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Posts That Were Thanked by Sudo

  1. Haxxor Space Nigga
    You hear what you want to hear. What gets scary is when your self-worth is tied up in what she think of you
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  2. Aleister Crowley African Astronaut
    Kavin Marklay
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  3. smokemon Houston
    It all starts so innocently, but before you know it you get caught snuggling at work, your hiding things to snuggle around the home, and snuggling at a funerals.
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  4. Originally posted by Sudo When the weather gets warmer I have more energy and feel less depressed and more motivated not to be addicted to opiates. I think I'm gonna make some strides towards a healthier lifestyle in the next few weeks.

    I still wanna be a drunken coked up slut all the time but I'm aspiring for more

    Drunken, coked up sluts are people, too.
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  5. Kafka sweaty
    The words you see or hear throughout the day do affect you psychologically, if someone says they’re tired that can make you behave as though you are too. I have a negative feeling when I see some thread titles so I don’t want to see that often. Also worried about normalising this place. People telling each other to kill themselves. I think reading rubbish can fatigue your brain, causing temporary symptoms of depression.
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  6. Kafka sweaty
    This may not be related that was all a roller coaster to read. I think self-sabotage happens because if you don’t achieve something and blame it on your mental health or whatever then you can still tell yourself you could achieve it, instead of having to face trying your best and failing.

    I thrived during lockdown, spent more time outdoors than before it and think it was because there was no pressure, life was simple because everything had already gone to hell.

    I think a change of environment could help.
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  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Yeah it's kind of interesting the further I live, the more I find myself sort of always weighing the idea of 'trying to better myself' and 'jesus fuck who even cares at this point, it is what it is.'

    Like you said, it's not HEALTHY to have self destructive thoughts, by definition, but when you don't care about healthy than you just... Don't care.

    You're def right as far as me losing my faith in god and I will be the first to admit that there is a big difference between it, mainly the fact that with faith, regardless of how shitty things are, you can hold this belief that it's 'part of a plan' or whatever, that no matter what happens, God is there and will help you get through shit. When I gave that up, I didn't necessarily realize the impact that it has when I realize that life is truly on my terms and I am completely responsible for myself and my actions.

    That said, I still just can't arbitrarily start pretending I believe in god again just for the sake of hoping it will help me and my accountability. It would obviously feel disenguine as fuck. But I suppose that's why people come up with other higher powers and I guess I could pretend the fucking cosmos is my leader and it'll make everything right in the end.

    For now, I am DUST IN THE WIND.
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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Sudo Yea man, maladaptive coping mechanisms and self destructive tendies and shit. I just deal with shit wrong and manifest destruction by thinking negatively. Not sure if the first summer I'm off all conditions since I was 19 is good or bad for me but I'm leaning towards good because it's less stress but potentially less mindfulness of legalities. I just want things to be simple and peaceful

    Sometimes I think for me it's my lack of accountability. Whenever I've been in a controlled environment like incarceration or halfway house or inpatient treatment, I somehow EXCEL. I do everything right as long as I have something hanging over my head to incentivise me to, but I've been off paper and out of treatments for years now, and it's just this weird rollercoaster of poor choices and good choices.

    Like obviously I'd still prefer to be free but sometimes I wish a lengthy prison sentence was hanging over my head if I didn't get my shit together, and I realize more normal people would simply say to this 'well, time to man up and be adult, hold yourself accountable, put on your big boy pants etc etc' and they're not wrong. I just haven't been good at it. I'm actually surprised I've managed to not become homeless, that's like my biggest accomplishment lol.

    But! I will still try and hold on to the hope that I can figure it out.
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  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Sudo When the weather gets warmer I have more energy and feel less depressed and more motivated not to be addicted to opiates. I think I'm gonna make some strides towards a healthier lifestyle in the next few weeks.

    I still wanna be a drunken coked up slut all the time but I'm aspiring for more

    Samesies. Although I've come to realize at this point that regardless of any strides forward I make, or Happies I obtain, just when I think I've perhaps turned the corner on the path to enlightenment, I fuck something up and slide back to where I started. Basically my life is a game of chutes (snakes for you weirdos) and ladders and there's just a lot of fucking chutes. It's hard for me not to believe that it's subconsciously hardwired into my brain to fuck things up whenever I'm doing well, as though I deserve it or something. Who knows. Whatever. Blah. Countblah.
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  10. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by Sudo He sounds possessive and controlling but you probably like that. I bet he says he wouldn't know what to do without you and counts the minutes between your messages. 🚩🚩🚩

    *Giggles and runs away*
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  11. CrazyJoe Houston
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. CandyRein Black Hole

    She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak

    I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks

    I've been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap

    I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black



    I got a new complaint
    Forever in debt to your priceless advice



    I got a new complaint
    Forever in debt to your priceless advice



    I got a new complaint
    Forever in debt to your priceless advice
    Your advice
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  13. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by aldra also my girlfriend has had covid for the last week and I haven't contracted it, which is kind of funny because she's boosted and I didn't bother getting any shots

    spoke too soon, she's almost through it and now I'm ice cold and completely disoriented, walking into things

    Originally posted by Sudo That seems noble but he didn't predict it being intuitive to a billion Kerpals

    I think he was mostly successful, this was the mid 90s to the 2000s, the tide of pajeets and others with 1-year programming degrees didn't really hit until higher-level languages like Java, PHP and Python hit the mainstream. but I guess that's on him too though considering C++ was like the forerunner for OO prograemming languages in general
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  14. wtf thats not safe for work i can only look at things safe for work for longer than one second
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  15. DontTellEm Black Hole
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood

    I’m that bitch 😅
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  16. CrazyJoe Houston
    Originally posted by smokemon 2 of my 3 remaining brain cells remember you, HAI.

