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Posts by Lanny

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    how if about PI in the release ass and nigger then fuck
  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
    something something virgin killer
  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Already shared mine in another thread so what the hay:
  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    By the way Lan i made a github to talk to the dev of that backdoor about some issues and such. I'm following you too, follow me back nigger or whatever it's called on github, i am watching your repo at least lol

    Haha, totes. My activity feed is always just tim pope pumping out nigger-tons of commits because even my programmer friends are terrible about keeping their githubs up to date, so I'm always glad to have someone new to follow.

    That's pretty cool bro i'll give the article a read.

    Yeah, C2 can be kinda strange because the pages are kinda roughly sewn together by a bunch of people but the stuff contained there is useful enough that it's become a kind of watering hole in certain programmer communities.
  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I was considering getting some benzos but I don't want to waste the money if it's not going to work

    also probably going to try T-PAIN and possibly baclofen

    Work for what? Most the benzos you'll come across are pretty potent, they certainly "work" for anxiety and insomnia and will be more recreational than T-PAIN or baclofen, it's the side effects/addiction potential that make people weary of benzos, not their effectiveness.
  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Just pushed some new stuff. Working on this in spare time at work and can't access my personal github there so the commits are kinda monolithic, but w/e.

    I implemented `let` before lambdas so at first I was like "well shit, that's wasted code" because you can implement as a macro like this (in clojure (and assuming I didn't mess quoting up there, I'm still not really a macro wizard)):

    (defmacro let [binds &body] `((fn ~(take-nth 2 binds) ~@body) ~@(take-nth 2 (rest binds))))

    (expandmacro '(let [x 40 y 2] (+ x y)))
    ; outputs ((fn [x y] (+ x y)) 40 2)

    And ignoring destructuring that's pretty much how let is implemented in scheme and CL but then I realized that there's a scoping issue because under that scheme doing something like:

    (let [x 40 y (+ x 2)] y)

    will fail because x won't be bound in the env that `(+ x 2)` is executed in (strict/eager evaluation means the args are fully evaluated before a function is applied to them) so I don't feel so bad about implementing let as a special form (in scheme and CL you have macros like `lets` (I think it's called) that expands to nested lambdas (that is a series of 1-argument immediately evaluated lambdas) to deal with this situation and it's definitely "purer" in one sense, one fewer special forms, but kinda ugly IMO).

    I'm not quite sure what you're talking about but i'm happy you had an enlightening experience.

    Heh, writing a programming language. This article has a little snippet of pseudocode that implements eval/apply which is the core of the lisp family of languages. It's (IMO) pretty profound despite being almost trivially simple.
  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    [h=3][/h] 100 x 100µg 1P-LSD tabs for a little less than $400 from liserd labs, not a bad price, that'd last me a good long while. Does this stuff have an expiration date? If I put an order together (not right away) would anyone be interested in going in on it?
  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Phenibut's Synergistic Effect with Psychedelics

    Can you can find many more reports with a simple google. I'd like to see you experiment with this, having significantly higher intelligence than average and other positive qualities, the ability to express yourself clearly, to commit proper analysis and introspection, awareness.

    Hah, funny you should mention that, I ordered noopept recently and to get free shipping I threw some phenibut into the order, it literally arrived a few hours ago. Last trip was a little uncomfortably intense/dark so maybe it will have a positive effect there.
  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    ^than'un blood
  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Damn guise. This place is as lively as a slug on opiates. Also the online users don't add up for me. I think you are inflating the numbers or the site is broked.

    online uses thing is a lie, it's determined by who still has an active session and the session length is like a month because logging out and back in is lame, so unless you specifically log out you stay on that list for ages. Who actually reads that thing anyway?
  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    nice blood, they say passive income is the hallmark of a savvy businessman... or something
  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    So I wanted to see if the piracetam/lsd interaction thing was true or just a bunch of BS so I tried it but then for some dumb reason was like "let's smoke a shit-ton of weed right before the peak" (not actually that much but my tolerance is non-existent so a lot for me) so now I don't really know if the piracetam had an effect or it was the weed :\. Crazy experience though, reminded me of some shit out of that movie where the dude becomes an amoeba or whatever, altered states I think it was. Very "primeval", was listening to music and every track sounded like some crazy tribal drumming. Also I had occasion to look at a bunch of CT scans a few months back and those were a weird recurring element. CT scans are actually kinda fucking creepy.
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    First one is kitsch as fuck.

    Swans are dope although I have no particular love for My Father... or it's artwork for that matter

    BSBD's Glaciers' album art was always fun to look at for me:

    Emancipator's Soon it Will be Cold Enough to Start Lighting Fires album art always did a good job of capturing the feeling of the album:

    And Cosmogramma is an all-time favorite of mine, both in art and the music that goes with it. The artist actually made a whole book worth of art in similar style to the cover, there's a few shorts about the process that went into it that are worth checking out IMO

  15. Lanny Bird of Courage

    Vicodin addicted genius would be pretty cool, but I'd settle for "bukowski of programming" as well.
  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Lanny, I found something for you, a much cheaper source for U-47700:

    Now that Casper's getting clean we're going to need another intelligent and affluent yet dysfunctional opioid addict. Too late for the free samples, unfortunately.

    Why are you so interested in opioids, btw? Have you ever tried them before?

    I've never tried them, not even once, which is probably the main reason for the interest. I think once I've given opioids a shot I think I'll have crossed the off the last classical "category" of drugs except maybe for deliriants (I've had a twin pair of benadryl "trips" that were lame as well as unpleasant so I have a hard time saying I have a taste for what deliriants are but I have at least tried them). There's also the fact that heroin is probably the most taboo drug there is so it's pretty natural that it interests me most. I guess the strongest impulse is a sort of icarus condition where in I've managed to at least sample many other drugs which are (at least in their common perception) less addictive than opiates are and would be able to put them down tomorrow without issue. No great accomplishment of course but it's nice to at least know what's out there and this is sort of the last thing to try to at least get a taste for that. I'll probably look back on saying that as really dumb but it seems like something worth doing at the moment and that's really all I've got to go on.
  17. Lanny Bird of Courage

    works4me blood
  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    pcp/ketamine - hit yourself in the face with a blunt object until it's numb and you would feel ok about killing things you love
  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    is that vicky in your avatar? Did she dye her hair?
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    It's a perfect vacuum

    sorta like dem bitches be when dealing with mah coke or mah dick
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