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Thanked Posts by mmQ

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson It's not though…if as you suggest the individual taxes don't matter…then why collect them? because they do part of the mass collective.

    Again same with voting…every vote counts even if you don't think it does…if no one voted or no one paid taxes we'd be in shit street, Tennessee wouldn't we.

    Caring about how your tax money is spent is reflected in how you might vote…and then multiple that by 150 million voters (or however many are eligible to vote) you have your answer why it matters.

    Ok that makes sense, but why then would these people poo-poo other matters under the same context? I am using climate change as an example. Why does person A get all in a big tizzy about taxes that have really never impacted their life in any significant way whatsoever, but then laugh at the person saying we should do our little part to help not alter the climate in a negative way?

    Is it just emotions? Just picking and choosing what to care about?

    Why should I take a person seriously who says one thing is a huge deal and the other thing isn't a big deal at all?

    Why don't we all just conclude that it doesn't matter? Why do we care about anything, mannnnnnnnn?

    what the fuck am I talking about I think I ate a big mushroom
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  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Every time I look at this thread I see obbe posting factoids and people getting triggered.

    It's the same thing in my NFC East shit talking group lol.

    "The eagles are way better."

    "Dallas has 5 rings bitch deal with it"

    "Yeah but .... "

    The climate is a'changin boys. It's changing hard and fast. Harder and faster than it ever has. To deny that is to deny that the population of the world is also increasing.

    Why is everyone so stupid ?
    .why do you think it means we have to care? We don't. You don't.

    Nobody has to care. You realize that? You do not have to care at all. Carry on doing nothing. It's fine.

    It really is fine. Our lives will never really change. Climate change is not a big deal right now. Just like your paying 0.000 percentage more in taxes won't matter either.
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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked wait wut.

    howd i miss this?

    early 20s. teen challenge (faith based recovery program) Went there in lieu of prison. Most everyone in the program did. Everyone is automatically in the choir. Travel to different church's across the state every Sunday. Black slacks and nice shirt and tie. Sing. I eventually was one of a few directors. I sang a few solos. Gave my testimony every week lol. Its all lol. Very cringe looking back. And when it was all said and done and I successfully completed the program after 15 months, I fucked it up and got DUIs, violated my probation and ended up going to prison anyway. God bless. <3
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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Ole Miss Ellaria '99% of my posts are gifs because I'm a R.E.T.A.R.D.' Sand.

    Nah she was a good lady I'm sure last I heard she had moved to Egypt to become a desert wandering nomad
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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked Yeah. Im mean im trying hard to do the like "normal guy" thing but i feel like a bear on a unicycle in these social settings.

    as you should feel.

    I used to direct a choir of Christian dudes trying to not go to prison. Just remember that. life is funny
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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I know exactly how it happened from start to finish.
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  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    No. Literal mentally retarded pedophile/hebephile with an affinity for dog fucking. He was busted in the United States for trying to meet an underage girl for sexual relations and eventually deported to Poland where he currently resides. Most of us have learned to just tune him out 99% of the time. Once in a moon I make a reply to him but it's completely futile.
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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    In general, no. The entire point of a wind turbine is that it generates electricity by capturing some of the energy from the wind, no ‘fuel’ needed.

    But perhaps you've heard of more specialized applications, where wind turbines are used in remote locations not on the main grid. In those locations, when the wind's not blowing, the turbines aren't generating electricity. And large scale energy storage still isn't very mature, so they can’t just store excess electricity to use later. So, a lot of remote locations will use wind diesel systems. Set up a few wind turbines to generate the bulk of the electricity, and then turn on the diesel generators when the wind's not blowing.

    Previously, a lot of these communities relied solely on diesel generators. The wind turbines help save them a lot on the cost of electricity by greatly reducing the amount of diesel fuel they need to import – more than enough to be worth the cost of installation. And from a tree hugger perspective, it helps reduce carbon emissions.

    On larger grids, the shear number of power plants helps make up for the shortfall when the wind's not blowing at any one wind farm. But even then, there are other sources besides wind like hydro, natural gas, and coal that can be ramped up when needed.
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  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Wasn't I the first person to formally refer to you as Lucy (Lucy Butt)? I've treated you as a girl and referred to you as such ever since you started wanting me to. I got your back, SISTER. lol
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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I thought we were talking about the line up in the clouds waiting to get into the PEARLY GATES of which we are all clearly headed thanks to the unconditional forgiveness of our Lord and Savior.
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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I missed Jimmy Buffett 3-dollar margaritas all day yesterday. They probably made 3 million just off that alone.
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  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    this fucking beer I'm drinking tastes like pumpkin spice absolutely. Tastes like SHIT to be honest. like fucking idk its blueberry and rhubarb but it tastes like shit to me. lol


    seems like it would be delicious

    tastes like eating a piece of BARK

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  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    thread needs more Lanny Jenkins cooking videos
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  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Rape Monster

    a timeless classic
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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I can't take a person seriously who believes the Titanic was sunk by a seawater iceberg.
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  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson It's been fact checked, Obbe is an alt of Lockedin

    no u are.
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  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    multiple people in this thread have referred to Obbe as the original poster. That in and of itself speaks volumes regarding 'fact checking' and 'doing your own research.' Emotions run high. FEELINGS POLICE WEE WOO WEE WOO
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  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I've probably cooked in 10 different restaurants and every one of them had an opening/closing list that was supposed to get checked off and people would do it for like a day or two and then it just say fuck it.

    I know what you're saying though, it's definitely annoying as fuck coming in to open and the kitchen is half ass because everyone wants to just get done as soon as possible at night, but they're doing that because theyre tired from all the extra shit they had to do when thry first got there.

    Or you come in for the late shift and you gotta stock and prep a bunch of shit because the day crew just cooked and want to go home now since the night crew made their open shitty in the first place.

    It just becomes this doge chasing it's own tail type thing.

    It's not always that dramatic and I've worked some good crews that knew how to actually have one another's back which is nice. I love cooking when I can show up to work and don't have to instantly stress about a bunch of shit, then I can actually get some cleaning done and extra stuff so the next shift can also be nice and chill when they arrive. Everyone scratches one another's backs.

    But nobody usually gives a fuck about checklists you just know what you gotta do and you do it. It's still good to have them around for new people, and I'm not saying it's a bad idea, I'm just saying it's funny that 90% of cooks just don't care about them and most bosses don't want to be the dickhead that gets on their asses for 'you didn't check off deep cleaning the inside of the cold table' like nobody wants to do that shit every night man just be thankful we're here busting out ass lol.

    I actually like cleaning and deep cleaning stuff as long as I can focus on that and don't have to do that in between orders.
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The way you type out your thoughts is so eerily similar to my brain damaged/mentally retarded cousin.

    "To start the beginning of a journey together or your life together or for you two to be together and to have a good many times with be with each other for a long time"

    The main difference between you and him are that he's actually funny and doesn't want to fuck young little teenagers 20+ years younger than him.

    Do you not have a CARER or someone who can monitor your internet access and overall actions and behavior? Are you allowed to drive an actual motor vehicle? I shudder at that thought too.

    It's too bad you don't have someone in real life (a grown mature ADULT) who cares about you enough to step in and redirect you, or maybe they've tried and realize it's futile.

    "Honey, just release him into the wild. There's nothing we can do for him. We've both seen his "art work. It's hopeless, honey."
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