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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Fox Ok so what does original sin mean

    The sin of being human. You are guilty for this as a result of Adam and Eve disobeying God... somehow. You get cleansed of this when you are baptized.

    But really it's all about interpretation. It's just that all MODERN interpretation and MODERN translations have some sort of explanation like this. Hilariously a lot of the support for original sin is in apocryphal texts. It's all just a bunch of bullshit really. People trying to make sense of a 2,000 year old fairy tale to fit their modern views. Most sects don't believe in the original sin anymore because its too outlandish and guilt-trippy. People act like their particular version of their particular God is THE particular version, but in practice organized religion is really pretty fluid.

    Last year the Pope said that homosexual tendencies are not a sin lol

    I mean today's religion is just WILDLY liberal compared to just a century or two ago when it was frowned upon for women in the west to do anything other than raise a family. The world will probably continue to liberalize and the meaning and wording of the bible will change with it. Anybody who relies on a book to guide them through life is fucking retarded. Believe in God, fine, but don't be such a sheep as to need a set of rules written by long dead men. And if you are going to be a sheep, at least fucking follow them.
  2. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny lol at 'excommunicated for too religious'. no church does that.

    he was excommed for touching boys the way he touched you in the ride.

    And yes, they do. It happens all the time with radicals lol. Don't go along with your particular church's agenda, they kick you out.
  3. Originally posted by Splam Pretty sure it just wasn't criminalized to begin with.

    It's actually decriminalized in MI and TN lol. Weird as fuck. Also Rhode Island banned extracts only which is interesting.
  4. Originally posted by aldra yeah I was thinking the same thing; if they're doing this to enable 'social stability' for their 'patients' then you'd think they'd go with something that doesn't encourage/require needle use

    I mean, idk. Heroin programs work pretty well too. Turns out when you remove all the illegality, purity doubt, high cost of drug addiction, most people are able to get their shit together. So I guess it just catches the people who still wanna get high? I dunno. Maybe we're just used to Puritanical views on drugs and expect them to give addicts the least recreational shit possible.
  5. Originally posted by Splam I live in Vancouver. But I'm not an opiate addict.
    Too little too late. Also it's only being given to registered junkies. Those guys aren't the ones who need this. The junkies on the streets always shoot up in public. When they OD, somebody revives them.
    The people dying from the OD crisis are regular people in regular homes. They may not have the same tolerance as street junkies. And they use it in private. Fuck I've known too many who have died from OD here, including my own brother.

    Lol this is a gross misrepresentation of opiate users. The vast majority are not homeless street junkies shooting up in public. Most people will go under a bridge, in the woods, to a trap house, friends house, dealers house, etc. Nobody likes shooting in public.

    Or hey, maybe instead of finding a shit place to shoot, they go to a clinic to shoot up safely and get some free fresh needles and swabs and shit.

    Maybe the 'house junkies' want to get clean so they seek out a clinic and try to get on a methadone program or some shit but keep failing. Maybe one drug test they pop for fentanyl. Then they get offered access to a machine

    it's not black and white. Obviously if you don't try and get any help you won't have access to these resources and you won't get any help. But many, many, many people do, if only for the free needles and cookers. Shits expensive when you're addicted, and even if you can afford it, most people don't like having to face the cashier and ask for needles. You'll get judged hard. Maybe they'll refuse to sell them.

    Any and all resources to help opiate addicts is good. Plus, we have objective evidence that this is helping to prevent deaths. Like I said, 30-40% reduction.
  6. Originally posted by mmQ I'm gonna go with the 10s since I was incarcerated in some form for about 50% of the 00s. Though I did get to travel Europe in the summer of 2000.

    Where'd you go and why
  7. Originally posted by Bill Krozby Yes §m£ÂgØL you don't have to remind us everyday you're a faggit

    Yet you continue to remind us that you are daily. Hypocrite much?
  8. Jwh-018 hamilton did a vice thing with him, its decent
  9. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country LMAO all that just to stop black people from being able to compete.

    Its the most expensive legal cannabis system in the US lol.

    By comparison the application is 1k in California and if you get approved the licensing fee is 4k-120k based on the scope of your operation. It's so blatantly corrupt. Wouldn't be surprised if Pritzker becomes gov #7 to go to prison.
  10. imma put it back into ur system faggit ;)
  11. Originally posted by Fox I think there was something about how Adam eating the apple was the the original sin, and that sin got passed on to us, and that’s why Jesus died. I dunno I didn’t read most of it

    'died for our sins' basically means Jesus died so that we could go to heaven.

