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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Misguided Russian Has nothing to do with snow.

    Do you keep a fire extinguisher in your car? What about something to cut a seat belt with?

    What you gonna do if your car rips a hose? Panic and call for help?

    I keep an AR-15 in my car. If I need something I'll just take it by force, as is my constitutional right.
  2. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Number of animals on this list (note several are of the same species): about 40

    Number of estimate species on Earth: 8.7 million

    So we can conclude simply based on these numbers that being a Home Mexual is abhorant to nature, thank you faggot for bringing this to our attention.

    Bacteria r gay too
  3. Not wrong. And if it was, how would you know? Talk to a lot of gay pornstars?
  4. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson It's good that your save the best hugs for the needy.

    Literally insulting people because he doesn't get a big enough e-hug

  5. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson US doesn't fight it's wars independently…It always needs help. In it's history its only won *1* war by itself…and that was the Mexican American war…fucking lol.

  6. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country You aren't disagreeing with what's being said just with who's saying it.

    No. I disagree with what's being said and with the idea that a random state senator is a 'mainstream politician' whose words hold any more weight than the average person. Stormfront of course cherry picks and presents strong bias. It's worse than CNN or FOX.
  7. Originally posted by mmQ Why do we keep wondering why a retard acts retarded?

    Its for science. Maybe we can use wariat's DNA like a vaccine to keep kids from growing into retarded pedophiles
  8. Eating an apple before work.
  9. But u just sed the reward is a tie
  10. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

    Even mainstream politicians are coming out and saying it's a trap. Going to be a boomer shoah.

    Lol you mean a random state senator? Nigga pls. Maybe don't get your news from the dailystormer
  11. Originally posted by Misguided Russian They're only now testing gps jamming? lol.

    Nowhere did it say this
  12. Speedy skipping the facts and jumping straight to conclusions

    What else is new
  13. Originally posted by Technologist Don’t like my words, then leave. Many could log in and see your drug addled, depressing posts, and leave.

    Using the word irony triggered you, that’s sad. It may be a trigger for you, but that’s your problem.

    Don't mind him mommy. He's a toxic person with girlfriend issues and opiates make him rage. Him posting here is the equivalent of a teenager screaming into a pillow.
  14. Originally posted by Fonaplats You make more money prostituting if you are a woman.

    Actually gay men make a lot more. For porn too.
  15. Originally posted by Wariat its not as dumb as the way most prisoners get and later spread their news of the free and real world is it?

    What, carrier pigeon? Pigeons are cool
  16. Originally posted by -SpectraL There's already been a recent President who served three terms, you know.

    Lol do tell
  17. Originally posted by Wariat but you are lying and making things up.

    Nope. Didn't I just say you can't make it up? I wish i could tho
  18. Originally posted by Wariat some articles in the media claimed theyre gone now.and were shutting down as they spoke.

    What articles? Which media? Why don't you give us a link?

    And in the meanwhile, why are you posting a forum post as any source of authority anyway? According to some random prisoners on a random forum, California still has private prisons three months after passing the bill to eliminate them by 2028? Well fucking yeah. No shit.

    Why would you not look up the actual legislature before forming your retarded kidfucking opinion?
  19. Originally posted by Wariat they were supposed to get rid of all private run prisons and inmates by now right? it was some big fucking deal and wuiet since the announcement they were gone or how the media covered it. well, guess what, according to these guys the same mccfs zi was at are still running and are operarional by the geo group:

    by 2028...

    nigga are you dumb? This literally got signed in October of last year, 2019, and you think they're going to eliminate them just like that? In three months??

    They've got ongoing contracts with private prisons. As of now they are no longer renewing or signing any new contracts. I assume the last contract will end by 2028 or whatever.

    They've also got to build new prisons to house the prisoners who would be displaced by this and just-

    how fucking stupid are you?
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