2019-08-13 at 9:09 PM UTC
Building a Pallet house
Holy shit are you retarded why would you build a BUG ZAPPER get a fucking mosquito net
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2019-08-13 at 6:04 PM UTC
Building a Pallet house
Originally posted by park police
Of course they do you idiot, it's called homemade capacitors and rechargeable batteries.
You only need a small amount of charge, that's what the voltage multipliers are for. Goddamn you're stupid. You really don't even have to use an outlet to recharge your batteries or capacitors, you can just spin a fucking flywheel for that or hand crank if you're really picky.
goddamm retards have no notion of wattages and powers.
show me your homemade capacitors and battery chargers.
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[the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
Looks like it's pretty well all completely cracked ISOs. Nice selection to choose from.
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2019-08-09 at 5:37 PM UTC
Building a Pallet house
This will be another abandoned failure project that exists only in Highdro's drug addled longposts on NIS that nobody without brain damage reads.
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I'm tired and I have to go to that stupid shitty ass shithole after getting up early and working at the job that doesn't suck dick today, I feel like I wanna vent a little anger...
I'm talking about one of the things that's already at the table, like the salt shaker, but I think they could break that free so maybe superglue the top of the ketchup bottle shut + stuck to the bottle.
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Originally posted by G4LM
No they're not. It's an important distinction. One has an attraction to the budding sexually mature and able to breed, and the other to literal children. I'd say most people are some level of hebephile. There used to be a saying, "look but don't touch". I'm sure everyone here has seen some older looking teenager in public and been attracted to them without realizing their age. Nature doesn't stop people from being attracted to people under some arbitrary age.
Hebephiles are simply one step below and find pubescent teenagers to be attractive. People who can biologically have sex.
I think actual pedophilia is faaaar more disgusting, as the humam mind isn't meant to find any of those features attractive. It's a lot more predatory. You might be able to manipulate a 14yo into yes, consenting (not that it's moral) but a 5 year old? They have no sex drive whatsoever. Any "consent" is pure and utter manipulation and brainwashing.
Both are immoral to act upon but I'd say pedophilia is several degrees more fucked up. Something is severely wrong with you if you are attracted to pre-pubescant children and toddlers, it's not just some blurred line at that point. It goes against fundamental human nature.
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2019-08-03 at 7:41 PM UTC
all is mind
[the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
Originally posted by Common De-mominator
Oh ok. I hope Obbe finds solace in the company of great minds like you.
You know I'm only fucking with, Paki. Lighten up.
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[the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
As soon as Trump got elected, he handed the military almost a trillion dollars. The following year, he handed them almost another trillion dollars. Two trillion dollars in just 24 months. Can you imagine how much money that would be, if you piled it up in stacks of $100? It literally would be sky-scraper-sized mountains of bundles, so high they would blot out the Sun. Meanwhile, entire States are declaring bankruptcy, entire cities have a literacy rate of zero, millions living right out in the street with their entire families and pets, water so polluted you can't even drink it, bridges and overpasses crumbling, roads caving in, deserted towns, dilapidated infrastructure, social programs depleted, social securities stolen, suicide rates at all time highs, the sick and the dying filling overcrowded hospital corridors, drugs rampant, crime and murder and theft everywhere. But the military industrial complex and their oil company and Wall St. masters lavish in their invasions and their luxuries, their penthouse apartments and their elegant $5,000 suits, while sipping their martinis and smoking their cigars they had the taxpayer pay for.
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2019-08-01 at 8:50 PM UTC
Bob Lazar Story
Originally posted by Mud Hole Mania
I started to think he made it all up book deals but recently there have been more and more people saying they drove him to the base and that they found recent transcripts (I think through FOIA) which shows his name
I met him, twice, randomly, in bar. He told me stuff. I believe him.
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Originally posted by Firekrochfatty
and i'm spossed to care, why?
Because the Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
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Originally posted by Firekrochfatty
and i'm spossed to care, why?
