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Posts by Lanny

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    cammmm rammmm
  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I dig it blood but it misses the dimensions by a mile. 300x150 is what you should shoot for. I'm not going to be a nazi about it but a fold and change worth of banner would just be annoying.
  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Yeah, pretty much. I do what I want, fuck the police.

    Just cuz I love you tho bae put in the new banner thing.
  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Fuck, I just blew like half my day yesterday on this shit. This is what I was talking about -_-
  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I started playing pretty early on in development, pretty much since the first public beta (don't remember the version number or even if there was one) but left after a bit, came back some time later and played for a while and got simi into it but never really got to the "endgame". Should prolly give it another swing but given how readily it's compared to minecraft and considering how much time I've burnt on MC I'm a little afraid to dive that deep into a game again.
  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    There was actually a study done where people where left in an empty room alone with their thoughts, except for a machine to shock themselves with, and people actually started doing it pretty quickly just to alleviate boredom.

    Here it is:

    Kind of amusing, and it seems your behavior isn't too abnormal.

    Yeah, I think there's positive selection pressure for ADD-like qualities. In a world where the vast majority of the best professions fall under the "knowledge worker" umbrella you can choose it makes sense that abhorrence of non-novel activity is becoming more prevalent.

    Hearing your philosophy on pharmacological enhancement/augmentation and knowing that I helped plant the seed in you makes me feel pleased.

    Take solace blood, whatever becomes of you, at least you participated in the creation of ubermensch, the being so perfectly torn between self indulgence and neurrotic self restraint that nothing but the raw, unadulterated reality is present and all that is left is pure truth. Even if you perish beneath the weight of your sorrows you participated in the birth a future for our people...

    nah jk, I'm just some rando drunken programmer.
  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Red wine makes me puke EVERY SINGLE TIME. No joke… Grey goose is the shit. You can't find a smoother vodka. Only vodka I ever drink

    Grey goose is way too expensive for just being smooth. If you're dead set on a vodka, pick up some absolut and pick like the citrus kind (or another flavor, but citrus is best IMO) if you want smooth. For less than half the price you can get smooth plus a good taste in a bourbon. If you want something you can drink fast go for one of the honey/bourbon things. Evan Williams' honey offering is tasty as fuck if you like sweet drinks and 70 proof to boot although it's a little too sweet for my tastes (give it a shot tho, if you like GG you'll probs like this stuff). If you want something you can drink straight but don't want to man up and learn to love whiskey then an 80 proof gin will go down a lot like vodka except less burny and actually taste good (if you pick the right gin (gordon's 4 lyfe, but there are prolly better choices if you're not mixing it)).

    GHBcohol is the tastiest and most pleasant I've had, I'd highly recommend trying it out, it's so easy. Standard alcohol feels like shit to me, it's an awful drug. Genetic variation effects drug response, something that most dullards seem to have never considered in their lives.

    Fair enough. I remember you trash talked my beloved booze last time you brought it up as a pleb drug but genetic or even environmental differences could account for a lot of the difference in enjoyment. Your last post in TRT was actually inconclusive about your GHB brewing experiment, you said you'd try again. Have you? What was the outcome? If it's not too involved I'd be down to do a DIY. Shrooms are probs on the backburner until I can get in contact with someone I know has a good line on reliable spores (a few months away), so GHB could be something interesting to keep in my closet until then.
  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Yee blood, alcohol is dope as fuck. Grats on turning 21 (or whatever, do any states have a under-21 drinking age anymore?). Don't overdo it too often, my first love in booze was dark rum but I had this experience where for some reason I drank until I passed out and woke up hung over a fuck and threw up every night for a week shortly after turning 21 and I still can't drink dark rum almost a year later.

    My advice is to try and find a cheap red wine you like. Hard to find a cheaper drunk than red wine. Probably don't want to drink it all night long but it's good for maintaining a solid buzz after harder drinks. Gin and tonic is way better than you think it is, has a weird reputation but it's a fan-fucking-tastic drink. Every whiskey you can afford that isn't shit is going to either be Jameson (try it, I think it's shitty but form your own opinion) or a bourbon (Jack is very different than most bourbons you'll taste, just fyi. Drink snobs shit on JD from dusk to dawn. I don't really like it, but fuck people who are too good for a drink). Old Crow and Evan Williams are my recs in that department.

