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Posts by Lanny

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    So §m£ÂgØL, how will you feel if this ends up giving your kid eye cancer or something?
  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
    whats the point of having 30 different subforums when 90% of them have like 10 posts in total? it would look less barren if there was only one forum and possibly increase forum activity.

    Merging forums is the biggest jerkoff non-improvement, it doesn't do shit and it leads to drama about where to post what and why someones favorite forum got rolled in with whatever else. A bunch of slow subforums don't hurt anything, just ignore them if you don't want to post in them.
  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I deleted my account because Metaphysicist became a weak, coddling, hand-holding, pandering little bitch. I don't contribute or conspire or assist anything which is controlled by self-confessed anti-Totse enemies of the Temple. They can just eat shit and die. I'll never fold. I'll never surrender my integrity. I'll never lay down like a dumb dog in the road for anyone, even Metaphysicist, who I still consider somewhat of a friend. You could offer me one million dollars in cash to betray the Temple, and I would spit in your face. So, of course, I deleted my account. Not going to help any deliberate asshat do anything at all to muddy up the spirit of a once-great nation. Ever.

    Have you ever thought that maybe the reason everyone who's ever given you any level of respect, authority, or their time on these boards is now on your shitlist and may or may not reciprocate the feeling of hate isn't because literally everyone is a "totse traitor" but rather because you're an insufferable blowhard? Like has it ever even crossed your mind as a shadow of a possibility that you might not be the ultimate source of authority on everything ever?

    Is there anyone left who isn't a totse traitor in your mind?
  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I mean light tubes have been a thing for a long time but you might be thinking of of something fancier. They kinda fall in and out of architectural fashion every decade or so. I usually associate them with shitty LA housing from like the 80s that had to make air and light requirements but didn't want to put front facing windows on a house knowing they were going to get broken, although some "ultra modern" housing uses them because they do make sense. In most modern construction though, they're usually just a way to cope with building code requirements on rooms that aren't supposed to have windows by design but have light requirements, usually turn up on plans but somehow get forgotten during construction.
  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I do not approve of endtimes and wish only to return to an era of civility.
  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Even at risk to yourself? Would you like that, being the pussy that you are (you've said this yourself, I'm not ascribing it to you)? There's always a cost.

    Yes, even at risk to yourself, there's literally nothing we could require of a person that didn't put them at some level of risk for some level of loss. NAP asks us to do something at risk to ourselves (things like pre-emptive war are prohibited), it hardly seems like a damning requirement for a moral principle.

    And by duty, do you mean you should be legally compelled to and suffer consequences if you fail to, or just an unbinding moral obligation?

    The latter, although almost everyone thinks there's a subset of your total moral duties that ought to be enforced by law, as do I.
  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Of course and i support charity 100%, it just isn't charity if it's enforced by the government.

    Fair enough. I should have said "While your mind may boggle at notion of helping perfect strangers I think most people are fairly well acquainted with, at least, the idea of obligations to others". You think we're obligated not to throw children into bodies of water, I think we're obligated to pull them out. Minimally the idea of having a duty towards strangers should be non-surprising for everyone involved.
  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Oh no, I meant that your system seems to value everyone's happiness equally, ideally. So, for example, an action that gave Hitler more utility compared to a monk that had devoted their life to charity should be favored.

    Sure, if Hitler were rendered causally inert then there's no a priori further reason to spite him (although I don't deny the legitimacy of punishment as a deterrent, so it issue isn't black on white). Like if you were going to extend the life of the monk vs. hitler and he were still heading the nazi party then of course any utilitarian would choose the monk, the point is the total value of an action is what needs to be considered.

    There's nothing inconsistent in that, despite your meaningless slurs.

    By the way, Lanny, do you believe that people should be legally compelled, through force, to care for their parents, who likely cared for them for decades among your peers, and invested enormous time, effort, and resources into them? Then why should they be legally obligated to care for perfect strangers?

    Case 1: You force them to labor directly for their benefit.
    Case 2: You force them to transfer wealth to you, which was produced through labor, to care for perfect strangers

    I don't think a person is obligated to care for their own parents per se (seeing as some people may not be able to), but I do think that people who are too old to work or don't need to work anymore are owed a certain quality of life by the society as a whole, in so far as that society is able to care for them. While your mind may boggle at notion of helping perfect strangers I think most people are fairly well acquainted with, at least, the idea of charity
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I've had ethiopian once, it was alright… I have a friend from DC and she says they have the best Ethiopian restaurants

    The one time I was in DC I had ethiopian and it was pretty boss, thought it was just a coincidence there was a restraunt near where I was staying but I guess not.

    never had it but was always curious about that one ethiopian restaurant on telegraph

    Give it a go mang. It's usually a couple of different really thick stews/mashes with a bunch of spices served on a "sourdough crepe" type of thing. I don't know if that makes it sound appealing or not but it's really good.
  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    How do you respond to this, Lan Lan? Don't you realize how problematic trying to force equalist utilitarian principles onto the messy reality of unequal human beings is?