Because the person that wrote it is one of the smartest humans that ever lived
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2019-08-01 at 7:24 PM UTC
Bob Lazar Story
t2k1, I know you have schizophrenia and all but that doesn't make it OK to derail this thread into discussion of the gender identity of you fucking mailman of all things. Others: please don't feed the schizo.
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2019-07-31 at 6:24 PM UTC
Bob Lazar Story
Originally posted by Obbe
He even recounted the same story in court. Either he lied under oath, or he believes it.
I like how you stayed neutral in response and not call him batshit cray cray . thank you
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2019-07-31 at 6:19 PM UTC
Bob Lazar Story
Originally posted by Obbe
Ok. I believe you.
Still, feels like he believes what he says.
I used to know a pathological liar in NY. Good guy, heart of gold, major league alkie. He’d just launch into stories about how he was in the IRA and hiding in bushes from British Soldiers, or how he had a girlfriend with loads of land where he could go hunting in Colorado, etc.
He believed his stories on some level, and seemed genuinely pleased when he’d talk about something pleasant he had done. Very weird, harmless.
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2019-07-26 at 12:27 AM UTC
Building a Pallet house
Originally posted by hydromorphone
Where I am camped at I have the perfect hidy-hole. It's wooded and peaceful, I don't get fucked with, yet the city is right outside the wood line.
I am planning to build a house out of skids/pallets since I seen some people who've done it before. I'm also considering other ideas. I may dig down and possibly make a sandbag house with a "basement" type thing, with a loft or something. Either way I'm planning on a loft style thingie either for storage or to have my bed (just a small loft space, with a slanted pallet ladder to climb up it- nothing huge).
Over time I could insulate it too, and add drywall, or some other wall material.
Once built, I am DEFINITELY going to dig a ditch, use a 55gal plastic barrel, and drill holes in the bottom, get rocks and such to create a leech bed, and connect it to a toilet. All I'd need then is water to flush, which I could get from collecting rain water. I've seen, and helped do this exact thing before, and it's pretty easy. I have a few people who can help me dig the trench for the barrel. It's also situated on a steep hill, so it'll run off perfectly.
I also am getting some solar panels and batteries. I just want to be able to charge my phone/laptop, use some LED lights, and run a small fan/maybe in the winter a small space heater, although heat could be generated through other means, if it won't support that.
Anyone done something similar? Any ideas I could add to or modify? Any thoughts? I'd love some input to this project.
I have seen your craftsmanship in that dilapidated FL trailer you and your father "fixed up". You don't have the skills for this, and even if you did it would get torn down the minute police or another homeless person decides to fuck with you. Or, you know, a slight gust of wind.
You should get a netted hammock and a tarp instead. It will protect you from the bugs and rain while still being portable enough for you to hobble around. Or just buy a fucking tent like a normal homeless person. I mean, it's neat and all that you want to play house but let's get real here. Fucking solar panels? All you need is a solar powered charger. Stop spending money on dope and stupid shit like pallets and LED lights and start getting your shit together. Don't 'dig in' and plan for the winter, my fucking god. You should be trying to get out of your situation by winter. Have you just completely given up on life and trying to care for your son?
I'm usually pretty happy when I read posts about how fucked up your life has gotten, but this is really depressing. No human, not even you, should be living like this. This shack is just going to fall apart and possibly hurt you even more in the process. Put your efforts into something more worthwhile than a clandestine third world shack in the woods.
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Originally posted by GGG
Also I'm not rich lol.
No shit you aren't actually rich, that's not what I meant. I meant that you act like the rich kid trying to lure other people into his birthday party with dubious chicanery.
Originally posted by GGG
I'm not in withdrawals and if you think I still am, your concept of time is pretty fucked. I quit about three weeks ago and have used maybe 3 times since then while in social situations, and once just cuz.