    Try a vodka but be sure you've given other stuff an earnest try before deciding it's your liquor. It's another thing booze aficionados shit on but I honestly tend to agree. When you haven't drunk enough to tell alcohol-burn from taste vodka will seem pretty good in that it gets you fucked up with a minimum of fucking around but I think if it's the only thing you're drinking you're really missing out (and people who drink vodka with any regularity usually only drink vodka). There's a lot more enjoyment to be had from even shitty whiskeys and wines than there is from nice vodka IMO.
  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Have you tried them in low or "non-recreational" (scare quotes because they can still be fun) doses? I think for people with a need for constant engagement, stimulants can correct a sort of anxiousness that many people feel when they're not doing anything in particular. For me sitting still or just laying down is pretty unpleasant, going on for long enough it borders on unbearable. The few times I've been in a situation I literally couldn't do anything else I'd start doing things to hurt myself just to break the lack of sensation. On an appropriate dose of stimulants (not too high) that's not a problem. I can sit quietly and the experience itself is sufficient to keep me content. It's a totally different experience from the muscles-tensed breakneck energy of a high dose (although that's fun too), it's just like the nagging sensation of boredom is removed from everything for a while. I'm not sure if everyone experiences the same thing or you need my particular personality defect to get that response but it feels a lot more like being "fixed" than anything synthetic or unnatural.
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    A bit of a rehash of what I posted on the fern, but I've interacted with android through the processing interface. Currently working on a little "drum machine" app and going through processing to sidestep some of the usual android ceremony. It's kind of a pain because the debug tools blow relative to android studio proper but the annoyance hasn't been great enough (and the barrier to entry of android dev through the usual channels has been to great) to get me off my ass to make the switch.
  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    ITT: Post about projects you're working on or plan to work on. No matter how big or small, all of my current projects are pretty much tech-wank so even if you're working on hello world or some shit it'd be cool to hear about it. No links required, just say something about what you want to do.

    For me I'm writing a lisp which I've written posted about before. It's implemented in JS for no particular reason but I have an idea I'm currently implementing that might make it interesting. Lately I've been doing a fair bit of unit testing in JS and a lot of the components I'm testing exist primarily for DOM manipulation. It's not a totally niche subject, but it's probably not commonplace either, the DOM is a tree like structure that defines the content (but not the visual appearance) of a webpage. When you're testing code under the standard toolset (jquery + karma(maybe) + jasmine/Qunit/whatever) the prevailing paradigm (even with helper libs) is like:

    var xyz = $('xyz'),
    bla = xyz.find('.foo');

    expect(xyz).toHaveAttr('foo', 'bar');

    // simulate some user interaction

    expect(xyz).toHaveAttr('kek', 'lol');

    // etc

    Which is one, tedious to express in code once you have non-trivial DOM structures, and two, really poor at expressing invariants between states without repeating yourself a lot. It seems like it would make a lot more sense to express a set of patterns and then compare a DOM subtree against those patterns. For example I could do something like (and this is thought out on-the-fly, I haven't written any of this yet)

    (define invariant-structure
    (h2 "Foobar")
    (div.content (children-count (fn (n) (< n 4))))))

    (define state-one
    (with-mod invariant-structure
    (div (css-prop "display" "none")))))

    (define state-two
    (with-mod invariant-structure
    (div (css-prop "display" "block")))))

    (match-always invariant-structure)

    (match state-one)

    // Simulate user interaction

    (match state-two)

