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Posts by Lanny
2015-08-26 at 6:01 AM UTC in PythonMy personal pick in python learning material is Think Python: http://www.greenteapress.com/thinkpython/html/index.html
It's probably the most "theoretical" popular resource, not in the sense that it doesn't have practical content but I think it covers more classically interesting content up front; recursion is covered in an early chapter whereas more traditional resources hide it away like some deep dirty secret which I think is both misguided a disservice to the novice since it's an interesting and important concept (consider that the pinnacle of introductory materials, SICP, uses a language that has no non-recursive looping construct).
The other two other books which are popular are Learn Python the Hard Way (which I think is bullshit, Zed Shaw is a cunt and shits FUD all over the place with his subpar understanding of the language and its idiom) and Dive Into Python (which is good but a little blue collar for my tastes, perhaps the superior learning material but Think Python is more high minded IMO). -
2015-08-26 at 5:01 AM UTC in ATTN: MaliceFulfillment from a skill based activity is predicated on investment. Artists, scientists, craftsmen, no one is born with subject mastery and no one enjoys difficult tasks they can't do at first but the process of skill acquisition and recasting previous experience in the light of new knowledge/competency gives a deep sense of intellectual fulfillment that you simply can't get without putting the effort in up front.
Epicurus (my favorite ancient philosopher, coined the term "atom", was an early atheist, and in many ways was the forefather of utilitarianism) taxonomized pleasure in the kinetic and static varieties, the former are those pleasures that are reduced by satiation, like eating, it becomes less enjoyable the fuller you get. By contrast static pleasures are those that becomes more intense as you partake in them. I think many people have never experienced that, activities that become more and more rewarding, seemingly without bound, the more you do them. But that's the quality of most skill based activities, master painters enjoy painting more than amateurs, the same goes for authors, scientists, programmers, pretty much anything without a clear skill ceiling. When I'm having a really bad day or week I come home and I pull out a hobby project because in the absence of meaning or progress in the day to day at least I can work on improving in an area I care about. It's kinda like that feeling of being rewarded while playing an RPG except without the nagging sensation that you're wasting your life on something pointless.
I'm not saying become a programmer, but I think finding a skill based hobby, and specifically an open ended one, is something everyone should do. -
2015-08-26 at 3:42 AM UTC in The retarded thread: Fuck, §m£ÂgØL made one first edition
also, etizolam is fucking great.
cool you like it but man, the effects are very different for me. No euphoria at all, even at fairly high doses. The only effects I ever experience are drowsiness and bringing a trip's intensity down, which are I can certainly appreciate, but it's not a fun drug to me in the least. -
2015-08-25 at 5:35 PM UTC in Bitcoins
Read the link, coin.mx was busted last month.
Lol, shit, that's a bummer. Well I guess I have a good reason to sign up for circle now, supposed to be lower rates than coin.mx -
2015-08-25 at 5:33 PM UTC in Domain name change suggestion.
I wonder if there were any hidden domains that pointed to Totse.
I seem to remember a darkweb clone of totse but it wasn't a proper mirror so it moved really slow (like not many posts, in addition to everything in the tor network running slow) -
2015-08-25 at 4:38 AM UTC in Domain name change suggestion.Heh, not a bad idea but the banners and shit are already "niggasinspace" so I'd kind hate to change it. If anyone feels like putting up the money for a domain I'll happily route it here (hahahafuckspecktroll.lol is going for less than $5)
2015-08-25 at 4:33 AM UTC in A challenge to specktrollJust posting to let yall know that if both parties agree I'll hand the loser's password over myself (after changing it to something of my choosing of course). You gonna step up spec or you gonna step off?
2015-08-25 at 4:28 AM UTC in nootropics and a developing brain
Well, you can see where Im coming from,right? Im only doing the royal jelly, and yeah.. I wont getany difinitive proof he is smarter because of it, but maybe it will make a difference and give him a better shot at being happy in life. Some parents do all sorts of weird shit to help their kids along, and my sole reasons for doing what I do are purely to make his life better. Im not wealthy enough to give him everything I would like to in life, but if I can help him be smarter he should have a happier and easier life. This isnt me wanting to ger my kid high or give him drugs for the lulz… though it is kinda lulzy. I just want to do right by him and my view on the world is warped from the way most people view life, hence he eating bee vomit as an infant lol
I mean I can understand wanting to give someone every chance in life you can, definitely, I just think that in a total reckoning of the situation administering nootropics to an infant is more likely to work out in their favor than it is to harm them, when weighted for significance of impact (just about every nootropic you find on the market today that isn't some kind of stim has "subtle" or minor effects while the risk to something with significantly different physiology (a child) is tremendous, even if the chance of a negative outcome is low (which I don't think we can rule out on present evidence)). In other words you stand a small chance of gaining something minor but a similar chance of really fucking up your kid (based on our basically non-existent knowledge of how nootropics effect children). I'm not trying to be a dick but it seems like a pascalian wager but I can't see a worthwhile payoff in giving your kid noots. Wait until they're in like middle school or something where they start tracking at least. -
2015-08-23 at 5:36 AM UTC in Work is gay.Weeks of syncan abuse could be fun but I don't think I could do it long-term. There are better things to do than work but I couldn't make it without any external motivation to get off my ass and do something
2015-08-23 at 3 AM UTC in Making a let's playI guess it depends on what you're shooting for in the end product. I'd tend to think not playing it beforehand (that is, playing it for the first time when recording) is the best way to get an authentic sounding video but if you want something that looks really polished playing it first, writing a script, and replaying when recording is probably the way to go.
