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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Make korean beef and rice it's my favorite dish that HTS makes me

    What does she use for the sauce
  2. Originally posted by Technologist Yeah, I saw an interview with one of the soldiers and he said they were on concussion protocol.

    I saw an interview and one of the guys had a hangnail and the other guy got a papercut spectral is right this is bullshte
  3. Originally posted by Obbe Sure, dig it up let's examine why you're a piece of shit.

    I love when obbe insults people

    it's like spotting a unicorn
  4. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny you can exercise your heart to make it stronger, but you cant do anything to make your heart valves tougher.

    powerful hearts arent good for their valves.

    You can make your heart valves 'tougher' but it's not a good thing.
  5. Originally posted by Technologist No, hun that southern “charm” is the Deep South, more southeast. Where Iam comes from, is where the last cowboys are.

    It really goes for anywhere 'southern'

    Maybe they don't have the charm, but you'll see that southern honor in most 'southern' states and in a lot of rural areas

    Incredibly kind one second. Then they get 'slighted' or need to 'stand up for themselves' and they completely lose their shit and get aggressive or violent.

    Laboratory research has demonstrated that men in honor cultures perceive interpersonal threats more readily than do men in other cultures, including increases in cortisol and testosterone levels following insults.[5] In culture-of-honor states, high school students were found to be more likely to bring a weapon to school in the past month and over a 20-year period, there were more than twice as many school shootings per capita.[6] According to Lindsey Osterman and Ryan Brown in Culture of Honor and Violence Against the Self, "ndividuals (particularly Whites) living in honor states are at an especially high risk for committing suicide."[7]
  6. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 arizona is where you learn what illegals are and how fast they can run while being shot at.

    just ask sheriff joe :)

    You mean the guy who was convicted of criminal contempt and was voted out of office 4 years ago?
  7. Originally posted by Technologist Southwest.

    Ah that 'southern honor'.

    Yes m'am

    no m'am

  8. Originally posted by Fox I rounded up

    well next time round yourself around the corner and walk the fuck away bitch ass nhoeo fucking nigger ass cunt sucker fuckhead
  9. Originally posted by Misguided Russian Always have capable tires in your car along with a shovel, food, flashlight, spare parts, fluids, etc. Snow is no longer a problem if you drive a vehicle with a capable AWD (you should).

    Know that, should you be in a really bad mood, a knocked out adversary can die if knocked out in the snow and not discovered in time. The cold winter will add to our power.

    Still not a bad idea to know when this weather comes IF it is not common in your area.

    This is really overkill if you live anywhere at least moderately populated. You don't need a fucking bugout bag to drive in the snow. Don't you live in California after living in Texas or some shit? Lol.
  10. Originally posted by Technologist Actually Iam is a big strong guy. He also owns a very large ranch, and is highly specialized in his field. He does have to watch his anger at times, but we also have to consider where people come from. Where he’s from this isn’t that unusual.

    Let me guess, from the south?
  11. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 so what kind of character is it to be ran over by others VS standing up against bullshit?

    i am actually trying to see why people make fun of LBG&T. i did it because i know there are mental issues. but these people are tying it to things like attitude, the way you look, the way you stand, the way you talk. they have broken down this is what a faggot is and then look for that in people they meet. and i know for a fact attitude does not mean queer. so when i hear something retarded, i like to give my own view of things.

    and btw, after the boss left, they all came up and thanked me. the next following days is when i bought them lunches and then beers.

    i have no idea where you are coming from by your post, but i think its retarded as fuck.

    And then after you bought them lunch everybody clapped, amirite?

    There's a difference between standing up for others and threatening to kill somebody. Like I said, you could have stood up without losing your shit because you lack self control and have anger issues.

    "Hey he didn't do it, I did"

    "What what the fuck whats wrong with you faggotttt ill beat ur ass"

    "lol ok"

    Simple as that. Instead, you fed into the anger and let it get the better of you. You escalated and turned it into an argument instead of simply standing up for yourself/others. I assume you've been in multiple fights. People who are like this usually get into tons of them. It's cool when you're a teenager but adults shouldn't behave like this. Especially the threatening I mean my god. I very literally know toddlers with better anger management than you.

    Nobody respects a hothead.
  12. Originally posted by Sudo It's a fucking vending machine that dispenses drugs in fucking Vancouver you retard of course it's for people on the street, fuck you're dumb and naive

    I'm sure all FIVE USERS who can buy from this machine are homeless. It is literally indoors in a clinic. You think everyone who goes to a clinic is homeless? You're retarded.
  13. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 i was there for 1 week. that is how it is done when i am sent to help. so it's a short period and i have to fix the problem within that 1 week. and the employees and i spent the remaining last days working our butts off and i bought them lunches and on friday paid the tab for the beer pounding session we had before saying our goodbyes.

    So buying them shit means they like you lol. OK.

    I guarantee they just think you're an asshole. Nobody trusts an asshole. A real show of character is to retain composure even when you are wronged. That he didn't apologize doesn't give you the right to threaten him. You have anger issues nigga. Stop acting like a wild gorilla who needs to posture and thrash through the bushes, and start acting like a human.
  14. Originally posted by Fox No actually it would take about 43 years at that speed. Because the nearest star is about 4.3 light years away… it’s basic math dude.

    u wot m8

    Proxima Centauri is 40,208,000,000,000 km away. Light travels 9,460,528,000,000 km per year. That is 4.25 years of traveling at light speed and 42.5 at 1/10th light speed. Get your shit right faggot.
  15. Originally posted by Technologist I understand that, but you know you’re a big guy with an intimidating demeanor. I have to deal with that a lot. I’m a tall, loud voiced person that can come across very intimidating, or so I’m told.

    You also know there are PLENTY of people who will not admit they’re wrong, especially when confronted in front of others. He had to assert his manliness.

    I’m just brainstorming here, but maybe if you pulled him aside and told him you were the one who made the mistake, not the other guy.

    Also, you say you expected him to apologize, something you or I might do; but we can’t expect anything from anyone.

    This is really conflict resolution 101. He just made a big scene in front of everybody and lost his shit. Now everybody thinks both he and that boss are jackasses with short tempers, and will be less likely to come to either of them when something goes wrong.

    If you pull them aside or at least calmly explain things, people will respect and like you more for it.
  16. Originally posted by Technologist Aww how cute, you used some of trump’s favorite language. Aren’t you just the cutest thing. I could just pinch your cheeks😘



  17. Originally posted by WellHung Wrong. Cardiovascular activity is aerobic…which means it burns muscle tissue. Anaerobic activity (resistance training) is needed to build muscle. Ever notice how long -distance runners are so lean?

    Lol this is such nonsense. Burns muscle tissue? Nigga pls
  18. Originally posted by WellHung Bullshit.

    Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Its a thing
  19. Originally posted by mmQ I'm not trolling I'm just being silly, maybe.

    Just tell me why its healthier to run for 2 hours a day than it is to smoke a point of meth once a day.

    You're wearing your heart out kid! Give it a rest!!!

    Your heart working out is bad. Doesn't matter if its meth or exercise. It thickens the heart walls and makes you prone to heart disease. Fatasses, tweakers, athletes, and really tall people all develop the same problems from working their heart too hard. Obviously tho no runner has their heart racing for 3 days straight like a meth user does.
  20. Originally posted by mmQ Montreaux jazz festival, paris, and London. Part of a jazz band trip that we fundraised for for a year prior.

    Burglary,forgery, stolen property, stolen vehicles, mostly.

    Lol forgery
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