    I remember the birth of "do a rape."
    Someone posted something like "blah blah blah do a rape blah blah"
    I responded to the post "Do a rape?"
    Then… what's his name (was it J.P.W. or something?) responded "Do a rape. "

    Wasnt JPW that bald dutchman?
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  17. Ok so i had a job for a ball park at one time and i went to work every day i heard voices on the regular they would call out to me even while i was doing my personal buinsness if you know what i mean it was quite annoying anyways one day they are like telling me that they can give me pleasure even make me expirience a female orgasm and im male so once they made me expirience it i was like maybe it is real so then i started takeing it seriousely which i usually do but im forgetfull and i just usually forget to take it seriously anyways it starts saying that it is going to give me pleasure if i listen first it tells me to spin in a circle and make sure no one can hear me talk to myself so i do and i am given a large dose of pleasure all day it feels like im in constant orgasm i start smiling and being bubbly because of it but it is short lived because it convinces me its a scientist or evil intent that they are doing it so i quit eating like a hunger strike stay awake for like 2 days just walking trying to burn myself out i keep getting crazyier and crazyier eventually i go on auto pilot multiple personality takes over and i start screaming at people im trying to do cold fusion with no water and then after that people call the police on me becauese i scream at someone i need water and then say no i dont and then scream at them again and say nvm me and walk away fast alot of people called the police on me and so i get arrested and taken to the metal hospital in the mental hospital im demanding trying to bargain for a button that makes me feel pleaseure no one knows what im talking about i remember trying to use my hand to show my dick size to people and them laughing at my hand but probably had no idea thats what i meant by it i was pretty cray at that time thought that people wanted to know my dick size for some reason anyways my trip to the hospital my pee stops working and the voice turns against me and starts interrogating me meanwhile i cant pee and it hurts so bad i freaked out so much about it eventually it says that i was like bad or something and someone walks up to me while im in the bubble room because i scared someone with a dirty look. I yelled like a lunatic at the person screaming profanity through the door that person turned out to be the twins form my childhoods mother which was funny because i told her i knew her and she said i dont know her and she was wrong. After i got out i was medicated for a while until i got my next job i was afraid to go to the doctors because you can be fired for any reason the first month and i have to see the doctor in the day time when i work which also resulted in another hospital trip from not taking my meds. anyways recently i have become almost immune atleast to the pleasure suppresent that my med does now im feeling pleasure again which usually drives me loopy but i have called it pgad and schitzofrenia that persistant genital arrosal disorder which is rare in men but i know is not impossible. other things that have happend once they said they played a sound that attacked me and i was hit with like a frying pan but nothing hit me fucked me up which made me think maybe theres fuckingn microbots in my head or some shit i have had alot of thoughts on what could be causeing my issues but really it doesnt matter its all a game of chess to me id rather it know when i want it to know and have it know nothing when i dont want it to know.
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  18. Originally posted by Sudo Stephen crowder is both fake and gay but he wrote a fake article called "fatness as self care in the era of trump" and got it accepted into a journal and digitally presented it 5o a virtual conference dressed like a woman and now I like him a little bit

    No he's still gay
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  19. Nile bump
    woot, 99% sure i got this room im going to see monday.

    4 bills a month, with a hot plate, mini fridge, sink and wifi. near downtown.

    looks like a real shithole tbh, its perfect!

    wats fucked up is buddy where im sleeping is getting mad cuz im leaving??? he wanted the same price to stay here on his couch but without a lease i wont recieve any housing benefits and would literally be stuck here. now he's bitching and might tell me to gtfo when im so close to just being alright. like wtf. i swear money is the worst shit ever introduce a bit and everyone turns into a cunt.

    fuck it if im outside or somewhere else anything is worth a spot i can have to myself, fuck people. like it would change nothing for this guy to kick me out, just hurt me... cuz im leaving and not paying half his rent? fuck sakes

    like the plan was always to leave, not have my hands get fucked and the get out of the hospital and have nowhere to go... especially when i just figured out a place to live.

    fuck my hands nigga, peace and quiet? no others? sign me up.
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  20. Nile bump
    Originally posted by Sudo Man I was wondering how the finger amputation went, how much percentage wise did they take off? Can you still hold things? Are your thumbs still opposable? Did they graft on a claw?


    lets see.

    i can grab bigger things but finer manipulation is harder.

    right index: a stub after the knuckle
    right middle: a longer stub, after knuckle
    right ring(?): removed tip, so 2 sections, can bend but not a lot.
    right pinkY: same as ring, but smaller(duh)

    left index: totally gone, knuckle and all
    leeft middle stub
    left ring: stub with a small bit left after first joint
    left pinky: intact

    got a splint on my left hand so i dont fuck up some stitches after the amputation
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