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Posts by Lanny

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Everytime I see a doctor they confirm for me time and again why I have no confidence in them whatsoever. This douche just about slammed face first into an automatic sliding glass door while walking out texting on his phone.

    Memantine is actually an alzheimer's drug, I've got nothing to say about what it does for people with cognitive issues but it's had the most noticeable effect for me, being relatively healthy, of any nootropic I've taken so I can't imagine it does any worse for people who actually have the disease it's supposed to treat. There's a dude on longecity who buys bulk and resells cheap.
  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
    1 replyies
  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    ITT: tell us about the first post/thread you made on totse or whatever site followed it.

    I somehow ended up reading a thread on shroomery about taking acid and diving and it made me remember that my first ever post on totse was a thread about trying to induce nitrogen narcosis on land (with a really terrible title like "a possibly free way to get high" or something, heh). Like I thought maybe there'd be some way to inhale condensed nitrogen and get the narcotic effects you get during deep dives (I was like 12 or something and just doing my diving certification). Three or four people were like "fuck off newb" (this was during the great tsunoobie) and one guy was like "I think it's cool someone is thinking outside the box" then meta came in and closed the thread. Thus started my long lasting hatred of that cripple faggot, may he and his retard daughter suck rusty cocks in hell forever.

    Now U
  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    ^lanny you're a faggot , why cant i make threads?

    It should be fixed by now, is it not? You did make a new thread about it pretty recently...
  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    show me yo dick son
  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I wanted to mess around with the jasmine unit testing framework so I was like "I'll write a lisp lexer" and then I wanted to make it testable and for that (very bad) reason I make the lexer purely immutable. And once I was there I was like "well I'll add a parser to see how far I can carry this immutable thing" and it turns out I'd have to implement an actual finger tree to make that work quasi-efficiently and I couldn't be fucked with that so my parser isn't immutable but at the point I had parse trees I was like "well they always said eval/apply was simple, I'll just do that" and hot damn, it ended up being like 40 lines of code from ASTs to execution (excluding language primitives which I'm still implementing) but it's actually been pretty fun even if it's pretty far removed from getting used to jasmine at this point. Anyway, actually implementing eval/apply was kind of a mind expanding experience, I'm still a little amazed it works. Here's the repo at the moment:

    `node src/core` will start a REPL although I've only implemented the +, if, and let binds at this point. Anyway, any other lisp fans out there? Anyone ever implement an interpreter/compiler before, any tips?
  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Right now, we're just a few files and folders sitting on a run-down 386 under Lanny's bedroom desk. We've come full circle from Jeff Hunter.

    lol, not quite that bad. I do feel bad I haven't been able to spend more time on technical issues but such is life. I figure if I can add new shit on a weekend now and then and beat back regressions slightly faster than that in drunken evenings progress will get made. We'll see though I guess.
  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    no, because you don't want to throw an exception on a recoverable warning… e.g an empty form input, exceptions are for non-recoverable errors, which I'm sure you know.

    That's... that's totally not true though. Exceptions are for, well, exceptional conditions. Some exceptional conditions are recoverable, some are not. There would not be a catch clause in the language if exceptions weren't supposed to be recoverable. Some languages get prickly about what recoverable means and how you subclass the throwable hierarchy (Java is what I'm thinking of here) and how checking goes with that (although the ideal and what you see dogshit blue collar programmers calling "best practices" are two very different things) but PHP is not one of them.
  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Really? Psychedelics I actually tend to avoid too much weed on, just because it can get too muddled or intense. But basically everything else. I always thought it went well with opiates or benzos, and on stimulants I smoke weed constantly. On MPA sometimes I'll just do dabs every 20 minutes or so. It definitely makes MXE better. At least to me.

    Yeah, but like I said I'm not that hot on weed to start with. And at the peak of a good strong trip weed would definitely be a bad thing but sometimes you just underdose and want to pick it up, or you can draw out that nice post-peak phase for another couple of hours with weed. Weed plus stims cuts the feeling of being the most badass fucker ever without really doing anything to improve the experience for me. IDK, just different strokes I guess.
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    wtf work trying to drop my pay $1.75 p/hr. lol, later. *off to unemployment office*

    Hang onto the job but start stealing the difference in whatever's not bolted down.
  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    It's available. Didn't you get the link for the nasal spray before RDFRN closed? Even if you want bulk you should try a smaller amount before buying more.

    I didn't, but I think I just found the place, northern european vendor right? The only other place I found was rc4me or whatever which had that $40 shipping fee
  12. Lanny Bird of Courage

    lol viper

    "___whatttsss up with thattt___"
  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    yea. its pretty good. its best combined with marijuana (like basically every other drug)

    I'm not a big weed person to start with but the only weed combo that I've ever thought was better than either by themselves is weed with psychedelics to intensify a weak trip or bring it back up after the peak.
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    ^ I gotta agree, sex on meth is one of the finer pleasures in life. Same with blow but with meth you can fuck for days.
    Ugh, more like regrettable. Meth is great but sex on it makes you feel so dirty and beat up afterwards
  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Why cant I start topics anymore?????

    Can you try making a new thread now? I was able to reproduce the same issue on another account, then put in mod_cloudflare and can't see it anymore. I suspect it was the IP masking that caused it but I don't know for sure.
  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Picked up some of this stuff when I was in the checkout line at the market and threw a pinch in some falafel I made and damn nigga, it was spicy and flavorful AF. Same thing with some curry I made with a little. You can make a dish unpleasantly hot if you add too much but in moderation this is some good shit.
  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Malice has more qualities that I consider "classically autistic" although you (sploo) seem to be more functionally impacted. Malice may be a hiki but he does seem to have found a sustainable corner of the world to exist in.
  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Because throw new exception doesn't work for deprecated functions, which is happening more often since the new version of PHP is close to release

    Sure, but by and large cases where you get a warn to stdout instead of an exception you don't really need to unwind the stack (like in the case you use in your OP, you just "catch" the situation right away). Like in the case of your OP you can just assign, null check, and throw yourself or recover if possible. In fact I'll argue that's a somewhat better approach because if that situation happens when you're half way through document generation then it's entirely possible your warn is going to get shit into non-visible markup and the situation will be that much harder to detect.
  19. Lanny Bird of Courage

    I kinda liked her for a bit when she was starting to do the whole internet celebrity thing but then I saw that video of her playing cards against humanity was like "what a basic bitch"
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    You just said:

    Hence my reply lol

    I did but how does that imply that I assumed you don't know python or that "a website's just built with python unlike PHP" (whatever that means)?

    And php warnings should never, ever be turned off during development, only during live mode should it be turned off, and then you won't need it anyway with exceptions and shit, but during productions, it's needed, or be prepared to have deprecated warnings.

    Why? I'm actually curious, I have limited PHP experience but I've never gotten a useful warn/error that wasn't better handled by a utility function that would throw an exception. You can't really use the case in OP because unset key access is defined behaviour and null checking without warn reporting or key presence checking with reporting is functionally equivalent.

    A bit of a tangent, but do you write PHP in a professional capacity? I was thinking you were, but this:

    but during productions, it's needed

    seems odd because, at least in my neck of the tech woods, "production" generally means the deployment environment/what customers get rather than the phase where you're writing/debugging.

    I know a noob who still uses the MYSQL_ functions instead of PDO. fuck them.

    Yeah, PDO is the way to go if you're using a raw driver, it's what I used in my last jaunt into PHP. What's your opinion of PHP's ORMs? I've never used one (php orm that is, I've used orms in other languages though) but I like the look Doctrine's API relative to others I've seen.
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