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  1. Item 9 African Astronaut
    ^synopses of what it said?
  2. Item 9 African Astronaut
    ^ I tried tequila, might've been trying to do a parody...i'm gonna just presume it was that to...
  3. Item 9 African Astronaut
    I say nutshell cause I wanna know but don't wanna do a bunch of reading/spend alot of time.
  4. Item 9 African Astronaut
    If you try to trace an event back to one small thing, there are also lots and lots of other things that as well contributed to causeing the event..also there is really no telling anyways, so its a fruiltess endeavor...right?
  5. Item 9 African Astronaut

  6. Item 9 African Astronaut
    Only advice I can give is dont take acid.
  7. Item 9 African Astronaut
    They must've attacked trees blowing in the wind semi often.
  8. Item 9 African Astronaut
    It aint that nobody likes you, we're just old and jaded and don't show excitement when I good ol' memebers return.
  9. Item 9 African Astronaut
    they're 2 different things :-(
  10. Item 9 African Astronaut
    even me?
  11. Item 9 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ I wonder what the sperm that took 2nd place in my batch would've looked/turned out like. Probably a badass rockstar or something that I just totally fucking ruined by dashing in front at the last second. Haha. Sorry buddy.

    better question...would you still have existed?
  12. Item 9 African Astronaut
    This one time in highschool, I was really early to zoo-ology class, or maybe I walked over from one classroom that was connected to a zoo-ology classroom, anyways... there was a plastic bag full of crickets taped/stuck to the dry erase board all staying perfectly still... wondering if they were alive, I gently tapped the bag...they started moving...they were alive.
  13. Item 9 African Astronaut
    If yes:

    1. Are you goad you did?

    2. What resulted?

    If no:

    Do you wish you had?
  14. Item 9 African Astronaut
    How can something effect atoms/molecukes/matter yet actually be anything? Where is erergy?
  15. Item 9 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by pyrohydrosmok This guy remembered. PenisBagel for life. Fuckhead was actually the one who suggested that iconic image.

    There is alot I didn't know about totse/zoklets history. Thanks.
  16. Item 9 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny I was poor as shit for pretty much the whole time I was in college lol. I ate a $1 can of clam chowder and toast as my single daily meal for like almost a year after moving out of the dorms.

    Ain't broke, why fix it :icon14:
  17. Item 9 African Astronaut
    Clear semen seems gross to me for some reason.
  18. Item 9 African Astronaut
    Coffee is garbage, it sucks.
  19. Item 9 African Astronaut
    That ain't noteworthy enough to make a thread about.

  20. Item 9 African Astronaut
    So if somebodys in a stall ripping some farts (and 2 or more other people are having a conversation elsewhere in the restroom) there is no awkwardness. Nobody should be scared to go potty.
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