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Posts by Lanny

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage

    Yee. I didn't actually know that it produces warns because I leave them off (because injecting an error message into the markup is top-tier dumb, like most things in php. In fact PHP's whole "shit stdout into a socket" approach is highly questionable vestigial behaviour from CGI but if you know that's the case there's no excuse for polluting your output stream (which you know is a wire away from a parser) with error messages (which don't actually get logged anywhere by default)). If you care if a key is set or not then fine, check it, but it's silly to check if a key is set and if it's not give the thing you were assigning it to the same value it would have gotten from the direct access. It's like doing this in python:

    foo = bar['baz']
    except KeyError:
    raise KeyError('No key "baz" in foo")
  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Single user issue tracking software. Tickets are a great way to manage/remember what you need to do on a project and I'd like to try that at home instead of a bunch of shitty todo lists that I always spill food on. But most software is designed for a team, I think you could do some interesting aggregate stats if you knew one person was responsible for every ticket in the system. Recurring tickets (for things like bills or shopping or whatever) and a public no-registration way to submit tickets (like if a friend wants to remind me to return a book or whatever) would be cool. Oh, and a hook so I could set up an email and when someone is sends me an email like "yo, lanny, I need you do to X" I can forward it to that email address and the system will automatically turn it into a ticket for me. There are a bunch of interesting things you could do with extraction of semantic info from emails.

    I've been meaning to do this project for a while but I've never sat down to do it.
  3. Lanny Bird of Courage for music, pass the popcorn and broadcast the net for video, AB for my chinese cartoons. I break down and go to TPB or whatever ends up at the top of for games but I've been thinking of picking up a bacon bits account for that so the ratios/speeds won't be so shitty.
  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Ye, op, do you want torrent trackers or just like generalized link dumping or what?
  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I doubt bloods go to san fransisco university, son.

    A non-negligible number of my posts, including that one, are just backpacker rap lyrics.
  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I know real bloods, they'll make you drip plasma
  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    sounds hawt
  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    "Sophistication" is kind of a bullshit thing IMO, by and large people seem to take it to just mean a classical liberal arts education that you don't forget into adulthood. There's some basic things like how you talk (not so much speaking "proper english" as avoiding a certain valid subset of the language (e.x. "ain't" is an obvious example of a well formed word that's considered "low brow")). And after that it comes down to a certain set of idioms and cultural references, the most cliche of which are the handful of shakespeare quotes upper-middle and upper class adults are expected to know. I'm not sure there's really any shortcut to getting the necessary indoctrination, sorta difficult to work around by design (since the idea seems to tacitly be a means of separating social wheat from chaff (another dumb idiom)). I guess the community college classes suggestion might actually be the way to go although I don't really think it's worth taking a 3 unit class for some social dickwaving
  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Wait, did your MIL ever pay rent? I don't know what the law is so if the cops say you have to serve her with an eviction notice then that's probably true but that's retarded that you give a person a place to stay for free and can't toss them out without serving an eviction. Like jesus, if someone broke into your house and stayed the night on the couch would you still need to give them 15 days and file an official document as well?
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Woah, decentralized p2p websites using cryptocurrency software?

    Lanny, analysis/thoughts, please.

    Fuck governments!

    "No single point of failure" is a bit misleading. A static site would have no single point of failure but then that's just piping a bittorrent client to your browser. For a site with dynamic content the owner needs to be operating for changes to happen and as soon as the owner (or one of multiple owners) is compromised or shut down everything goes back to being static. It's not a terrible idea for reducing hosting costs on hidden services and whatnot but there isn't actually anything that terribly interesting there when you think about sites like forums or actual realtime content. The best analogy would be that it's a P2P CDN, serving statics can be improved but you still need a primary server that's as vulnerable as any other server, just a bit less expensive.
  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    pic of "crazy eyes"? I've never seen crazy eyes. I've seen niggs who looked crazy but it seemed to be in the facial expression more than the eyes
  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Haha, definitely not that much. 30mg sublingually and then snorted another 20 after like 30 minutes and no strong effects which did it. Err, well, it did something. I can't say it was a bad experience but it wasn't all that positive either. It was just like nothingness for two hours, which is kind of a cool experience I guess but it's hard to say it was enjoyable. More than any other drug I've taken it definitely made me feel different at a fundamental level.

    I could see myself really liking it at points in the past when I was struggling with self loathing, seems like a really good drug for escapism, but I'm not feeling any strong urge to go back. I think I'll give it another shot with a bit of a higher dose but if that experience is similar I might put MXE on a shelf for another time.
  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I did. Well, it was an interview supposedly. Funny how pommy a person can still sound in text.
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    MXE was developed by a dude who lost a limb and had phantom pain ever since. Nothing worked so he set out to create a medication that would what he ended up with was 4-MeO-PCP and Methoxetamine. Needless to say it worked and he has been swimming in drugs and money ever since.

    So I googled phantom-limb MXE man and came to a vice article which mentioned a "cortical homunculus" and now I'm reading a wiki article about that and looking at pictures. It's a good thing nothing can faze me at the moment because otherwise I'd be freaked out by what grotesque flesh machines humans are.
  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Take another 50mg and try posting then, i bet you can't. Lulz.

    Pass on that blood. But also pass on everything, jesus, I've never not cared about anything as much as I don't care about anything right now. I was gonna be like "this isn't fun" but then it's definitely not not fun.

    This would be a good drug to give to people with terminal diseases I guess because no one would mind that they were going to die.
  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Well this is definitely an interesting experience so far. And by interesting I mean weird as shit.
  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I'm sure there are still a few rough edges but it's pretty much good to go. Switch over if you want, or don't, whatever.
  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Damn, it's been a while since I cleaned up my desktop.

  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Except when your ether comes with shit that gives you seven different flavors of cancer mixed in.
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Yay or gay? I usually wear my collar flat but was a little chilly walking home tonight so I turned the collar on my jacket up so the wind wouldn't be on my neck, forgot about it, and when I looked in a mirror I was like "oh yeah" and thought it actually looked bretty good and surprisingly non-douchey (maybe a result of being a jacket as opposed to a polo or w/e). Kinda had a max stirner vibe going.

    Anyway, what do you think about upturned collars? Sometimes? Always? Never?
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