At the time you said you still needed to use it for sleep because you couldn't sleep hardly because of your withdrawals. Doesn't matter, you're telling me to "grow up" and stop being a drug addict and smoking spice, which is bullshit because I only tried spice once whereas you were addicted to it; and I've been sober for almost a year at 21 and you've clearly had plenty of problems with drugs and alcohol all the way up to 24.
The difference between you and me is that I don't desire to do drugs.
There you go again with the freight train of assumptions about things you know nothing about. You know nothing about the reasons why I used drugs. You know nothing about the way I think about drugs now.
Tell me some more about me. Tell me about what I feel and desire, and the way that I think and perceive things.
I literally just smoked weed because I could afford it and was bored.
Yeah, me too.
I decided to stop and I did.
Yeah, me too.
I think I have a very different perspective on drugs than you do.
Yeah, me too.
At least for now, I actually prefer the sobriety.
Yeah, me too.
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victim of incest
[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
Originally posted by Obbe
Do you have a moral obligation to not eat meat?
I don't, but I've been trying to eat less of it. Mainly for health reasons.
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victim of incest
[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
Originally posted by Obbe
GGG, what has been your biggest regret and what is your greatest fear?
My biggest regret is wasting many years enthralled in the grasp of drug abuse.
My biggest fear... That's a lot harder to answer. The easiest one I can give is that I am most afraid of never achieving my dreams: Traveling, meeting wife material, maybe have kids (thank fuck I dont have any now tho) be comfortably wealthy, etc.
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Originally posted by GGG
The reason I picarded speedy here is because anyone who has been a long standing member of this community knows I published HHIC under the psuedonym 'Alfredo Sinterosa'. Not gonna waste time proving this to someone like Speedy.
The reason I picard most of the time is precisely because of posts like yours here. It makes people incredibly frustrated for some reason. Everyone responds to a picard. Every time.
I'm not in withdrawals and if you think I still am, your concept of time is pretty fucked. I quit about three weeks ago and have used maybe 3 times since then while in social situations, and once just cuz. The difference between you and me is that I don't desire to do drugs. I literally just smoked weed because I could afford it and was bored. I decided to stop and I did. I don't think I'm better than you for any of this. It's still a new feeling to me not craving drugs. I quit desiring alcohol a long time ago and now I think that attitude is catching up to the other drugs. Currently all I do daily is nicotine. Sometimes I take Crouton or nootropics. I think I have a very different perspective on drugs than you do. At least for now, I actually prefer the sobriety.
Also I'm not rich lol. And if you want to talk about my past addictions, I used to be addicted to opiates too.
QUESTION TRU TRU TIME: I don't think I'm better than anyone else. I know I act condescending. That is the fucking point. I have already detailed exactly why I do what I do here. If you feel like I'm an asshole, that means what I'm doing is working. It isn't because I actually think these things. I'm definitely not perfect and I don't expect anyone else to be either. But I do love pushing everyone's buttons, so I'm gonna keep doing it. If you don't want to be on the receiving end, don't be on the giving end. I USUALLY only fuck with people who have fucked with me. Recently Bill Krozby has stopped that nonsense, so I stopped with him as well. There is always room for love in my big §m£ÂgØL heart.
Why does this entire post flow like shit? This isnt how you usually type. Dont try to tell me you were doing it intentionally because I know you weren't.
It's a bunch of sentences just one after another like statements and maybe I'M just fucked up (I am) but it stood out to me significantly enough to make me get out of my hazy lurking about to pass out read some threads mood and post this.
I am a boy. I like turtles. Captain Bicardi is nice. Jeremy went to the dollar store. Candles are long sometimes. Four is a higher number than two is.
That's how it was.
Why did you write it like that ? Did you do it intentionally or not? Are you just maybe tired? Can I keep asking stupid questions? Why when I wrap my weed in suzan surran wrap does it still smell? Is it because I'm so cool that i have the dankest weed ever and it just happens to smell super strong when it gets in my possession because its trying to show itself off to me and make me senpai notice it ?
Love, Wren
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