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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Jisatsu-Shoujo "She"

    lmao, no.

    I only used 'she' because I wanted the recipe

    but the recipe is shit so now I regret it

    if HTS was a real woman he would know how to cook
  2. Originally posted by -SpectraL But if all this fraudulent harassment ends up to be decided by the SCOTUS to have interfered with the reasonable operation and enjoyment of his first term, wouldn't that permit him to run a third time?

    You can be kidnapped in pink handcuffs and forced to suck dick for 8 years

    you still don't get to run again. That doesn't change if you are impeached and removed.
  3. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 ummmmm, who in the hell is Raphael Luciano?

    It's the guy whose kid he tried and failed to meet up with for sex.

    Cannot make this shit up.
  4. Originally posted by Fox If you’re not under arrest then maybe just shut the door…?

    And no the video is about why you should never, under any circumstances ever, even if you’re innocent, even in the presence of your lawyer, speak to the police. Whether you’re under arrest or not

    You should really just never answer the door for police unless they have a warrant.
  5. Originally posted by -SpectraL So you're saying he could get removed on the last day of his second term and then run for a third term?

    No... he can't hold any public office after being impeached and removed. At what point did i say "AND THEN HE CAN RUN AGAIN!!!!"

    Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution states that “Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”
  6. why would you fix only SOME of the typos lol
  7. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Wrong, obstruction of justice is a crime.

    It's a crime if tried in a criminal court. Again, impeachment is not a criminal trial. Even if the senate convicts, you don't face jail time for it. You just get removed and are ineligible to run again. There would be a separate criminal trial not run by Congress.

    Originally posted by Speedy Parker There was no obstruction of justice in the Mueller report.

    You did not read the Mueller report.

    Start on page 15. There are 10 counts of obstruction of justice. It'll likely become an additional article of impeachment, as the house is still working on digging through the absolute wealth of evidence the Trump administration has left in its wake
  8. Originally posted by Technologist Oh, so you’re saying fighting got him kicked out of the states. GTFOutta here. If that were the case, we’d have no immigrants. He had a record of pedophilia and the fighting was the topping on the cake.

    Kr0z you’re just enabling him to not take responsibility for his actions. Oh but you don’t always….oh nvmd.

    Well, Bill Krozby is a sex offender as well so it makes sense. Birds of a feather flock together.
  9. Originally posted by Technologist Well you’re not from the US, so there’s no “we” to it.

    Lol he's not? Why are non-Americans so obsessed with American affairs. Their opinion literally does not matter.
  10. Originally posted by Speedy Parker I never discussed the plates, You may have. Geology does not determine geography. Wars do. You are a shame to your race and family. Kill yourself.

    LOL wars determine geography do they? I'll remember that next time i look at a topographical map
  11. Originally posted by Wariat here is. stood question: if youre the type of guy hwo cant get it up often dur to overmasturbation or is satisfied eith porn or simply had so much sex in your youth you got sick of it or didnt care for sex for whatever reason, what could those stupid blond bimbos or gold diggers from crappy neighborhoods or third world countries have as power over you? or ehy eould you even talk to them when out snd about even drinking? i mean the only reason they act the eay they do and are as cocky as they are because people give them the power thry think thry have when in reslity theyre just another frminist bimbo or high class ho.

    I mean you can care about sex and still not let them have power over you... Its called thinking with your brain and not your cock
  12. Originally posted by AnomiesOffspring ive been looking for a good deal on a switch to play BOTW for over a year now. I haven't even looked up gameplay, im gunna fukkknnn cuummm when i finally play

    is smash competitive in the same way that melee and project X is?

    Nintendo refurbished is really good if you want a deal. Not the cheapest but it comes basically new. I got a 3ds used from them and it was in pristine condition. Looked brand new except for the box.
  13. Originally posted by -SpectraL It was a joke, for fuck sakes. Don't you know his posting style yet? Are you that dead to the world?

    No he's just retarded lol
  14. Originally posted by Lanny Yes. Smash alone is dope. The dark souls port is also a lot of fun to play on the go. BotW is GOAT.

    Ikindahatesmash. Not a fan of dark souls. BOTW I've wanted to play for a long time tho
  15. She said, "Who?"
  16. Originally posted by Erekshun This is what happens when you eat tidepods.

    Great rebuttal

    Very hip
  17. Originally posted by -SpectraL The impeachment articles in the other impeachments included actual allegations of crimes, you terminally stupid dunce.

    The articles against Trump don't contain any allegation of obstruction of justice, and abuse of power is not a criminal statute.

    There were 10 counts of it in the Mueller report and they're still voting on additional articles, just wait.

    And again, impeachment isn't a criminal trial. None of those are criminal charges. He could be impeached for murder and it still wouldn't be a criminal charge. The criminal conviction happens in a different court. This is why Nixon was prematurely pardoned after resigning. The impeachment trial stopped right there. It was additional trial he was afraid of.
  18. Lolno
  19. Not happening. Where do you live?
  20. Lol @ a dollar general closing sale

    How bad must things be for a dollar store to not have enough business? Or, good maybe? I dunno.
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