    Which would express that we expect the DOM to have a container div, with a child h2 and the content "Foobar" at every point in execution, while we expect the structure of `state-one` (which is itself derived from the invariant structure, and thus every time we match it we also match the invariant) to only match the actual DOM before we simulate the user interaction and `state-two` to only match the actual DOM after the user interaction. In the case provided we would be trying to prove that there's a header which is always in the DOM, that the content div always has fewer than four children, and that user interaction changes the content div from the hidden to the visible state while maintaining the invariant structure. This can, of course, be done in native JS (and perhaps it's more useful in that context since I can't bring my open source projects to work but whatever) but I think a lisp is naturally quite well suited to this kind of thing since they're very apt at expressing tree-literal structures in a way almost no other language does well and because the functional tools you find in modern lisps lend themselves to this repeated variant/invariant testing through efficient tree "clones". Patterns can be efficiently expressed as modifications of other other patterns so we express invariance by default and thus catch unintended mutation more easily than the current standard toolset (and unintended mutation is a serious concern in large applications. A lot of smart people have put a lot of effort into techniques for modularization in web development environments and while many have helped tremendously it's still precariously easy to unwittingly mess up something far removed from the code you're touching).
  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    FO3 late game balance is hilarious. I don't complain though, the feeling of fucking up any humanoid nigga with one shot vs. pumping late-game mobs like death claws and yao guais full of lead and only making a scratch makes the game interesting again after the lull between getting good enough that nothing on the MQ can hurt you but before you hit the level cap.
  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Shopping with a little buzz and some 2-fma is funnnn. Came home and realized I needed to go shopping, so I make my shopping list (on the off chance any of you niggers like cooking, pepperplate is great for keeping a hold of recipes and doing shopping) and have a few drinks in the process and by the time I'm ready to go all I want to do is veg out with my computer and I have to walk like 7 blocks up a hill to my grocery store so I take a little 2-fma to counteract the lethargy and by the time I get to the store I was feeling mighty good. All the produce seemed really colorful, I was smiling and tapping my cart in time to my music. Seemed like most people I walked past were bubbly too, but most people will return a smile anyway so that's probably all there was to it. Had a nice conversation with the cashier about cooking indian recipes (I realize she's paid to be congenial, but relative to my usual experience with cashiers this was exceptionally positive (also may have something to do with the fact I've stopped buying alcohol at my grocery store)). Walk home with heavy bags was kinda strenuous but felt good whereas exercise almost always just feels like low-level pain and boredom.

    I hate how stimulants have this image of being like "artificial" and whatnot. Like I guess every drug has a negative stereotype attached to it, but the idea that stims are only for tweakers and high power execs who need to work 24/7 is lame. Considering how pervasive ADD/ADHD is and how common it is for people not formally diagnosed to have symptoms that fall under those umbrellas I think if more people would try low/moderate doses they'd realize how positive/calming those drugs can be.
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I'm not actually black
  15. Lanny Bird of Courage

    while employees watch it all happens, seems like a military psyop to me.

  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    You know how Newton is widely credited with the discovery of calculus while Leibniz is best remembered for the largely discredited notion of monads?

    I guess you could say he calculost that battle.
  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    praise based god, nigga
  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    "literally jesus christ"

    you should mix some sugar with your spice, and then throw in everything nice. VOILA

    ~~ don't forget the chemical x ~~
  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    YTMND thread?
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I'm a bit on the green side to have a reasonable chance of landing a good job at one of the interesting tech giants. There's kind of this image of the young tech scene but by the time a company establishes itself as being able to sink major dollars into R&D type stuff it doesn't make sense to gamble on hiring employees without a lengthy track record. Apparently the average age at google (of employees they actually care about) is like in the 40s. As for startups, there are some cool ones out there but the vast majority are some stupid shit. Blue collar programmers who forgot algorithms when they graduated are boring and mildly depressing but dumbshits playing the startup lottery and droning on about all the "innovation" in their boring as shit app actively cheapen the craft. Given enough time to hunt and reverse interview I could probably find a startup worth my time though. Probably a good idea to do that while it's still feasible/fun to work the long hours that come with the startup scene.

    It's a shame I don't have a background in economics, there's some really interesting technical work involved with high frequency trading, but then cost of operation is so high they're probably as selective as large tech companies are.
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