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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Sounds eerily like some snowflake shit to me bro.

    I think he's TRIGGERED
  2. Originally posted by mmQ So who is it targeting and why ISNT it "street users?"

    Anybody using needle exchanges, wanting to get off opiates through subs/methadone/diluadid, use any of the other support systems Vancouver has for addicts like safe shooting areas, etc. For whatever reason splam thinks only homeless people use these programs. He also for some reason thinks everyone has to go in a line because apparently take home doses dont exist.

    Literally the only requirement is testing positive for fent.
  3. What is the color of night?
  4. mq tell him
  5. Lol how does this program target people on the street. You are just making shit up, as usual. I've already addressed this and now you're just regurgitating.
  6. fona chilling in the noob area lol
  7. This is why you got locked up for 45 days in a psychiatric facility

    sounds like you need to go back, faggot.
  8. Originally posted by aldra To be fair the manufacturers are probably selling it for significantly more and making the government subsidize the cost to the end user, that's usually how these 'programs' work.

    That said it's hard to seriously engage with someone who directly equates personal drug (over)use with murder

    Canada controls drug prices so I very much doubt they're making a whole lot off it considering Canadians still pay about 2-3x less than what Americans pay for healthcare.

    I found this that shows it's about 1 dollar for 12mg/day

    The statistic I saw earlier said it was 2.60-3 for 8mg here. So yeah, this is about 3x cheaper.
  9. Originally posted by -SpectraL Yeah, yeah, the first one's always free. The standard gig for drug dealers. Tell me another story.

    The first one is 35 cents. The second one is 35 cents. The thousandth one is 35 cents.

    All the pills are 35 cents, SpectraL.
  10. Yes... the millions they're making at 35 cents a 8mg pill.

    Meanwhile Americans pay about 3 dollars for 8mg.

    These programs effectively help to reduce the opioid using population. I'm not even going to bother with looking for sources because you're retarded and don't care about sources/don't post them. I don't even know why I'm talking to you.
  11. Originally posted by -SpectraL Then you can also stabilize murderers by taking some stress off them in having to repeatedly acquire new guns and knives, too.

    You can have all the opinions you want, but this objectively works and has lowered fentanyl overdose rates in Vancouver.
  12. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny most area dont have 8 million people.

    thats how many numbers in an area code.

    Are you sincerely this fucking stupid
  13. Originally posted by aldra Yeah sure, I agree it's definitely better than nothing, just that IV is inherently the riskiest ROA and there are probably better choices if their goal is harm reduction.

    I assume there's some sort of daily limit to prevent that. IDK though. It mostly seems like a money saving expenditure to me. If they put it in a machine they can hire less staff. And presumably only select few trusted users will have access. I imagine you're still getting tested and shit so they'll know if you've been dosing high.

    IDK, still better than buying off the street. But literally anything is so
  14. Originally posted by A College Professor why isnt there 24/7 beer machines tho with name brand for 32c ea no one can answer that huh

    they dont even sell sodey pop that cheap anymore. dahurr im addicted to cola i need my fix and its 1.25 for a can !!!!! JEEEEEEERT ILL TURN TO ILLICIT MEANS

    Nobody is putting fentanyl in your beer.
  15. Originally posted by Erekshun It's wintertime, it happens.

    It's important for people to know when bad weather is coming.
  16. Originally posted by Jisatsu-Shoujo I'm a quarter Chinese.
    Not every mixed person is going to fit your stereotypical understanding of race.
    I have a cousin who is half mexican but looks 100% white, even has blonde hair and blue eyes.

    Gonna have to save this one.
  17. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny §m£ÂgØL isnt even a real faggot and the onky reason he says he is was because of what happened at the house of hydro and what her husband did to him.

    because if he wasnt gay, then that'd be RAPE.

    and he could reconcile with that and live as a victim.

    of the rapey kind.

    poor messicant.

    This is very ignorant of the actual story. If I didn't want it the gay would've never happened. Keep throwing your darts though benny. One is bound to hit. Maybe you'll even hit China someday.
  18. Originally posted by HTS No, I'm saying that gay people might still be fucked in the head because I doubt anyone has ever seen a gay baboon mince about their enclosure.
  19. Originally posted by Fox Radical is not the same as “too religious”. He was probably a schizophrenic fucking weirdo like all religious nuts

    religion = schizophrenia, yes. Therefore too religious and batshit insane are synonymous.

    Imagine if somebody today said they heard God through a burning bush. Or sacrificed their firstborn to appease God.
  20. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny why didnt you fight back ?

    did you even said NO ?

    Go troll elsewhere, kid.
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