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Posts by Lanny

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    More discussion of qt-Ï€ lesbian cooks and less about some Ohio, god damn niggers, get your priorities straight.
  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Fake DaGuru alert.

    Wowah, really? How can you tell?
  3. Lanny Bird of Courage

    Life without booze would be no life at all so I guess I'm high on that too.
  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Yeah mang, Hannah is awesome. I love My Drunk Kitchen (in a non-penetrative sort of way).

    Sometimes I wish she wasn't so cute so she would feel like less of a product being sold and I would feel less like I was getting played by internet lesbians but whatever. Life's too short to spend it worrying about absolute authenticity in everything.
  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Ugh, accidentally edited OP instead of making a post. This is what I was saying about databases and drinking.
  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Somehow your quote stopped mid-sentecne but yeah, i should probably familiarize myself with a bit of malicious javascript.

    Alternatively some files like javascript are transferred as statics (the server never executes them) but can still be damaging if a client loads them, it's a possible vector for XSS. You have to weasel as script tag into a page somehow and that may be possible with a script hosted by me rather than remotely but I can't think of a way to do it (it's possible url construction is non-unique, I've seen that used before, like user files are hosted from `/` (if not in the actual filesystem, in the URL mapping layer) so if a user uploads like "index.html" then requests to `/index.html` could be routed to the statics first and allow for XSS. Building urls like that would be considered a fairly novice mistake but it still happens). But then maybe that's why I'm not a security professional.

    Here's the rest of what I wrote, like I said, script issue. Since the edit button is getting gobbled up by that stupid unsanitized script tag I have to unfuck it in the database itself and I'm a little to drunk to work on a production DB at the moment so I'll fix that and merge this and that thread tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Huh, that's interesting. And by interesting I mean retarded. Apparently accounts with the superuser flag don't get their post text sanitized for markup like everyone else. What I posted was "[LESSTHAN]script src="..."[GREATERTHAN]" so when you load the page it interprets everything following it as part of a severely malformed script. Yeah, pretty dumb.

    Also lol@"token issue"
  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    1, 2, 3... <script src="niggers.js">faggots
  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Soph, old boy, you're not so bad for a wingnut
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    off with their heads, of course

    So then if the head of state is highly trained and certain that a given piece of policy is appropriate then you support them using coercive force via the state to enforce that policy? Because I'm pretty sure there's a lot of policy you don't support that fits that description.
  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    fuck that bitch

    Mother fuck that nigger!
    Mother fuck that bitch!

  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I think you are mistaking me with someone else. I never used, nor ever would use, a term like 'unfair'. life is unfair, and that is how it should be. its unfair that niggers can never and have never had actual civilization, and that is a good thing, in my book. that is just one example. my position is that government is mostly unneccessary, wasteful, and parasitical. My main concern is what is good for America and americans, that is all.

    So then you would support socialistic policy such as: strict gun control, universal health care, and basic wage if we had good evidence that these policies were good for america and americans?

    And malice makes a good point, the increase in prices that tariffs represent are as likely to reduce quality of life and economic opportunity as the greater local employment is to improve the situation. You're really damned if you do and damned if you don't here, you have an uphill battle if you want to make an argument from utility and an ideological support for tariffs is an obvious non-starter.
  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    So the immediate answer is that it was the extension. If you happen to have a copy of vB5 you can see where it errors out in `VB_ROOT/core/includes/class_upload.php`, line 176. But you could just pick a different extension of course, this early error-out is just there to save transferring a large file just to reject it later. The larger security approach here is that only files with appropriate extensions can be uploaded and any file with one of those extensions is flagged to be served as a static (that is directly transmitted to the client, without invoking the PHP interpreter) so even if you get some custom script uploaded it will only be transferred as a literal file without ever running on the server. Two things I would think a blackhat would need to look out for is a mismatch between the upload whitelist and the "serve as static list". The former is encoded in that file I mentioned before, in the `is_valid_extension` method and the latter in the .htaccess files. A dev could add something to the former but not that latter and that could be a vulnerability. Alternatively some files like javascript are transferred as statics (the server never executes them) but can still be damaging if a client loads them, it's a possible vector for XSS. You have to weasel as `<script src="yourscript.bla">` into a page somehow and that may be possible with a script hosted by me rather than remotely but I can't think of a way to do it (it's possible url construction is non-unique, I've seen that used before, like user files are hosted from `/` so if a user uploads like "index.html" requests to `/index.html` could be routed to the statics first and allow for XSS. Building urls like that would be considered a fairly novice mistake but it still happens). But then maybe that's why I'm not a security professional.
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    So what happens with popular opinion deviates from science or the philosophy of philosopher kings or what have you? Is a philosopher king justified in using the powers of state to enforce their well considered rule?
  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    you say arbitrarily selected but I would prefer that domestic merchants gain advantage, not foreigners located outside of the US.