    I guess nobody before 33 AD or whatever went to heaven. God didn't forgive any sins before then. Adam definitely didn't go to heaven because he sinned without being 'perfect' and you have to be 'perfect' to go to heaven. Either by a life of righteousness (andbeingbaptizedandproperlyburiedlol) or/and by having your sins forgiven.
  12. Originally posted by Octavian
  13. Originally posted by -SpectraL Sure it does. A perfect man had to die being righteous because a perfect man died sinning. That is what is meant by the "corresponding ransom". If Adam weren't a perfect man, the life of the perfect man Jesus would have been overpayment. You really aren't any good at this, kid. Just give up arguing now and save yourself some embarrassment.

    Nowhere does it say either Jesus or Adam were 'perfect'. You are just inferring based on whatever youtube video you watched. Nowhere does it say anything about this 'trade' shit you're making up, or mention Adam at all.

    It does however allude to the fact that Jesus, oh I don't know, died for OUR sins?

    God you are fucking stupid.
  14. Originally posted by Fox I mean come on not only were you hitchhiking but it was with a god damn preacher. You can’t make this shit up

    I mean, yeah. He picked me up in Memphis. Good guy but crazy. He was excommunicated from his church for being too religious and had plans to live with a friend and save money till he could buy a plane ticket to Israel where he would build factories, which is a message from God he got in his dream.

    He was poor but didn't ask me for anything. Shared his food with me. Gave peanut butter to some stray kittens. Talked about God almost the entire time.

    I also had rides from businessmen, police, old ladies, and one plumber.

    You gonna make another gay joke or have you got the fag out of your system yet
  15. Originally posted by WellHung Why are they corrupt as fuck?

    Because the laws are super fucked up and geared towards only letting corporations engage in the industry.

    Want to grow? 100,000 non refundable application fee and 5% of your profits for the first year. This is in addition to the insane taxes.

    The licenses for shops were given out AT BIDDINGS. You need something ridiculous like a 200k dept of agriculture bond and 500k verified in the bank. License APPLICATION was like 30k non refundable and I think the licenses started at like 100k. They're also cornholing the licenses and giving out very small amounts so that they retain value and they can sell for more at bidding. Renewing your license is 60k a year.

    That's why there's so few shops right now, with so little product. They only gave out 75 licenses. They'll be adding more in May, and a whopping 40 grower licenses in July.

    The tax is also insane. In addition to sales tax, you can expect to pay an extra 10% tax on your buds, 20% on your edibles, and 25% on concentrates over 35% in potency.

    Let's say you're buying $20 of alcohol. You decide on a 750ml bottle of liquor. You'd pay (at least) 6.5% sales tax in addition to the $8.55/gallon alcohol tax. You'd pay about $23.40 for that handle.

    Now let's say you're buying $20 of wax. Not that you'd actually be able to spend so little but anyway... That's 31.5% in tax. You'd pay about $26.30

    Compare this to California which has a 7.25% sales tax minimum and a 15% sales tax on all marijuana products regardless of potency. Their liquor sales tax is about $3.30/gallon.

    Vice tax is a real bitch here.
  16. Originally posted by Fox Point to the places on this doll where he touched you

    huE huE huE CaSh gRaSs oR AsS?!?!?
  17. Originally posted by -SpectraL You need to study up on what the "corresponding ransom" actually means, kid. Start with 1 Timothy 2:5, 6.

    For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man, Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time.

    Nothing to do with Adam being perfect. Try again.
  18. Originally posted by Erekshun What animal are you?

    I said anamalia for a reason. Not animal.

    The kingdom Animalia includes humans, but in colloquial use the term animal often refers only to non-human animals.
  19. Originally posted by WellHung §m£ÂgØL you seem to share my love of and fascination with the animal world. If we had more motivation, and less mental illness, we would be biologists.

    I have an AS in science and was going for a BS in biology.

    I wanted to be a zoologist since I was like 6 but then I found out they don't get paid very well. Wasn't really sure what I wanted to do with biology either. To really make money in the field and not just be a lab assistant you need a masters and that is more school than I'm willing to choke down.
  20. Originally posted by Technologist OMG,
    What will ya’ll do? I mean there’s NEVER been a world without GPS😂

    Probably fucking die.

    I hitchhiked with an old preacher man once who calculated his mileage and used paper maps to get around. His windshield wiper stick thing was literally just a piece of coat hanger. Blew my mind how he got around like that. Had to pull over every time he needed to figure something out
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