    I don't know what you think "equalist utilitarian" means but if you're suggesting I think everyone needs to be equally happy, you're wrong. Maximization is the goal, distribution is irrelevant, it just happens that in general wealth results in diminishing returns on well being thus wealth redistribution is in our collective best interest.

    And why should valuing human utility equally be accepted as the standard position over valuing it unequally?

    The idea of human utility being unequal conflicts with the very meaning of the term. Utility is the measure of final good in a utilitarian system, an action can produce more or less of it's incoherent to talk about better and worse utility of the same quantity. Some people may get more utility out of some resources than others (medicine that's life saving for one person might do nothing for a healthy person) and thus people may have unequal claims on resources but if you want to argue that any group of people (like those who have capital) have a special claim to something then you'd have to demonstrate how they receive more utility from it than others.
  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I honestly can't tell if this is bait or not. Good job I guess
  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    you see, when I see people throwing around lists of other people's intellectual works, my eyes glaze over and I just skim right over the list. I find it distasteful, tedious, and counterproductive to argue by throwing links and references around.

    Lol, so it's distasteful to reference prior art but literally declaring yourself "extremely well read" is just the classiest thing ever?

    Besides, did you even read my post? Soph, supposedly arguing the same position as you, threw out Molyneux to start with, I was just pointing out expecting me to have read a particular work as a prerequisite to having a position on a subject would be hypocritical if he hadn't read some of the important works pertaining to the position I'm defending..

    I am of the opinion that when you're right, you're right, and if you're right, then you don't need to mine other peoples thoughts and other people's material for 'ammo'.

    I don't even know what to say to that, it's so dumb. How do you learn about your inherent right-ness exactly? Does a bell toll to let you know that your rube intuition is an unquestionable truth of the universe and so there's no point supporting it with arguments or thinking about opposing positions?
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    You still did not answer my question.

    The answer is no, the scenario you described would not be a good thing. It has nothing to do with socialism though.
  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Look at lanny trying to alinsky me

    face it, you got nothing but lists of other people's ideas to back you up.

    reality, on the other hand…..

    You're just trolling now
  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    you can throw works of literature, and intellectual concepts at me all day long, but there will never be a time and place, ever on this earth, that 'socialism' and its ilk will fit in without forcing people to abide by it

    You'll forgive me if I take lightly the forecasts of someone who's apparently afraid of reading a book every now and then. Did you know Pol Pot wasn't a big fan of "literature and intellectual concepts" either?

    see, that's the difference between 'right' and 'left'…..if the right took over tomorrow, we would still let you lefties think and believe and live how you wanted. But if the leftists took over, they (you) would most likely have us righties killed.

  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    fuck libertarianism

    I am a far right wing extremist


    also, isn't everything on earth 'natural'?

    So why is calling socialism "all made up" any kind of condemnation then?
  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    You can thank him and his fellow lefties for the inevitable economic collapse of America in the future.

    Lol, did you know I've never voted in an american election? The american democratic party is about as socialist as as a piece of toast, regardless of what the right tell you. Political commentators in this country wouldn't know what socialism was if it hit them in the face.
  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    So if you and I took a course at a university together and I fucked the entire semester and did squat. While you busted your ass and produced A+/4.0 gpa effort. Would you be ok with both of us getting a C/2.0?

    Dumb example, in a lot of ways. Firstly grades in an academic class are totally different than utility. Earning a mediocre grade in a class you didn't learn anything in doesn't serve anyone's interests. Also you fundamentally misunderstand utilitarianism if you think it's the same thing as "everyone gets exactly the same thing".
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    'made up' as in humans made it. Socialism didn't just appear one day, did it?

    Yeah, and crazy shit like NAP and property-law-on-steroids which are hallmarks of libertarianism aren't written into the fabric of the universe either. "Conceived of by a human" seems like the least damning criticism you could possible make of an idea.

    I am not trying to have an ideology, I am just trying to underscore how nature and the world work.

    Lets say that tomorrow, a meteor hit the earth and 90% of everyone died and we were basically living in 'Mad Max' times.

    The first thing people would do, is arm themselves. Then they would set up a store. They sure wouldn't set up anything remotely resembling socialism. Capitalism is just an expression of the natural human condition.
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