2015-08-22 at 8:04 PM UTC in The retarded thread: Fuck, §m£ÂgØL made one first edition"Where do you want the baileys? Your liquor cabinet is full"
^ I'm not sure I've ever been confronted with more compelling evidence that I'm doing something right in life. -
2015-08-22 at 3:08 AM UTC in The retarded thread: Fuck, §m£ÂgØL made one first edition
Ha, more evidence that women are inherently inferior.
Because as we all know, the only reason anyone makes money is because of their staggering natural intelligence... -
2015-08-22 at 3:04 AM UTC in Public Schools are filthy breeding grounds of germs and sickness
Child brides you say? Micronesia you say? No but seriously i never knew breh, you had a pretty unique childhood it would seem, for better or for worse.
No wonder you turned out so screwed up. I would be pissed if my parents had done that to me.
Ehh, it wasn't so bad, my family was never poor (at least relative to what was typical there) so I wasn't living in a hovel or anything. It was an interesting experience at least although I wouldn't want to live there again. Stupidly low cost of living though and the weather was nice (well, hot as fuck, but nice in that sense) year round, would be a decent place to retire if not for the fact that the hospital was basically just the pre-morgue. -
2015-08-22 at 2:43 AM UTC in Public Schools are filthy breeding grounds of germs and sickness
just because a bunch of kava-swilling proto-hominids can't take care of themselves, doesn't mean us whites can't.
I edited this to include the term 'kava swilling', and I am quite proud of myself.
How quickly the libertarian facade of opportunity equality crumbles. -
2015-08-22 at 2:35 AM UTC in Miss Teen Illinois - the reason why jedis should stay out of beauty pageants.All that platinum blonde
All that lost water weight
Man, pass on all dem hos -
2015-08-21 at 5:24 PM UTC in The retarded thread: Fuck, §m£ÂgØL made one first edition
But yeah basically I finally ended my silence and gave her an hour and a half of truth and talked shit to her for being a worthless drunk. Reminded her that no one else in her family would take her in etc.
I want this old drunk bitch out my house.
She's still there, damn son, I think we all thought you were going to murder her if she didn't leave by now. I remember you tried calling the cops on her but they didn't do anything. What happened to the eviction angle? -
2015-08-21 at 5:10 PM UTC in ATTN: EveryoneWe are all a little gay and life's a little gay and when we find someone whose gayness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual gayness and call it hardcore anal rawdog fucking
2015-08-21 at 5:05 PM UTC in Public Schools are filthy breeding grounds of germs and sickness
That's pretty cray. Your father work there or something?
My mom did, she kinda made a career out of quasi-international law in former and current US territories. During its imperialist phase and especially WW2 the US acquired martial control of a bunch of pacific islands but when you're not foreseeably going to be at war with Japan and when you're never going to fight a battle at sea again they become kinda pointless. At some point the UN was on a self-determination crusade so all these holdings declared for various levels of independence but even places that became sovereign nations were dependant on US shipping lanes for resources and literally lived under tribal law before the US occupation so they had to remain on good terms and for lack of anything better, largely inherited the US legal system with a handful of concessions to tradition (child brides are legal, for example). Anyway, an inherited legal system doesn't mean much when there are like three people in the country with a college education and a majority can't read at a 6th grade level or better so they largely import professionals including lawyers.Guam is a nation?
No, Guam is a territory. I was talking about the federated states of micronesia. -
2015-08-21 at 5:53 AM UTC in The retarded thread: Fuck, §m£ÂgØL made one first editionWhat's the shelf life of etizolam? I go through it at such a slow pace but it's great to have on hand and I figure it's not going to be around forever. Can I pick up like a 3 year supply and just hang on to it or will it break down?
2015-08-21 at 4:59 AM UTC in Fake weed' triggers US-wide alarmReal weed is illegal? Great, we'll all just smoke something that's way stronger and more addictive. Ahh, to be alive in 2015