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Posts by Lanny

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Did you live in a national park or what, lol.

    A small island nation in the south pacific, I imagine it's pretty typical of the third world that's not engaged in war or civil unrest.
  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
    see, the real question is if the noncon tag refers to porn for liberals, asexuals, or rape fetishists (or more than one of those).
  3. Lanny Bird of Courage

  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    If you're not willing to take advantage of a policy then you're a pretty shitty criminal IMO.
  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Where did you grow up that public schools didn't exist, libertarian heaven?

    Lol, libertarian heaven maybe but hell for sane people who like a first world quality of life. It wasn't actually that bad, lots of natural beauty and stuff but life expectancy of a native citizen was around 40 and everything was horribly run (I remember you always had to pay cab fare up front so the cabbie could go and buy $5 worth of gas before taking you where you were going). Great place to visit but really kind of a hopeless shithole to live in.
  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    100 percent of the posters on this board are criminals. How do you niggers feel about being deported?
  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    just get an education and a good job so that you can afford decent drugs….that's the secret to life

    I agree with this but it's probably a chicken and egg problem, like the requirements for getting an education/well paying job are probably the same as maintaining a semi-sustainable drug habit so like "get a job and do better drugs" wouldn't really be very helpful advice to anyone who wasn't already there.
  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    lol, chill blood. I just think the idea is funny. Kinda like those baby Mozart videos but instead with research chemicals.
  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Lol, ovaltine is pretty dope but at absolute best Crouton tastes like green tea which isn't bad but that sensation usually lasts for a decent sip or two before it starts tasting like pure nausea. I mean I admit, it's not _that_ bad, I can down that shit with cold water if I have to, but the unpleasant dosing experience and the mild high combine to make me really apathetic towards any kind of regular use.
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Anyone else notice this? I mainly notice it with shows and stuff, if I expect something to just be a mildly entertaining time-filler it's a lot more likely to really stick out as mind-blowing to me but I see it in other media as well, books, visual art, even music to some extent. I guess on some level, anything you go into with low expectations is more likely to impress you but I also think there's something to say for the psychological wedge of "trashy" media that has the power to free us from traditional critical judgement and classical limitations of enjoyment.
  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    hmmm a drug bandolier? Or what is that? its even fucking camo pattern.

    I would try one for Crouton, Everywhere I go, I carry around a lunch ice box with a scale, spoon, scale cup, and several quarter kilo bags, because you have to dose the shit every three hours to maintain a habit. Haven't yet had to explain to a cop what it is. Not looking forward to it.

    Lol, that's some dedication nigga. Dosing Crouton with zero tolerance of a fucking chore, I feel like throwing the shit up half the time I don't think I could sustain a habit if I wanted to.
  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    something something shakespeare monkeys on meth or whatever
  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Yeah, probably. I mean all the old totse posters either outgrew that mindset or are still here, generally debilitated by drugs or other inabilities to cope with real life (or both). This place (not just this site but basically everything after the first year or two of zoklet) is fucking death in the same way cigarettes, alcohol, and heroin are. A comfortable flavor of death that'll kill you like anything else but that you don't really mind because fuck, what else really deserves to end your sorry ass? Rather die on the hill I know than some other niggers manufactured alamo.
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    what about a hot topics bar?

    It's on the list of things I'll get around to sometime. When was the last time you coded something?
  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Official ranking by perceived level of general ability to function in modern society:
    1. sophie
    2. arthur treacher
    3. lanny
    4. tdr
    5. mmQ
    6. §m£ÂgØL
    7. malice
    8. the trianglists (morphinan and sploo)
    9. spectral
  16. Lanny Bird of Courage

    how do you feel about this album?

    i want to like it for the album cover. i sort of do so far.

    Objectively bad mixing but the vocalist has a nice last-era punk vibe and it's a respectable use of quasi-sarcastic electronics.
  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Excruciating Deth (phase gamma)

  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I'd like my own personal subforum where I can post un-funny one liners and reply to myself and also thank myself. Thank me.
  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I've run away from my home state and I am currently living in a cave on the west coast, hitchhiked all the way here. I'm using a solar powered charger to charge my laptop/electronics and it takes forever but it works. If it weren't for my hotspot usb thing i wouldn't have internet in here. I've been making runs to the store for water and food and I have a water collection system all rigged up right now. Almost have enough food. I'm not leaving until I'm sure it's safe.

    hey §m£ÂgØL, come to san francisco. We have really friendly policies towards vagrants and there's this dope alley right next to where I live with a hostel you could stay at or just set up shop in the alley. I'd give you my wifi password and throw food at you once a day or something and if you're nice I'd let you stay in the gated part outside my door so you don't have to fight the other bums who want this prime real estate. You could even use my shower before job interviews at fast food restaurants or something if you sucked my dick for it.

    It's a sweet deal mang, consider it.
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I mean, besides angry that your meth/whale milk idea wasn't given fair consideration
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