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Thanked Posts by mmQ

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The way you type out your thoughts is so eerily similar to my brain damaged/mentally retarded cousin.

    "To start the beginning of a journey together or your life together or for you two to be together and to have a good many times with be with each other for a long time"

    The main difference between you and him are that he's actually funny and doesn't want to fuck young little teenagers 20+ years younger than him.

    Do you not have a CARER or someone who can monitor your internet access and overall actions and behavior? Are you allowed to drive an actual motor vehicle? I shudder at that thought too.

    It's too bad you don't have someone in real life (a grown mature ADULT) who cares about you enough to step in and redirect you, or maybe they've tried and realize it's futile.

    "Honey, just release him into the wild. There's nothing we can do for him. We've both seen his "art work. It's hopeless, honey."
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ You "asserted" by making this thread, yet you have provided no credible proof for your claim.

    You may wanna go take a peek at who made this thread.
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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    This is David Blaine welcome to fear factor youve been mind freaked
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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked Did she have a tetris block inked above her pubic bone or what?

    idk never been my jam but if i were able to examine the goods like an old timey slave auction and everything seemed operational, i might throw her one for the ol bucket list.

    Howd they get the hips to look like that tho? damn transformers

    lol made me laugh out loud

    if i don't know any better I would fuck IT too. if it whipped out a cock I would be sad but you're right maybe just whatever I've come this far lets finish the job
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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    ahh like a reverse crab walk.
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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I even skip 99% of wario threads but this one 'HOLY FUCK' finally got me only because I woke up with a buzz. Fine. Holy fuck. What happened. Let me read the replies making fun of you. I guess it was sort of worth it in a disgusting way.
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  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson

    Sea ice

    Sea ice surrounds the polar regions. On average, sea ice covers up to 25 million km2, an area 2.5 times the size of Canada. Sea ice is frozen ocean water. The sea freezes each winter around Antarctica.

    Lets remember the original argument was that sea water doesn't freeze…I THINK WE'VE ESTABLISHED IT DOES…and that's worth HAMMERING HOME through the dumb dumbs heads.

    I think we've all learned something valuable from this conversation though…lets break bread and move on.

    that's between you and tk1. he's the one that said it doesn't or can't freeze. you went on making it sound as if every iceberg began from seawater and the iceberg that sunk the titanic was originally seawater. It wasn't. I get to win this one.
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  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson WRONG!


    OK I was WRONG about icebergs nigga child…HAPPY NOW?

    However that isn't really relevant to this. I'd also argue that the fact the ocean DOES FREEZE you can't exclude all icebergs are being from compacted snow…when the frozen sea breaks up…guess what it forms….big chucks of ice yes?….which you could call an iceberg…YES>!?>!?>!

    Here, do this…go to your local ocean, get a nice big cup of sea water (ocean water)…now put it in a deep freezer and check in the next day…guess what, you just froze sea water.


    I thanked your comment after the edit. THANK YOU FOR ADMITTING YOU WERE WRONG. and then again everything else you said, I addressed too. I said it like 3 times at least. I know that saltwater can get cold enough to make ice. lol. take that shit up with PEEDY (not speedy, but totse).

    to your last point you keep trying to INSIST, ICEBERGS by definition, are from glaciers, which by definition, are NEVER SEAWATER. you can have a big chunk of ice in the north pole that you can call an iceberg if you want. the iceberg that sunk the titanic was PURE FRESHWATER. that's ALL THAT MATTERS ABOUT ANYTHING EVER IN THE WORLD EVER OF ALL TIMES

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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker You would be mostly correct regarding the southern glaciers.

    Glaciers form from snow. The 'North Pole glaciers' that you're referring to, aren't glaciers.

    It's called the Artic Ice Pack. Yes I'm researching this stuff I didn't have it all memorized. It's sea ice as I addressed. Not glaciers. Doesn't produce icebergs.

    The time I chimed into this was when this insistence was made that the Titanic was sunk by a (formerly seawater) iceberg, which is a falsehood.

    But further research shows that there in glaciers in the North Pole REGION, like Greenland and such, but those are formed from snow, not from saltwater/seawater.
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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson It's amazing how many dumb dumbs don't seem to comprehend the obvious…


    I would like to readdress this as you called me a dumb dumb.

    As has been pointed out, ICEBERGS aren't ever formed from Sea/saltwater. They are formed from GLACIERS, which have been defined several times in this thread as also not forming from sea/saltwater.

