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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Fox But no one believes he is a Russian agent. They believe members of his campaign interacted inappropriately with a foreign power, which they did and multiple people have gone to jail over it.

    They could never prove trump had a direct hand in any of it, but I can read between the lines and assume he probably did. But again they couldn’t prove it so whatever.

    Also contrary to what you heard on your favorite conservative talk show, the “witch hunt hoax” Mueller investigation was never primarily a “trump collusion” investigation, it was a “Russian interference” investigation, of which they uncovered plenty of evidence and issued several indictments to Russian nationals so I think it was worth it. Trump campaign was only part of it, and again multiple prominent staff members of his went to jail

    Hire the swamp to drain the swamp

    Fucking genius
  2. Originally posted by Technologist I don’t think even one media outlet has been pushing Russian collusion. Once the investigation started people realized that Russian collusion was not going to be proven, so most outlets dropped it. I haven’t heard any media outlet talk about Russian collusion in over a year and a half.

    Now do I think he was more than happy to take Russian help?….you bet. Do I think trump colluded with Putin?……absofuckinglutely. There is no other explanation as to why he kisses Putin’s ass and makes many geopolitical decisions based on what helps Putin.

    I mean the claim that Ukraine meddled in elections over Russia alone should give it away lol. You'd have to be an idiot not to see it at this point. The evidence is out there.

    Republicans prefer to shut their eyes and put their hands over their ears.
  3. Their meddling is objectively proven at this point. Trump openly invited them, live on national television, to hack democrats while he was running. And Republicans cheered.

    "So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause"
  4. Originally posted by Splam CNN, MSNBC have been pushing the Conspiracy theory of Russian collusion. They claim it as truth without proof.
    Or you actually believe that Trump is a Russian agent? Repeat it enough times and people will start to believe it. That's what CNN does.

    Bet you think democrats are behind every source on this page
  5. Bill Krozby only rapes work animals like oxen
  6. Originally posted by aldra thanks to lanny's wordf'ilters I keep reading your name as darryl the j'ew

    I typed out Crouton the other day.
  7. Originally posted by Jisatsu-Shoujo Use the money to buy a gun and shoot yourself in the head with
    Would be much better use of your money.

    I have a gun. I'd rather shoot you with it. Where do you live?
  8. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Leaders aren't voted for they assume power. I don't vote for leaders I vote for representatives. The truth is when Trump first announced I laughed. I used to think he was just another rich asshole like all the democrats running for president right now. All my life I said I wanted a president who spoke in plain English and was not part of the political machine. The more listened to Trump campaign the more I realized he was the candidate I had been hoping for since I started voting. You think you know what is in the mind of Trump supporters. But the truth is your are just parroting what the media says about trump supporters and their minds. If you want to know why we support him listen ti us and not Rachael Madcow and her ilk.

    You will see the truth before 2024. You can't be that mindless can you?

    "I want a president who is as retarded as I am"

  9. did


  10. Y/N?
  11. Originally posted by -SpectraL First impeachment in American history to be submitted without any criminal charges being brought. No statutes cited. Zero. None. It's a farce.

    Lol what. Literally no president impeached had criminal charges brought up against them. Nixon resigned before impeachment and was pardoned despite not being charged with anything.

    1868 - Andrew Johnson had 11 articles of impeachment against him for 'high crimes and misdemeanors'. It passed the house, so he was impeached, but did not pass the senate, so he was not removed. No criminal charges.

    1988 - Bill Clinton had two articles of impeachment against him for obstruction of justice and sexual misconduct. It passed the house, so he was impeached, but did not pass the senate, so he was not removed. No criminal charges.

    2019 - Donald Trump had two articles of impeachment against him for obstruction of justice and abuse of power. It passed the house, so he was impeached, but did not pass the senate, so he was not removed. Additional articles of impeachment being drafted. No criminal charges.
  12. Originally posted by Technologist You really think this is some kind of revelation that proves trump won’t be removed from office? So three folks, out of the entire American population, is a bellwether for this trial? And I thought trump grasps at straws😂

    Good job, trump will be proud of your great intellect😂

    I don’t even think the senate will remove him, but this is your dumbest political thread yet OPie.

    Literally nobody expected the Senate to remove him. We know they are as corrupt as Trump is.

    Doesn't change the fact that he's already been impeached.
  13. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 to God, yes, but to john hopkins institution, it's a mental illness.

    is it wrong to be mentally ill?

    nope, but it has to be a difficult life when your views do not match that of normal people.

    You keep saying this but it's not true in the slightest lol.
  14. You're still a faggot
  15. Sometimes i wish I was SpectraL but then i think better of it
  16. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 you do know my daughter is whatever i am and black.

    the only bigot i know towards blacks would be you and the others here on NIS before DH found this hole.

    I didn't call you a racist, I called you a good bigot.

    But good defense. Definitely not a racist.
  17. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 Sheriff Joe vs. Norway: Who Better Fixes Inmates …
    Aug 06, 2012 · Sheriff Joe vs. Norway: Who Better Fixes Inmates? I hope I never get arrested for any of my hilarious pranks, but if the day should come, the last place I’d like to be caught is in Phoenix, Arizona.

    'Chopped' champion learned to cook in Tent City
    Nov 02, 2016 · Prisoners must live in the tents at Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Tent City Jail, but they have the use of an indoor day room. … Tent City inmates are required to work in jail and do county job …

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    The page you're looking for isn't here.
    Either someone gave you a bad link or there's something funky going on. Either way, we're truly sorry for the inconvenience.

    You always seem to provide dead links as 'sources' lol.
  18. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Sesame oil, soy sauce and ginger

    o that's lame
  19. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 more whites and blacks were reformed by his jail methods than any other jail system in the usa.

    LOL source?
  20. Originally posted by Technologist I agree. Iam does lose his temper, no doubt; that’s why I said you have to consider where people are from.

    Idk, but I’ve seen Iam swallow his pride, and admit being wrong.

    Having said that, Iam you do have some wild religious beliefs, that’s why I won’t even debate you on religion.

    I mean, there are reasons and there are excuses. Having a certain upbringing doesn't excuse his behavior. He's still in the wrong. Only here he won't admit it because he's stuck on the whole pride thing. Dude is a bigot through and through and was intensely insulted by simply being called a faggot, and even came on here seemingly questioning whether he came off as a faggot or something?

    This is the definition of a snowflake.
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