, which obviously pissed me off, but it was what it was.

    Anyway, I looked all over and never found her. I regretfully accepted that she had just went into the wilderness and that was that. It fucking sucked.

    So I was sitting on the back patio with my other roommate a few hours before my flight, smoking a bowl, and sort of talking about her and whatnot, and then all of a sudden I look up and see her slowly coming prancing up from the tall grass out in the lawn, and mannn, I can't even describe the happiness that washed over me as I saw her coming toward me. It was like a moment from a fucking movie, last minute shit, reunited. I will never forget that moment.
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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Be an hero
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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Loki was the name of a Norse God? like Thor?

    Yeah. I think it's the three headed doge guarding the gate to hell, but also a god of fun and mischief, which is what I named him after.
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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 Even if he has other acts to be his own mark that would be an impressive troll. How would he even get people to help? Not like you know who's hunting you.

    also link pls guiz thanx

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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 They say if you drink alone, that you're a pathetic alcoholic. But if you lock yourself in a room and have your wife, husband, whatever hide your keys and don't leave that room.. go full on drunk on the internet on one of those cam sites.. with other drunks.. it's like a fucking barroom

    everyone is safe until the next morning when you find cam shots of you spreading your asscheecks for laughs like goatse

    Drinking alone isn't pathetic anymore than doing anything alone is, in the opinion of mine. I understand why people say it though, what with it generally being considered a social drug, using it alone comes across as depressing and sad, like you said. Hell, often times it is, but not inherently. You got dads drinking ales while they fuck around on their cars or in their workshops, you've got single people getting home after an exhausting day of work and winding down with some ales, and you've got those who are able to use alcohol as a creative boost and drink alone to spark ideas for whatever their art is, loosening up the mind, easing the subconscious and unnecessary tension.

    I'm a very social drinker, but I also tend to get stupid, so combine that with the marked up prices at bars and clubs, and having been to more than my fair share of all that going out shit over the course of my life, I've grown pretty content with trying to take it easy and just stay home when I drink, but when I have the means to do so I will usually tinychat to feed my need for interaction. Even playing multiplayer games online satisfies it but I don't do well at video games after a get a good buzz going. Video chat rooms are basically the closest thing to irl interaction anyway- you can see, be seen, talk, and listen. The saddest part to me is not being able to pass the pipe to someone else or stick my fist up grimace's asshole for funzies.
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  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle

    Originally posted by mashlehash One time I said his name on tinychat and he unfriended me on the facebook.

    Lol. He saw the commonly missed 'first sign.' The first sign someone with your PI is going to start using it against you in a malicious manner, crescendoing until their victim winds up dead, or worse.

    It almost always starts with saying a person's name on a medium where handles and usernames are used rather than realzeez. NiS v FB.

    Then maybe it's mentioning their full name and city of residency, maybe posting a few pictures that they never posted themselves.

    After that it's the full P.I. release, shortly followed by ill-timed deliveries sent to victim's house - boxes of live wasps, feces encrusted produce and meat, animal heads with the spinal cord attached, etc.

    Toward the end it usually always amounts to high-level blackmail or organizing a group to come to your residence irl and rape/torture/murder.

    It ALWAYS starts with a first name. Your best bet if that happens to you is to wipe your entire hard drive and just kill yourself before someone else has a chance to do it for you. Although you may discontinue using the internet at that point, this doesn't mean that the escalating PI release won't still be taking place; you just won't be able to see it. Either way, it's a snowball effect and a matter of time before you're visited.

    And on top of this, it's MASH we're talking about here. A guy like THAT, dropping your Earth-borne mother-given identity... your essence.. the label attached to everything and all that you are?! Mashehashle has bluish, near black blood, and a sinister presence lying directly beneath that jovial facade, one that will eat you alive from the inside out. A man that truly known no bounds, disregards all rules, and whose mind runs aggressively rampant. I'm just saying, next time you see him in tinychat, stare into his eyes, but not to long! but for a 10-20 seconds. Tell me you don't see what I see.
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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by hydromorphone Oh… I didn't even mention. I'd given PoC approx. 500$ birthday present, not even including all the little odds and ends, drove nearly 1k miles round trip to visit him on my dime, and probably would still have my job if not going for his birthday, so I wouldn't be in the situation of prostituting in the first place. Nevermind going too, knowing full well, I'd be in WDs for the trip home/getting home.

    I got two lousy charms and a card. To my 5-6 letters I'd written him, at his request, and also promise for him to return the favor, which he never did.

    So.. who used who here…

    It also might have been a shitty cake, but I tried to bae him a homemade cake, coconut, as he requested for his birthday too. I put so much more stress on myself than I should have for such a shitty, awful human being. I should know better. I should know not to trust anyone, not to love anyone, because as always, despite their claims of wanting to help me, of understanding me, of being "there" for me, nope… it wont happen and I'll always get fucked in the end.

