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Posts by eBagger

  1. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Well I was registered as eBagger but registration was closed every time I'd check for like 6 years so eh...08' reppin'. I got to post a handful of times before fucking jeff pulled the plug.
  2. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Technologist I know this sounds like the opposite of how it should be; but when I was on opiates, I never got a good nights rest. I rarely took them after 5pm.

    Yeah gotta love those times your ready to fallout and dose and suddenly get a burst of energy for a few hours.

    This is gonna sound basic Uhh I had to have one of those alarm clocks that vibrate your pillow and flash lights in your eyes and blasts a siren in your ear. My last roomate had to take it outside. I suppose sometimes I've tried the ole' stay up 2 days to get 1 decent nights sleep but that doesn't really help feeling sleepy all day.

    PERHAPS loading up on the natural BS like l-tryptophan and melatonin ( I hate suggesting that to sleepy people) at night, try and figure out your optimum napping schedule, like figure out when you nap for 30 mins if you get an energy increase as opposed to 1 1/2 hours being sluggish and fucking up your nights sleep.

    Or pop some tizzys!....
  3. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    HOLY CATFISH that things huge
  4. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by 8stringflinG What do you eat, ebagger?

    Lately rice, chicken, new fast food crazes, protein shakes and smoothies. Usually mac and cheese once a week.
  5. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Fish and mercury is scary

    EDIT: So is Tuna
  6. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    stop by spurious hoots to see whats up Sophmantis
  7. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    lmao dude get your hand off your wiener

    your not fuckin shy
  8. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I just woke up to a cold plate of nachos

    depending on cheese type sounds like a eat one big nacho vs eat many nacho (nachi) situation
  9. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Whats up Rizzo!
  10. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Hell yeah deal with it

    Jolly as a muthafucka up in here
  11. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Like....I might make a thread one day on how I actually packed my bags and moved across the country like I'd posted about, but for now I'll focus on legal weed.

    In Washington state, it was everything I had hoped for. Walking in, choices out the ass, cheap weed (still awesome), expensive fancy weed, large bulk amounts for a great price, cartridges of varying strains, edibles of every different type, amazing glass, and glass technology of the likes I've never seen before. I smoked alot, and it was AWESOME, probably one of the best times of my life in regards to smoking.

    So I'm back in North Carolina, and I hardly talk to anybody anymore, partially to help my sobriety, cause I don't need somebody offering me coke and pills and etc when I'm picking up bud. And the chick I've known since high school whose all worried about my "I can get you weed don't worry no problem", and at age 32 I'm assuming when someone says that to me, they re-up weekly, or have it on deck regularly so I could swing by and pickup a G or two, or anything.

    Sure enough its "Oh wait my person isn't answering the phone maybe tomorrow" "Oh I have 4 grams for myself but it was hard to get" "Well why can't I swing by and pickup a gram when you supposedly aren't even smoking oh because you want to have it just in case okay" "Ah you;ve always been difficult keep your weed I'll do my thing"

    So I'm about to pay $50 for like 3 grams of kush, when if I'd just not listen to these assholes who push for me to go to rehab when it isn't necessary just have my awesome plugs and then not share with them.

    Eh this probably didn't make much sense I'm just pissed I went from having everything to choose from cheap and readily available to having to wait for some chicks friends brother to get off work so I can drive 20 minutes to weight it out and be all social
  12. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny then get a tactical assault shovel and dig a 5 feet deep channel from the beach to the buoy and wait for high tide to show up.

    your welcome.

    Who said I give a hoot about getting it back out to sea? The coast guard can handle that shit.

    Originally posted by 🐿 I thought it was glorious.

    Aww thanks guys. I need to get another wig because that one was thrown out and I was pissed, and I need to get less sober and I'll give it another try when those prerequisites are met. I created a bunch of "Twich Trolling" clips that were funny but needs too much edited to make it make sense.
  13. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by mmQ KITTY WANTS SOME YUM YUMS?!

  14. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by mmQ Haha

    I wonder what life would be like if we all knew for a fact that once we die, we enter a state of endless agony.


    Like no matter what, that's whathappens.

    Would life be way crazier here on earth like an endless party orgy thing or would everyone just stay safe inside trying to live for as long as they could? That seems fucking stupid like if you knew it was coming

    Why preserve a shitty safe depressed life I guess.

    I dont know really what I'd do if I knew that. It would just really suck I think.

    Haha the ole lifes a bitch and then you die and burn eternally hahhah make a nigga laff while starin' off in the distance str8 up
  15. eBagger Tuskegee Airman

    Fucking wounded eye non breakfast making shithead
  16. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny how heavy is that thing.

    maybe you can just roll off the beach and tow it back if it still floats.

    Uhhh...not sure if you can tell scale by the sunglasses and baseball cap but if I had to take a wild guess from me climbing on it when it wasn't half buried in sand (about 4 ft that tapers down is buried).....I'd say its anywhere from 800-1500 lbs of steal......
  17. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny the most valuable / interesting part of a buoy is the blinker light.

    tell me you got the blinker light.

    Unfortunately not, I only took the giant plumber wrench and it was clunky and I needed something to hold the bottom screw in place.

    Originally posted by theshroomguy Seems legit, where i can i give you my CC info and full home address so i can get some of that white rocky goodness?

    Read the thread homie I didn't find shit except sunglasses and spoons and shit

    Originally posted by itybit Awesome thread Ebagger!!

    Thanks brudda
  18. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby He never got a proper asshole whippin

    Yeah he don't beat the cheeks 7 days out the week like us
  19. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by WellHung U seem Like a huge douche canoe, ebagger.

    Quit runnin your big mouth like you all that
  20. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Extra ordinary specimen led til the day I dieeee
    Smoke clouds help me float on byyyyy
    I been high my whole god damn lifeeee
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