    you basically want to outsource all our production, so people can sit around with their thumb up their ass, getting free government healthcare, rather than working and paying doctors to take care of them?

    No, I actually support carefully considered tariff policy. The difference is that I have an ideological framework that supports that sort of action by the state. You on the other hand crusade against all sorts of things calling them unfair or unjustified government action. When I offer evidence that greater state power could produce a better quality of life you appeal to some idea of "fairness" that for some reason involves state non-intervention. But here you 180 on that, it undermines all your other positions if you think "the ends justify the means" works in this particular case.
  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    nigger my heart bleeds for you and you don't even care.

    I'll show you, I'll show you all. You wouldn't know novelty if a woman in chainmail hit you in the face with it.

    p.s. chuck is good
  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Garden worm,
    Ash on the window sill~~~

    Battlestar Galactica (reimagined) was ahead of its time niggers. Like some HBO shit but cooler and without all the pretense
  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Tarrifs are necessary to ensure the market's viability. If nations had no tarrifs richer more developed nation's markets would be destroyed by cheap foreign labor. Simply put if an item can be made for $1.00 in your market by your labor force but can be made for $.10 in a foreign market economic security for the people whom the government is responsible for dictates that a fair tariff be imposed upon the goods imported from the nation with the cheaper labor source. A fair tariff in this scenario would be one that that raised the retail price by $.90 cents. That way both the domestically produced goods and the foreign produced goods will be sold at prices which are competitive with one another. Without fair tarrifs corporations would rape both nations by under paying workers in developing markets and decimating the manufacturing sectors of developed markets all for their own profit.

    How is that situation 'fair'? It's the government giving an obvious economic advantage to one group of businesses over another via unequal taxation. That's supposed to be anathema of the right, that's big government deciding what should and shouldn't be sold in the US and for what price and half way to a command economy. It also fucks the "natural state" arguments that folks like mike make.

    because 'universal health care' is not essential to the survival of the nation. do you really think that people will just suffer with no heathcare or something? you act like just because I think that 99% of government is unnecessary and parasitic, that we would live like barbarians out in the woods, dying at age 40 or something. No matter what you may think of americans in general, we are the most advanced and ingenius people on the planet. I am sure we can easily balance maintaining our complex modern conveniences with the practice of allowing people to live unmolested by government..

    Lol, how does taxation (to support the military you insist on) and giving one arbitrarily selected group of merchants advantage over others constitute "living unmolested by government"? Universal healthcare goes a lot further towards preventing the "living out in the woods, dying at age 40 " scenario than trade tariffs do.

    By universal health care do you mean everyone gets the same level of care regardless of what they produce?

    No, I mean the state levying taxes necessary to ensure the best quality of life for as many of its citizens as possible. I don't see why that matters though, if you think the state providing equal healthcare to everyone is worse than administering care according to need then you're advocating policy closer to my side of the spectrum than yours.

    I'd be interested in what soph has to say about tariffs. He may be on the wrong side of isle but at least he understands the ideology that underpins his position which seems to be more than I can say for you two. I suspect he's going to bite the bullet and admit that economies that need tariffs to survive are market-inefficient and should fail. It's a questionable position if you ask me but at least it's not hypocritical.
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    But why do border enforcement and military have a special status while other things do not? Why isn't universal healthcare a primary concern of the state? If you ask me that's far more important.
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