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Posts by Item 9

  1. Item 9 African Astronaut
    I only made this cause I didnt like my post count number
  2. Item 9 African Astronaut
    Short term I just need a few thousand
  3. Item 9 African Astronaut
    Is yesterday
  4. Item 9 African Astronaut
    The world sees me as serious competition, so it throws as much shit at me as it can to handicap me.
  5. Item 9 African Astronaut
    Like a really good money making method, or a way to get some trucks, something like that. I sit there on google maps over my city, looking for...something. Maybe an abandoned building with a shittload of scrap metal laying out in the open, or just something cool to explore, even though I have no way to get there if I did find something.* I sit in the chair looking out the window at my backyard, thinking of where I should apply next when I'm done with this "job", and ways to supplement my income, trying to come up with some solution to my life's one and only problem: not having enough money. I still belive I'll either figure something out, or eventually i'll come all the way back around to where I was trying to get without trying because so much time went by that I eventually got enought pay raises and work experience and shit...or something. Its no pressure though, I'm gonna die someday.

    *I'll be able to drive around here and there in about a month or 2 actually
  6. Item 9 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Yeah but when you're all tired and depressed you don't really want to have to climb things if you don't have to.

    Its 500 fuckin feet.
  7. Item 9 African Astronaut
    If he was serious, a radio tower would've been a better choice.
  8. Item 9 African Astronaut
    Somethines when I'm sitting down, if my dick is being pressed into my nutsack, and I also happen to notice (its so subtle sometimes I dont) I adjust my dick so it isn't. But its only if I start thinking about / focusing on it too much. Just something about that is uncomfortable without being seriously uncomfortable.
  9. Item 9 African Astronaut
    But I dont give enough of a shit to look deeply into it or do anything about it besides let it roll.
  10. Item 9 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny You know you've made a good point, really convinced me with your compelling arguments. I'm so inspired I'm also going to post continuously for two months about the suicide I'm not going to commit. That's waaaaay better than all this gay life stuff like having fun or pursuing my interests.

    In japan its admirable.
  11. Item 9 African Astronaut
    How much shit would a shitfucker fuck if a shitfucker could fuck shit? 💩
  12. Item 9 African Astronaut
    I hear temazepam is supposed to be the shit.
  13. Item 9 African Astronaut
    Some artifact

    The collapsed floor

    The cushion that had been moved upright when I went back about a month later (novemeber 2012).
  14. Item 9 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man And it was the creepiest one, it was REALLY old and decayed, the floor in one of the bedrooms was collapsed completely and was a big hole in the floor. Interestingly, none of the windows were smashed. All had was my 2.0MP phone to photograph with. Unfortunatly the pictures are now lost, but I went back there a 2nd time like month later, and a couch cushion in the room where I went in (like the only place you actually can go in, and that still has the only remaining level floor), had been moved…100% sure. Also, I shit you not, I believe I saw a tripwire in there too. Another thing, this storage building or whatever out back had some magazines from 2008(?), this was in October 2012, and it was definatly abandoned for decades. I told myself I'd never go back there again, but maybe I will one last time to film/photograph it fast cause I got balls and its interesting, and its not out in the middle nowhere, but I'm not going inside…

    Update: I found the pictures today in my really old email records :-)

    This garage was torn down when I went back in february 2017, the house was still there

  15. Item 9 African Astronaut
    You're welcome.
  16. Item 9 African Astronaut
    Lol @ bystanders acting shocked by what he says.

  17. Item 9 African Astronaut
    Its a good chanel, i watchh him
  18. Item 9 African Astronaut
    Think of how much trucks you could buy with that instead
  19. Item 9 African Astronaut
    I'm trying to watch T.V. in this bitch.
  20. Item 9 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Number13 be gay all you like just don't be such a fag about it.

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