    EDIT: also hilarious that I was accused of caring more about my medicine than anyone else, especially when I'd mailed him shit like 4 times to help him til he could make an order (gave himmy account details so he could use my discount) that he still, month after month never made despite saying he was going to. Yep.. I'm the shitty person in this situation though. IDC anymore. My heart has no love for anyone or anything at this point. He broke me good and hard this time.

    Post last edited by hydromorphone at 2017-09-01T18:36:00.809623+00:00

    Why in the shit did you do any of that. I skim your posts usually trying to get the gist of them, but I really don't know about you and Crack's relationship or how long you've been talking, etc. What I've gathered and may have wrong, is that you have talked to him for a long time maybe at least a few years, and just recently took a different fancy to him, and he to you, what with you traveling to him. Was that meant to be a relationship or was it meant to just be a visit?

    Piles, from what relatively little of his I've read since I joined zoklet, has always been self-admittedly a defeatist and a heavily depressed and more or less worthless individual. Ha. I'm not saying he is, I'm just saying he's kind of always had that attitude I think though he's had spurts of good times and better spirits, he's actually kind of similar to me in that regard. But, my point is when someone claims that about himself, and given your history, it should raise an immediate large orange fuzzy flag at full mast that stays erect forever. This flag reminds you that no matter how sincere, how sweet, how genuine a person might sound... unless you've seen a noticeable change in them over a period of at least 6 months, they are probably filling you full of shit.

    I mean you clearly see that now, expressing it in your posts about 'how you should have known.' I think it's apparent to me that you have a good heart and well, likely really want a partner to share it with.. I could be wrong. But you've chosen for whatever reason to get involved with a few people from this community and both have been the complete opposite experiences of what you had hoped for. You want to be that perfect girlfriend? maybe? Being there, giving gifts, stuff like that, and you can do that, and all you need to do is not fux with depressed alcoholics and haphazard lifestyle drug users.

    Meh this kind of just sounds like generic advice. I was about to tell you to be patient, the right man will come along. Haha. But I mean, I guess that sometimes ends up being true. Anyway I'm sure you know what I mean. Just don't become one of the cringe-girls that have some bad relationships and need to bring up how 'all men suck' as often as possible. I don't think you're that type anyway. Most of us are shitheads but you can usually spot it out, and then all you have to do is not convince yourself that you can make it work, or that you can fix us. You can't fix someone. Except me. Send me $1000 and a cake and you'll have cured my depression.

    I am curious what was running through your mind when you thought a)giving poc $500 is a good idea and b)when you decided that it needed to be $500 instead of a normal birthday gift like $50 or maybe $100?

    Gracias you.

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  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by RestStop I have been searching endlessly for this old magical bitch. Like…I've probably murdered a half dozen people, broke 1,000's of traffic laws, went undercover as 3 HUSBANDS, yes 3! Fathered 4 children, spend 1.2 million dollars buying houses and cars, not to mention the police bribes and had my face reconstructed 4 times. And to knew the old wench the whole time! Well I'll be a son of a gun!

    My mom and her used to be in the same Bible study group. I tagged along one day before I ever even knew Granny, and as the class was ending, she was grabbing something from her purse and dropped a small bag of shardles without noticing. My keen eye spotted it immediately and I went to check it out, sure enough it was exactly what I thought it was. I was just kinda flabbergasted for second thinking about this normal looking, early-30s lady, in a church group.. fucking have meth. I think I just sort of assumed hey man I guess we all deal with shit in our own way and maybe she just used every now and then to deal with something.

    So long story a little less song, I was a newer user myself but very much a fan, so I decided I'd go say something rather than keep it. I didn't really have any real dealers of my own at that point so I was just hoping she might take kindly to me and my knowing of her secret, and help me find some shit now and then when I needed it. When I walked up to her I didn't even say anything I just sort of looked down at my hand and showed her the sack, and she got this panicked long that I'll never forget, but I just smiled and shook my head. 'Haha. It's all good. I'm cool."

    We discussed it a bit and I explained to her about wanting to find a consistent dealer instead of just crossing my fingers, we discussed some other things, exchanged numbers, and she said to call her on her if I needed something and she would try to help. She tells me, "it's like this, and don't forget. Whoever answers, ask for Granny. When I come to the phone, or if it was me who answered, you don't say anything other than 'Hi, yeah I was just calling to see if you still had those apples. I want to make a pie.'

    I remember asking her why Granny, considering she was like 30, and she told me she really was an apple dealer, so she always went by Granny thinking it was cute or some shit.

    But yeah, she tells me "I will tell you either 'I'm sorry we're actually out of stock right now' or 'Absolutely. What can I get for you?' All you have to reply with is the amount of apples you want, in pounds, which will represent grams. That simple. And always that conversation unless I say otherwise."

    So I started doing that and someone always answered, and she was always there and she always said yes. It was goddamn perfect, and it went on like that for a few years until she moved to Ohio to open her own orchard, Peifer Orchards, of course. She told me all about her plans and was very apologetic about leaving a few states away, but she gave me an oz. as some consolation and of course welcomed me to come down there any time.