    So you were/are WRONG WRONG WRONG. I can admit when I'm wrong. Can you????? 👀

    (And again since you'll probably just bring this up again- we know ice can form from seawater. Sea ice. Sparker mentioned this stuff exists in the North Pole. Nobody is denying that. It's just irrelevant to the other factoids mentioned here.)

    Snow -> Ice -> Glacier/Ice shelf/sheet --> Iceberg

    Go on humble me. Make me look like a FOOL. I WANT IT.
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  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Meikai Hmmmmm. The idea of "systemic _____" would be more that if we restarted society with 25 of each and ran it the way people blaming "systemic" issues for the disproportionate representation in crime statistics want to, we'd see each group committing roughly 25% of every crime (because there's one race: the human race, and we shouldn't observe significant differences in behavior across racial lines without the social/historical/economic pressures that exist in our society).

    (Although we'd need more than 25 of each - with a population of 100, we're liable to see some wonky outcomes. Maybe one year 9 asians get busted for selling weed and all of a sudden a HUGE proportion of asians are drug dealers, but obviously that's not really relevant to what you're asking. Just to say that ideally we'd want a ton of each if we were going to prepare statistical rates of anything between them.)

    But maybe that IS relevant to what I'm asking. As soon as the majority proportion of the Asians are drug dealers, people start saying well, wtf, asians are clearly drug dealers. They're the ones doing the most drug dealings. I hate drugs and now I hate asians.

    But was it there fault in the first place? Or it was just circumstance to begin with and then things got of hand and then blah blah blah psychological shit and then you get millions of billions of people of their respective races doing the same thing that they by circumstance just happened to do in the first place.

    I always defer to the fact it that it just sucks that we're born with brain we are, the race we are, the whatever we are.

    If Jiggaboo Johnson was a black man, would he be here as the same person? Would he make be racist against himself? Would he be happy and proud to be who he was? Would he be a good person or a bad person? Would it have ANYTHING to do with him being born black or would he take sole responsibility for how he is? etc etc
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  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I really do suck at articulating myself when I wish I knew how to. I know what I'm trying to say. askdjflaksdjflkajdlfkasjdfl
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  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Meikai Depends. If you believe there are hundreds of mass shootings each year, that's mostly gang violence. Whites definitely have a near monopoly on that particularly fucked up stochastic terroristic kind of mass shooting though. The boys going for a new high score are almost always deracinated "white" amerimutts.

    As for rape and pedophilia, whites - as with serial killing - do commit most of the crimes… but then, whites make up most of the population. From what I can find the rates aren't perfectly proportionate to population (to be clear: rates are disproportionately higher - huwhites are naughty), but the same is also true for blacks. I'd be interested in what happens when we control for "white" MENA individuals (we all know who the 'grooming gangs' in the UK and Europe are). 🤷‍♀️

    Is this where the 'systemic' term comes from?

    Like if the population were eradicated and we started over with 25 whites 25 blacks 25 Asians and 25 Hispanics (for the sake of simplicity) would all these statistics stay the same evenly or would they change based on 'systemic' stuff.

    Or if 1 person of every race was born, isolated from the world, on their own island, how would they be growing up? Would they be predisposed to certain behaviors or would they just have behaviors that later on got disposed onto them?

    I suck at wording things but do you get what I'm saying?
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  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Didn't you have your knife as well? You were just talking about enjoying knife fights. Why didn't anyone get CUT?
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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    What an INSENSITIVE thing to joke about. wow just wow.

    jajaja I thought a grinch arc was some medical term for like a pacemaker or some stent near your heart arteries. YOU FOOLED ME. fool me once shame on me.

    I guess I've somehow really seen The Grinch. Or paid enough attention to know about the heart growth thing. I have watched some episodes of Winnie the Pooh though. I wonder how much he weighs.
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  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I understand that saltwater can get cold enough to form ice and that the salt mostly leaves when that happens. I understand that.

    It appears that the iceberg that sunk the Titanic came from the ice sheet in Greenland, which would not have been formed from seawater/saltwater.

    So no, the iceberg that sunk the Titanic was not saltwater before it became an iceberg. Take it up with Jeeves! I'm just the messenger.
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  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Obbe Sounds like those cops didn't know how good they had it.

    Especially compared to paramedics (the ones actually saving lives lol) who make on average less than 40k a year and have almost just as high of a death rate per 100,000 according to my googlings.
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  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson It's amazing how many dumb dumbs don't seem to comprehend the obvious…


    Glaciers aren't sea water and weren't formed from sea water. Icebergs come from glaciers. Glaciers and icebergs are always fresh water.
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Or carve all of your skin off. (I just looked it up. skin weighs about 10 lbs on average for an adult)
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