    So that's the story of how I came to know Granny. I haven't been down there since last winter, I usually just make one or two trips a year and she still fuckin' hooks it up for me since I've pretty much known her from her early days.

    I've even told her about this place and the potential clientele but she's always kinda insisted that I don't say anything on the internet what with all the fuccbois and rattoxezers (not her words), so that's why I never brought her up before now, but upon seeing actronomy post about the place, there's no way it's a fucking coincidence that he knows this exact orchard, and eeh I don't know, fuck it I say, only a few of you might even go there anyway and she does get referrals now and then so a stranger asking for something (as long as they say the right thing) doesn't worry her. Please don't let this be for nothing; I encourage you to pay her a visit and tell me about your experience.

    Oh and she doesn't and has never used herself, in case you'd be dumb enough to ask if she wanted to get high. Just do your business and move along. Oh and she'll give you the actual Paula Reds which are fucking badass lil' appels.

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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by RestStop Well..not sure what happened between 7 pages but I guess you're free yet again? Congratulations and not to be a Debbie but remember the things that landed you there in the first place and avoid them at all costs. That being said I'm genuinely happy for you. Enjoy your freedom(within reason you lil trouble maker!)

    Arrest warrant issued
    Turned himself in
    Had to do about a month
    Free now

    and not to be a Debbie but remember the things that landed you there in the first place, keep doing them, and avoid all cops at all cost.

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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I will modify them and refer to you from now on as "B-league" aka "sheet-skin" aka "Jo Jo." Don't let those cute nicknames fool you. Actually.. do it. Let them fool you, for no reason. Then you can tell people "One time, I was fooled by the nicknames someone gave me," and I can tell people, "One time, I gave someone some nicknames and he was fooled by them." Deal?

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  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by trippymindfuk I'm out and free and clear….no paper, fines or bullshit ass drug tests….

    Stay up my niggas….

    Originally posted by NARCassist feels good doesn't it?



    One of the best non-drug "feel goods" one can experience. Nothing like the sweet sweet sound (in my cases) of the little beep on my cell intercom followed by 'mq pack your stuff.' That's all they have to say.

    Aside from the times it's a surprise to be released like waiting on bail or whatever, I'm of course already packed RED-TO-GO.

    Walking through everyone in the dayroom, many of them looking at you with jealousy in their eyes, saying peace to the niggas that you got to know.

    Then the walk to the exit area, getting your clothes back, your little memories, your lighter, smokes, cash. You just smile. Then the final few doors. Maybe a guard or someone saying 'good luck' as you leave the place.

    And then the sweet air. Immediately followed by a disgusting cancer stick. Lol. But the smoke tastes like the best you've ever had. Like when you first started smoking. Catching a buzz. Smiling again. Laughing. Then going to out for steak and ostrich.

    At least that's how it goes for me. XD
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  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by trippymindfuk Arrest…felony but I only have a month or so to serve out

    OK. Makes sense. I'm of the firm belief you ignore bench warrants as long as you can. Arrest warrants though, far more paranoia attached to trying to hide from those. Good for you to turn yourself in and get it over with.
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  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Dargo I murdered my adopted son, alias Tommy, with a an Allen wrench. Yes, it took quite some time. Yes, he hurt. Oh, he HURT.

    Quoted forever and ever.

    Too bad quotes don't have dates.
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  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    A healthy looking lady came into my restaurant today with a little bugle wearing a blue vest.

    I kicked them out immediately.

    I don't have time to play these FUCKING GAMES.

    "B-b-but it's a thera-"


    "You can't talk to me like that, my dog is legally allow--"


    She started to get in my face about how rude and indecent I was being, so I punted her bugle through the plate glass door and threw her down the stairs.

    I was scared for my life.

    So anyway they are both in jail now for trespassing, assault, and domestic terrorism.
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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Falco Nobody calls multiple one year old children "year olds". The delivery is much better with twenty three-year-olds

    Disagree with the former. Agree with the latter.

    The "fucking eighty five year olds" joke is old hat though, so the 'year olds' spin was at least a change of pace.
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  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Not to mention they can shapeshift.
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  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by infinityshock that's another side of he equality coin.

    the media and retards constantly harp on the disproportionate rate of prison incarceration or school disciple towards niggers. their deluded reasoning is, the niggers are being persecuted by mean old whitey. they're so fucking retarded they can't possibly comprehend the fact that the niggers are disproportionately the ones causing problems to warrant their discipline or incarceration.

    It's a lot deeper than 'Niggers cause môre problems.' They're set up for failure.
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  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Suck a nigger dick you retarded faggot. This riddle is easy.
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by -SpectraL We need to put the BBS on drugs then.

    This is why I thought of the above post. In my head I was envisioning as long as one drugged person was using NiS, NiS was then effectively, on drugs.
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